Cool stuff w/updated board


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
Reaction score
I know we are all discovering neat things, and I am getting the same kick you all are. I LOVE the fact that, you can hi-light some text/comment in a post you are reading, and a little bar comes up under it saying REPLY, and when you click on it...your hi-lited line is quoted into a reply post, to which you add your comment. THAT is toooo cool.

Birthdays are back, home page, right side, there it is.
Got a kick out of "notable members", which lists us all and how gabby we are. LOL
In the far right corner there is a tiny bunch of dots, single dot on top, click on it. It is a Quick Navigation menu, so you can go wherever you want, into a certain forum, quickly.

The smiley atop a blank post......Wonderful, as it shows all the smiles available under your post, lets you click on whatever, more than one with no problems......and hallelujah, will let me add a few more. In the past I have had to delete some to make room for others, which were not always able to be seen. Love it. Have not tried the undo and redo arrows, gonna love finding what they do. Ha.
Love that the icons tell you what they are for.
So, o.k. what have YOU found. (like a treasure hunt. LOL)
P.S. have you noticed that we can see how many robots are crawling the board? It is actually listed. Love it. (yes, it is those spiderbots sent out by search engines like google, bing, etc. It is how they get all that info when we do a "search" Ha. )
Hmmm. I know they were there, but Wayne said that NOW we see the count.
One thing. When you're viewing a thread (like this one) and someone is online, you'll notice a little green "radar blip" at the top left of their avatar.

Oh, and yeah, the top menu scrolls with you, no matter where you are on the page, then there's this little thingy near the top right of the page...


It's a "quick nav" to take you up, or down the thread, either post-by-post, or straight to the top/bottom of the thread...

I'm trying to learn how to update the page so that the Birthdays also appear on the forums list as well as the home page, but it's apparently weird and tricky to make "custom" page layouts in the new system...

Oh, and let me apologize for the return of the advertisements. Something has to keep the lights on... :)

I just wish there were some way I could fix the "Join Date" (Dec 31, 1969) issue... Unfortunately that's a remnant that is left over from when we came from vBulletin to Xenforo all those years ago and I'm not really sure there's any way to convert it now...

Hah! Just found this;


Thought I would try inserting a "Spoiler" to see what happens;

This is what happens when you insert a "Spoiler". It hides the text so that people who don't want to see it won't see it, but those who click on the spoiler get to see the text... Cool!

Ok. Ok.. That's Really, Really neat. You can add a spoiler to your post without automatically displaying the text, meaning you can add it but people have to actively click on it before they can read it. VERY helpful if we can get everyone to use it eh?
It's funny I noticed that spoiler button yesterday but only saw it once and then couldn't find it again. I've seen that feature elsewhere too but had the same thought about us already having separate forums. Still I suppose it could come in handy in the daily summary threads...
LOL, except we have spoiler forums/threads that are labeled as such
Yes we do, but I'm betting you still have people who click on a thread (ignoring the icon), then get upset when they read a spoiler. Besides -- not saying we should change a thing but -- just because "we've always done it that way" doesn't mean there's not a better way... Right?

Just found it to be a neat semi-hidden feature..
Thanks for telling us about the spoiler button
LOL, except we have spoiler forums/threads that are labeled as such. But that is another really cool feature.
By the way, click on that spoiler line Wayne put in the post above this. Surprise!!!
That might make it a bit easier to "edit" folks who talk about spoilers in non-spoiler threads, maybe.

A neat feature not mentioned - if you start a reply and then go to another page in the same thread, your reply is "saved." This also happened to me when I started a reply, decided to scrap it & closed the window...and came back hours later. Neat feature.
That's a fact.

I like how the edit works now. I used to have to take the color off
my posts to edit and color again. Now I don't
Well, darn. I've been going to mention this improvement, but I guess I'm too late. I notice this morning that it has disappeared.

Until this morning I have been able to see and click on the "home" tab at the top of the page after I have read down as far down the page as I want to read. Now [today] I once again have to scroll all the way up to the top of the page in order to get to the "home" tab.

What happened?