Days of Our Lives - Fri., Aug., 31, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, August 31, 2018

Would rather not have to do this today, but will say the absolute best scenes today were John & Steve, in my opinion. Kristen continues to badger Brady, who goes back and forth with his agreeing and no agreeing, but he concedes he will have sex with her, only she insists on taking him elsewhere. Yep, over to his father’s room , where there are flowers, rose petals on the bed, all ready for wedding night bliss. Kristen figures John & Marlena won’t be using it, so why not them. She is after Brady again, taking off his shirt, etc., he helps her off with her dress. She throws him on the bed, crawl atop him, all the while doing her insistence that he loves her, this was meant to be, blah, blah.

Hope finally manages to bring Rafe to consciousness, yes, it was Sami. She is long gone, Hope & Rafe both figure she is out searching for Kristen to find EJ. Rafe hold his head, Hope puts out APB on Sami, saying she is dangerous, gets a small ice pack for Rafe, they sit & jabber. In comes Doug & Julie, reporting a crime. Seems they found Eve in the freezer, put there by Kristen, same as Susan. (We see Eve shivering with blanket, but knows Kristen is after Brady, so she goes hunting).

Paul opens the door to a room in the Inn, finds Sami in there. (this is all rather inane). She is looking for Kristen, does her “need her to tell me where EJ is” mantra, including all the “father of my children” baloney. Paul wants her to go to cop shop, turn herself in, she is wanted, etc. etc. Oh, no, Sami has to find Kristen and make her tell about EJ. Eve arrives (this is evidently Brady’s room), gives a brief report on her situation, and how she knows Kristen went after Brady. Kristen has her phone, yes she has a tracker app on it, here’s my laptop, Paul gets to work, they are still in the Inn somewhere. Eve rushes out, will find her.

In the other room, Brady finally pushes Kristen off, says this is not going to happen, tell me where Eve is, Kristen insisting they are still in love, meant to be together. In walks Eve, what the heck is going on here. Brady jumps up, puts on his shirt, nothing happened, she insisted I have sex with her or she would kill you. Never would. Kristen grabs her gun, is waving it around, threatening to kill Brady, as if she cannot have him, neither can Eve. But then Sami & Paul arrive, Sami pushes in front, not scared of the gun, Kristen would never kill Brady. Kristen agrees, she is right, will get Eve instead. Sami only cares for one thing ….not anyone’s life of course…just tell her where EJ is. Kristen taunts even more so, threatens to rid the world of Sami, who stands firm.

Back at the hospital, Steve has finally found John, who says he just needed to be alone. Want me to go……..John looks up, NO. Stay. Steve gives him pep talk, Marlena is getting best care. John hates the waiting, just waiting. Steve knows he wishes he could personally go in, fix his love. Steve is encouraging, very supportive, John grateful. Finally, Kayla arrives. John stands, how is she. Kayla has that look of doom expression, as of course there is break for commercial, but Marlena came thru the surgery fine. However, the bullet broke into fragments when it hit her, they got them all, except one, too close to heart. When Marlena gets strong enough, they will take her back in and remove it then. Of course, John can go see her now. He leaves the room, followed by Kayla. Steve stands there.

And over at the Kmansion, Sonny has continued his pestering of Will, but Ari comes in, calling “Daddy”. Will absolutely melts, picks her up, hugging, am so happy to see you. He tells her how he was sick, but got better, remembers everything, citing various things, a trip to the zoo, and even the 1st time he held her. Sonny is grinning ear to ear as Will, who is shedding tears, talks to Ari. Later, the guys are alone, Will talks of how emotional this has all been, he loves Paul, but remembers his love for Sonny, who is his husband, is under his skin, in his bones, loves him so much. Will have to find a way to tell Paul. Sonny has prayed for this, is in 7th heaven, for sure. Kiss.

John is with Marlena, talking to her, telling her he is right there for her, not leaving. Is so proud of how strong she has been, how she has been fighting. He loves her so much, breaks down, cries.

Kristen continues to wave the gun around, ignoring Sami’s demands for the whereabouts of EJ. Sami tells her (as has Brady) he may have loved her at one time, no more, ever since she raped his brother. Oh, she is sorry for that, a mistake. Too late. Brady credits Eve for getting him over all that, saving him. He loves Eve, won’t ever be with Kristen. Well, she is still going to rid the world of Sami Brady, has the gun up to Sami’s chest. (Sami just stands there, not moving, or even trying to distract her.) Suddenly, Paul gets between them, pushing Kristen’s hands up, gun still in her hand. They struggle, Sami has moved away, on the floor with Brady holding her. The struggle quickly ends up at the window, both go thru it, falling. Brady, Eve & Sami rush to the window, calling Paul’s name.
To me, it was very upsetting to hear Sami yammering on about EJ, with Kristen threatening to kill Brady, then Eve, then Sami. She just would not shut up about it. She already knocked out Rafe (though I wonder with WHAT?) She doesn't care who dies, whether those children are left orphans, only to know where that dead husband of hers MIGHT BE. She knows Kristen is a liar, has used her and others....but gad, someone has to give her a wake up call. Her mother is undergoing live or death surgery, but she doesn't care about her at all. A shame no other story for Sami except this old, tired, overused one.
Sorry, but I was just very annoyed by everyone in Salem today, except John, Steve & Ari!
Ok, I was on Sami's side with the accidental shooting of Marlena. I was even ok with her knocking Rafe out to rush to the side of her mother. But that's not what she did... going after Kristen about EJ? Wrong time. And, I'm a Sami/EJ fan. Now, she has caused John's son to be (presumably) badly injured. However, kudos to her if she killed this version of Kristen.
I am very happy that Brady didn't actually sleep with Kristen. Sami didn't really annoy me. She was not afraid of Kristen and I liked that. But geez, she goes out the window . . . again but takes Paul with her this time. Ugh. That will probably put a damper on the Sonny/Will reunion.

Not really a Sonny/Will fan and I really wish now that he has ALL his memories back they would at least address his cheating. Their marriage was not all sunshine and roses. I was glad that Will said he loved Paul but then said Sonny was in his heart, in his bones. Ick.
I really, really resented that
Sami left the cop shop to go chasing after that lowlife, who is dead.
She never gave her mother a thought....but instead that supposedly dead guy who....if alive....has not bothered to get in touch with her, find her, contact her, etc.
What a crock.
I really wish these writers would give up on Sami / EJ . They ruin the show for me. EJ is dead, let him stay dead. Let’s move on from him.
Sami really should be concerned about her mother but once again Sami is about Sami .
Don’t like Will and Sonny
Yes, it's Salem where things often make little sense, but here are a few dumb questions.

Brady: Once he knew that Eve was safe, why didn't he grab Kristen by the hair and march her over to police headquarters?

Eve, Brady, and Sami: Why did they feel so free to mouth off to a crazy woman who was pointing a cannon of a pistol at them?

Sami: Yes, she's totally obsessed with her rapist lover, but why would she even for a moment take seriously anything that the deranged Kristen says?

Hope: Why did she bother putting out an APB on Sami? Everyone knows her cops are notoriously bad at catching fugitives. Just ask Jeremy Horton, Owen Kent, Sheila, Bonnie, and Kristen.

Finally, it would have made for a good scene if Steve had reassured John by telling him that the writers would never write Marlena out of the cast of characters.
Thank you, Poirot. Are the writers deliberately trying to irritate many of their viewers by bringing Sami back to continue obsessing about EJ? I won't even watch her rave on about it anymore and I can't be the only one.

It does sound like Steve and John are the only part worth watching for me, although I will probably skim through more of it than that.
She is looking for Kristen, does her “need her to tell me where EJ is” mantra, including all the “father of my children” baloney.
Brady credits Eve for getting him over all that, saving him.
I guess Nicole and Jeannie T (and li'l toddler Mel) were just other notches on his "twue wuv" bedpost.
She never gave her mother a thought....but instead that supposedly dead guy who....if alive....has not bothered to get in touch with her, find her, contact her, etc.
What a crock.
You are being too kind. I would choose stronger words. I was rooting for Kristen to finish Sami off. Brady too.
Thanks, Poirot. I hope no Days on Monday will give your hand the time it needs to heal.

I enjoyed the scenes with Ari/Will and Steve/John too.

I was right yesterday when I said someone else will find out today that Will has his
memory back. Today it was Ari. Who will be next?

It was strange that Kristen wanted to go to John and Marlena's honeymoon suite
to be with Brady. It was probably a good thing since Brady's room on the 21st
floor and John's room on the 3rd floor.

I thought was strange the hotel room had windows on both sides and a door.
Maybe it's a corner room.

If Sami does find EJ alive, maybe she'll never come back to Salem. I was a little
ticked off she talked about EJ being the father of her children. What happened
to Allie? Isn't Lucas her daddy?
Sami used a metal pitcher to knock out Rafe. Hope showed it to him.

John/Steve, John/Marlena, Will/Ari all excellent

Kristen/Brady :sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick:

EJ is the father of Sami's children? Eve saved Brady from Kristen? Sure.

Strange group of characters in that final scene. And shame on Brady for cowering in the corner with Sami and Eve while Paul fought for the gun. He should have helped Paul.

Very odd editing. Kayla appeared for 2 minutes and Marlena popped up 56 minutes in. So what got cut?
I could have understood Sami knocking Rafe out if she had been so worried about her mother and went to the hospital to check on Marlena, but to run off after Kristen to find out where to father of her children are? Just no. :sick::sick:. And speaking of her kids, just where are they? Can someone ask her that.

So, is Kristen really gone? I hope Paul is okay. He's the only one that was in that room worth saving.