Days of Our Lives - Fri., April 3, 2020


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, April 3, 2020

Kristen comes into Stevano's room, to find Tony, by himself, as “Father” was taken for MRI to show exact location of brain chip. They have a long conversation about Father, what he has done to them, how he has controlled them, and how Kristen falling in love with Brady, having his child, all has made Kristen want to be a better person, not the kind Stefano was. Tony worries about what will happen to Father after the chip is removed. Kristen says Hope returned to being Hope, Steve will hopefully be back to Steve. She can't believe he is concerned about Stevano after he was going to kill him. Tony just doesn't want him dead. Kristen then goes on & on about babies, volunteering at hospital, Rachel, & we have heard it all before.

Brady is pondering that heart shaped birthmark on Mickey, John comes in, Marlena is in surgery, Brady now tells John all about Kristen's being upset last week over forgetting how Rachel looked, how Brady used Marlena's techniques to get her to recall, which she did. John enjoys this, Brady goes into the whole birthmark thing, John says what a coincidence. They go on about born same night, same hospital, same doc, blah, blah. Brady ends up just dismissing any ideas, thinks Mickey is adorable, John leaves, Kristen arrives. Oh, look who Brady has in his arms.

In New York, Nicole is confronting Dr. Raynor., who admits finally to what happened, tells Nicole all. Sarah's baby born side of road, brought in, was in distress, she did all she could, nothing worked. Vic & Xander came in.....(Kristen's baby born with cord around neck, but all ended up o.k. ). She doesn't know what they did, but has lived with the guilt. (she doesn't say, but am guessing she means signing death certificate for Rachel). She was paid a big check, one way ticket out of town, threats. They talk of the pros and cons of keeping quiet, calling police, telling all. Nicole doesn't know what she will do. Dr. Raynor only asks she not let Xander know Nicole found her. Nik agrees.

Kate is musing to herself, looking at Stefano's portrait. Chad comes in, letter opener in hand. She looks worried, he says just was gonna open mail. He assures her he is back to being just Chad, Abby comes in, confirms. Up all night, he is back to normal. Chad apologizes for whatever he put Kate through, she is o,.k., knows he was under Stefano's control, but admits she herself agreed to be Stef's partner. & is sorry for that. Chad wants to give back her DiMera stock, she refuses, doesn't want any part of the DiMera power, money, etc. Putting that behind her. She leaves. Abby calls her mom, fills her in, asks her to call JJ & fill him in, she is going for nap. In the bedroom, Chad comes in. Doesn't take long, they are rolling around on the bed.

Eric gets hold of Abe, knows Nicole is not in NY on business, if Abe knows why, please tell him. Eric explains about her having tests, he thinks she is ill, hiding it, he wants to help her, be there for her. Abe manages to evade direct reply, says it is between Eric & Nicole, ask her.

Abe & Nicole on the phone, she tells him her hunch was right, she got Raynor to confirm the switch. Only waved the envelope in front of her, having her believe the correct test results were in it. Never opened. Nicole is torn what to do. She thinks Kristen would be terrible mother, but Brady is a great father. She loves Eric so much, he adores Mickey, after all he went thru, how does she now tell him he isn't her father. (She & Raynor had even mentioned just leaving things like they are, Raynor did not want Kristen as the mom, either.) Abe lets Nicole know Eric thinks she is ill, is very worried, advises she get to Eric quickly.

Eric goes to Pub, tells Roman all. Roman tells him to cut out the middleman, don't talk to Abe.......find Nicole.

Tony joins John in waiting area, will be praying for Marlena, with Rolf doing the surgery. John says the surgery is over, we will know soon.

Eric is on phone, doesn't care how much the ticket costs, he has to get to New York now! The door opens, he turns, Nicole walks in.
I forgot, didn't Nicole say New York had something to do with Brandon? I deleted mine so I can't go check. Or what did she say about Brandon? I am glad the baby thing is going to be over but I do not want that child to be Brady and Kristen's. Regardless, I just hope this brings back evil Kristen. Please tell me they aren't trying to redeem Kristen. John did seem supportive of Kristen and Brady. Eww!

When Abby was talking to Jen she said "we'll get an idea where Marlena is soon". Huh? How does she not know Marlena was there and is in the hospital? I don't blame her for testing Chad. And like Hope, I am still not convinced. These writers like to torture us. But Abigail is the love of his life? What about Melanie? I loved Chad and Melanie.

And once again someone heard exactly what was said when entering a room. Evil Kristen, please?!
As to Brandon, When Eric first came upon Nicole talking with Abe, she said it was about Brandon, who is having a rough time. She did not say about what, just that. Abe said nothing to deny or confirm that was it.
So, when Eric went to Abe today, he just mentioned he knows Nicole is keeping something, and she said she & Abe were talking about Brandon. but he said she had gone for tests, had the results, and just feels she is keeping something from him, not wanting him to worry, but he thinks she is sick, is seeing specialists, or having another test in NY, etc. (Brandon is the son of Abe and Nicole's mother, so is her brother. She sort of looks at Abe as a father figure & good friend)
I forgot, didn't Nicole say New York had something to do with Brandon?
When Eric walked in on Nicole and Abe talking about keeping something quiet, she covered and said Brandon was going through a rough time and didn't want anyone to know. Eric said he wouldn't tell anyone. But she later told Eric she had to go to New York for business.

She should've just used Brandon as her excuse to go to New York.
Has Kristen really changed?

DiMera history tells us, "No."

Ron's penchant for writing "rhymes -with -witchy" women tells us, "No." (Ron Carlivati, head writer)

Stacey Haiduk's acting résumé tells us, "Unlikely." (Ms Haiduk plays Kristen)

So I am not buying it.

Also why is Kristen not in jail for killing Haley, when Ben had been on death row and Will even was in jail for a road accident? Ugh.
Yes, Jason, gaping holes in stories everywhere. Was always surprised about her not being even charged with Haley's death. She said witnesses! Haley had bad news for her. Charges can be dropped, but not even a hint she was even questioned about it. Yes, today, Dr. Raynor referred to Kristen being responsible for Haley's death.

JUST SPECULATING.....wondering if writer was told to end it and end it quick, don't care how????

And again, just MY opinion, but for a Friday.....BORING!!! Really, was there anything at the end that made you "can't wait to see what happens come Monday"??
When Abby was talking to Jen she said "we'll get an idea where Marlena is soon". Huh? How does she not know Marlena was there and is in the hospital?
I took it to mean where (how) Marlena was as far as the surgery/recovery situation.

Charges can be dropped, but not even a hint she was even questioned about it.
There were a couple comments back after the time-jump that it was investigated and charges were dropped, deemed an accident. Then Kristen fled Salem and headed to the convent.
I still can't believe the "writers" think it's a good idea to have Kristen and Brady together, let alone give them a child. This is sick, sick, sick. I am disgusted. Kristen was pregnant because she raped Brady, as far as I'm concerned. And once again, rape turns into a love fest on this show. :sick::sick::sick::sick::angry::angry::angry::angry::beat::beat::beat::beat:

And to make matters worse, I'm pretty sure Eric will dump on Nicole, and so will everyone else, when this all comes out. Sigh.
Nicole might have a bigger problem. I wouldn't be surprised if Victor wants revenge against Nicole once everything comes out, Holly notwithstanding. When Uncle Vic desired Ben's untimely death Xander was there to stop him (or at least offer resistance) not so this time around I fear. Nicole has no idea the can of worms she is opening here if her involvement is discovered. Maggie and Sarah are calming influences on Victor and Xander respectively if both these influences are removed (Maggie in prison, Sarah leaving Xander) watch out! Nicole could find herself in serious trouble. Will Xander still stop Victor from going too far (as he did with Ben) after losing Sarah's love, if he does as seemed likely, or will he revert to his old ways? How much has he truly changed? Ironic that Nicole's fate could be in Xander's hands.
Sarah is Maggie's daughter. Because of what Victor did, Sarah may now lose that beautiful little girl she loves and has raised. Brady is Victor's grandson...& Vic deprived him of his child.

Tangled webs and all that. Vic doesn't like Nicole anyway, but I think if he tries to do anything to Nicole, the wrath of Maggie, AND Brady, would descend on him.
Brady: He gets the line of the day for "we need to move on." Do we ever. An interminable plot that threatens to give an innocent infant to the monstrous Kristen needs to end ASAP.

Eric: He said that his mind is "starting to spin." Considering the way the sourpuss's mind works, this can't be good news.

Nicole: She actually said "I can't believe this" when told the details of the Xander-Victor switch plot? Why? The old babyswitcher and Sydnapper should know all about the fine art of switching infants.

Kristen: She's getting way, way too much screen time. What makes the writers think that Days viewers with long memories want to see so much of the Salem psycho?

Stefano: The question was raised today about what happens to his "essence" when the microchip is extracted from Steve. Rolf could set it aside until a more suitable host is found or, in the alternative, he could make some chip duplicates and create a small group of Stefanos to terrorize Salem.
Nicole: She actually said "I can't believe this" when told the details of the Xander-Victor switch plot? Why? The old babyswitcher and Sydnapper should know all about the fine art of switching infants.
That part really had me shaking my head, considering Nicole could write the book on baby-switching.
Did anyone notice that when Abby was trying to test Chad to see if he was still brainwashed, she repeated MY familia, which was not the trigger word? The words that Steveano used was MI familigia. I don't think he is still under the brainwash, since, of course, the kiss, but she still used the wrong trigger.
Actually, the phrase was La Famiglia.........And because I find, that, to me, quite often, actors seems to mumble or drop their words, my CC is on. And yes, it does seem everyone's CC doesn't always report the same, but I get a kick when the CC hears a name that sounds different to it than intended. Now I know it means Kristen, not Tristen, lol, but actors face away from the mike, do not enunciate clearly at times, talk too fast, ....just all kinds of things.
Stefano: The question was raised today about what happens to his "essence" when the microchip is extracted from Steve. Rolf could set it aside until a more suitable host is found or, in the alternative, he could make some chip duplicates and create a small group of Stefanos to terrorize Salem.
Ha ha. That "small group of Stefanos" could run around Salem, and the world, trying to hook up with all of the clone Marlenas once created by Stefano. Now that would really be a hoot!!
Sarah is Maggie's daughter. Because of what Victor did, Sarah may now lose that beautiful little girl she loves and has raised. Brady is Victor's grandson...& Vic deprived him of his child.

Tangled webs and all that. Vic doesn't like Nicole anyway, but I think if he tries to do anything to Nicole, the wrath of Maggie, AND Brady, would descend on him.

All the more reason Vic might desire to make an "example" of Nicole, who he already hates. she will literally ruin everything for him.

Edit - On the bright side another Steveano free day, yay. :)
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