Days of Our Lives - Fri. Dec. 13, 2013


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, December 13, 2013

Brady is in the park near a bench and what do you is JJ. Awkward conversation, as JJ claims he is meeting a friend with notes for the next exam at school, while Brady claims he is just out for a jog. Both are trying to get rid of the other one, until Brady starts talking of how proud Jennifer is of JJ now, etc. etc. JJ suddenly says he is in the wrong place and takes off. So, Brady is alone when the dealer shows up, money exchanges hands, Brady gets the vial. Later, JJ is with the guy, who doesn't have much weed, but gives him what he has, says that is not his biggest seller.

Brady hurries home, sniffs his new supply (cannot tell you how much I hate this storyline) and then calls Jennifer, wants to talk to her about JJ.

Meanwhile, JJ is over at Theresa's apt., gives her what he was able to get. She complains at the small amount, and warns him to get more, that he must have other connections. He talks of it being too risky, but she grabs her phone, telling him which is more risky for him. Getting her the weed, or going to jail within 2 seconds.

Marlena is with Daniel, who wonders is she remembers any doctors that Stefano did business with, as they need to know where Kristen got whatever she injected into Eric. Marlena only can think of Dr. Rolf, Wilhelm Rolf, but notes that relationship ended long ago. When Daniel mentions the test on Eric, it is news to Marlena, as Eric never told her.

Nicole is with Eric, who is half out of it, but needs to know if she forgives him. She is hesitant, but says yes, she can and will. He is perspiring, she is sponging him off. Later, he seems to be more alert, she tells him the nurse said his fever was going down. She sits, holding his hand, when Marlena comes in. She tells Marlena how Eric is doing, then gets an idea, tells her of the story she is going to do, and wants to interview the mother. Marlena is appalled, thinks it all a bad idea, mostly because she has been aware of Nicole having feelings for her son, it is apparent when she looks at Eric, and everyone else will see it, too. Marlena knows Eric accused her of being the one who drugged and seduced him, and feels this is why, and others are going to see it in her face as well. Roman arrives, (must be Roman & Marlena's one day every 2 weeks appearance chance) so Nicole leaves. Eric murmurs that he loves his parents, but doesn't want them hovering over him, and would they please leave. They kiss his forehead, and leave.

Anne is giving Theresa a hard time in the nurses's station area, with files and orders, etc. Theresa takes the opportunity to fill Anne in on how she really remembers all, has a plan to do in Jen, which is going full steam ahead. She spots Daniel, starts moaning at Anne for being mean to her. Daniel comes up, Anne says she & Theresa fully understand each other, and leaves. Theresa gets all nice and talks to Dan in his office, wanting him to go to a meeting with her. He says no, thinks he can get Brady Black. Nope, Maggie already asked him, he said no. Daniel still begs off, says his mother would be the best person, talk to her, and he has work to do. Theresa thanks him for listening to her, sooooo sweetly, and leaves.

Will sits with Adrienne, not understanding why Sonny is not answering his texts. She makes excuses, then decides it is time for her to apologize to Will himself for all the things she said and did, not wanting him with Sonny. She talks of how happy Sonny is, compliments Will on how the living arrangement they have with Gabi and Arianna has worked out so well, they are all such a nice family.

And now over to the Comedy of Errors going on in the apartment, as poor Sonny learns more than he ever expected to about the adventures of the 3 bumbling Musketeers. Gabi is really freaking out, Kate & Sami trying to calm her down, and in the process, every single detail of what happened is revealed. They are trying to point out that while Sami shot Bernardi who was trying to harm Rafe, Gabi hit Nick with the rock because he was trying to hurt HER. Yes, they mention thinking he was dead, putting him in the river, his eyes popping open, scaring them all, grabbing at them, the whole 9 yards. Sonny, in the closet has his eye's nearly bugging out of his head. Suddenly, pounding on the door. They all pretend no one is home. More pounding..."Open up, it;s the police". Gabi begins freaking again, but then we hear Roman's voice.

Sami says let her handle this. She opens the door, Roman comes in, like to play jokes on Will, came to see Arianna and Will. Oh, well, Arianna is sleeping, Will is not there. And of course, Arianna wakes up, cries, so Roman can stay. Kate takes him in, Sami warns Gabi to keep it together. Gabi thinks Arianna just needs her binky. Sami will get it, where is it. In her bag in the closet. Uh, oh. Sonny panics, Sami opens the door, he is trying to hide behind a coat or piece of clothing, but Gabi calls out she has it, so Sami closes the door. She & Gabi go in the bedroom.

Sonny takes advantage to get out of the closet, tiptoes to the door, but sees the chain is on, knows if he takes it off, they will know someone was there. Uh, oh, someone coming, he is looking around where to hide. (I kept laughing it was like watching Lucy Ricardo) and finally ducks down behind the stroller in the corner. Kate & Sami come out, whispering about Gabi breaking down. Roman comes out, has a call from Marlena so has to go, and leaves. Sami rechains the door. Gabi calls for diaper rash cream which is in the living room. Sami is looking all over, Sonny trying to stay down. Kate finds it, both go into the bedroom, and now Sonny comes out, sees the chain on the door again, decides to exit out the window next to the door. He opens the window, sticks his tablet out, climbs out. The women come out of the bedroom with Arianna, and at one point Arianna stands up. That is all Kate & Sami need, as they talk to Gabi about how she will be missing all these thing when in jail, lst steps, lst tooth, lst time she says "mama". Sami closes the open window, which seems to have a breeze blowing thru it. (From the hall???)They talk of Arianna visiting her mom every week in prison, growing up without her. Sami comments that she herself lost her mom for a lot of years, and still is affected by it. Kate asks if Gabi wants ARianna to grow up and be like Sami. LOLOL

Will sits alone, Sonny comes in with the tablet, sits down. Will wants to know what he found out. Sonny says he really needs to talk to him, is glad he is sitting down, for what he has to tell him. And here comes Mama Adrienne up behind Sonny, hugging him, and asking what he all found out about the surprise party. C'mon, tell all.
Sonny recording the 3 Musketeers... Hasn't he learned about recordings coming back to bite people in the rear end in Salemville!

JJ just Met Brady who will soon become his most prominent client!

Brady and JJ trying to find out what the other is doing without incriminating themselves as to the true reason for them being there...Hilarious !

Marlena and Nicole discussing Eric right next to the poor guy was just very unprofessional given the fact that Marlena is a Doctor!
What is the coked up Brady going to go and tell Jennifer?
Sounds like Sonny's escape attempts could be funny :) Poor Sonny he is a bearer of bad news for Will - or will he keep it a secret?
Roman is on :clap: But typical of Salem cops he doesn't catch Sonny hiding behind a baby stroller :rotfl:
I wish JJ would stop and ask himself what Theresa's "evidence" could really do to him because in my opinion the answer is - not much :confused: As far as blackmailing goes her's is pretty weak.
What I don't like about the Sami/Kate/Gabi fiasco is Sami and Kate acting as if they are doing Gabi a favor or as if Gabi is such a burden to them. Had it not been for them, Gabi more than likely would have called Rafe or the police and this would be over. It was self-defense until the meddlesome grandma's showed up and took over.
The reason JJ would be in trouble is because of his upcoming hearing before the judge. He has been ordered to stay on the straight and narrow, or the judge will immediately throw him in there. Instead, the judge has been giving him a chance to make good.

Theresa has not even been arrested here, but yes, JJ could send her off to CA. But see, Theresa is smart enough to pick on a scared kid. Not a thinking adult. Not that I want Daniel to get any more involved, but it is too bad JJ does not confide in him. Daniel has covered for him, and supposedly Theresa did not remember. But she does. Maybe Daniel would be able to think as an adult would...???????
FINALLY a Roman and Kate scene! I missed that so much! To me they are more an supercouple than Stefano and Kate the good boy meets the bad girl writers observing take some notes NOW! Roman actually could help Kate and Sami with the whole Nick drama even they should revisit that storyline.

I loved Kate/Sami/Gabi scenes just perfect and Sonny's reactions were perfect. So far it's a great episode but I cheated ahead and read up on here since I'm impatient. Wow Brady and JJ waiting for a drug deal together both trying to push each other away, possibly the same dealer? Will they use drugs together and Brady might be a link to stop the feud with Theresa and the Hortons.

Speaking of Hortons, I LOVED LOVED the Anne and Theresa scenes. She asked Theresa if she was a Horton hater (I personally raised my hand as I watched) it was nice and the acting they did in front of Daniel to throw him off. Besides Hope and Julie the Hortons now on Days of our Lives are real piece of works. Jennifer, JJ, Abby are all a mess. Hope should be the next matriarch being an single mom with an daughter who has issues and a son god knows where with his wife and her grandson. I actually don't want Hope back with Bo he messed up way too many times and this should be the last draw.
Hope should be the next matriarch being an single mom with an daughter who has issues and a son god knows where with his wife and her grandson.
Granddaughter; Shawn-Douglas and Belle have a little girl, Claire.
Kristen seemed to have the title of Salem "witch of the year" all wrapped up, but now Theresa is giving her a run for her money -- blackmailing poor, clueless, scared JJ. JJ really needs some good advice. If he doesn't call her bluff, he's really going to be stuck -- supplying Anne Milbauer's nasty little helper with pot indefinitely and having to constantly listen to her ugly threats. What he needs is Dr. Rolf and his magic memory-erasure procedure, which would leave Theresa unaware of who JJ really was. As for the two homicidal grannies, they ought to be handling frantic Gabi a little more carefully. They caused the whole problem by giving Tricky Nicky an unscheduled dip in the Salem River, and now their fate is linked to that of a fearful young woman who's liable to spill the beans at any moment. And pity poor Sonny who now knows far more than he really wants to. That will teach him not to hide in closets and eavesdrop. Sonny would probably be very happy to see Nick wander into the Town Square, which would mean he'd no longer face the same dilemma as his mother did after seeing the Sami-Bernardi video.
Has there always been a window there? And has it always opened to the outside? I seem to remember when they moved into the apt. which was right across the hall from their old place. Being right across the hall, means HALL. I love these conveniently appearing windows that suddenly appear next to doors.
Thanks for the summary. I was thinking along the same lines as Poirot and Dr.BakerFan, concerning JJ not being able to handle Theresa's threats. These blackmail stories involving teens make me cringe. EJ was able to dupe Will, and now Theresa is backing JJ into a corner. People that young just don't have the maturity or experience to know how to protect themselves in such situations. Their inexperience puts them at the mercy of older sleazy people like EJ and Theresa. It makes me want to yell at JJ to go and get advice from someone more mature, yet trustworthy.