Chloe's baby

Just Samantha

Staff member
May 18, 2010
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It was after Chloe's sonogram when she knew 100% the baby was Daniel and Nicole's:

Surf's up, baby dude!

I'm spoiler free but I'm also a week behind at the moment so it's my own fault here. But a giant UGH to this storyline. So predictable!

I mean yay, Nicole gets a baby, but it means I have to keep hearing them carry on about Daniel FOREVER.
I feel the same way. What a convoluted story. And really, there was no mention of this at the time? But yay Nicole will get a baby, maybe. But Chloe doesn't want Deimos to be anywhere around it, and he and Nicole are involved. So I assume Chloe is just going to keep the baby. Ugh.
I honestly thought that was a pretty absurd speculation to begin with. But there have been people who thought my speculations were ridiculous that actually screened. I am just in shock and not a good shock, eh.
Lots of fab guessers here. But it goes to show that hey film so far ahead, we have way too much time to figure it out, or guess the right story line..

But many folks have been bemoaning Nicole losing her babies, so........ even tho some would have preferred to learn at least one did not really die.....Nicole will have her dream. Even if the writers won't let Daniel rest in peace.
I'm SO over Deimos and Nicole that I'm super ok with Chloe saying "No baby unless you dump the creep." Normally I'd be horrified by that, so you know I can't stand Deimos.

Not that I can see Deimos playing daddy to a kid which isn't his anyway. He'd be too selfish.
Due to a horrific mix-up at the fertility clinic, Chloe gets the surprise of her life after delivering Nicole and Daniel's baby. Apparently some Smith Island residents also had an in-vitro procedure done at the same time.

This is pure speculation, but the thought of a Daniel/Nicole baby is so horrific that the only thing worse is a baby with Deimos. A nurse came in during that flashback to apologize for being delayed but she had been dealing with a drunk. What if that drunk person was actually Eric at the clinic (so drunk he doesn't remember visiting the clinic), and when Chloe went back to try again, they mixed up Daniel and Eric's specimen and Chloe is actually carrying a baby for Nicole and Eric?
This is pure speculation, but the thought of a Daniel/Nicole baby is so horrific that the only thing worse is a baby with Deimos. A nurse came in during that flashback to apologize for being delayed but she had been dealing with a drunk. What if that drunk person was actually Eric at the clinic (so drunk he doesn't remember visiting the clinic), and when Chloe went back to try again, they mixed up Daniel and Eric's specimen and Chloe is actually carrying a baby for Nicole and Eric?
This is pure speculation, but the thought of a Daniel/Nicole baby is so horrific that the only thing worse is a baby with Deimos. A nurse came in during that flashback to apologize for being delayed but she had been dealing with a drunk. What if that drunk person was actually Eric at the clinic (so drunk he doesn't remember visiting the clinic), and when Chloe went back to try again, they mixed up Daniel and Eric's specimen and Chloe is actually carrying a baby for Nicole and Eric?

Now that would BE horrific. Eric was horrible to her. He accused her of RAPE!! and later forgives Kristen and not her.
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Due to a horrific mix-up at the fertility clinic, Chloe gets the surprise of her life after delivering Nicole and Daniel's baby. Apparently some Smith Island residents also had an in-vitro procedure done at the same time.
Chloe gets the surprise of her life? Imagine the horror of the Horton Cabin raccoons when one of them gives birth to an orange-tinted mini-Jonas. They'd be so upset that they'd lose their taste for Doritos and hot dogs.


Gosh, what is that? Is it a bird? Is it a plane?
OMG, no, it's orange, it's unshaven, it's
a mini-Jonas!!!!
I think it's wonderful news for Nicole. Will it be a boy or a girl?
I don't know Deimos is willing to listen to reason we have to give him that, that doesn't mean he will change, but he will listen. He's more of a changer than big brother Vic, maybe. I read that he makes a big mistake, probably involving Nicole's iffy love for him which means he knows he doing wrong.

On the other hand, he's low down because he got Xander on his chain now and has everybody fooled that he's dead.
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Now that would BE horrific. Eric was horrible to her. He accused her of RAPE!! and later forgives Kristen and not her.
At the time he accused her, he was reeling from Kristen's assault. He later apologized once he realized his mistake. Daniel NEVER apologized to Nicole for his treatment of her and in his usual smug, satisfied way, felt that everything he did was right and Nicole was wrong.

Only towards the end before they became engaged, did he suddenly decide they should be together and just got together with her, but there was no onscreen resolution of the issues that existed between them. I want Nicole to have a baby but not with Daniel who treated her terribly.
This is pure speculation, but the thought of a Daniel/Nicole baby is so horrific that the only thing worse is a baby with Deimos. A nurse came in during that flashback to apologize for being delayed but she had been dealing with a drunk. What if that drunk person was actually Eric at the clinic (so drunk he doesn't remember visiting the clinic), and when Chloe went back to try again, they mixed up Daniel and Eric's specimen and Chloe is actually carrying a baby for Nicole and Eric?

So Drunk Eric contaminated the sample? Or gave his own and they got mixed up? Or he'd already given a sample previously and got drunk and spun the carousel. Was it Sami who spun the samples for Belle, or Sheila on B&B spinning the samples for Bridget? Someone did it and I'm confusing my soaps.

Actually, I don't even care how they spin it, I'm on board with this. *Snaps fingers* Make it happen, writers!
I cannot stand the thought of this bizarre story. I enjoy the baby switching and paternity secrets. I am on board with new flashbacks that explain a little part of the story we're supposed to believe happened off screen. However this is too much and seems cheap, rushed, and serving to a character that has been dead for 11 months! Let's hope this story moves fast (it won't) and it gets rewritten with the next writing regime.