Days of Our Lives - Fri., Apr. 5, 2024


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Townhouse (same moving establishing shot) - Tate and his new face come out. He's happy to be free but can't believe it's April. He lies about where he was last night. Later, they eat breakfast and Brady invites Tate to a Cubs/Dodgers game this weekend. (New Tate looks like he has Old Jeannie T's hair color.) Brady gushes praise on Tate. Tate (who is on spring break) is apprehensive about returning to school. He is going to hang out with "friends" (he names them Ian and Aaron). (The writers seem to be aware he should have more, but are too lazy to cast them.) He refuses a ride when offered. They leave.

DiMansion Foyer - Nicole and Holly have returned from Holly's physical therapy. She still has a few sessions and despite her progress, is still totally grounded.

DiMansion Living Room - EJ is recapping with Wei Shin about DiMera and Salem drama (on the phone) including Li's death and Stefan's arrest. Nicole enters and he updates her on how Stefan's arrest affects the board and the shares' value. Stefan must resign or he'll be fired due to a "morality clause" in the contract. Nicole wonders if Stefan's drugs were the ones that KO'd Holly? EJ admits Stefan was forced. Brady enters and demands his public apology from EJ, which has still not been received.

Spectator (new establishing shot) - Leo is working on his horoscope with Chad. Everett/Bobby comes in and Leo asks what to call him. ("Everett.") They talk about Stefan being in jail for running Clyde's drugs. Chad is flummoxed.

Pub - Eric and Sloan are eating with Jude. They talk about Eric's business not making money yet. They are interrupted by Sloan's phone re: a client. Stephanie enters, oohs for Jude, and turns the topic quickly to herself. Later, Sloan has heard the whole thing and nobody can believe it. Eric hopes forgiveness can be found; Sloan does, too. (Point for Sloan, she sells a sympathetic moment here.) Sloan leaves; later, Stephanie talks about the blame Jada's placed on her for not looking into Everett/Bobby's background/family and for currently offering him some support.

Police Station (moving establishing shot of the "Police" building) - Jada has the day off but comes in to Rafe's office with a box of Bobby/Everett's things. She thinks the proof is in the box. Later, she has found the divorce decree. Later again, Sloan has arrived and updates her client, Jada, on her talk with Stephanie, and tells Jada she acted surprised when she "learned" about Bobby/Everett because she values confidentiality. Jada snipes about "poor Stephanie" and shows off her divorce decree. Sloan has talked to Vince. The document they have is fully legal, but the one filed was not signed by Bobby. Jada's still married. She snipes at Rafe for digging this up, Sloan says they can get this all taken care of now. She has new papers which Jada signs. They just need Robert's signature.

Spectator "Offices" - Chad has called EJ and gotten confirmation about Stefan's arrest. He remembers drunken Stefan visiting him. Leo gets a text, has to leave (a sale or something). Everett/Bobby has the Stefan story ready. Will Chad let him publish it this time? We get a lovely flashback of Chad burying the Holly OD story. Chad admits he was wrong then, orders him to publish the story. Stephanie arrives with the news she'll stay as Spectator PR, although she'll work with Chad (why not Xander?) instead of Everett/Bobby. Bobby/Everett's phone rings, it's Jada, who wants to meet him now for 5 minutes. She doesn't explain and he doesn't ask; he leaves. Stephanie and Chad wonder what it's all about.

DiMansion Living Room - EJ will give Tate the public apology. Brady snipes about Holly's deceit as Holly is coming down the stairs. Brady seems taken aback for a minute. We fade to the porch/stoop area, where Holly is meeting her victim (Tate). She tells him his dad is here. He summoned her by pelting her window with pebbles. He has brought her a phone. They hug. They are not looking forward to school other than being able to sneak away between classes without parental interference.

They are smooching when a motor startles them (the gardeners'). They sneak up to her room. Back inside, Nicole promises Brady that Holly will apologize, too. Brady and EJ start bickering, Nicole cools them down, tells EJ that all the adults need to take the high road and set a good example for the kids. Brady and EJ come to terms, shake. As they are walking out, the kids sneak in, and Brady returns for no stated reason so everyone can start yelling again. Holly and Tate want to be together, the adults agree they should not see each other.

Square - Leo has a new scarf and full shopping bags, happens upon Jude and Eric. He oohs and ahhs over Jude, tells Eric about the great Saxton's sale, learns that Eric and Sloan are on a tight budget.

Spectator Offices - Chad laments DiMera drama. Stephanie is distracted by the Everett/Bobby stuff. She's not sure how she should feel about the whole thing and feels obligated to stand by him since he has nobody else. Chad offers to help, Stephanie knocks it down. Chad suggests (and Stephanie does not correct) that Everett/Bobby go to "church". (Did we ever learn the name of the synagogue in Salem?)

Peterson-Brady Apartment - Eric sees that this month's rent is not yet paid. Edited to Add: It's the fifth notice month, per a letter from the landlord.

Pub - Bobby/Everett meets Jada, Rafe, and Sloan. After about 10 unnecessary lines of dialogue, Jada tells Bobby/Everett they're still married. He signs the papers "Everett Lynch" and claims he can't sign another man's name. (Nobody points out he has Bobby's fingerprints and Bobby unlike Everett has a birth certificate.) END
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Thanks Jason. This was an on-the-edge-of-your-seat episode, because there again was nothing happening other than it's a new day in parts of Salem.

Did Everett/Bobby's hair and beard change during the show? Not the flashback, but during the show today? As you can tell I wasn't paying a ton of attention to it.

I liked new Tate but he still even with unkempt hair doesn't look 11 years younger than his actual age.
I could swear Brady learned this was the FIFTH month Sloan had not paid the rent. (one would think she'd have been evicted by now) However, if it is 5th month she is late paying the rent.........can understand the landlord getting ticked...........but not why Sloan is having difficulty being better at paying on time.

Rather jarring to have a blond teen Tate one day, and a brunette older looking Tate the very next.

Doesn't any Salemite wonder how Leo, with NO job, manages to have enough money to go on huge shopping sprees?
Great, Jason, your commentary is, indeed, better than the show's content!

I did not notice a message on the screen that the role of Tate is now being portrayed by Leo Howard. He is cute but thought he looked a bit too old to play Tate. I looked up ages:

Leo Howard, new Tate, will turn 27 in May

Jamie Martin Mann, former Tate, will turn 21 in June

Ashley Puzemis, Holly, will turn 24 in May.

Love the establishing shots and hope they keep them.

How foolish were Tate and Holly canoodling right at DiMansion? Duh that they would get caught. They don't even have a relationship. They are NOT boyfriend and girlfriend. After all the chances they have been given and the road to healing all around, their common sense was not in play here.

Since Tate was recast, I guess he will not be sent back to school in California, but how will he be kept away from Holly if they attend the same school? Maybe SHE will be sent away. Or they will run away together. They have made bad choices before.

What was up with Chad's hair?

When they flashbacked to Everett at an earlier time, we can see how he stepped up his grooming now. That is just external, of course. He needs to deal with his internal demons.

How will Jada get a divorce now when there is no Bobby signature?

Once Sloan is confronted by Eric regarding the rent, maybe she will crack and admit that Leo has been blackmailing her. But, then again, she can't without major consequences. Eric seems to like Leo, so it will be a bitter pill to swallow.
Wow, we have new Tate and old Sloan today. They didn't say or show the "part of Tate Black is now being played by so and so". I'm going to miss the other actor.

How many therapy sessions could Holly have had since yesterday?

You know Stephanie, you could still take Thomas & Charlotte for ice cream or to the park.

How stupid are Holly & Tate to go back in the house? I think they're a cute couple. Even the new Tate.

Hey, the Cubs are playing the Dodgers this weekend. Very excited. Love when they are right.
It's not uncommon for TV shows and movies to cast people in their 20's to play teenagers. For whatever reason, they went with an older actor instead of staying in the 21-22 year age range of the former actor playing Tate.
If he refuses to sign, she can file a petition for the dissolution of marriage. This can be done without the spouse signing off.

They could also do a contested divorce.

The next problem is even with fingerprint proof, Everett/Bobby has mental issues identifying as Bobby. Mental illness does not stop a divorce.
Thanks, Jason

It's a new day in Salem.

The landlord's note said "It's the 5th month and you still haven't paid rent". If he hasn't gotten paid in 5 months why
are they still living there?

Will Eric & Sloan lose the apartment? Will the family have to move in with John and Marlena?

Interesting comment Sloan made when Stephanie said you brought the baby. Sloan said we always do. I don't think
Sloan likes having Jude go everywhere with them.

Will Chad actually be a friend for Everett to give Stephanie peace?

Do teenagers drink a lot of coffee? Tate had two cups before he left home.

Since Tate and Holly are both going to Salem High, how will the adults keep them away from each other?
Doesn't any Salemite wonder how Leo, with NO job, manages to have enough money to go on huge shopping sprees?
He works at the Spectator.
Brady learned this was the FIFTH month Sloan had not paid the rent
You are right, Eric did learn this. It was a very quick scene (and Eric bores me). I'm also using a keyboard at my new office that is very loud - I have to back the show up sometimes because I can't hear it (I'm trying to get everything set still) over my own typing. This is an important detail, I have edited the summary.
Tate and Holly [...] their common sense was not in play here.
This isn't surprising given they were spawned, respectively, by a drug-addled poker-swinger during a drunken elopement with a loaded and zipped kidnapper inside the womb of a murdering raping psychopath; and a dead sex criminal doctor with his perpetually-put upon babyswitching murderess fiancée whose embryo was incubated in the womb of a hooker that forgot she'd been artificially impregnated.
The eviction process takes some time to do it legally. Can't just toss someone out on the street.

But by now, Sloan would've received paperwork about it. Most landlords wouldn't let it slide for 5 months. :rolleyes: