Days of Our Lives - Fri., April 24, 2020


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, April 24, 2020

Did not get first 15 minutes. Evidently Sonny found Victor, called 911, got an ambulance and Vic is in hospital, hooked up to machines and unconscious. Sonny calls Ciara, and then Brady to let them know.

Ciara & Ben are jabbering away, he evidently is working on her bike, she goes over him rescuing her after her accident, setting her leg, caring for her, etc. She sees an ad for help in a mechanic's shop, thinks that would be a good one for him.

Xander & Sarah spend eons on the phone, him begging her to let him help, describing his plan to have all 3 of them disappear with no trace, new family life together, declarations of his love, his eternal caring for them all, and more. But, Sarah feels she cannot ever trust him, after he lied to her, says NO, hangs up. He tries to call back, gets voice mail.

Brady finds Kristen at the cop shop, goes on and on about her, how wonderful, tells her about Vic's involvement, she admits she already knew, ran into Xander. Brady is surprised she kept her cool, tells of telling off Uncle Vic, no more family, she keeps silent. Brady gets the call from Sonny about Victor being stabbed, in hospital. He hangs up, stares at Kristen.

Ciara has rushed to the hospital, into Victor's room, and for some reason, the nurse in there ignores her!!! Ciara goes on and on to Grampa, world's strongest man, gonna pull through this, what would we do without you. Kayla comes in, Ciara pleads with her to say Grampa gonna pull through. Kayla gives her the silent soap opera death stare.

Gabi comes into the room where Abby & Chad are celebrating. She mouths off about this being her house, she let them live there, but now she wants them to move out & more nonsense. She picks up their bottle of champagne, Chad takes it away from her, telling her to leave. She does, makes the “you'll be sorry” threat, goes to cemetery, talking to Stefan's headstone, how they were cheated, but Chad & Abby will learn what happens when they mess with “a woman like me”.

Back at the house, Chad is taking off his suit jacket, removing his tie, having just told Li Shin that Gabi plans to sue DiMera for wrongful termination. Abby looks at him, suddenly sees Ben with the tie, wrapping it around his hand, but then he is gone, & Chad is asking what is wrong with her?

Ben walks into the mechanics' shop, fellow is under a car, only see legs. He says hello, he is here about the job. The mechanic slides out from under the car, says something about just a second, buddy, shakes his head, looks up. Ben looks at him weirdly. This guy looks just like Stefan.
Hey I didn't get the first 15 minutes either but that's because my screen was black. Technical difficulties apparently.

All that time that Chad and Abigail lived in Paris and her French wasn't good? She should have been able to get enough from Jeanne Marie that she thought Abigail was in apartment. But have to drag it on.

At least Brady looked like he had a brain cell and he knows that the "changed" Kristen stabbed Victor. And she stabbed him, Brady. Tried to kill him!

Maybe Abigail is going to lose it again. Perfect time for Stefan to come back. Then will he want Gabi or Gabby? And what the heck, a mechanic? So it's either not really him or he has amnesia. Wow, they never do that. :sarcasm:
wow....sounds so......
extremely dull..... and faintly familiar... a deja vu...
is this the 2nd or 3rd time Victor's been in the hospital this year?
who had Victor in a coma on their Days Bingo Card?
Who has Brady believes Kristen's innocent of this crime on theirs?

Thank you so very much for writing this up for me..... I will continue to read my book instead of watching this riveting show...
Victor needs to fund the Kiriakis wing of the hospital so he can have his own room at this point.

Speaking of, a million years ago I volunteered at a local hospital. On the first day, a lady was showing me around and took me to a private VIP room. It looked like a swanky hotel room. All of the equipment was hidden behind what looked like fancy cabinets. The bathroom looked like it was in a spa.
Sonny was barely mad at Victor for framing his husband and now he's already apologizing because he got stabbed. That's annoying. The stabbing doesn't erase his actions. Probably an unpolular opinion, I think it's time for Victor to die for real.

Ben and Ciara might cure my insomnia. They're dull.

Are we sure Bardy is really John's son? John would be moving heaven on earth if it was his baby who got kidnapped. I never bought into Kristen's insta redemption. And if I have to watch an unhinged woman yelling at people, I prefer Kristen to Gabi.

Unhinged Gabi who just tried to murder a senior citizen in front of a crowd thinks she can call people whack-jobs. She's lucky the current writing seems to worship her because trash characters like her used to be killed off.
The look on that looney toon's face when she stabbed Victor was horrifying. The way Kristen acted is not the way a normal person acts around possible death. There was nothing but cold calculation in her actions. She very much enjoyed trying to kill a man in brutal, bloody, fashion. I once had to kill a bat that attacked me and several children (it later turned out to be rabid). I was heartbroken for a week. Anyone who thinks Kristen is not clinically insane needs their head examined.
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Gabi: If this vicious little witch thinks that she can win a wrongful termination suit, she should guess again. As even Justin could tell her, the minute the judge hears about her blackmailing Lani and trying to kill Julie, he'd immediately grant a DiMera Enterprises motion to dismiss her absurd lawsuit.

Ben: Just when everyone thought he was a one-trick pony with a one-track mind, he passed on heading back to the Salem Inn for more fun and games with Ciara and actually went to look for a job. Wonders never cease in Salem.

Sarah: She really ought to reconsider Xander's plans to vanish. He could take her to one of Victor's secret Greek islands, which would be guarded by Kiriakis thugs and the local goats. If Lani and Eli ever dared to show up, they might get past the thugs, but the fierce goats would chase them right into the Aegean Sea.

Victor: So he supposedly has aortic valve damage. It's a shame that Maggie's egg-baby, the Love Doctor, still isn't around. Assisted by Henderson, he could have replaced Victor's damaged valve with a kitchen knife and Scotch tape right there in the K-mansion living room.
I don't understand doing a solid month of Kristen on a reformation tour just to have her stab Victor. Maybe they were trying to create a twist, but it feels like a waste of time. Kristen getting violent so soon after her change of heart is not a twist. Half the people didn't believe her turnaround anyway. I don't know where they're going with this, but it's going to be awful. I hope they bring Theresa back. That was the last time Brady made sense as a character.

I'm tired of the Gabi storyline. There's nothing I hate more than what they've done to her character and how everyone else who's done horrible things still glosses over what happened to her (being raped and blackmailed by Nick, going to prison, getting set up for a murder Abigail committed, and then beaten until she was unable to have children, etc.) while making excuses for themselves. Then, they write her hot-headed and stupid, running around half-dressed and sniping arrogantly at people. It's tiresome.

Right now, even Chad and Abigail annoy me. They're awfully smug. Chad literally tried to murder people last week, and they act like it's so crazy that anyone questions his fitness. I wish Chad would just let her have Gabi Chic. Turn the company over to her, spin it off from DiMera, cut ties, and let her do whatever she wants.

And I can't even talk about Sarah's nonsense. How is she going to support herself in France? What's her plan? And once her cell phone registers on the network in Paris, won't the authorities immediately narrow their search? Plus, the baby is going to still need medical care.
My local station didn't show 30 minutes of the show today because my governor always
breaks in halfway. Instead, it was one of those judges shows. They will probably do it
everyday now until the crisis is over.

Thanks, Poirot.

How old is Stefan supposed to be? According to his gravestone, he was born in 1974. He died
when he was 45. I thought he was younger.

The other day I was noticing Abby was drinking early. Is someone spiking the alcohol
and that's why she's seeing things?

I was hoping Sarah would take Xander's offer.

Brady knows what Kristen did. Now what?
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My jaw dropped when Ben said he had loftier goals than being a mechanic. That seemed like such a stupid statement for him (or anybody) to make, for so many reasons.
Also, I guess nobody would steal the motorcycle, since it wouldn't start, but I wondered if their helmets might get stolen. It seemed they just left them laying there.

The rest of the episode was mostly boring. The conversations dragged on way too long, as I think has already been pointed out.