Days of Our Lives - Fri. Aug. 28,2009


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Friday, August 28, 2009
Episode #11,154 Taped 7/23 Director – Herb Stein

Kate comes hurrying through the park, to be startled by the appearance of Daniel, who obviously appears to have been drinking. And in an Oscar winning performance, Daniel outdoes himself, pretending to be the heartbroken ex-lover of Kate’s, tossed aside by her, making him turn to the “anti-Kate”, the complete opposite of her. Kate is skeptical, but Daniel pours it on, how she pushed him away, how she always keeps her feelings within her, never lets anyone in, yada, yada. Kate seems to be buying it, but rips his shirt open, looking for a wire. He takes it off completely, showing her there is no wire, she is not believing him, he starts to take off his pants, she stops him. He goes on and on over how she did not have to do anything to Chloe, only just come to him. She finally says she has to go home, and leaves. Daniel puts his shirt back on muttering to Chloe that he is doing whatever it takes for her. At home, Kate wonders if this is true.

Lucas sits in Chloe’s room, as Lexie comes in. He asks if there has been any change, Lexie shakes her head, Lucas doesn’t know why he asked, he knows there isn’t. He is just so unsure of what to do now. A voice says “That is why I am here”, and in comes a sight for sore eyes, for sure……..Craig Wesley, Chloe’s father. (It really is soooo good seeing him again!). Lexie hugs him, and leaves him with Lucas. They talk, Lucas shows him Chloe’s living will, commenting he knows she would not want to live like this. Craig agrees, Lucas leaves him alone with her. Craig is stroking her hair, her cheek. Later he comes out, evidently having gone over all of Chloe’s tests, and checked her out himself. He seemingly has no suggestions. Later Lucas comes in, Craig is sitting by the bed, holding his daughter’s hand. He tells Lucas he is staying at the Salem Inn, and that he wants Lucas to know that whatever he decides, both he & Chloe’s mom will stand behind him.

EJ is trying to calm down a sobbing Sydney in the park, when along comes Mia. EJ had been telling Sydney all about English football and soccer, asks Mia if she ever played. She said she did when she was younger, lol. His phone goes off, he asks a reluctant Mia to hold Sydney for a while, so he can answer. Later, she is sitting on Benchie with Sydney on her lap, EJ returns, comments on her being a natural, Mia notes she used to babysit Grace. EJ takes Sydney, who immediately starts crying again, lol, & seemingly heads for home. Mia sits, looking dejected as Brady arrives. She tells him about running into EJ and the baby, is worried about what Nicole will say if she finds out, since she told Mia to stay away from Sydney. Brady reminds her she did what was best for her baby, but she retorts that actually, she did what was best for herself. Brady manages to make Mia feel a bit better, she leaves to continue her run. Brady sits on Benchie for a bit, then calls the Pub for Arianna, who is not there. He wonders where she went.

Rafe sits in the Pub, Arianna (now being played by Ms. Hartley) across from him, commenting on him having stolen Nicole’s phone, wondering what he is doing. Trying to find what Dr. Baker knows about Nicole. The phone rings, Rafe doesn’t answer, but somehow is able to pinpoint Baker’s location. He texts a message back to Baker, pretending to be Nicole, saying EJ & Stefano are there. Baker texts back to get rid of them. Rafe has found out what he wants to know, but when checking air fares, doesn’t have enough money. Arianna lends him her credit card, he takes off. She gets a call, agrees to meet someone, asks Pete to cover for her, and takes off.

Nicole is trying to get a live person at her cell phone company, to report her cell phone stolen, and wanting to be sure her account cannot be accessed. (too funny, as she gets so frustrated, as we all do), but she gets transferred, and once more is being asked to press 1 or 2, etc. LOL. The doorbell rings, it is Sami, who is very upset, tells her Dr. Baker called her. Uh, oh, red flag warnings go up for Nicole. Sami is crying as she tells how Baker was so cheerful, asking about Grace, and she had to tell him Grace died. Nicole hugs her, Sami talks of how Dr. Baker had said at first he had something important to tell her, but once she told him Grace had died, he only said he was calling patients – and from the Domincan Republic - to say he had moved, and wanted them to know in case of any questions. She had one, but he hung up before she could ask – she wanted to know if perhaps what happened at Grace’s birth might have had anything to do with her getting sick, and dying. She asks if he called Nicole, who becomes evasive, saying Dr. Baker is a troubled man, and not to pay any attention to him. She tries to reassure Sami,who is leaving, with Nicole telling her to call her anytime.

EJ is at the hospital now with Sydney, asking Lexie for copies of all the test results so he can have them at home. Lexie wonders what this is all about, understands his concern after Grace died, but assures him that even if Grace had all these same tests, it would not have saved her. He again brings up Sami & Rafe keeping knowledge of his daughter from him, but Lexie thinks different. She tells him that is not the reason, that he is upset because Sami loves another man. EJ denies, talks of Nicole, Sydney & Johnny, but Lexie tells him he should not be like their father, and to let this all go. He has his wife and family, just let Sami & Rafe alone to love each other.

Sami rushes over to the Pub, looking for Arianna, but Pete tells her she has gone out. Left right after Rafe left. Sami asks if he knows where Rafe went, Pete tells her the airport, figures he was going to the Dominican Republic, gives her the few brochures Rafe left behind. Sami rushes out the door.
Dr. Baker has been trying to call Nicole, is marking horses names in race track lists, and finally calls her house phone. He talks of her texting him, which upsets Nicole, who starts asking questions, only to be abruptly cut off. Next we see Dr. Baker hastily packing his suitcase when there is a knock at his door.
In the park (hey, Benchie has a sibling, or at least a good friend….cuz we have Woody now, too!) Arianna arrives at the meeting place, & along comesTroy, who appears out of the bushes. She evidently wants to him to set up a meeting with his boss, he wants payment, she gives him a thick envelope, but he gets up close, saying he was thinking of something other than cash. Cue Brady to come riding in on his white horse, lol, Troy runs off. Brady asks Arianna if that is not the same guy who tried to attack her once before? Arianna is silent.
Sami is rushing around her apartment, evidently taking off somewhere. A horn toots (evidently a taxi), Sami shouts to hold their horses, she will be right there. She turns out the lights and leaves.

And we see a frantic Nicole leaving a “10th message” for Stefano, insisting he call her and immediately. Cue EJ to come in asking why she wants to talk to his father.

Sounds like a great show. Thanks for the write up. Don't think I can wait to see this one. Lots of action. So glad that Graig is back. Hope that Lindsay does a good job as Arianna. Bet is is Rafe at Doc Baker's door. Poor Nicole her world is falling apart.
Thanks for the write up Barb! sounds like an good show. Everyone chasing everyone around.
Cant wait to see this show! Im Very glad they brought Craig in. I wish they would keep him...O'well. I wish they would have picked back up with Dean and the lighter, I can't wait to see how that goes down. Im also excited to see how Lindsey does as Ari!!! I wasnt a big fan of Passions but really liked her. How do u think she did?
Has anyone else noticed how great an actress Sydney is at her very young age? Whenever she is handed off to someone else, she cries, just as a baby her age would. I noticed that especially when Nicole was handing her off to Maxine. Just like a baby not wanting to leave her Mommy.
Thanks for the great write up Barb!
I am so glad Benchie is not alone & has a friend now! :)
LOL, she definitely seem to not be happy when being held by EJ.

As far as Lindsey as Arianna........she slipped effortlessly into the part. She & Felisha look a bit alike, tho Lindsey is more petite.

And as to the TWO benches. One is all wood....the other with a wrought iron insert. Could not help but think of that song "you've got a friend". LOL
Thanks Barb! I have been following you for years, reading almost everyday.....However, I have just become a member today to finally THANK YOU! for all of the hard work you put into these posts!!!

I also liked Lindsey on Passions, however I will miss Felisha, good luck to her in her future!

And as to the TWO benches. One is all wood....the other with a wrought iron insert. Could not help but think of that song "you've got a friend". LOL

Perhaps Benchie was getting too popular. Days is notorious for getting rid of popular characters. They hired an all wooden one for less money.
The beginning of the end for Nicole and Kate. I sense the end of both of these story lines will be coming to the end in the near future. Yippee!!!!! It will be so nice to see Craig again. He was one of my favorite characters when the real teen scene was going on. I loved Belle and Shawn, Philip and Chloe, and Kevin and Mimi. I wish they were all still on the show. It is sounding more and more that Arianna is working under cover since she is requesting a meeting with the big bosses. It sounds like she is trying to penitrate into a drug cartel or something. I sure hope so, I don't want Brady to get involved with drugs again. Looks like Rafe and Sami will be parting ways for the millionth time in the Dominican Republic. Heck Nicole might be joining the party in the Carribean. If there is a knock on Dr. Baker's door then it will be the thugs he owes money to or Stephano's Goons. I think Rafe finds him dead. Benchie got a friend. Yeah!!! Maybe the props department figured they need to be able to seat more than two people at a time in a scene.
Thank you, Barb.

It'll be good to see Craig. Wish they could keep him on longer. I miss Nancy, too.

I'm sooooo glad that Benchie now has Woody. Could this be a new :love: interest?? Oh my, the possibilities.

I wonder if Dr Baker has the GPS turned on in his phone? Then anyone he calls or is calling him (who pays for the extra service) can see where he is. I have the gps in my Motorola krzr set so it can only be seen by 911.
My man is back, thank you TPTB, but bring him and Nancy back full time. I love them so much, what a great couple.

This show sounds so good I can't wait to watch. Much thanks and appreciation to you Poirot.
Looks like there will have to be at least one new category in next year's awards - Benchie, Woodie, Loungie, and others... I am really happy that Benchie has a friend - oh what confidences they can share!!!!!
"Best performance by an inanimate object"? LOLOL
In the category of Outstanding Outdoor Furniture (a Supporting Role) - the nominees are:
Benchie - Days of Our Lives
Woody - Days of Our Lives
Loungie - Days of Our Lives

yes, DOOL has really rocked the category this year!


Looks like there will have to be at least one new category in next year's awards - Benchie, Woodie, Loungie, and others... I am really happy that Benchie has a friend - oh what confidences they can share!!!!!
"Best performance by an inanimate object"? LOLOL

That'll be a crowded field. Add Chloe and Mia. :evillaugh:

How is it possible that Sami can jump on a plane to the Domican Republic to follow Rafe, but couldn't accompany her little 3 year old daughter on a translatlantic flight to Switzerland? Did they really let Allie fly by herself?

Mia and Chad are physically so mismatched. Did anyone notice the other day that Mia was talking to Chad's shirt button?

So looking forward to seeing Craig, but I don't think he'd EVER agree to go with whatever decision Chloe's new husband makes. As a doctor, he'd move heaven and earth to figure out a way to save Chloe. He would not sit passively by. I hope there will be scenes between Craig and Daniel. That would be interesting!

Thanks for the summary, Poirot!
Mia and Chad are physically so mismatched. Did anyone notice the other day that Mia was talking to Chad's shirt button?

:rotfl: I did, I did! The girl has got to learn to look UP; the only person she might able to look in the eye is Caroline.

Y'all are cracking me up with Days' outdoor furniture sweeping the awards! I can't believe we got a new bench. I think y'all are right, I feel a love triangle between Benchie, Woodie, and Loungie coming on--Loungie, of course, is the trampy interloper coming between twu luv.

Thanks for the writeup, Poirot! This does sound like a pretty good show, and I'm happy to get to see Dr. Wesley again!
@ kpatch. Julie and Doug are taking Allie to see Marlena. Lucas reminded her that it was not too late and she could go as well, but said she needed to be there for Will.

Just saw the show. Boy is was so great to see Graig again. It was funny when Nicole was saying goodbye to Sami. She told her to go be with her Kids. Allie and Johnny are away. The acting was just amazing today. Loved Lindsay as Arianna.