Days of Lives - Mon., Sept., 18, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, September 18, 2017

If possible, do NOT miss a single second of this show, it is THAT good! At least in MY opinion. Again, give that guy the Emmy...Bryan Dattilo as Lucas is just wonderful. Replay of Will appearing at the back of the church, Lucas jumping up in disbelief, Is that really you? Will acknowledges he is there, but is really all in Lucas's head.....his imagination. Will questions his drinking again, Lucas makes excuses, talking of his losses, he lowers his head, looks up, Will is gone, but no, he is not, he is now at the front of the church. Lucas talks to Will, how much he misses him, thinks of him every day, he goes through a litany of things they did together, from baby hood, all thru growing up. Laughing about some Chuck Berry song, which is the only thing Will wanted to hear when going to sleep, made his dad sing it over and over. Will mentions often just being in Lucas's head, as Lucas talks of how Will died, seeing him on the slab in the morgue, losing him, his mother, Allie, Gabi & Sonny won't let him see his granddaughter, Ari, and Adrienne prefers to be his Justin's arms, rather than his.

Sonny is with Chad, ranting on and on about how Lucas lit into him, berated him, at the church. Chad is a good friend, listens, calms Sonny down, who then reflects on Lucas being right about one thing, he did abandon Will, went off to Paris. They go back & forth on this, Sonny feeling that perhaps if he had not done that, Will might still be alive. Chad tells him nothing is his fault, but Sonny wishes he perhaps returned one day earlier, just one day. He remembers the phone message from Will, he played it over and over, knows it by heart, repeats it, especially the I love you part. Chad reminds him Will would want him to move on with his life, love again. They leave to go for tuxedo fittings. And a bit of humor evolves as the fitter guy asks who is the groom, Sonny says he is, Chad says he is, yes two grooms. The guy figures the two are a couple, Sonny starts to set the record straight, but Chad pitches right in, saying him & Sonny Bunny just hit it off, knew they were meant for each other. LOL

Meanwhile, Paul is having more or less the same kind of conversation with JJ. They lunch at the Pub, talk about Lucas, and how Paul feels that perhaps he is the reason Will & Sonny were having problems. JJ says you did not even know they were married when you & Will hooked up. But Paul thinks that when he did find out, he just should have stayed out of their orbits, let them work things out without him around. They talk of Will & Sonny, he asks JJ how they appeared to others, were they in love, committed, etc. Yep. (JJ is growing a beard???) They finally leave to go for their fittings. Paul later goes to meet Sonny at the other fitter, gives Sonny a kiss, which startles the fitter, who asks if there are really 3 grooms now? LOL

In the square, Abby is leaving a message for her mom, when Ari runs up to give her a flower. Gabi appears, the gals chat, Ari being flower girl, double wedding, etc. etc. Abby realizes Gabi might not want to come, but she would like her to do so, but will understand if not. Gabi says she knows Chad & Abby are happy, and also Sonny & Paul, and that is all that really matters to her, and is most important, So yes, she is coming, and since Eli asked her to go with him, she won't be alone. Both gals tell each other they love one another.

Jennifer comes to see Kate at DiMansion, her daughter will be marrying into the DiMera family again, so she wants to know all that is going on. Kate is reluctant, but Jen persists, talking of Andre's press conference, Hattie committing him, and then him announcing he is divorcing Kate. She knows DiMera has only family running it, so what is going on. Kate can't tell her as is business, and she is reporter, but then decides to confide if Jen won't tell. Jen cannot promise, but Kate tells of Lucas drinking again, and firing him. Jen knew he was drinking, tried to get him to go to a meeting, he refused. The two women talk, Kate admitting she figured if she warned Lucas, then followed up when she caught him drinking again, he would have a wake up call.

Jen says no, he has to hit rock bottom, and have his own wake up call, and we can be there for him then. They talk of Adrienne, how strange she has been acting, Jen noting that it is like she turned into a different person overnight. Is distracted, ignoring her work, her friends, etc. They get back to the subject of Lucas, wonder where he is, since he is not answering any of their calls. Abby walks in, she knows, tells them about Lucas at the church.

And back at the church, Lucas is taking swigs from his flask, Will attempting to talk him out of it. Lucas claims it numbs the pain, talks of being sober all those years, but it was Adrienne who kept him sober, for her he did not stray. But she left him. Will thinks he will find someone else. Who? Will suggests Mom? Lucas negates that idea, that although he & Sami Brady had some wild times, that ship has sailed, but one good thing, he has Will & Allie. He keeps drinking, Will figures if he doesn't want him there, then perhaps he should go. Lucas rushes at him, no, I love you, but bangs himself against the empty pew, knocking himself out. He falls to the floor.

Jennifer & Kate enter, calling Lucas's name. Jen spots him laying on the floor, rushes to him, along with Kate, both holding him and calling his name.
I was blown away by Lucas and Will today. It was so real, so believable for someone hitting rock bottom and imagining a conversation with a dead loved-one.

The quick scene with Chad pretending he and Sonny were the ones getting married to each other was hilarious! :rotfl:
WOW! An EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT show. A good episode all around except for Jennifer. I hope this means Days is back. Will and Lucas had me in tears. Chad and Sonny, what a unique and neat friendship. They made me laugh out loud. However, Gabi's keyhole dress needs to go bye bye. Please don't miss this one.
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I was blown away by Lucas and Will today. It was so real, so believable for someone hitting rock bottom and imagining a conversation with a dead loved-one.
Lucas with Will was outstanding today. It shows what a mistake it was to keep Bryan Dattilo (Lucas) on the fringes of Salem life. It also demonstrates what Days' actors can accomplish with good material and not the drivel that has been foisted on them for far too long. Finally a few words about assorted characters.

Sami: When was the last time anyone suggested that she was the answer to anyone's love problems? Instead, why not have Lucas reunite with Autumn of Hong Kong or reciprocate Anne Milbauer's interest?

Jenny: This one is an eternal optimist. Did she really expect Kate to reveal all the dark and dirty DiMansion secrets?

JJ: This one is really loosening up now that the dictatorial Raines is gone: growing a Brady-style beard and skipping out in the middle of the day to eat salad with Paul. Regarding that salad, there was once a book that claimed, "Real Men Don't Eat Quiche." Do real cops eat salad?
WOW! An EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT show. A good episode all around except for Jennifer. I hope this means Days is back. Will and Lucas had me in tears. Chad and Sonny, what a unique and neat friendship. They made me laugh out loud. However, Gabi's keyhole dress needs to go bye bye. Please don't miss this one.
I have been wondering about the Gabi booby peek-show dresses. Ridiculous attire for most settings, and really pushing to reveal Gabi as a sex obsessed crazy. All puns intended.
As I said, this is an episode not to be missed. Surprised me the dialogue writer was the one who usually writes violent episodes (Ben's murders for instance). The entire cast was just terrific. Overall, the show WAS about Lucas & Will, no matter who was in the scene......

I was very happy that Will did not grin during his serious, drama filled scenes. So the laughter with Lucas over stuff when he was growing up was all the more meaningful & poignant.

Chad & his Sonny Bunny were a stitch....and showed Ron Cavilatti (head writer) takes his Hitchcock lesson seriously. (Hitchcock felt that when you had real dramatic or suspense filled scenes, you had to give the audience a break to breathe, so always inserted some small humor...Ron C. has mentioned this)

Kudos to to involved with the show today.
OK, Gotta give credit where credit is due!! So very glad Will was shown as a ghost or whatever.

Extra :clap: to Bryan Dattilo (Lucas). I loved all his scenes. Great work! The father-son scenes were right on! Thanks to both of these fine actors.

Getting kinda tired of seeing Gabi's boob dresses. I had to laugh today when Gabi's were bursting out of her dress (oh yeah, just perfect for daywear, Gabi) and Abby had a similar dress on without all the cleavage and looked more "normal" for the day.
Thanks, Poirot.

I felt sorry for Abby because she wore a peek-a-boob dress and nothing
was showing like with Gabi's :)

I don't like JJ's facial hair.

I loved how Kate changed the subject when Jennifer was asking questions
about her and Andre getting a divorce. By the way, Lucas is drinking.

Then later both of them were discussing how Adrienne isn't acting like herself.
Don't they know how that works yet? They know Hattie was Marlena.

It was cute when Chad saying "Sonny bunny".

Lucas and Will. Tissue stuff for sure. I enjoyed the scenes when Lucas remembered
how he sang to Will. When Will talked to Lucas getting back with his mom, I said no not
her. One said there's only one "Sami Brady". Thank god for that.

I'm glad the writers haven't forgotten about Brian Dattilo (Lucas) since he's not on
contract. He's been doing a great job the past few weeks.
Want to know how very happy it makes me that you all saw what I did, enjoyed what I did, appreciated the whole of the show?

So, tell me. Outside of going to church, a wedding, maybe a funeral, how many of you females wear a dress? Of any kind? Do you really do the boob job for a job? Taking your little one with you shopping? For a walk? For that matter, what the heck was Gabi doing out in the square with Ari in the first place?
I wear maxi skirts during summer, never, or hardly ever, dresses. So like you, I thought Gabi's dress had no place today. Then again, most of the women's attires are way too much for every day life. I wish I could see a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, sneakers and a big old purse to carry stuff around.

Aside from that : kudos to the actor who portrays Lucas. Great job ! Like KathyLu, I watched today... and cried with him. Kudos to the actor who plays Will also. Bravo !