Days of Our Lives - Fri., Apr. 23, 2021


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Square: Jake and Gabi have an encounter in which they discuss the warehouse debacle. (DiMera owns Basic Black in case you forgot.) Jake won't decide without thinking about it and reviewing the lease. Philip walks up and asks for the warehouses. Jake gives them the warehouses because they were never really his. (The warehouses are a metaphor for those in comas.) He'll call Chloe to clear the stock, and he is going on vacation with Philip's mother.

Inn: Chloe is sad to see Lucas. He deduces it is about Brady. He hints they should reunite; he claims to have wondered what would have been if he'd not left for Italy. At some length, and after a flashback, he stammers out that he's dying. He says he's got a tumor they can't get to and he doesn't want his family to know. He doesn't want to die without love. She doesn't take the bait, but after he leaves, looks up information on tumors.

Townhouse: Sami comes in as Brady is finishing a call with Vivian. She has questions about their connection, he explains about the bonding between Kristen and Vivian, and Sami has a flashback about Kristen. Back and forth about the feelings between Chloe and Brady and Brady's commitment to Kristen. She is worried when he admits he's tempted by Chloe. But he's committed to Kristen. But tempted by Chloe. But committed to Kristen who is the mother of his child. But...

DiMansion: Kristen-as-Susan enters the DiMansion as Kate is looking at apparel. She claims, at some length, that she had a vision. She needs to leave. Kate says she's leaving with Susan's son's half-brother, Jake DiMera. Kristen-as-Susan warns Jake is part of the danger, she must leave without him. The lunatic loses her accent as she warns Kate away, Kate figures it out, rips off the wig. Kristen explains the scheme, and how Vivian is forcing her to break up Kate & Jake. Kristen knocks Kate unconscious.

Julie's Place: Chanel and Xander bicker about their scheme and Chanel's spending habits. Paulina enters and is on to them, and they bicker about the situation. Paulina first claims not to have $10 million, then won't bail out Chanel. Xander is willing to negotiate. Chanel pretends to be reticent and claims she wants to do something with her life using the opportunities Paulina gave her growing up. Xander slowly lowers his offer to $1 million. Paulina writes a check for $100,000 which is more than he deserves. Xander accepts. Chanel is mad that that's only $50k each, Paulina starts.

Inn (hallway): Lucas and Sami talk on the telephone. He didn't confess his "undying" love to Chloe.

Square: Philip wants to take Gabi to dinner. She wants to go to his place.

DiMansion: Jake enters, wants to know who Kristen-as-Susan is. He looks at the floor. END
Enough people know that Susan is Kristen now it has got to come out and end! I don't see any way "Susan" can talk her way out of Jake walking in. But this show is so dumb most of the time I'm sure he'll get a phone call. I was hoping something would click when Brady and Sami were talking and he said Kristen was masquerading as Susan. Light bulb time Brady.

Oh my god Lucas, what on earth are you doing? Though it was funny when he said "I wouldn't say "undying" love."

Ya know, I almost think I could like Chanel and Xander as a couple. He has to do something with Sarah gone. But how stupid is Chanel to say that's only $50,000 each?
Did Jake see Kate on the floor, because she is behind the sofa, with Kristen as Susan standing beside her.

& yes, stupidity reigns supreme on this show. Someone hid the Salem brain, as it seems no one has it, unless Paulina borrowed it for a bit. Too bad Xander did not call her bluff. From 10 million to hundred thousand?? Give me a break!
I am truly ashamed of and disappointed in Lucas. Even though Sami is as dumb as the proverbial box of rocks, Lucas should tell her to call Kristen's bluff by threatening to tell Brady the truth if Kristen tells EJ about his romp with Sami. It looks like Sami has gotten into the habit of bedding an ex-husband every time she blows into town. I hope the ill wind that blew her into Salem this time blows her out again soon.
At least Chanel’s stupidity feels on brand. I don’t know what Lucas is doing and why he’s putting Chloe in the horrible position of keeping a tragic secret and watching her cry and be concerned—all to protect Sami. He’s going to lose a true friend for one who uses him every chance she gets.

I’m sure Kristen will pretend she found Kate that way and duck out of trouble for a week or two, but this scheme is going nowhere.

I hate all of this.

The only upsides are that I surprisingly like Gabi and Philip better than Gabi and Jake. And Xander may be exactly what Chanel needs, even if her mom doesn’t know it. I can see her falling for him and then Sarah returns.
& yes, stupidity reigns supreme on this show. Someone hid the Salem brain, as it seems no one has it, unless Paulina borrowed it for a bit. Too bad Xander did not call her bluff. From 10 million to hundred thousand?? Give me a break!
The poor X-Man must be off his feed since the Sarah disaster. A Xander who was on top of his game would never have taken up with the likes to foolish Chanel, and if he wanted money from somebody, he'd do his best glower and flex his mighty biceps, which would be sure to persuade even the most reluctant.

Lucas: He really ought to leave the b/s to the professionals. Imagine what will happen if Chloe runs into Allie and blurts out; "Oh, I'm so sorry about your dad's brain tumor."

Kristen: How long are the writers going to force the viewers watch her get away with murder with her utterly stupid schemes? Hopefully, Jake will now put an end to her absurd reign of terror, but I wouldn't bet the mortgage money on it.

Dr. Ben Casey: It's too bad he's not still around and practicing medicine in Salem. If he was, Chloe would have responded to Lucas's fake medical news by saying: "A brain tumor? Oh Lucas, that's nothing. Dr. Ben Casey cures a brain tumor patient every week in only an hour."

Ben Casey: "Tell Lucas to make an
appointment with me ASAP. I can
remove all brain tumors, even imaginary
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DBF, we can probably count on Chloe blurting something out. I like Chloe but she's kinda dense at times. I can't stand what Lucas is doing and I'm disappointed because I really like Lucas. After all these years it seems maybe he's never gotten over wanting Sami. He certainly allows her and Kate to run roughshod over him.
Did Jake see Kate on the floor
I'm going to say "NO" unofficially. It was ambiguous. What we might call a "gotcha" ending.

I'm certain they want us to THINK he saw her, but I don't think he did. It wasn't clear so I tried to summarize what I was sure happened. LOL

And robin, I agree completely. The show was painful. So much it turned me into a Marvel villain. But Xander was fun & I did enjoy Kate (though I wish it would have been literally anybody else in Salem) snatching Kristen's wig.
Somehow the Lucas stuff made me laugh today. Reminds me of the Lucas and Sami of old who I loved. Honestly I wish they never broke up and he was now running his mother's business (whatever that is or was) with Sami by his side. These days I have no idea what Lucas does. If the show gets cancelled I want it to end with Lucas and Sami realizing they were always meant to be together.
Thanks, Jason.

I didn't realize Chanel was a stupid girl. It's one thing to talk to someone about a person
and that person is behind you. But Chanel let the cat, or rather money, out of the bag
saying stuff with Paulina right there.

I'm surprised Sami didn't say something when Brady remembered Kristen was dressed
as Susan at Marlena's wedding. Is it too much to ask that he'll figure something out now?

Brady left Sami to read Rachel a story. Was Rachel alone in her room? Was Rachel with
John? A nanny?

I'm glad Kate was smart enough to figure out Susan wasn't Susan, but Kristen. Too bad
for her, Kristen has something in her hand and hit her with it.
Is it too much to ask that he'll figure something out now?
Yes, sadly Brady will not be able to figure it out. Not even when someone pulls the wig and teeth out. He will still believe his beloved is in Statesville.

Re-Ron has taken great joy in totally destroying so many characters. The fact Brady can dress himself is freaking amazing.
So much stupidity on the show.
So much stupidity on the show.
So much stupidity on the show.
Xander is cute when he smiles.
So much stupidity on the show
So much stupidity on the show
So much stupidity on the show
Yeah, that was a super cute smile. The rest of the scene reeked of desperation. Too bad he didn't try to make Paulina swoon, but I suspect she would have swatted him with her bag.
Dr. Ben Casey: It's too bad he's not still around and practicing medicine in Salem. If he was, Chloe would have responded to Lucas's fake medical news by saying: "A brain tumor? Oh Lucas, that's nothing. Dr. Ben Casey cures a brain tumor patient every week in only an hour."

View attachment 6262
Ben Casey: "Tell Lucas to make an
appointment with me ASAP. I can
remove all brain tumors, even imaginary
I loved that show way back when.