Chloe's Aunt

Chloe cuddles him and he is getting drowsy.. she puts him down for a nap. Chloe gets another canvas, and starts to paint... a picture of Salem....she improves from the first painting. AM is just watching...
AM: Chloe, you should take a break, you'll run out of canvas!!
C: Yeah, I know, but this is fun!!!

More later... when insomnia strikes again!
YAY the story continues. Glad Chloe has found out she has other talents. Painting (unlike her singing, which is excellent) will keep her close to Patrick and Aunt Marian. Can't wait to read more. Am loving that Chloe is a stronger person in your story than TPTB are portraying her on the show.
O.K. Update... It's about a year since the last post...Chloe has changed.... really grown up... while in the apartment, she would put Pat in a playpen while she painted. With toys, books and a snack he was happy, and would nap. AM took her paintings to NY.... unframed sold better than framed, as people wanted to do their own thing....
She also started writing childrens books. The apartment wasn't adequate for a small child... so Chloe, with AMs help has bought a condo.. with a small backyard...she is also paying AM back... Am said no, but gave in because it would help her grow up.
One lazy Friday afternoon, Chloe and Pat are in the backyard, he's riding his trike all over... forgot... he SORASED again.... he's three..
Victor is ringing the doorbell... no answer... he's peeved.
Victor: That girl is never where you want her to be when you want her to be there!!" Hearing giggling, he goes around the side of the house ( Chloe has a corner unit) to the alleyway and knocks on the privacy door. The backyard has a privacy fence, with a door for taking out trash.. etc.
Chloe: Hey Pat, someone's at the door.... let's go see who it is.... she opens the top of the door and sees Victor.
Chloe: Hi Victor. Give me a minute. She closes the top of the door and opens it. "Come on in."
Victor enters, and looks around... typical backyard of a house with a child.
They go to the deck and sit, while Pat plays.
Chloe: would you like something to drink? I have coffee, tea, milk, water and juice"
Victor asks for tea... Chloe goes to the grill area, and gets a glass, ice and tea. She serves him.
Victor sips and is surprised the tea is good. Chloe has been doing the domestic diva/Susie Homemaker routine thoroughly. She's very good at it.
Chloe looks at her watch... "Pat, time to put the toys away."
Pat: "I don't want to!"
Chloe: "Yes, I know but it's time.." she shows him her watch.
Pat: "AWWWW ok Mom... but I don't gotta like it!!"
Chloe: " yep, just like a lot of things in lif; you don't have to like it, just do it!"
He puts his stuff away...and goes into the house... Chloe and Victor follow.
Victor: "Chloe, I want to talk to you.."
Chloe: "OK but it can't interfer with Pats schedule.
Pat has gone into a small bathroom, climbed on a stool, and is waiting to wash his hands. Chloe looks in and says OK. She turns on the water, gives him some soap and he washes..... messily. When he's rinsed and dried, she gives the bathroom a quick cleanup.
Can't wait to see what Victor wants to talk with Chloe about. Loving the conversation between Chloe and Pat... always knew she would be a great mom.
Yeah, there's more. I got sidetracked by the fire pager with the end of the last post. As my husband is a volunteer firefighter; I wanted to know what was happening. It was a power failure....

So, Chloe says "Victor, our evenings go, dinner, bath time, and then Pat is in bed by 7 at the latest. You can stay and have dinner with us, hang out with your grandson, help get him to bed and then we'll talk." "Or come back tomorrow, or later. What do you want to do?"
Victor: I'll stay.
Chloe: Good.. then set the table.
Chloe hands Victor the dishes and he actually does what she says!
Chloe puts dinner on the table, and cuts up Pats and they have dinner... SUCH a Family? yeah, right.
Chloe doesn't realize that Victor has an ulterior motive. He thinks Brady is living there and will come home while he's there.....
Interesting... wonder if Victor is going to clean up after dinner as well. Also wondering why he would think that Brady was living there.

You are bringing up some very interesting points bookworm.

Am still loving strong, independent Chloe.
Well, dinner is over.. Chloe stacks the dishes in sudsy hot water, and does all the thuings you do prior to washing them. She, Victor and Pat go upstairs. Victor helps get Pat ready for bed. As he is dozing off; they go downstairs to the living room.
Victor: "Thanks for inviting me to dinner, Chloe; I enjoyed it."
Chloe: "You're welcome. Glad you enjoyed it."
Victor: " I did, but something's bothering me.... you have had books published, paintings sold. Why didn't you think of Titan?"
Chloe: I never once gave Titan a thought. If I had I would have discarded it, because I think you would do everything in your power to sabatoge me."
Victor: "Don't you trust me, Chloe?"
Chloe: " Of courses I trust you, Victor; just as much as you trust me!
Victor: "That much! Hmmmm" Well, I don't run Titan anymore, Brady took it away from me."
Chloe: " Oh, I didn't know that. It wouldn't have made any difference anyway, I don't think it's a good idea to mix new business with old mistakes."
Victor: "Well, you could be right. Then you also are not aware that Brady and I had an argument, and he moved out of the mansion."
Chloe: " No, I didn't, but what's that to me?" Chloe is rapidly getting tired of Vic and his games.
Vic: " Well, I have it on good authority that he's moved in here."
Chloe breaks up laughing... " No he hasn't."
V: "Well as I said , I have it on very good authority that it's true."
C: " REALLY?! Well, I don't care whose authority you have it on, Brady didn't live here yesterday, he does not live here today; and will not live here tomorrow. I am not your grandsons keeper; and I resent being called a liar in my own home Now, I think it's time for you to leave!"
V: "Goodness you're rude!!"
C: "Well why not? I learned at the hand of the master!!" She gets up and opens the front door, motioning him out."Good night, Victor, please don't come again, anytime." Victor reluctantly leaves, Chloe gently closes the frfon door and locks it. She wants to turn the lights off, but figures that may not be a good idea, as Vic is elderly and might fall on purpose and sue her.
So, she picks up stuff as she goes to the kitchen. Dishes are quickly washed dried and put away.
One of Vics minions is watching her. She turns off lights, goes upstairs, gets a quick shower and off to bed.
AT 4:00AM she's up and with coffee, in the painting area. some paintings are rejected. As she sips her coffee, she looks out the window at Salems night skyline, and decides to paint Salem at night. She paints. Vics minion is bleary eyed, but calls to report on the evening. Vic is disappointed, as he was positive Chloe would call Brady. Days go by, nothing. then it becomes weeks; then months. Victor is finally convinced he doesn't know the new Chloe as well as the old one. Too bad Vic, the new one is here to stay!!!! The end
I was wrong. It's not the end.
Victor wanted the boy to be raised as a Kirakis... and of course would want custody. However, when Chloe threw him, Kate and daniel out of the apartment... Victor decided on a new tactic. Daniel has already left.
Vic: " We need to go slowly about custody. We need to be subtle.
Kate: As long as we get the baby away from her. They ride down in the elevator together. Vic goes to his limo, and Kate walks away.
Kate: "Subtle, my foot! We have to overpower her with superior force." She concocts a plan to make Chloe think she's going crazy. Kate has flowers, food, and anything else she can think of delivered to Chloes apartment. The delivery people tell her she ordered the items but forgot. Chloe is still in talk therapy, on her meds and knows better. Chloe has also had hypnosis, so that when the therapist talks to her; she will listen and hear what is said. So, Kates little plan doesn't work. Finally, Chloe, AM and Pat are out for a walk.... Kate thinks they are at home... she goes to Chloes apt. and sets up a stink bomb. She has a cord attached to the door handle. Philip comes up....
P: "What are you up to, Mother?" He sees the whole thing and tries to remove the cord from the handle. Kate tries to stop him. As they struggle; the door opens. A neighbor seeing two people and an open door; thinking a robbery is happening, calls 911 and reports it. The police respond, and just as they get to Kate and Philip, the cord is ripped away, and the stink bomb goes off! Kate gets the brunt of the smelly stuff, and gags. The police arrest them for breaking and entering, and commiting a hazard with the stink bomb.
Chloe, AM amd Pat return about that time, and the police update them. Chloe says yes she will file charges. They will meet down at headquarters.
Later, at headquarters, Philip explains what was going on....Chloe isn't sure she believes him. Victor and Stephano show up. Of course, Stephano wants all charges dropped. Chloe explains the situation. Both men are incredulous at Kates behavior. Victor thinks a night in jail and a court appearance would be good for Kate, Stephano isn't sure. Both are released on bond.
Victor: "Kate have you lost your mind???!!! I told you SUBTLE, not elephant in a china shop! I probably won't get custody now!"
Steffi: "What's going on?"
Victor: " I want custody of my grandson, and to keep him away from that woman. I told Kate we had to move slowly."
Steffi: "Victor, you should know Kate better than that... she doesn't do subtle."
Kate: " Subtle doesn't work with her, we need a sledgehammer, if we want to win!" Much eye rolling from both men.
Steffi: " I will take care of the charges.... and try to keep her under control. Good luck with the custody suit."
Vic: " There isn't going to be one, especially right now!!"
Great story. You need to continue the custody idea. Am loving that Chloe is being strong and Philip caught his mother doing something stupid.
Wonderful storyline, I also love the new direction you're taking with Chloe and her Art. She is so strong now and her Aunt has helped her so much! I can hardlly wait for the story to continue....
Victor is major ticked with Kate. But, he decides to play nice for a while. So, he apologizes to Chloe, in front of Philip... very difficult for Victor. But, C & P are impressed. ( In my Salem, Chloes car wreck it Italy years ago, has badly damaged her vocal cords, so she sings lullabyes...but has to have an outlet for her music.) She is trying to keep a good supply-demand ratio on her paintings... and isn't going to paint for a short while. But a frustrated musician can be annoying to family and friends.
So, Chloe buys a piano.. and takes lessons. of course, Pat "takes " lessons too. Since he has been paying attention to his mothers lessons, he surprises her with "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." Of course she's impressed and calls Vic, AM, Phil and Elliot to brag about her son.
Vic isn't too thrilled, a musical grandson is not high on his list. He's convinced Chloe is raising Pat badly, and files suit for complete custody.
Chloe isn't worried, she has copies of birthday, Christmas and other invitations she sent to Victor. He never showed... no reply, no cards, no nothing. He was too busy trying to wrestle custody of Titan from Brady.
They both enter court at about the same time.... lawyers and family. Victors lawyer presents his side of the case. Then it's Chloes' lawyers turn. The Judge is unimpressed with Victors case.... Chloe has proven Victor isn't interested in Pat as a person, just an heir. Chloe gets full custody. She tells the Judge, that Victor can see his grandson on holidays and birthdays. Vic decides to appeal. Of course, he does. But, every Judge in Salem Family Court upholds the first decision... Chloe gets full custody. so, Vic....(never say die) wants visitation... since Chloe has already submitted a letter saying when Vic can see him, she is thought by the Court to be very reasonable..... the Court decides to go with her suggestions. Philip hasn't been seen and hasn't seen Patrick in quite some time. He is out of the country on Titan business.
While dealing with Victor.... other things are happening in Choes life... Brady has managed to acquire Titan stock... both Chloe and AM held stock.... and brady wants to take the company private again. ( I don't know if this can be done in our world... don't know why not... but in my Salem it's going to happen.) As major shareholders, C & AM are at board meeting... Brady and Vic are of course at each others throat.
V: "I'll see you dead before I'll allow you to run Titan into the ground!"
B: "Not to worry, Grampy, I can't do any worse than you did when you let Vivian take over!"
V: " I had no idea she was doing that!"
B: "Yeah, but you married her and gave her the opportunity... I admit, my putting her in Moms sarcophagus didn't help...."
V: jumping in " Yeah that really ticked her off!"
AM with loud whistle: "OK you two, knock it off! You can share the blame; if that's important to you.... LATER!!! and elsewhere!!! Right now, no one cares, we just want to protect what we have!!!! SO, BE QUIET!!!!"
Both glare at her.. the boardmembers giggle a bit, nervously. They aren't used to seeing Victor not in control of the company.
The treasurer reads the annual report and hands out copies. They can see that Brady has improved the companys bottom line, substantially.
Vic is sarcastically amazed...."who knew you had it in you?"
B: "Hey, I learned from the best.... YOU!"
B: " I have acquired almost all the outstanding stock...."
Vic interrupts... " What're they doing here..?" pointing at C & AM...
B: " As I was about to say, GRAMPY, they own the rest of the stock that I haven't bought!"
AM: " We wanted to attend today to look things over before deciding what to do with our stock..."
V: " you have no choice but to sell.... sell to me, that is not my grandson!!!"
C: " Forget it, Vic.... I'll give it to Vivian before I'd sell to you!!!"
AM: " OK, OK, this bull is getting us nowhere... bottom line, Brady has done a much better job running the company than Victor. So, our stock goes to Brady!'
B: " I'll have the treasurer issue a check. Is one check OK for both of you?"
C: " Sure... that works for me.."
AM: "Me, too."
They stand and gather purses and such and prepare to leave.
AM: " Vic, I can't tell you what a pleasure it has been to attend a board meeting with you:evillaugh: Brady, thanks and see you later!'
B: "OK Marian, later..."
Both leave the board room, trying not to ROTFL at Vics antics.
In another part of Chloes life.... she has become friendly with her neighbors... there's a dozen kids around Pats age and they play together. The inner privacy fences have been removed to make a large play area for the kids; and the grownups have their area. The back privacy fence was moved and a new alley put in. the kids have swings, slides, a small pool, and seesaw to play on.
Elloit has visited often and always stays in Salem. As chloe knows that Victor would love to get something on her to get custody of Pat; she takes great pleasure in being very good. The three of them go to ball games, the rodeo, musical performances,and hockey!! Vic is appalled at the thought of HIS GRANDSON at a rodeo!!! HORRORS!!!! But Chloe just giggles at the thought of his rage and goes merily about her business. Elliot shares cookouts and potluck. He walks her home and leaves immediately.. with no PDA. After all it's a little more difficult to PhotoShop something when you have a lot of witnesses as to what really happened. All cell calls are strictly business as are landlines. Supposedly you'd need a warrant to eavesdrop on a landline, but Victor has never let the law get in his way when he wants something... Pat spends time at the compound, but he's an active kid who is used to have others around to play with. So, he doesn't want to go. Chloe has explained the Victor is his grandfather and he needs to spend time there. Pat wants to know where his father is. Chloe isn't sure what country he's in, but he is traveling for grandpas company (and Uncle Bradys) company Titan. Uncle in the Southern sense.. courtesy type uncle.
Elliot arrives a day after the board meeting, spends the day with AM, Chloe and Pat. They go to the zoo, and eat dinner out and thoroughly enjoy themselves. Vics people are following them and listening in on their conversations... and learning a lot about the animals at the zoo.
AM is dropped off at her condo, Elliot walks her to the door... then does the same for Chloe. No kissing, nothing as Chloe is carrying a sleeping Patrick. Elliot opens her door for her, hands her the keys and leaves. The lieteners don't realize that the 3 adults have their own "language."
A limo pulls up in front of AMs condo at 2:30 AM. She gets in the car. theb the limo goes to Chloes condo and she does the same... the limo goes to the airport... they board Elliots private jet and fly to the Caymans. There Chloe and Elliot are married. They've both had the head over heels "the world well lost" and it didn/'t work out. So, they have a quiet love and respect for each other and decide to go that way. They have a quiet honeymoon and return to Salem. Vic isn't happy... but is too busy battling Brady for Titan. The end.
If anyone wants to add to this.... go for it. Your point of view would give this scriptlet a new different perspective.....
Thanks, Gapeach. and thanks to everyone that's enjoyed this script... wish TPTB aka The Idiots In Charge would take something from what we viewers write. Many of us have watched Days since it started. I've watched it off and on since '67. had to quit when I went back to school. Would sit in boring classes, look at clock and wonder what Julie was up to. Oh well, that's the way it goes....but then again:confused:
Okay... I have never written anything before, but thought I would give it a shot. I am continuing with bookworm's story picking up with Victor and Brady.

Victor calls one of his spies at Titan. “Steve, do you have everything in place for the next board meeting?”

“Mr. Kiriakis, everything is as you wanted it”, replied Steve.

“Wonderful, it will be so good to get the company back from Brady. But since he has been doing such an outstanding job running the company, I am going to offer him the position of President.”

Victor has worked his magic and once again controls Titan as CEO. He and Brady have worked out their differences and Brady is continuing to run the company as he has been since the ‘takeover’.

Brady: “Grandfather, thank you for allowing me to continue to run Titan, even though I temporarily took it away from you.”

Victor: “Brady, I am just doing what is right. I was very upset with you for the way you handled things, but thinking back, I realize that I would have handled things exactly the same way. Your mother would have been proud of the way you have handled yourself and even prouder of the fact that we have worked out our differences.”

Brady: “You mean she would be proud of YOU for finally realizing that everything didn’t have to be done YOUR way for things to work.”

Victor chuckling, “You are right as usual.”

Brady: “Changing topics here, what is going on with you and Maggie?”

“Well, we have a date next weekend and are taking things one step at a time.” Victor remarked.

Meanwhile, at Chez Rouge Maggie talking to Julie about Victor.

Julie: “Aunt Maggie, I have heard through the grapevine that you and Victor are getting pretty chummy. What is going on with you two?”

to be continued.