Days - Fri., 4/17/20


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Sorry folks, I did not get the show today.....well, I did get the last 10 minutes.....

Zoey is Evan's older sister. The ISA deems Orpheus too important, so excuses all his crimes against Salemites, he is free man. Rafe evidently is going to tell David about Evan being his father. Justin has proclaimed his intention not to let Kayla go without a fight, Steve apologizes to Kayla for inquiring about her personal life, was out of line. She agrees, says situation is not good for everyone, she has made a decision.

That's it......Anyone get the show.....feel free to fill us in.
Thats all I am getting as well. Gov. Abbott took up the rest of it.
Ok I can do a short recap. I am very lucky Days never gets interrupted but I will never see Inside Edition again.

Justin went to tell Steve his and Kayla's love story. But during it, he tells Steve how Stefano took Kayla hostage and tried to kill her.

John tells Marlena that Orpheus is back. Orpheus is in Rafe's house. Rafe calls and learns that Orpheus is free and clear thanks to the ISA.

Ben tries to strangle Evan but stops. While he's threatening Evan, Evan's lawyer comes up then threatens Ben. Zoey is Evan's older sister.

Marlena is home alone remembering Orpheus putting her and Kayla in coffins when there is knock at the door. It's Orpheus.

Ok that was short but pretty much the gist of what went on. Someone may add more.

Ok now my comments.

David looked like a very sad little boy today. Missing Evan?

I might be more invested in Kayla and Justin had we seen it.

I thought Marlena looked a lot like Hattie today the way she was dressed.

I think we all knew Zoey would be Evan's sister.
John explained to Marlena that when Orpheus was shot and killed back in 2016, the ISA whisked him away and did whatever to revive him and let him recover in secret. Pamela Van Damme (head of the ISA at the time) thought he was important due to his knowledge and he parlayed that into total immunity for trying to kill Marlena and Kayla that time.
I agree @gramcracker. None of these stories are working for me and why did they have to make Ben resort to strangling again if they expect us to buy his redemption? If Ciara hadn't been there (who am I kidding, where else would she be?), would he have killed Evan? He either needs a whole lot more anger therapy or a new med dosage.
Rafe evidently is going to tell David about Evan being his father.
This seems so ridiculous considering how little David is. Not like he's going to understand that Evan is his biological father. Rafe could tell David that the Cookie Monster is his "real" daddy and get a better reaction.
JS, David would be better off with the Cookie Monster or even Oscar the Grouch as his "real" father, and such an arrangement would make for a more realistic plot that all this Orpheus immunity nonsense.

Rafe: He had a few choice words for Orpheus's release and the ISA in general. He was totally on-target. Even if the federal government was willing to drop criminal charges as a favor to a ridiculous intelligence agency like the ISA, it has no power to drop state charges. This is why the president cannot pardon persons who have been convicted by state courts.

Jack: He should do everyone a favor and run some screaming headlines and hard-hitting stories about Orpheus's release. After a few of these, the Salem mob (formerly known as the I'm with Jack movement) would run the crazed criminal out of town on a rail and be clamoring for the abolition of the absurdly incompetent and totally useless ISA.

Zoey the lawyer: This one is beyond annoying. I found myself wishing that Ciara would channel her inner Bo Brady and frighten her to the extent that she flees town and takes sicko Evan with her.

I feel as though Ben's behaviour strangling Evan in front of Ciara with her acting scared, should be it lately to add a little angst to their kind of boring relationship, more conflict should come from them. I hope to see Ciara privately wondering if Ben could have actually killed Evan, wondering if his state has returned.
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This seems so ridiculous considering how little David is. Not like he's going to understand that Evan is his biological father. Rafe could tell David that the Cookie Monster is his "real" daddy and get a better reaction.

This has bugged me more than I can express. Ever since Evan ran off with David, he's been talking to him as though he is 12 years old! :angry: And now Rafe? Just stop it!

odmac.1, you'd think Ciara might wonder about Ben and his uncontrolled temper at times but she never has, so it doesn't seem likely she will now. :rolleyes:

I'm sick of seeing men (and sometimes women) who flare up to the point of physically attacking people, whenever someone does something that upsets them. I've been around all kinds of people and have rarely seen that happen, usually when someone had too much to drink.
I'm so over Ciara and Ben that now I'm hyper focused on that overly dramatic way she always grabs his face.

Not into dragging out this Orpheus family stuff which I assume is leading up to something in sweeps.
Thanks, Poirot.

It was interesting Justin made lasagna and took leftovers to Kayla. Did anyone
else at the K-mansion eat any of it?

John needs to put in a peephole in the door so they can see who's there.

So, Orpheus is working for the ISA and he has a get out of jail free card forever and ever?

Evan should be glad he wasn't wearing a tie today.

David is too young to be told Evan is his real daddy and Rafe isn't.

They should have had Marlena at the end of the show today with Orpheus instead
of Kayla saying she made a decision.

May sweep starts April 23
I don't know why the head of the ISA (time to dismantle that group) thinks Orpheus is so important.....he was nearly successful in killing half the Salemites. His penchant for wanting to kill people should negate any sort of immunity for past deeds.
Stefano & Victor NEVER did their own dirty work. Orpheus does. He physically, himself, has attempted to kill people in horrible ways. So, Stefano & Victor did order things done, but never did so themselves. Orpheus has, which, as I claim, negates any sort of immunity for him.
This writer likes to take the easy way out, which, more often than not, is the most unbelievable.
now, now know the charges would be d there would be charges against them all...........except in Salem, of course.
Are we in the bloody twilight zone? Orpheus is so important he can commit horrible crimes that can be excused? This whole mess is beginning to stink! The writers have lost whatever is left of their feeble minds! We have victims falling in love with and defending their rapists. We have dead people walking everywhere including organ donors. I know some of these people were heartless, but come on!! And, don't get me started on this baby switch garbage! OK.....rant over!
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