Days of Our Lives - Fri., Aug. 11, 2017


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, August 11, 2017

Ah, well, Interesting turn of events today. Bonnie continues breaking things off with Lucas, who cannot believe she is doing this. Look me in the eyes and tell me this. She does, claims she is going back with Justin, returns his ring. Lucas call himself stupid a number of times, is very upset, then leaves.

Brady sit at the bar in the Pub, having his own pity party, with the bottle of gin or vodka in front, along with a shot glass full. Lucas arrives, sees the glass, "you, too?" he asks, joins Brady, They each tell each other the whole story of what is depressing them, brought them to this place, and the two guys fall of the wagon together, getting drunk, feeling very sorry for themselves.

Nicole is talking to Maggie, who has told her how upset Brady was, his suspicions. Nicole gets upset at herself, she was trying to spare Brady, but instead hurt him even more. She tries calling him (he won't answer her call) so starts calling around to no avail. Cannot locate him. Maggie says he probably has his phone turned off.

Marlena comes to in a padded cell, also a strait jacket. A doctor (nurse?) comes in, she is loudly protesting she is not Hattie, she is Dr. Evans, he is telling her that is what Dr. Evans said she would do. Marlena asks for Dr. Ross, seems he is on vacation. She calms down, tries to talk quietly, and eventually convinces the guy to let her out of the strait jacket, blabbering about how her sister did this to her once before, long ago. She thanks him, knows a guard is right aside, and finally he leaves. She has managed to steal his cell phone.

Eric runs into John in the square, learns John found Marlena. John is still bewildered, cannot believe what happened, tells Eric Marlena just moved out, unhappy with constantly waiting around for him to return from something or other. Eric says that doesn't sound like her, John did not think so, but guess he did take her for granted, figured she would always just be there when he got back.

Marlena comes to Bonnie's room, all giddy, did some shopping, and these two are having a wonderful time. Hattie wants out of Marlena's straight laced clothes, and the heels, Bonnie offers the little bottles of booze, but Hattie brought the big girl size, pulling a large bottle from one of her shopping bags. They are giddy, laughing, drinking, decide to watch an expensive movie, and are just letting it all hang out.

Gabi is visiting Abby, tells her about breaking it off with Chad, heard him talking to Abby at her bedside, knows it is Abby who Chad really wants and loves. They chat a bit, are still friends. Gabi admits knowing about the picture of Chad, how her brother blackmailed her into marriage, etc. She is sorry. She brought an album of pictures, etc. of Thomas, with Chad, Ari, and herself, too, gives it to Abby, who asks her to stay with her, look thru it together.

Chad is in a cell with Sonny, tells of confessing to Deimos's murder, they talk, and as they talk, we have some flashbacks as they remember a few things.. Chad & Sonny both by the body, Sonny going off to make sure no one is around, while Chad wipes the prints, Sonny returns, they decide to move the body, but hear someone, so behind the curtain it goes. Then Chad recalls coming into the room, Deimos already dead, Sonny standing there. Sonny can see Chad remembers something else, but Chad is silent.

Brady finally is drunk enough, talks of knowing Eric was taking pictures of her, he is going to get Eric's camera, no more lies out of Nicole. He lurches out, and later is entering Eric's room (no idea how, maybe not locked). The bed is all messed up, he starts going thru drawers, dresser, then side table, no luck, knocks over the lamp, angrily mutters where is that camera. He smacks a chair which falls over, and he sees something on the floor.

Eric is in the hallway, hears all kinds of laughter, voices. Inside, Hattie & Bonnie are dancing, laughing, whooping it up. Eric gets closer to the door, listening.

Chad is talking to Sonny, asking about the amulet. Back to Brady, who holds it in his hand, staring.

Lucas's head in on the bar, but he wake up/comes to, grabs the shot glass, but a hand reaches out and takes it from him. Hey, what do you think you are doing? And there is Chloe...."just what do you think YOU are doing?

John is sitting at a bar (Club TBD?) his phone rings. He notes the caller ID says "unknown". He answers and it is Marlena, John, John, it is Marlena, can you hear me?
Oh I wish they hadn't got Lucas drunk. Fifty lashes with a wet noodle on the writers!!

It would have been so much better if Lucas helped Brady and got him outta there!!

The murder mystery needs to wrap up. It is to the point where I don't care who done it any more.

Ok rant over!!

I did like the Abby and Gabi scenes.
Gabi and Abigail: I liked their scenes but my feelings are a bit mixed. I'm of the opinion that the best thing for Chad and Abigail as a couple, and Gabi, for them to be out of each other's orbits for a while. So there can be some finality to the triangle story. I Chad and Abigail can have a story while Gabi goes onto a story of her own.

But on the other hand, one of the few things I liked about the story is that there was no "bad guy", that Gabi and Abigail wanted to maintain their friendship. So with some reservations, I give those scenes two thumbs up!

The Doppelganger saga: I found Hattie and Bonnie hootin and hollerin' and watching a dirty movie slightly amusing and then we got the scenes of Lucas falling off the wagon with Brady and I was no longer amused. Can we please wrap this up quickly??

The Deimos murder: My problem with the story is that aside from the couple of days where we had Rafe, Hope, JJ and Lani chasing down Xander's keycard at the Salem Inn, there doesn't seem to be much in the way of investigating going on. I get the impression that the boys in blue are essentially just sitting around the police station waiting for someone else to confess. It's no wonder the PD isn't taking seriously.
Chad: Why are he and Sonny both in prison for the same murder? Has Raines's fevered imagination conjured up a scenario where they killed Deimos together? In any case, the dynamic duo seem to be matching up their Swiss-cheese memories of the fatal night, meaning that the ugly truth may soon emerge and thankfully put this now-annoying plot to rest.

Anjelica: She really can pick her co-conspirators. Those two hard-drinking, porn-loving, dancing fools, Hattie and Bonnie, could easily give the game away while inebriated. If John would have a bottle of Brady's new favorite tequila, El Matador, delivered to "Marlena," he'd have things sorted out in nothing flat.

Eric: What's he doing with the amulet? Everybody knows that the bad twin didn't kill Deimos. Did the long-suffering sourpuss take the odious object in an act of self-sacrifice so that none of his friends and family would suffer from its ill effects?

Lucas: He gets the line of the day for "You've got to have hard facts." If only Salemites would follow this advice before acting, their lives wouldn't be so impossibly messy.

Hattie & Bonnie: Their constant glee over destroying the lives of other people is decidedly off-putting. Even Stefano, the master of revenge, might find their conduct hard to take. After all, if you're going to get revenge and ruin lives at least it can be done in a sober, professional manner.
Several things about this episode made me :angry: A Brady and Nicole pairing is dead to me now. Any guy who calls his girlfriend "my trashy girlfriend" is a big jerk. I don't want to hear anymore how "Brady is always there for her, is her bff".

No, Nicole has always been there for Brady and I don't recall ever hearing her talk bad about him and call him names to others. (rant over, I'm just tired of Salemites treating her like garbage). I also did not like them having Lucas drink.

Brady, he hasn't stayed sober before, but Lucas has been strong and sober for a long time. He didn't even drink when his son was murdered but Adrienne dumps him again and he didn't hesitate, just gulped down the shots like it was no big deal. Bad lame move writers!
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John is sitting at a bar (Club TBD?) his phone rings.

He was standing in HTS

Gabi and Abigail: I liked their scenes but my feelings are a bit mixed. I'm of the opinion that the best thing for Chad and Abigail as a couple, and Gabi, for them to be out of each other's orbits for a while. So there can be some finality to the triangle story. I Chad and Abigail can have a story while Gabi goes onto a story of h


Eric: What's he doing with the amulet? Everybody knows that the bad twin didn't kill Deimos. Did the long-suffering sourpuss take the odious object in an act of self-sacrifice so that none of his friends and family would suffer from its ill effects?

Last we saw the amulet, Deimos took it from Sonny. Could Eric be covering for Nicole? Maybe she is the murderer?

Count me in as also being disappointed that Lucas fell off the wagon. Not necessary at all. I couldn't care less about this version of Brady and yes he was wrong to refer to Nicole as trashy. He hasn't even spoken to her yet and he's making all these false assumptions. This story can't end soon enough for me.

Nice to see Chloe again. I had a feeling she would show up but was hoping it would before Lucas took a drink.

I hope nobody interrupts John and Marlena's phone call.
Thanks, Poirot.

An interesting episode with two alcoholics, two doppelgangers and it was Flashback Friday.

I enjoyed Chad's flashbacks remembering what happened when Deimos was murdered.

The conversation Lucas had with Bonnie was interesting because she told him the truth, she's not
the same woman.

Bonnie and Hattie got a bargain for the movie. $12.95 and both watched it. It would cost them more
than that if they went to the movie theater.

The Martin House needs to get better maid service. The bed was unmade and Brady found the amulet.
The maid should have moved things while vacuuming.

Marlena did a great job getting the phone. She also knew John's cell phone number to call him
since it wasn't a Salem phone. I hope John was listening because someone will probably take
the phone on Monday before she's done.

A nice surprise seeing Chloe at the end.

Poor Brady, he found the cursed amulet. What kind of bad luck is he going to have now? :)
Count me in as also being disappointed that Lucas fell off the wagon.
I'm choosing stronger language that I can't use here. I was really hoping this story would be different, and nobody would be fooled. Especially since JOHN KNOWS ABOUT HATTIE. END THIS QUICKLY PLEASE!!

I don't care about Brady and I'm starting to hope Nicole killed Deimos. There's a humourous poll floating on twitter, "Would you confess to Deimos' murder just to ...ahem, ... silence everyone?" I voted YES of course.
I do not enjoy Bonnie and Hattie at all when they are alone and being themselves. I hope this story ends soon too. Plus, like I said, they have dealt with doubles before, should be the first place they go when someone isn't acting right! Especially John with Hattie. I am afraid John is going to be saying "hello, hello, is someone there". and I apparently missed how Marlena got the phone.

Did not enjoy Brady and Lucas drinking or Brady trashing Eric's room. But what on earth is Eric doing with the amulet?

Agree @DrBakerFan why are both Chad and Sonny in jail for the same murder?

I hope Gabi and Abby can be friends again but I wasn't really liking Gabi today. To me, she was seeming woe is me, I had to let Chad go.
I don't know why Bonnie and Hattie bothered to drink. They were already acting like they were drunk before they ever took a drink. Sorry to be sarcastic. I really just can't take the two of them together. I so hope Marlena's call to John doesn't get thwarted but it probably will. I don't think this will be wrapped up that easily.
I don't think Chad has actually confessed to the murder yet. My impression was that he was visiting Sonny to tell him that he was going to confess when he started having flashbacks.

And Marlena got the guard's phone when he was helping her out of the straight jacket.
Thanks Poirot for the summary!

Brady, he hasn't stayed sober before, but Lucas has been strong and sober for a long time. He didn't even drink when his son was murdered but Adrienne dumps him again and he didn't hesitate, just gulped down the shots like it was no big deal. Bad lame move writers!
Sure hope this was a repair of a previous story and not a glympse of the new stories!

Gabi and Abigail: I liked their scenes but my feelings are a bit mixed. I'm of the opinion that the best thing for Chad and Abigail as a couple, and Gabi, for them to be out of each other's orbits for a while. So there can be some finality to the triangle story. I Chad and Abigail can have a story while Gabi goes onto a story of her own.

But on the other hand, one of the few things I liked about the story is that there was no "bad guy", that Gabi and Abigail wanted to maintain their friendship. So with some reservations, I give those scenes two thumbs up!

The Doppelganger saga: I found Hattie and Bonnie hootin and hollerin' and watching a dirty movie slightly amusing and then we got the scenes of Lucas falling off the wagon with Brady and I was no longer amused. Can we please wrap this up quickly??

I so agree Troy42 - Relationships need time to repair without former lovers interfering! And the best thing for Gabi to stay strong in her efforts to move on would be to not constantly be around Chad with the memories of "what could have been".

I also feel the same way about the Abby/Gabi scenes. Women do need good female friends. It's just so complicated in this instance I do think they need time apart.

Quickly would been too late for the doppelganger saga for me.

I liked the scenes of Chad remembering parts of the night of the murder. Sure hope we get to the conclusion soon.

I'd really like to see John and Lucas figure out the "switches" soon. I hope John got Marlena's message but I doubt it. Maybe just enough to pique his curiosity and raise some more doubts. Maybe Eric will catch on if he goes into the noisy room where he heard his mom.