Days of Our Lives - Fri. Aug. 6, 2010

JL hope everything is okay with your husband!

I'm still waiting for the Benny Hill moment you all described the other day. Seems totally appropriate.
Whore...??? How is Nicole a whore Brady....??? Call her a kidnapper, a blackmailer, a felon, a liar, a cheat whatever, but how is she a whore...??? And you know what, it's real easy for Brady to be all holier than thou, he's never had to work a day in his life, first he road his Dad's coat tails and bank account and now he's riding his grandfather's.....try it out in the real world for awhile Brady.....
Thanks for the wonderful write up Poroit.

Love that Baker will protect Nicole, that he was trying to protect Hope. Aww..
See EJ...THAT'S how you become a GOOD guy. :addictedstickingtongueout: is pretty amazing that we are still rooting for Nicole. Ari is a gem.

Ciara is breaking my heart. That poor girl has had enough, don't you think?

Trey, I'm with you. What the heck is Daniel's problem? Oh yeah, he thinks he's the world revolves around him and how he feels. I wish he would leave and take Carly with him; I loved my show better before either of them showed up with their God complexes.
Brady would never abuse anyone

Brady would never abuse anyone.

Nicole deserves whatever she gets but unfortunately it doesn't look like jail time again which would be great - her and Hope in the same cell. Throw Dick in there too - now that would be something! All three in one cell!
Thanks, PAllison! I needed a great laugh.
It seemed like it was a really big deal that Chloe will find out the results of the paternity test on her birthday. Did anyone else wonder what was up with that?
Yeah, not sure of the significance though....I did notice and am wondering also.....
It was probably just me...but did anyone see how easy Bo caved in? Hope could have said "Slap me, Beaureguard!" and he'd be like "Well....I don't think I want to..." SLAP!

And the charges...attempted killing of a police officer -_- Well if he gets a fancy-pants charge...shouldn't he give one for Roman as well? Isn't he a police officer? :hide:
I wondered about that too. It seemed a little strange the way Carly was showing it to her, rather than just saying they would find out on Monday or whenever.
And the charges...attempted killing of a police officer -_- Well if he gets a fancy-pants charge...shouldn't he give one for Roman as well? Isn't he a police officer? :hide:

Yes, but there's no evidence that Hope actually tried to kill him. I'm sure the attempted murder of a police officer part is to make it as serious of a charge as possible but that was only true for Bo.
:welcome: Yuppiekin!

I agree w/Paxton ... for Roman the charges would be concerning his mugging ... assault, battery, robbery. Bo, on the other hand, had been given a drug OD and the gas poured on him ... big difference IMO.
I don't know if it's because read yesterday's summary and today's back to back or if it's just because I'm so tender hearted, but reading the following two scenes brought tears to my eyes.

She tells Roman she loves him, and is so so sorry, so sorry, She is crying, as Roman comes round the table, puts his arms around her, telling her that one thing about friends is nothing more is ever needed except “I’m sorry:”.

She looks at Bo, telling him he knows what he has to do, and to just do it. Read the rights. Bo is reluctant, this is breaking his heart. She is insistent. [snip] Hope’s face is stoic….and the scene dissolves into 3 shots. One of Bo, one of Hope, and underneath, one of Julie, holding and comforting Ciara.


Thank you for all the great write ups you do.

For the folks questioning if there should be a "fancy pants" charge for attacking Roman, the answer is yes. Genehunter listed the possible charges as asassault, battery and robbery. Actually the potential charges would be assault on a police officer, battery on a police officer and robbery. (You don't get the fancy charge for robbing a cop.)
Brady Got Brains


I think he will still act like a puppy dog with Nicole - but at least the writers are giving him brains enough to see - Nicole has lied and manipulated him too many times. YEAH! Nicole is after one thing the MONEY! No way is she going to give that up for LOVE!