Cell phones, etc.


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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So, o.k. I will say right off the bat that I have a plain ol little cell phone. No one ever calls me on it, because I only use it to call others, emergencies, etc. I have no signal where I live, so, it is for in town, or on the road. You would not believe all the minutes I have accumulated, as they roll over, and I cannot take pictures or text from it.

And I do not know the difference between Ipads, cellphones, blackberries, LG4s, and the myriad of other electronic devices that people are using with such ease today. I live rural, my access is lousy, but mostly, I cannot truly afford the luxury (for me) or expense. But I know hundreds of thousands can and do. Oh, I would love to own one. But it is how, and where folks use these that prompts this thread.

Recently, I had visiting family that I had not seen in years. We all had lots of catching up to do, some had not seen each other in 15-20 years. And yet, every single one was glued to their cells, upset when they could not access their e-mail or internet, and so happy when they were able to attach to mine and thus connect with their e-mail and internet.Two brought their laptops.
So, this is the norm now, right?

So, I am out of it, a fuddy duddy, and good manners are no longer necessary? Every Sunday we have to ask in church before the service for all cells AND electronic devices to be turned off. that is truly a shame. So, tell me.....do you feel it is o.k. when visiting, dining out ANYWHERE, to answer your phone? Do you turn it off or put it on vibrate when in a public place? When in a movie theatre, seeing a concert or play?
What did we all do before cell phones? Did we not use a public phone if necessary when out, and use an answering machine, thus returning calls when we got home?
Hey, God Bless cell phone when we are out, and an emergency. We truly are blessed to have them. Guess I am jaded.Last year a woman in a van was on her cell phone, not noticing I was backing out of a parking spot. Yes, we collided, very minor, minor damage, but she never got off her phone. I called 911, she ignored her crying children, until I told her perhaps she should tend to them. I had to tell her that I called the cops and reported it. She never even considered it.
I find the constant "excuse me, I have to take this call" by Days characters extremely annoying. Same goes for when someone calls ME, talks 2 minutes, and says, Oh, I have another call and hangs up. Unimportant me who did not initiate the call. And by the way, that is why I do not have call waiting. LOL

O.K. I am ranting, I realize that. I think the Days characters are rude to each other. I feel that unless someone has a family/friend/business situation that is important in some way, those things should all be turned off when visiting/chatting/driving.
But, I do live rural, and a different lifestyle than most of you here. How do you feel?
My cell phone is the only phone I have, but it's a stupid phone, not a smart phone, lol. I do not carry it around the house/yard with me, it has voice mail. I take it when I go somewhere and will not answer while driving, but do answer in stores if it's family for the reasons JS mentioned (I have elderly parents with problems). I can text and send/receive pictures, but I only use those features when necessary so I don't use up my voice minutes. I turn my phone off where appropriate. I don't take my laptop with me to visit someone, but if I was going to stay several days I probably would, and use it with discretion. My SIL and her granddaughter are constantly on their smart phones/laptops when visiting my parents, whether for a day or overnight stays. They are in another world. I have call waiting on my phone, but never answer, they can leave a message. I don't even know if it would go to voicemail if I could disable call waiting, so I just let it beep in case it's something urgent and check my messages when I get off the call I'm on. Guess I'm old-school, too, but at least I'm not being rude!
City Mouse here and weighing in. I live in Queens, work in NYC (when I work, I'm currently unemployed), and there oughta be a law about what goes on with cell phones/texting. I see people on bikes and walking, across major streets, like Queens Boulevard (aka, Boulevard of Death), Fifth Avenue, and the heart of Times Square, totally immersed in their media world, be it texting or speaking. I once grabbed a woman by the elbow to stop her from walking into oncoming traffic on Park Avenue, and she yelled at me afterwards to leave her the bleep alone! I have no need for any bells/whistles, I own what is probably the first T-Mobile cell ever invented and am doing just fine, although I admit that I wish there was a camera on it so I can take photos of the great architecture around me and animals in the zoo. If I want an upgrade, I will need to get a 4G or whatever it's called, and it is more than I need and can afford. If only someone out there would create another type of cell for those of us who prefer simplicity. A tailor-made phone, containing what I need and not what corporations demand. I'm with you, my fellow SS posters.
Oh, my gosh, you really met Roger Thorpe (Michael Zaslow) on GL? (So, if you read here, you know that was my other super fav soap!)

Yep, you have described my gripes with the public. And just an off side, never heard of T-Mobile until I was sent a flash mob video sponsored by them. LOL
I finally broke down last year, and bought a smartphone when my other phone was ready to bite the dust. I do a lot of texting because that is the only way that my niece (Baltimore), nephew (Pittsburgh), brother (California), and sister-in-law communicate while spread around the country. My niece's and nephew's parents (my sister's kids) don't have cellphones.

It is very very rude to have your ringer on when in church, the theater, movies, etc. My phone is also turned off when I'm working in schools and with senior citizens. The only time that I have it out when I go to dinner is when we're still waiting for someone. The late person will call to tell me what to order for them. Once that is done, the phone gets put away.

Work is a whole other animal..... I'm on call 24 / 7 for the people that I supervise. I have instructed them to leave a message so I can call them back when I turn my phone back on. No message, no return call. Yes, I'm a B that way.

I have always been with Verizon, and my monthly bill more than doubled when I went with the smartphone. Luckily, my employer switched agency cellphones from ATT to Verizon this past January so I now get an 18% discount on my monthly bill. Plus work has started giving me a stipend towards my bill. I argued with the bosses that they didn't think that I was essential enough to be given an agency cellphone, but I was essential enough to have to be on call every day of the year to answer questions or fix things. They couldn't have it both ways.
Oh, my gosh, you really met Roger Thorpe (Michael Zaslow) on GL? (So, if you read here, you know that was my other super fav soap!)

Yep, you have described my gripes with the public. And just an off side, never heard of T-Mobile until I was sent a flash mob video sponsored by them. LOL
Yes, Poirot, the bad man Roger Thorpe! (Yep, I remember you are a GL gal...let's not forget Kevin Bacon as the alcoholic Tim!) Re: Roger, that was back in the day when he and Holly were the story du jour. Michael Zaslow was so nice and easy on the eyes. Also had the pleasure of telling Tony Geary he had won an award. And I knew Gary Swanson, who played "Greg Mercer" on SOMERSET, if you remember that show, also back in the '80's. Those were the days.

T-Mobile runs TV ads in my viewing area, I don't know how widespread they are. They are known for their reasonable rates, and I have no gripes except for my wanting a camera. I should visit one of their stores, there are two near me, and see what they can do for me, based on my needs and budget. I'm not very tech savvy, so I put my head in the sand instead of exploring options. :confused:

edited to write out actor's name...JS
When I visit my kids in MO, we find ourselves all sitting glued to our phones. Typical family time.
I put mine on silent before I go to church. I will not answer when I am out to dinner.
My ring tone is "in the Arms of the Angel", so it is a pretty ring if it rings in public.
I have a flip phone too. I don't pay extra to text. It has no camera. It's in my car turned off.
It's there for emergencies since I travel a lot. I use for long distance.

I think It's rude to have phone on when you're with others. I understand why
kt does with her parents, but she can put on vibrate and see who it is.

I saw woman texting in store. She was stopped in the aisle blocking traffic.
I see too many people on phones driving, trying to turn with one hand.

Last Dec, I bought a tickets for me and another person to a show.
During intermission, instead of talking to me, she was on her phone texting.
I was so upset. I tried to be funny because almost everyone there was
doing it and I wasn't. I haven't seen her since. Not sure why.

I think the social media has made a lot of people rude and anti social.
I think a lot of people have forgotten how to be with people.

It's sad public places, church, have to ask to turn phones off. People
should know not to have them on.

I can go on and on with this topic ;)
We upgraded last year to smartphones and I can't imagine switching back to the 'dumb' phones. I do text a lot and take tons of pictures with it as well as Facebook. I'm on it more that I should be sometimes. But I do turn it on vibrate without fail when I have doctors appointments, when we go to the library or to the movies. When I'm in a store or shopping, the phone is on and I might answer if I'm walking around the store (depends on who it is) but I won't answer it if I'm in the checkout line. When I worked in the library, it frustrated me that people couldn't get off the phone when they came to check out books. It's also my alarm clock as Hubby has both alarms on the regular clock set for his wake-up times for work. Hubby will use his for a radio when he's out mowing or outside. He'll use it when he's in his shop to look up car parts or the how-to-fix-it-yourself stuff. Plus he texts a lot. But we have a house rule of no electronics at the dinner table.

As far as being around friends and phones, usually when I get together with friends it's pull out the phones to share pictures, to update Facebook status/check-ins and stuff. Like when my friend and I went to the movies, we pulled out our phones to turn them on silent and to update Facebook and tag each other about being at the movies. But we don't sit and play games or constantly do something online or talk to other people.
This was the video that made me first aware of T-MObile, and see, I thought it was a British product, only used there........

Guilty by association! I have a smart phone with all the bells and whistles and i love it. I play games on it, use it for facebook, email, web, talk and test. I will be honest i always keep it on vibrate because i HATE when i hear phones ringing on the constant, plus i have the excuse that i didn't hear it ring is why i didn't pick up. LOL

Back in 99 when i was going thru a divorce the two things i purchased right away was a cell phone and AAA for fear that if i broke down i didn't want to have to call my ex to come rescue me. That's how it started, then over the years i upgraded every two years just to get the latest technology. But i promise i'm not like most people you see with the constant texting because that just drives me crazy. My best friend is like that, we can be sitting at lunch and instead of having a convo with me she's texting and email right there. I tell her its rude so she'll stop but while we are eating she's eyeballing it and i can tell she's jonesing to answer everyone. LOL

I do live in a city where i am on a highway most of the time and there's no public phone booths anymore. So it's a necessity. I do find it sad that our society has changed and we have become dependant on these things.
Definitely agree about the phone booths.....but believe it or not, they exist here in my small town area. Not many, but there ARE public pay phones. There is one right down the road from me, (next to a campground) and in all probability, it is still there, working, because cell phones are useless. No signal.
I can think of only a handful of places where there are public phones in our area. We did away with our landline about 8 months ago. We had upgraded our alarm system so it didn't need the landline anymore and we had only used the actual phone service one time in four years. The bill kept going up for the basic service (no long-distance). The basic service was only half the bill; the other half was taxes and fees.
This is for you, Poirot. My mother sent it to me.
The Day Einstein Feared the Most


A day at the beach.


Cheering on your team.


Having dinner out with your friends.


Out on an intimate date.


Having a conversation with your BFF


A visit to the museum


Enjoying the sights


It’s here.
If you copied an e-mail, and pasted it here, perhaps that is why. I know I have to save images to my computer first. They never work if I try to just copy them over onto the internet. ?????
I can't figure out how to get the pictures on here, but basically it's showing people in all these social settings and everyone is glued to his/her phone. The last picture is of Albert Einstein with his quote, "I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots."