Days of Our Lives - Fri. Aug. 20, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Friday, August 20, 2010
Episode #11,401 Taped 6/15 Director – Grant A. Johnson

A new day dawns in Salem, as it’s inhabitants get ready to celebrate….. a birthday, a wedding, and…..a confession. Philip comes into the kitchen to find Melanie about to make pancakes for breakfast. (the box looks like a Bisquick box, but is only labeled simply “Pancake Mix”. LOL. ) Phil says they can have breakfast in Chicago, take in a Cubs game, go for a boat ride. Melanie protests, as she wants to go to her dad’s for Chloe’s birthday. Philip doesn’t think it a good idea, Melanie insists as her dad wanted them there, he caves.

Stephanie is talking with Nathan as Melanie comes up, all upset cuz the paternity results are in, Philip is the father, her arms go round Nathan’s neck as she cries about needing him. Stephanie suddenly wakes up on the sofa, yep, just the bad dream, Nathan comes out, she complains about just laying down for a nap, did not intend to sleep there all night. Both exchange I missed you’s, she asks if he got the arm x-rayed, nope, much better today, barely hurts, she insists, he finally agrees to go get one, leaves. She has already called Ian to come break into the hospital records again. He arrives, Nathan returns, Stephanie claims Ian left his flash there yesterday, Nathan leaves again. She is urging Ian to get going, he is reluctant, wants to know what is going on, this is a felony. She begs, he gives in, starts typing away. Ooops, cannot get into the site, Nathan calls, Ian happily announces he got in, Nathan hears his voice, asking Stephanie why Ian is still there. She claims he is showing her some shortcuts for software programs. LOL.

Chloe is sound asleep, Daniel puts a rose under her nose, she wakes up, smiles. He wishes her a happy birthday, has all sorts of surprises for her today, as he took the day off. She is happy, think perhaps she’d like to open one present right now. He goes to get it (must have it hidden in Alaska, lol) Chloe can’t find her phone to call Carly. Next, she is dressed, and Daniel is gifting her with the diamond bracelet. She is thrilled, he leaves the room, Carly arrives, telling Chloe they have to get going, in walks Daniel, Carly learns he has the whole day off. Ooops. She claims they were gonna do the spa thing, but it is o.k. Daniel again leaves the room, Chloe tells Carly to get the results and call her, Carly leaves. Chloe sits with Daniel on the sofa, telling him how much she loves him, wants to be a family with him, be together forever and ever. And for him to always remember, never forget that this is what she wants.

Over at St. Mary’s, Carly has arrives, tells a nurse she wants to see Sister Anne about some paternity results. She waits, the nurse returns, Sister Anne will be with her shortly, and yes, she has the results. Back in Stephanie’s apt. Ian has tapped into the results, Stephanie looks, puts her hand over her mouth, just saying “Oh, my God”.

Stefano & Kate walk in the study and see flowers, etc. everywhere, ask EJ what is going on, learn of the wedding today. Stefano is taken aback, EJ claims Samatha loves him, he loves her, they want to be together, and are getting married here. Stefano still is surprised at how sudden.
Upstairs, Sami is in her bedroom, dressed in a robe, looking in the mirror, and remembering seeing Rafe & Nicole kissing. Will comes in, wondering exactly when his mom was going to tell him. She claims they just decided last night, he wasn’t home, they just want the twins, Will, just their own family there. yada, yada. Will complains about Roman & Caroline not knowing, Sami intends to tell them after. She wants Will to give her away, he tells her that is her father’s job, but…she soft soaps him a bit. Will agrees to walk her down the aisle, hugs, as she tells him how much she loves him.

Philip & Melanie have arrived bearing a cake, a gift, to help celebrate the day. We see Chloe blow out a single candle on the cake, Melanie asking her what she wished, Philip reminding her the rules is not to tell. Chloe opens gifts, something sheer and a raspberry color from Phil & Mel, thanks them. Melanie talks about them being together as a family, she hopes they can do this always, Chloe breaks down in tears, gets rather emotional, Daniel holds her.

Nicole wakes up, (is under the covers, in a pink nightgown or PJ’s, sans robe now) and there sits Rafe, reading the paper. She makes a comment about their cuddle time being over, he is silent, she asks what is going on, no answer, she asks why he is not saying something, it is driving her crazy…he is still silent as he holds up the CD. Nicole spring from the bed, tries to grab the disk from him, to no avail. This is what he needs, she rants a bit at the whole “let’s be friends” bit, how nice and kind he was to her, and this is what he was after. He says he did what he had to do, especially after talking to her mother. Nicole wilts…you talked to my mother? Yes, and now he wants her to tell him everything. Nicole refuses, is upset, worried over what the DiMeras might do to her. Would he protect her, yes he will. Insure immunity…he would try. She is not convinced.
Her phone rings, it is EJ, asking if she is all right. No, she isn’t, mentioning everything being over with Brady as he undoubtably heard. Yes, he had, and he wanted to make sure she was not doing anything foolish. She asks how he is doing….just fine. He hangs up. She turns to Rafe…”let’s make a deal”.

At DiMera’s, Lexie has arrived, Stefano comes in with Judge Fitzpatrick, Will walks in with Johnny & Allie who run up to kneeling EJ for a hug. He pronounces them both looking beautiful, the Judge asks about the bride, Sami’s voice says “right here”. Sami stands in a beigey/champagne colored knee length dress, her hair is up, 3 single diamond (zircon???) head bands circle her head. She tells Johnny that Sydney cannot be there, is running a fever, is with Mary. She smiles at EJ, is ready. Will walks her in, she stands with EJ in front of the Judge, as the judge begins the familiar “we are gathered here “.

And in Nicole’s apt. she sits along side Rafe, who is taping her statement, acknowledging Nicole is doing this with the promise of immunity…and Nicole begins talking of how she figured EJ was trying to frame her for the muggings, went to the mansion looking for something that would prove it. She was looking around, when EJ and Stefano returned, she hid, had a tape recorder with her, and taped their conversation. You can listen to it. Rafe puts the CD into the laptop, and they listen. Near the end, Stefano is saying that Anna is the only one who knows and has been neutralized. The CD stops, Rafe can’t believe that is all there is, Nicole assures him there is more, perhaps the disk is cracked, no, it is not. Whatever the problem, it is rectified, cuz next Rafe is hearing Stefano talk about EJ being the one who paid Anna to kidnap Sydney, and EJ is talking of no one every knowing. Rafe shuts it down….that is all I need. Nicole comments he did this all for Sami, didn’t he? Yes, he replies, All for Sami.

thanks for the great write up barb. sounds like a good episode.
I know what you all think about Sami, but my sentimental little heart is beating wildly at Rafe saying he's doing this all for Sami!
Ohhh! I want them together!
Whoo Hoo!!! Looks like the end of the Sydnapping is finally coming. Thanks as always for the write-up.
I am sure there are going to be some great lines between Rafe and Nicole.

At least they are showing Allie.

Stephanie has now become a paternity expert and knows how to read DNA results. Unless the results just say that the father does not match the DNA sample taken. How does she know which father the DNA result was taken from.
BeverlyHills- I really want that as well. Sami does not deserve Rafe. Even she has said it herself, but I do like them together. I know there are a few out there that like her with EJ, but for me it always seems so forced when EJ and Sami are together. Rafe and Sami have passion.
Melanie....NOOOOOOO....Don't make bisquick. From scratch pancakes are so much better. LOL

Thanks for the write up
Never fear, wasn't Bisquick.....not even Aunt Jemima. LOL Just..."Pancake Mix"
One thing haven't came out yet..... If and when Rafe finds out that it was Nicole who framed Ari and not Hope whats he going to do then and also thats one thing Nicole still has hanging over her head...
Is the budget so tight that they can only have 3 of Sami's 4 kids onscreen at one time? If Sydney is shown, Allie isn't. We finally see Allie and Sydney is upstairs with Mary.

The paternity thing is ridiculous since the male DNA sample submitted would just be "x-sample"; it wouldn't specifically say Daniel Jonas or Philip Kiriakis. Like others keep saying, Stephanie would have no idea whether Daniel or Philip's DNA was used.
I am not sure I could even go to a Cubs game with Philip now that they have gotten rid of all my favorite players! :)

OK...I hate Stephanie...she will always be so insecure if she keeps manipulating everything just to keep Nathan!! Sheesh!! Can't stand her at all anymore!

Wow...Nicole comes clean to Rafe! Wow. Part of her has to be happy about that, even though the only reason she spilt it was because Rafe found the evidence.

I am not so sure I am in the mood for another baby switch story!!

Wonderful write up Barb!! Thanks.
I've never had kids before- but is it really common that young babies/toddlers have fevers? It seems like Sydney always has a fever!
Can't wait to see the "wedding dress" hopefully it's not as awful as Melanies was. Though- who cares what she wears- she shouldn't be marrying him anyway! (Just my opinion)
I know what you all think about Sami, but my sentimental little heart is beating wildly at Rafe saying he's doing this all for Sami!
Ohhh! I want them together!

Sami is a scamp, but a vulnerable little scamp. Therefore, I wish her only the best. She doesn't deserve the hard life of being a DiMera.
I've never had kids before- but is it really common that young babies/toddlers have fevers? It seems like Sydney always has a fever!
Can't wait to see the "wedding dress" hopefully it's not as awful as Melanies was. Though- who cares what she wears- she shouldn't be marrying him anyway! (Just my opinion)

I have heard that babies born prematurely often have fevers and other problems. This could be a prelude for us finding out that Sydney is indeed Nicole's baby, and not Sami's.
Oh dang! I really like Rafe and Nicole together. Sami does NOT deserve Rafe and she will bring him nothing but grief if they get together. I would love to see Rafe and Nicole slooooowwwlly build a really solid relationship.
Can not wait to see tomorrow's (and Monday's) show. Hopefully Rafe will be able to stop the wedding and someone (Sami / Will / Rafe) beats the $hit out of EJ.
thanks for the write up!!!!

@Slyn-do you have a recipe for homemade pancakes you can PM me with?

I'm so excited I cannot wait...

I'm glad Nicole finally comes clean to Rafe. I'm hoping with all my might that Rafe doesn't take Sami back after she voluntarily left him to marry another evil man.

Finally!!! Movement in the longest drawn out s/l ever (Sydnapping) and in the "who's the daddy DNA story"
I've never had kids before- but is it really common that young babies/toddlers have fevers? It seems like Sydney always has a fever!
Yes, they do. They get earaches, sore throats, and especially fevers when teething.

Can't wait to see the "wedding dress" hopefully it's not as awful as Melanies was. Though- who cares what she wears- she shouldn't be marrying him anyway! (Just my opinion)
Sami's dress looks lovely, and elsewhere on this site, there is a pic of her in it.