Days of Lives -Mon., July 17, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, July 17, 2017

Abby is at DiMansion, asking if Chad is there, Andre says no, she doesn't want anyone to know she is there. She hems and haws around a bit, as does he, but the upshot is, she wants his help, Dario is into counterfeit money, the whole thing is bigger than that, huge, and she wants to know what else so she can get him to stop. She is convinced he would, for her. She wants him to be all legit, and claims Dario could be affecting DiMera business. Sure, he knows perfect person to hack into the GDR stuff, calls Theo, who comes over. Abby is not happy with that, they argue a bit, Theo joins in then, not wanting to do anything illegal. After a lot of horse hockey, and because he trusts Abby, and after all is Dario's wife, therefore part owner, he agrees. Abby makes sure Dario will be gone, they go to Dario's office, Theo is into the account in a flash. He gets whatever info needed, puts it on a flashdrive, then notices something else, tells Abby to take a look. She does, they stare!!

Paul comes to see Sonny, once again trying to convince him he did not kill Deimos, they go back and forth about it. Meanwhile, Marlena meets up with Justin, who bemoans his son's insistence that he killed Deimos. He heard about Marlena putting Lani under hypnosis, causing her to remember something helpful, asks if she would do that for Sonny. Sure, and off they go. They come into the interrogation room, Sonny consents to the hypnosis, she records it. Sonny doesn't mind Justin & paul staying, and once under, just goes over his argument with Deimos, how his uncle ripped the amulet off his neck, being in the living room standing over Deimos's dead body. That is about all he comes up with, so, Sonny is still convinced he killed Deimos. Of course, Paul & Justin are not.

Rafe & Hope are kidding around, he just told his mother about being engaged, she is happy, likes Hope, he gives Hope a swooping kiss. They are laughing, she wonders why it is taking so long for the lab results to come in. Marlena walks in, they ask how things went with Sonny, but Marlena deftly turns it all aside, diving down on Hope's ring, gushing over her saying yes, congratulating, etc.

At the Pub, Lani & Eli accidentally collide, with her coffee spilling all over his shirt, her blouse. They try wiping up, not too successfully, apologies are given, etc. Later, he is in the square, still trying to clean off his shirt. Val teases him about blotting, but wiping, they chat a bit. She asks about lady friends, he is disappointed that whoever he sets his sights on seems to want to go back to their ex. He complains about Gramma Julie always trying to set him up, she teases about some pretty gals at the hospital. He gets a call from work, takes on a new assignment. Val thinks he is going out of town, nope, just down on the docks. Counterfeit money is showing up around town, they think it originates there.

Abe runs into Lani at the Pub, they talk a bit, not making much headway with the Deimos murder, she has been working her butt off, hopes Raines notices, she wants to make Lieutenant. Abe knows she has been striving to move up.

Later, Lani runs into Eli in the square. He tells her he got a new assignment, was told to take any Salem P.D. officer he wanted, and he would like her to work with him...if she wants. Absolutely, she would love to. He asks if JJ would object. Are you kidding, he'd be mad if I did not take it on.

Hope gets the lab results back finally, and the fingerprints do not belong to Xander. Are rather indistinct. Paul overhears, realizes they actually were suspecting Xander. All three talk about how they figure Xander worked for Deimos, who paid him off big time, Xander taking the rap for Deimos. Then Deimos left him to rot in jail, did not help. Xander is ticked off, out for payback. Paul makes a phone call, tells someone he needs their help.

Except, as Rafe notes, Xander is locked up in a cell in Greece, according to the prison warden.

The scene shifts to a man laying on a cot, reading Busty Broads Monthly. He sits up, lowers the magazine, looks to the side, smiles, back to the mag. It is Xander.
It does appear that Xander is indeed in jail. I am hoping for a good whodunnit reveal. Someone surprising. We'll see.

Abby and her sleuthing. Don't see this ending good.

Lani and Eli are a good couple. I could get behind them. Rafe and Hope still do nothing for me. Maybe after the wedding. But I doubt it.
A few comments about assorted characters.

Mami: She approves of Rafe's marriage to a woman who not only doesn't cook, but has no demonstrated ability to even boil water? Could it be that Mami has finally given up trying to influence her hopelessly dysfunctional family?

Sonny: He is a district attorney's dream defendant. Instead of barking, "Who me, not me," he says "I must have done it." The Big Boy must be the laughingstock of the inmates at the Salem jail.

Theo: No sooner is he on the DiMera payroll than he's roped into doing illegal, dangerous things. Just because air-headed Abigail is married to slimy Dario, it doesn't mean that she can authorize Abe's son to break into his company's computer. And if Dario catches him in the act, the consequences could be remarkably unpleasant.

Eli: Somebody should tell him, his FBI buddies, and the writers that the Secret Service has jurisdiction in counterfeiting cases. Eli should stick to what Salem law enforcement usually does, hang around, do nothing, and gossip.

Andre: He's suddenly become Mr. Family Values? Pigs must be flying loops around the top of Salem City Hall.
He said he was in the hallway, can't remember then, next he remembers is being in the living room and seeing Deimos dead on the floor. He even said he remembered moving the body......but I do not think he mentioned anyone else.
Great episode all around! I also think Lani and Eli make a great couple. I like the playfulness between each other poking fun, its cute really. I don't see that with Lani and JJ at all.

I'm not surprised Abby went to Andre for help. I am more surprised Andre wanted to enlist Theo's help even though he is supposedly an IT wiz. I think that'd be less discreet considering Theo's good relationship with Uncle Chad. I did like Theo's responses to Abigail in Dario's office. It seemed real, Abby all talking. I'd say the same thing as Theo. Quit talking, let's get this done and go! That stuck out to me.

I actually at first thought Abby would do Dario in and totally 100% work on Andre's side. But no, she still covered for Dario and made it seem like she wants to help him out of the illegal business. Maybe I was hoping Abby would want to due him in and not protect him LOL!

I also like Valerie's relationship with her son Eli. Valerie is definitely not like Kate, forcing herself in her sons' lives, even if they don't want her there. It's nice to see such a connection.
Am I the only one hoping that Xander is really Shane in disguise, and Xander fake-killed Deimos and they're just messing with their hated Salemites?

I liked the episode today. I really enjoyed the Andre/Abigail/Theo stuff. I hope this threesome can be the next Gabi/Kate/Sami on the show for a bit. I'd been wondering for the longest time when Theo would start working for DiMera and get involved with shady stuff. He is definitely more interesting in this capacity, rather than boring and silly teen stuff.

I also am on board for a Lani/Eli storyline. And I want to see more of Eli and his mother. The chemistry between them is so good and natural.

Still not feeling Rafe and Hope, and the investigation storyline needs to speed up, for Sonny is acting silly. BUT I love that Marlena is getting more screen time, and the Xander curveball sure is gonna make things heat up.
Thanks, Poirot.

I enjoyed Andre, Theo and Abigail too. The last scene when she looked for password and then
Theo said I'm in. Maybe Dario uses password for his password or maybe because it's Salem
everyone knows everyone else's password like the phone numbers :)

I wonder how long it's going to take before Lani and Eli kiss not being drugged by Halo?
For whom is Marlena working, Sonny, or Raines? She seemed to be trying to help Sonny, and then said something about a police investigation. Hire an independent hypnotist, Sonny, unless you intend to continue confessing to perhaps imaginary crimes. Paul's reactions during the hypnosis were curious. After he awoke, Sonny was aware of what he said while hypnotized?

Loved it when Theo told Abby to stop talking when they were in Dario's office. :clap:

Still waiting for an Abe/Lani DNA test. :rolleyes:

Did Xander answer a phone at the same time that Paul was calling someone, and asking for their help?