
It is a wonder is is as sane as he was in the dream with Kate as a mother. I am rooting for Morgan. Mel should be with someone closer to her age.
I have a sneaking suspicion that the woman behind Philip might just be the poster here who swoons at the very mention of his name, and actually needs smelling salts when he smiles with those dimples showing. LOLOL :wink:
Sami’s Choice - Chapter 7


Marlena: Are you all packed?
Sami: Pretty much.
Marlena: I can’t believe you have to go home already.
Sami: I know. Our time together just flew by.
Marlena: It’s been wonderful having you here. I’m going to miss you, sweetie.
Sami [tearfully]: Me too Mom.
[They hug.]
Marlena: I’m not sure that you have much more clarity about your choices than you did when you got here.
Sami: Our talks really did help. I just have to make a choice and believe I’m doing the right thing.
Marlena: You’ll make the right decision, sweetie. I have faith in you.
[They hear a car horn honking.]
Sami: That must be the taxi.
Marlena: Someone is picking you up at the airport in Salem.
Sami: No, I’ll just catch a cab.
Marlena: That wasn’t a question. It was a statement. Someone is picking you up at the airport in Salem.
Sami: Huh?
Marlena: Have a safe flight. Bye sweetie.


[Sami is waiting for her flight when she gets a text message from Marlena.]
Marlena’s text message: I hope you won’t be angry with me. Even though I have faith that you’ll make the right choice, I think you need a little help. So I made a call to the men in your life and asked each one to come pick you up. Only one of them said they would be there. He is the one you can count on.


[Sami looks around expectantly as she reaches to pull her suitcase off of the baggage carousel. As she does that, another hand grabs the suitcase at the same time. She looks to see a familiar face.]

Sami: Oh my gosh. You’re the last person in the world I expected to see.

To be continued...
I am thinking it will be Lucas, but can't wait to see who it really is. I am looking forward to tomorrow. Keep up the great work.
Oh no, am I going to have to wait until Monday to find out who it is??? I don't think I can wait that long. I think I know, but I won't spoil it, in case I'm right. Just the thought of who I think it is made me tear up. :)
My guess is Roman, any dad would pick his baby up from the airport. :)

Then again, these stories usually throw me for a loop.

Great cliff hangers for the weekend Kpatch, just like soaps used to be.
I really want it to be Lucas, but I agree it's probably Roman. Great Story!!!
Thanks for the chapter kpatch. Boy I am sure pulling for one of the three guys. Marlena did say that she texted the three men in her life and the only three they talked about is EJ, Lucas, and Rafe. If it is one of the three I will need to book a flight to Florida. I will be happy with one of the other two. So looking forward to tomorrow to find out. Ohh please let the answer come out tomorrow because I can't wait til Monday.
Philip’s Choice - Chapter 8


[Philip is on stage, announcing the bachelorettes.]

Philip: The next bachelorette is Melanie Layton. What do you bid for this ... um ...
Melanie: Haha. I never realized I was so indescribable.
Philip: ... for this ravishing redhead.
Melanie: Yah, that’s me alright.
Philip: ... This woman who is wise beyond her years ... This woman who is refreshingly honest ... This woman who...
Daniel [calling from one of the tables]: I’ll bid ten dollars.
Lexie: Daniel??? I thought you were covering for Nathan at the hospital tonight.
Daniel: Oops. I thought he wanted me to cover for him here.
Nathan: I bid $100.
Philip: Only $100, Dr. Horton? Do I hear $150?
Brady: One fifty.
Philip: We have $150. Now we’re looking for $200.
Mickey: Two hundred.
Philip: Thank you Mickey. Who else? Who else has a bid on Miss Layton?
Nathan: Two fifty.
Philip: You know what, Nathan? And all the rest of you? You all can keep bidding, but you won’t outbid me.
Maggie: You’re the emcee. You’re not allowed to bid!
Philip: To hell with the rules. I don’t think Lexie would have a problem if I wrote a million dollar check.
<The crowd gasps>
Melanie: A mmmmillion dddd...
Philip: That’s right.
Maggie: I want to lodge a protest.
Lexie: Oh shut up.
Melanie: Philip, you don’t have that kind of money to give away. Do you?
Stephanie [shouting from the wings]: What the hell are you doing, Philip? Why are you bidding that kind of money on HER? Why are you bidding on her at all???
Philip: Because she’s worth it.
Stephanie: And I’m not???
Philip: Sorry Steph. No. You’re not.
Stephanie: Well! In that case, we’re ...
All attendees in unison: ...Through!
Philip: Through. I know. You can skip the big dramatic scene. We’ve seen it before and we know that you do it so well. But next time you play the scene, Steph, you’ll be playing it with some other guy. Because it’s MY turn to say it now. Right in front of the whole town. “We’re through.”
Stephanie: Well I never! [Stephanie storms out.]
Melanie: Don’t let her leave, Philip. You love her. Why did you just do that?
Philip: Because. I finally realized what I really want, and it’s not Stephanie. Or Belle. Or Morgan. Or Chloe. Remember when you told me “It was you. It was always you”? Well, for me... it was you too, only I didn’t realize it until just recently. But my eyes are wide open now and everything is crystal clear. I’m in love with you, Melanie. I hope it’s not too late.
Melanie: I’m sorry, Philip. It is. It’s too late.

To be continued. Tune in on Monday for the finale of Philip’s Choice. Tune in on Tuesday for the finale of Sami’s Choice...
Ohhhh Noooooo I guessed right it was my girl Mel (Melanie) At least I have some hope. Philip knows it is Melanie that he wants, but Melanie said it was to late. Boy I hope she is right. I so want her with Nathan. Now I have to wait all weekend for the answer an even til tuesday for Sami. Thanks kpatch I am enjoying every second of this way. So anxious to see what Alice is going to say.
Love it! Can't believe you are making us wait until Tuesday to find out about Sami though. That is just torture!
WOW!! LOVE IT!! Both Philip's declaration and Melanie's reaction!! :clap:
The part with Daniel cracks me up! Haha!

I suspected it was Melanie, Philip had seen in the mirror too. Well, if I won't get to see this pairing onscreen, maybe I will see it here?

Great chapter, kpatch. :) Have a great weekend everyone.
Philip’s Choice - Chapter 9, The Finale


Alice: I’m glad Melanie turned Philip down.
Molly: Really? Why?
Alice: He’s way too old for her.
Molly: Not really. He’s only about 7 years older than she is.
Alice: He IS very handsome. I was thinking that if Melanie doesn’t want him ...
Molly: Mrs. H!
Alice: Okay okay okay. What’s happening in today’s chapter? I’m ready to find out who picks up Sami at the airport. I’ve been thinking about it all weekend.
Molly: Well you’re going to have to wait an extra day.
Alice: Why? Isn’t today the finale of Sami’s Choice?
Molly: It was supposed to be, but kpatch changed it up.
Alice: Why would she do a thing like that?
Molly: I don’t know. To build anticipation, I guess.
Alice: I’m starting to understand why Dorkay doesn’t like her.
Molly: Meanwhile, let’s see what happens in the finale of Philip’s Choice.

[Please click here to listen to the song that’s playing. ]


Philip: I finally realized what I really want, and it’s not Stephanie. Or Belle. Or Morgan. Or Chloe. Remember when you told me “It was you. It was always you”? Well, for me... it was you too, only I didn’t realize it until just recently. But my eyes are wide open now and everything is crystal clear. I’m in love with you, Melanie. I hope it’s not too late.
Melanie: I’m sorry Philip. It is. It’s too late.


Stephanie: What the hell was that all about? Do you really love Melanie, or were you just trying to get my attention?
Philip [leaning against his car]: I really love her.
Stephanie: That’s crazy.
Philip: No. It’s not. She’s sweet and funny and modest and smart and unselfish and ...
Stephanie: But you love ME.
Philip: Come on, Steph. Who are we fooling? You’re the one who told me we’re wrong for each other, and you were right.
Stephanie: Then I guess this is good-bye.
Philip: Take care of yourself, Steph. Go get some therapy.
[Stephanie leaves as Melanie walks over.]
Melanie: Are you okay?
Philip: I’ll be fine. The most important thing is that I’ll be myself. You helped me realize that you don’t go changing just to please someone else. What about you? Are you okay?
Melanie: Ooh, I’m great. I won the prize! I won a year’s lease at a waterfront condo. That is, if your check doesn’t bounce.
Philip: It won’t. I promise.
Melanie: Since you were the highest bidder, I guess that means I have to go out on a date with you.
Philip: It’s okay, Mel. I won’t hold you to it.
Melanie: Hmmm, even if I want you to?
Philip: Excuse me?
Melanie: Well, I was thinking that maybe you could come over to my new place now and then.
Philip: Really? I thought you said it was too late for us.
Melanie: Well, I just didn’t want my private life on display in public. I mean, there’s not much left that I didn’t already display to the public in our world-famous video. Plus, I thought that jumping in the air and yelling "yippee" might be inappropriate.
Philip: Do you mean ... ?
Melanie: Don’t be cute. Well I guess you can’t help being cute. But I think you know what I mean.
Philip: Tell me anyway.
Melanie: Philip, it’s no secret that I’ve loved you since the day I met you, and ... if what you said in there was true and you really love me too ...
Philip [moves closer to her]: I do. I’ve never meant anything more. [He kisses her.]
Melanie: Wow. Okay, so now what? I mean, maybe we could go somewhere and talk about it.
Philip: Somewhere ... like ... my place? [He kisses her again.]
Melanie: I don’t know what you’ve heard, but I’m not that kind of girl, Mr. Kiriakis. Well, okay, maybe I am that kind of girl. But I think you need to take me out on a date -- or 50 -- before we ever go back to your place.
Philip: Are you playing hard to get?
Melanie: Maybe a little. Medium hard.
Philip [smiles]: Java Cafe?
Melanie: That would be perfect ... for starters, anyway.

The End

Tune in tomorrow for the conclusion of Sami’s Choice
Oh kpatch :cry2: I so wanted Melanie and Nathan, Morgan and Philip together. Oh well I believe that Philip really loves Melanie and will treat her well. So I am happy for them. Thanks for the great chapter.
Great Story!!! It sounds like Philip really did make a final decision so I'm glad that Melanie is willing to try again and take things a bit slower - Love the ending! :clap: