Days of Our Lives - Fri. Aug. 6, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Friday, Aug. 6, 2010
Episode #11,391 Taped 6/11 Director – Albert Alarr

Definitely an intense and emotional episode. Ciara is asleep on the sofa as Doug arrives at Julie’s behest. She tries to explain to him what happened there, tho she really has no idea what the heck happened, just that the tension in the room was so thick. He tries to call Hope, to no avail. Ciara wakes up, wanting her mommy, asking when she was coming home. Julie takes her into the kitchen for milk and cookies, Doug answers the door to find Caroline..who wants to see Bo. She mentions coming over yesterday, finding them, Hope, Carly was there, admits she shot off her mouth and shouldn’t have, wants to apologize. They evidently fill Caroline in on what happened at the house, tho they really don’t know. Ciara comes out, again calling for her mommy, wanting to know when she will be coming home. The 3 adults are talking later, about the entire situation that has gone on, how it had upset Hope so much, and Julie mentions Hope taking sleeping pills. Doug is surprised…Julie never mentioned it. She explains she told Hope to stop, and just figured she had, thought no more about it.

And over at St. Mary’s, Daniel has burst into the area where he is insisting on apologizing to Carly’s patient. She follows him, telling him to stop, Chloe is in a panic behind the curtain. Carly again talks of the woman not understanding English too well, Daniel will get an interpreter, Carly insists she could interpret, but….thinking fast on her feet, tells Daniel the woman is from the middle east, cannot show her face to another man. O.K. so then, why need an amnio? Carly goes on that the woman was not trusting her husband, went to someone else and tho now assured about her husband, wants to be positive about the baby. (Oh, what tangled web we weave). Daniel understands, finally goes to see his own consult. Chloe is soooo relieved, thanks Carly profusely. Next, it is all over, Chloe even got to see her baby on the sonogram. She learns the test results won’t be available until the weekend is over, Carly shows her the date on her cell phone, Chloe comments that is her birthday. Carly tells Chloe to get dressed, and not to worry, no one will ever learn she was there.
Sister Anne is scolding the nurse who mixed up the patients’ files, then chats it up with Melanie a bit, offering her a job at St. Mary’s when she graduates. Melanie is flattered, but would like to work with her parents for a while, being she missed all those years with them. Sister Anne leaves, Carly comes along, invites Melanie for coffee to get her out of the way. She asks about Daniel, is told he has left.
Chloe is dressed, hurries out, gets on the elevator, remembers taking her phone out of her purse, thinks she left it back in the cubicle, gets off the elevator, as she rummages thru her purse, and naturally….bumps right into a surprised Daniel, who wonders what she is doing there. Chloe brings out the opera tickets, got them quicker than she thought, so hurried back so they could spend the afternoon together. Daniel is touched, tho how did she know he was there. She claims to have called Salem hospital and had them check his schedule. He is touched.

At the cop shop, a repeat of Thursday’s closing scene, where Nicole is saying how Baker being there changes a lot of things, Bo walking in with Hope, Baker calling her name. Hope looks at him, Bo asks if she knows this guy, Baker says he saw her picture in the paper, she may have seen him around town. But Hope seems to recall him, mentioning down on the pier when she was investigating the muggings. Baker agrees, passing it all off lightly. Roman is insisting Baker is involved, has proof he purchased the items used to try and set Bo’s house on fire. Fingerprints and video. He mentions Baker’s involvement in the baby switching case, commenting the charges are a list as long as his arm. Hope steps up, …no, it was me. I did all the muggings. The reaction shots of Nicole and Brady are terrific, even tho no dialogue. Bo has tried to get Hope to think very carefully before saying anything, but she is taking responsibility. She ticks off all the names, Roman is disbelieving, Baker trying to absolve her, Nicole & Brady listening. She tells Roman Bo knows the truth, has proof, and they all go into the interrogation room.

Baker is sitting in a chair, Brady walks over, punches him in the jaw, down goes Baker, a cop grabs Brady, takes him to the side. Nicole & Baker have just a few words, Nicole figuring Baker is gonna turn her in, but he assures her that with all the charges he is facing, why take her with him.
In the interrogation room, Roman is disbelieving, Hope is insisting, Bo not saying much. Hope did it, she is taking full responsibility, tells Bo to show Roman. Bo takes out the video tape, and we next see all 3 watching night time Hope telling Bo what she did and why. Bo explains about the pills, how the side effects had Hope sleepwalking, getting up, dressing, going out, not remembering any of it. Bo starts to apologize, this is all his fault, his actions caused this. Hope refuses to let him take blame, no, no, no. It was all her fault. She did this. Her. Whether she remembers or not, she did it. She tells Roman she loves him, and is so so sorry, so sorry, She is crying, as Roman comes round the table, puts his arms around her, telling her that one thing about friends is nothing more is ever needed except “I’m sorry:”.

Brady tells Nicole that they can leave and he wants her to come with him. She goes along willingly, and they arrive at her apartment. Nicole starts her usual sweet talking, telling Brady she knew he’d let her explain. She starts babbling about never intending to do anything bad with the money, and didn’t tell him about it cuz she was going to later. She kisses him, but no response from him shows her all is not well. He still wants to know where she got the money, asking if, in her investigative reporting , she snooped around, getting some juicy info and is blackmailing someone. Now Brady rants, calling her a whore, asking her if she knows what makes a true whore….it is one who sold her soul years ago, years ago. And then comes the lying, cheating, manipulating, everything people warned him about, but he just thought his love could overcome. But it didn’t. Nicole is pleading with him, holding him, but he pushes her away, she trips and falls as he stalks out the door, it is over, he is done. The door slams, she is piteously calling him back, Brady, I love you.

Back at the station, Hope asks Roman to give her & Bo some time alone. He leaves the room. She looks at Bo, telling him he knows what he has to do, and to just do it. Read the rights. Bo is reluctant, this is breaking his heart. She is insistent. And finally Bo says…”Hope Brady, you are under arrest for 6 counts of assault, battery and robbery….and for the attempted murder of a police officer. Hope’s face is stoic….and the scene dissolves into 3 shots. One of Bo, one of Hope, and underneath, one of Julie, holding and comforting Ciara.

Wow. Another great write up Barb!!
Thanks so much for everything.
My heart is breaking all over the place for Hope, Bo & Ciara!! :(
I love Brady with backbone!! Finally he has some heat. I can't stand self righteous, dudley do right, nice guys on soaps - so hopefully this version of Brady will stick around.

One big soapy mess is this baby drama - I LOVE IT! Why I watch soaps. So many layers, players and lies.

Thanks for the write up!
THANK YOU again and again!!! I came here this AM hoping that you had this sumary up and you did. I will have to play catch up on Wednesday's show then try to watch today and tommorow! Theese are can't miss episodes. I am so gratefull that I found this board and SOOOO gratefull to you for all your hard work
A great big hug to you
@Poirot--so Brady pushes Nicole? How did it come off to you--as abusive? I can't think of another female character on this show that gets manhandled like Nicole does. I get that she's a villain and that most of Brady's words to her (though not "whore") are truthfully describing that she has lied, manipulated and deceived him, but it just repulses me that TPTB think it's okay and "dramatic" for Nicole's love interests to push her around physically when they're mad at her, even when they're justifiably upset.

So I hated that part, and the Chloe/Daniel stuff I'm so over, but the rest sounds good! Thanks so much for a great writeup.
Thanks for the write-up, Barb.

@Paxton, I didn't read the Brady/Nicole scene at her room as 'abuse'.
Barb wrote: "Nicole is pleading with him, holding him, but he pushes her away, she trips and falls as he stalks out the door, it is over, he is done."
I can picture her holding onto him, dragging on him, while he tries to remove her hands from his body/clothing. Being Nicole, she thinks she can talk him into anything if she keeps at it long enough, & not getting the message that he wants her to get lost, and when he wants to leave, he just 'disconnects' from all of her grasping. IMO, that's not abuse, that's removing a pariah from your life! did not come across as abusive. Nicole is trying to hold on to him, but Brady is disgusted, completely. He first is removing her hands from him, pushing her away from him, she keeps clinging to him... as they stand in front of the bed, and she then lands seated on the bed. Brady storms of towards the door, she jumps up, coming round in front of him, between him and the door, pushing at his chest, grabbing his face, as she pleads with him. Really, these are very good scenes. He is trying to leave, so he is just pushing her off of him, out of his way, and goes out the door. Nicole is begging him not to go, insisting he still loves her, she knows he does. screaming out his name.
Thank you for the reply. They do sound like powerful scenes. I think it's a tribute to Arianne Zucker's acting that I can feel so sad for Nicole when her life implodes, even when it's own her own manipulatons and deceit that hasten the destruction. I do find it interesting how they keep mirroring EJ and Nicole. EJ was just insisting the other day to Sami that he "knows" she loves him and now here's Nicole doing the same to Brady (and neither Sami nor Brady know the full secrets, in fact, Sami knows nothing).
Gotta tell ya, I am sooo looking forward to tomorrow, cuz the previews at the end have Sami & EJ confronting Baker. And I do want to see what transpires there.
I hate that Brady called Nicole a "whore". And, how could his LOVE change her around when he just confessed it yesterday and didn't give LOVE a chance to build or grow. Yegads, Brady!

And, Hope Hope Hope...(((Shaking head))) I understand your noble need to turn yourself in, but you really should think through the situation before you react and leave your baby girl momma-less.

Bo-you should not have been the one to arrest your wife.

Daniel-you're a putz. Not everyone wants to talk to you. Patient privacy much?!

OK, I think I'm done. Thanks for the write up!
Poriot, Can't tell you how much I appreciate your write ups. They are a day ahead for me here on east coast. I usually get home in time to watch show on Soapnet but starting next week, my hours will alternate and everyother week I will be working til 6:30pm and will miss the show completely. Without your write ups, I would have withdrawals. Thanks so much for all your efforts. They are really appreciated.
GREAT writeup, Barb! I could get hooked again!!
Thank you, Barb.

:clap: It seems like each show this week has really great scenes for Bo, Hope, and Ciara. My heart breaks for that little girl. She's had a ton of turmoil in her young life.

The whole Daniel, Carly, Chloe thing has turned into the 3 Stooges.
THANK YOU again and again!!! I came here this AM hoping that you had this sumary up and you did. I will have to play catch up on Wednesday's show then try to watch today and tommorow! Theese are can't miss episodes. I am so gratefull that I found this board and SOOOO gratefull to you for all your hard work
A great big hug to you
I missed the end of Wednesday's because of a news break. I couldn't watch it this morning because I took my husband to the ER for chest pains, and thereby missed Thursday's also. I'll also miss tomorrow's show. The three decent shows in how long!!!!

Thanks more than ever for your writeups, Barb.