
You sure surprised me. I thought Melanie got together with Brady if she told Philip it was too late. I am with DJM, I so wanted her with Nathan. Well, Thanks for the story. I hope to see Sami with a happy ending tomorrow. Waiting with baited breath.
I also wanted mel with Nathan but this is kpatch's story and she loves loves loves Phil. So at least good to hear they will take it slow and have a normal relationship like dating!! Glad Steph got kicked to the curb.

Now onward to the airport!! Congrats kpatch on another great story!
Sami’s Choice - Chapter 8, The Finale


[Sami is waiting for her flight when she gets a text message from Marlena.]
Marlena’s text message: I hope you won’t be angry with me. Even though I have faith that you’ll make the right choice, I think you need a little help. So I made a call to the men in your life and asked each one to come pick you up. Only one of them said they would be there. He is the one you can count on.


[Sami looks around expectantly as she reaches to pull her suitcase off of the baggage carousel. Another hand grabs the suitcase at the same time. She looks to see a familiar face.]

Sami: Oh my gosh. You’re the last person in the world I expected to see. But I’m so happy to see you.
Will: Hey Mom. [They hug.] Why are you so surprised to see me?
Sami: I thought you had a baseball game today.
Will: I did. It’s over.
Sami: I guess I’m all messed up with the time difference.
Will: Grandma Marlena said someone needed to pick you up.
Sami: You didn’t have to. I would have caught a cab.
Lucas: I insisted.
Sami: Lucas! It’s you!
Lucas: I couldn’t let you take a cab home. There’s no telling what kind of trouble you would cause for the cab driver.
Sami: Ha ha. I can manage to be a normal person for half an hour, you know.
Lucas: Who are you kidding?
Sami: Where’s Allie?
Lucas: She’s with Caroline. Come on. The car is double parked in a no-loading zone. [They walk out to the car. Will puts Sami’s suitcase in the trunk and sits in the back seat as Sami and Lucas stand outside.]
Sami: So my mother called and asked you to pick me up?
Lucas: She said you needed a ride home.
Sami: And you dropped everything and came?
Lucas: There wasn’t that much to “drop,” Sami. It’s no big deal.
Sami: It is too a big deal. You’re always there for me, Lucas. No matter what.
Lucas: Just like you’re always there for me. No matter what.
Sami: To be honest, I was hoping you’d be the one ... I mean ... the one to pick me up from the airport. I thought about you a lot while I was away.
Lucas: Is that so?
Sami: Um, Lucas, I was wondering ... Is that invitation still open?
Lucas: What invitation?
Sami: The one from Labor Day ... when you asked me out.
Lucas: It depends.
Sami: Depends on what?
Lucas: Depends on what the answer is.
Will [rolls down the car window]: Sheesh! Could you guys stop talking and just kiss already???
[Lucas and Sami look at each other, smile, and kiss.]

The End
Boy what a great ending. Just what I have wanted for a long time. Thanks kpatch. I am crying with happiness right now. I was so hoping that Lucas and Sami would get back together. I just love the two of them. Thank you for such a wonderful story. It has been an amazing ride.
Excellent Story!!! I love the ending!!!! I also like the dialogue for Will; that is exactly the way I expect him to act and the writers on the show never get it right. I also enjoy that Lucas double parked in a no loading zone - of course he did; that's the way Days writers should be writing him too. :clap:
Fabulous.......Loved it.......:clap: :clap: Sigghhhh, if only, if only.
Wow! What stories! What endings! I don't read day-by-day since I confuse easily and forget fast! I read from beginning to end without having to wait - I also skipped comments this time through but will go back another time to read them.

I like that these are real Days characters - except Sven (or was he?) - and Days situations that could be, if only the writers would hire kpatch. Or maybe she should be out competing with Danielle Steel or Nora Roberts and we could say we knew her when.

Can't wait for the next story! - or rather the end of the next story.
Fantastic story, kpatch! Philip and Melanie ending up together was cool, and I loved the ending of "Sami's Choice", as I've always been a Lucas & Sami fan. I can't wait to see what your next story is!
Thanks for all the nice comments, readers. I'm so happy you enjoyed "Choices."

Stop by Monday, 11/16 for the start of new story -- a lighthearted glimpse at a Salemite who is rarely showcased.
I absolutely loved this story it had me in suspense all the way to the end. So glad that Philip chose Mel, you had me thinking it was going to be Chloe for a while there. Totally loved the sven character, hilarious stuff. Great job.