

Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Just wondering WHO you would like to see back on Days, in what kind of story.

Days is truly lacking an "Alice" persona, someone who is aware, listens to others, and has really good advice. Is there a current character who might fill that empty spot, one from the past perhaps, or a new, related character?

How do you feel about the current "devil possession" storyline"?

The actors portraying some characters have indicated a preference for non-contract status, agreeing to occasional appearance depending on THEIR schedule. How does that work for you? ( i.e: Gabi, Abby, Sami, etc.)

Are there characters you would like to be truly gone? Who?

Are there characters you would like to return full time? Who?
I'd like to see Steve & Kayla in a front burner story, which involves the death of Andre, at last, or a search for JJ who has not been heard from in ages.
I think a much younger sister of Alice (or a nearby neighbor,would fill the bill, as current eligible characters would not.
Devil & Possession should end, don't care how abruptly, but END! Send him elsewhere.\
To me, if an actor wants to be free for other opportunities, fine, more power to them, wish them well. Just don't try hanging on to Days as your backup.
It would not bother me at all to see Gabi, Gwen, Tripp, Xander, leave town. I am torn about Jake, as I like the actor, but the character has been truly lost for a while. Personality wise.
While full time is somewhat objective.........Belle & Shawn, Steve & Kayla, Roman, John, Marlena, Jack, Jennifer are at the top of the list. I'd add Bo & Hope if they were actually available, Stephanie & JJ, (recast if necessary), Craig & Nancy, (Nancy alone if that be the case), Paul. Clyde but only if he really has changed into good guy status.

I honestly would like Gabi, Gwen, Ray, Chanel, Paulina, to be written out. I would LOVE Eric & Nicole be permanent.
I want JJ, Stephanie, even Melanie and Theresa to return (but no babytalk). I also want Eve back, if only to put Gwen and Ava in their place. Heck, Theresa and Melanie would also be good for that.

Sarah can go. I have no use for her. Actually, add Gwen and Ava there too, at this point. And Jan and TR.

Chanel and Tripp, in my opinion, are fine to stay ONLY if they end the constant twin-swapping between them and end their little smoochy activities. And I definitely want more of the vets being showcased.

I actually want Brandon back. It would be good for Nicole. Also when Lucas and Sami blow up, given that EJ and Belle are probably happening, I wouldn't mind Sami and Brandon having another go at it. It'd be far more creative than Sami bouncing between the same 3 exes, some of whom would be taken.

I was just wondering the other day where Patch and Kayla are, and why they're not front-and-center instead of the devil.
It seemed like for a while they were trying to put Doug and Julie into the Tom and Alice role, but Julie is far too opinionated and Doug us just so frail now.

I wouldn’t mind if a new character was introduced that would be maybe a niece of Tom’s that we never heard about. Maybe lived in the next town over or something but knew about all of the family history. I don’t recall if we ever heard about Tom having siblings. I was also just looking up some family trees to jog my memory and apparently there’s a Sandy Horton who is the daughter of Tommy Horton and hasn’t been seen since the early 80s. Lots of story potential there to bring in a whole new batch of Hortons we don’t know about to the storyline.

I’d be fine if Eli, Lani, Paulina, Chanel, Ava, Gabi, Gwen, Jake, Clyde, TR, Bonnie (though she’s growing on me I just want Adrienne back), Sarah, Kristen all just went away.

Bring back Shane & Kimberly along with Theresa and Tate, maybe show us where Andrew has been all this time. Would love to see Joey and Stephanie back again. So much story potential with a new generation of Brady kids other than just Shawn and Ciara. Some occasional visits from Carrie and Austin would be nice too. And maybe let’s physically see their kid too (whose name is escaping me right now).

If they’re going to keep Sarah around and make her back to her regular self, maybe let’s see her sister Melissa come and help. Bringing her back could reintroduce Nathan again, giving us another doctor in the hospital. Wouldn’t mind Mike Horton coming back. Maybe some redemption from that hideous summer airline storyline with his son Jeremy.

Seeing all of those Horton and Brady families back front and center might get the show back to feeling like what it once was without all of the random new relatives and unknown DiMeras running around.

Other characters I’d love to see more front and center would be Steve and Kayla, a decent story for Tripp (I like the actor more than the character), bring Billie back and have her and Kate in a story maybe trying to knock some sense into Lucas about Sami, or have them go on a hunt for Philip. Let Ben and Ciara enjoy their baby without the stupid devil thing. Bring Will and Sonny back for real, and maybe the other Kiriakis brothers to help strengthen that family. Give Roman something to do other than run the pub. Maybe he could join Black Patch and get involved in a mission with Steve and John. They could team up with Shane and Billie.

Sorry my brain is going in a thousand directions since I started typing. I’m going to stop now haha.
ShaunP, you it the Salem nail on it's head! Days, and Soaps in general, used to be about family and characters that were actually likeable. Days has turned into idiotic semi-porn in the afternoon.

Everyone seems to want someone who does not want them, and they plot and scheme until everything blows up in their face. Salem has turned into a town of desperate men and women. No wonder the devil loves Salem!

I, for one, would love to see another Tom and Alice come to Salem and restore the sanity. A stable, older couple, or even a single person, is very much needed. I would like to see a wedding without all the drama and have the couple stay together and work through the problems every couple faces. Sure, drama is an important part of a soap, but Days is ridiculous! Maybe the devil jumped into ReRunRon.
I think the problem with filling a wise older couple role is no one wants to be see as older. Everyone still works like they are maybe 60 years old. I agree that Julie and Doug would have been perfect but Julie is just too much of a busy body to make it work. I wouldn't go to her for any advice. I think Abe is the closest person to this role and would like them showing more of that. His interactions with Lani and Nicole are always great.

Hmmm who I'd like to see leave? Johnny, Chanel, Gwen, Lani, Brady, Chloe and Jake's accent. Jake can stay.
What about Sandy Horton? Where is she? Could she be the Alice replacement?
I like Steve & Kayla, the Bradys and the Hortons, Maggie, Jack & Jennifer, Rafe, Nicole. Would like to see Max and Frankie.
NO MORE possession stories!!!!!!! I can do without Jan Spears, Paulina, TR, Ava, Sami, Sarah.
I forgot about Paulin and TR and they can go for me as well.

I also forgot about Maggie as the wise elder. She's good in that role but there's just not enough. Maybe they should have hooked her up with Abe years ago and they could just be loving on their grandkids now. I did enjoy the weird pairing of her with Victor and still do but Maggie and Abe would have been interesting now that I think about it. Especially when it comes to this discussion.
Actually, John & Marlena would probably do well as the "go to" couple. However, Marlena would have to retire (she is past retirement age), John already is no longer into adventurous stuff. Roman is another option. He really is a good listener. Heck, Tom & Alice may have been older, but both were never stuck in rocking chairs on the porch. LOL. Remember Tom turning poet? (Norm du Plume) Remember Alice baking drugs in her donuts given to Roman, who was mistakenly jailed for being the Salem Slasher. He got sick, taken to hospital, where she was able to help him escape. LOL Both Tom & Alice had their share of hi could be done for John & marlena.....
I was thinking Marlena and John to, but I think people only go to Marlena for advice because she's a doctor and most people have been her patient. Roman would be good probably because he's shown mostly in a parental role.

I think family connections are just to far on the back burner and all of the families are split in weird ways. At this point it's hard to even remember that Anna and Roman have a kid together. Maybe a Christmas with Anna, Roman, Marlena and John and all of their kids would be nice. The Horton Christmas has certainly fallen off.
No more devil and Rolf's science fiction. There must be a raft of off-spring from the Hortons and Bradys who could be brought and once again be front and foremost. And, for Pet's sake, when people are past 65, let them gramma and grampa instead still being active in their work. A lot of people were brought approximately 30 years old and have been there forever, but portrayed as if they are in their 40's. I'd like to see the stories overlap and not be on for so long we almost forget the others.
I agree about John and Marlena as the couple to replace Tom and Alice. I don't think it would work to introduce a new character or characters into that role or even a character that used to be on the show that comes back after 20-30 years. Aside from Doug and Julie, John and Marlena are the most stable couple on the show and both should definitely be retired from their careers now and be the couple people go to for advice, especially Marlena.

I believe that TR should leave, Ava can go, and Bonnie (but bring back Adrienne).

I want Lani's paternity reversed back to Abe, even if it means he and Paulina had a one night stand that both have forgotten about, or something as long as Abe is her father again. It doesn't mean I want Abe and Paulina back together. I would rather Valerie come back to Salem to be paired with Abe.

I want better stories for the younger crowd as they can drive the show. I think Chanel, Tripp, Johnny, and Allie are needed to see what happens after the truth about the devil possession of Johnny and Allie come out and how Chanel and Tripp react to that as they have moved on with each other.

I also want them to bring back Joey and Stephanie for Steve and Kayla. I would like JJ to return as well, but only if Jack and Jennifer are around more to interact with him. Same with Theresa and her brother Andrew (Eve can stay gone although I really like the actress), but Shane and Kim would be needed more regularly if their kids are on the show. Also Joy Wesley should come on as her parents are now in Salem. If we have JJ, Joey, and Andrew coming back, they will need someone to pair up with as Ciara, Allie, and even Claire if she comes back are all related to them, although now that they are older I would not mind a pairing between JJ and Theresa.
Just wondering WHO you would like to see back on Days, in what kind of story. I miss the character of Stephanie... but she has my name, so maybe I'm just partial to her... oh and Melanie! I love the actress Molly Burnett... been so long, I had to look up the name of the character she played. LOL...but yeah, bring back Steph, Mel, JJ, Joey, and Chelsea... oh and I need more Mimi please. We have Bonnie, let's see Mimi again. I need a change of scenery from the current cast lol

Days is truly lacking an "Alice" persona, someone who is aware, listens to others, and has really good advice. Is there a current character who might fill that empty spot, one from the past perhaps, or a new, related character? hmmm. I agree, it seemed as if they were trying for Doug and Julie to fit that- but Julie is ...just too much... and if too much is ok, then I'd rather have Big Mama (Lani's grandma) come back and be made into a sweet lady that gives good advice etc.

How do you feel about the current "devil possession" storyline"? worst storyline ever in the history of ever. dumbest thing on the planet. make it stop. it's not interesting at all, and has managed to make the only things enjoyable about the show not that way anymore. it's ruining the show!

The actors portraying some characters have indicated a preference for non-contract status, agreeing to occasional appearance depending on THEIR schedule. How does that work for you? ( i.e: Gabi, Abby, Sami, etc.) fine with me, i don't care. make room for the people above to come back.

Are there characters you would like to be truly gone? Who? EJ, TR Coates, Clyde, Kristen

Are there characters you would like to return full time? Who? hmmm. I feel like I answered this in the first question...but to add, let's make Lucas full time. I don't see him often enough, and I like him. and.. maybe Philip. just like, don't let him be with Chloe or Belle. Give Philip a new girl or something. I love new characters... I'd love to see some new faces/names become full time.
Other than Marlena and Maggie, the only other person that comes to mind is Kimberly Donovan. But I would want both Kim and Shane together on the show.

I’d like to see Kayla and Steve’s kids back- Stephanie and Joey. I’d also like to see Frankie (Francois) and Max Brady. Tanner and Molly. Jack Junior. Carly Manning. And Bo and Hope.

Who I’d like to see gone- Ben, Ciara, Clyde, Sarah, Lani and Eli, Paulina and TR Coates.
With all due respect to the current Ciara,, Victoria Konefal, it would have been amazing to see Lauren Boles in the grown-up Ciara role. Victoria is 25, Lauren turns 19 this year. She could have been aged up a bit with makeup. I really liked her back in the day.

Everyone's posts are terrific and well thought out, I agree with so much of it.

In general, just bring back the old Days with family-oriented story lines that are realistic, and leave demonic possession, abusers, and psychopaths in the past.

Current Ciara wants out, or very short visits (ala Sami), so having Lauren Boles return in the role would be great. She is old enough now, she can be seen having a drink, do a few years older. Heck, we have actors in their 70s playing late 50s, 60s, don't we? And they knock a few years off characters all the time. Sami was a middle teen when she "sold" baby Belle on the black market, and now she & Belle are supposedly just a couple years apart.