Days of Our Lives - Fri., Dec.13, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, December, 13, 2019

Rafe arrives at the cop shop, has an exchange with Hope about her being the boss.

Yes, even if Friday, the 13th, we get feel good and smile scenes today, mostly due to Jack & Jen. But first, Chad & Abby come to see the Commissioner, wanting to see the footage of when Jen was pushed off the balcony. Gina trots out the “reopening of the case, which means civilians have no access. Rafe overhears, says if the tech guy of Chad's is not getting paid, why not, and thus, Gina (pretending to be Hope) has no choice but to agree. Chad's tech guy arrives, gets to work. He ascertains the film was doctored. Will now get to taking off the image that was put over the original one.

Ciara is visiting Ben in prison, he tells of his lawyer quitting, he feels he no longer has a chance. Ciara talks positively, has not been able to get anything from or about Xander, but is still working on it. She will not give up, tells Ben about Mickey, how upset Xander is about it all, she feels he will let his guard down, and she will have him.

Nicole is talking to the stern faced Eric, who doesn't know how long he will be gone. He is not in a forgiving mood apparently. She reminds him took her a long time before she could forgive Eric for killing Daniel, so she understands it may take him some time. Meanwhile, this is his apt., she will look for somewhere else and move. He says he may be gone for some time, she can stay as long as she wants.

Xander finally learns from Sarah why she & Mickey are leaving town with Eric, is all upset, wants to go, too. She says he can't, is near tears as she notes that Mickey needs her, and she cannot be mediating between him & Eric. She realizes he has done so much for her & Mickey, knows he loves the baby so much. She beats herself up a bit since she is the mother and a doctor, and did not realize her child had a problem. He soothes her, wants to be able to say goodbye, Sarah goes up, gets Mickey, brings her down, Xander is so loving with the baby, Sarah finally says it is time to go, says goodbye, then goes back up, evidently to get their things.

At the hospital, Jennifer is all ready to leave, Jack comes in, is all happy, into the wheelchair she goes, he wheels her out. Outside the house, he talks of their wedding, and how he never got to carry his bride over the threshold, picks her up (she is wearing high heels, egads!) and into the house, on the sofa. He shows her the family photo album, has added pictures from their wedding. She talks of how happy Justin & Adrienne were that day, he notes one never knows about time, that the two of them have not had the time together they should have, mostly because of him, never again. Nothing is going to keep them apart ever again. He has a surprise, brings out a small wedding cake, since they did not get to partake. They both hold the knife, cutting a slice, smiling, happy. They share a piece together, on a napkin, get to talking of dancing, she loves dancing with him, wants to right now. She gets up, music plays, they dance.

Xander is frustrated, goes in his office, throws a few things around, is near tears with head on desk. Ciara comes in with papers he has to sign, he abruptly tells her to leave them, she protests, he yells, she does as he asks. Then says she is sorry about Mickey, he talks of wanting her to send something to Sarah in Boston, takes out his steel box, mentioning it is a bracelet. He pulls out his key, doesn't work, she says maybe lock is rusty. He tries a couple more times, no luck...always has worked before. He comments this is not the same box, someone has tampered with it.

Over at the cop shop, Gina has been frantically calling Steveano, leaving messages to get her on a plane out of the country, Where is he? Rafe overhears, wonders why out of the country. She makes some excuse. Over to Chad/Abby standing over the tech guy, who has rubbed off the overlay on the image in the film, Abby notes it is blurry. Tech says he will fix that in a minute, taps some more keys. Abby stares at the computer screen, her jaw drops.
(she is wearing high heels, egads!)

Yep, I noticed this too. Because everybody know when you're in a coma for a year, you leave the hospital wearing six inches heels. And you don't need therapy to gain back muscles strength or anything. Much like when Jennifer had back problems, and was addicted to pain killers, the last thing she would have done was take off the stupid, stupid heels. :rolleyes:

The rest? FF for me, pretty much. Except Xander. Imagine that. I love the guy, now! He's the only character I root for. Since Nicole (who used to be my favorite) is ruined by sourpuss-can't-stop-frowning-judgmental-jerk Eric. And I won't even go into the idiocy that is this whole Princess Gina stuff. Want to bet the last scene is a fake out and nobody will know it was Hope/Gina yet who pushed Jenny off the balcony?
Mandy, the show WAS better than yesterday's, to me, anyway.
Writer, cannot tell you how it annoyed me to see the heels, which I am assuming were needed it Jen & Jack were going to dance (she is pretty short). But it was asinine to have her wearing them as she was being taken home from the hospital.
Xander bought a big fluffy teddy bear for Mickey to have in Boston, but Sarah says she can't have toys once there, will have to be in a sterile room. Xander is disappointed, but understands, says the bear will be there for her when she returns.

The bracelet he's looking for belonged to his mother and was said to ward off sickness and evil, and that's why he wants Sarah to have it.

Ben goes back to his cell and throws back the covers of his bunk to find a dead rat.

"Hope" tells Rafe she decided to go see Shawn and Belle for Christmas since they can't make it home. He's skeptical.

It appears Jack made the cake himself; Jennifer was delighted with his skills.

Sarah says she had hoped to take Mickey to Tennessee to see Melissa for the holidays.
What is with the fashion trend of having women wear black bras under white shirts? Yesterday (and today), Sarah was bad enough, but today we have Ciara (who sure doesn't have a poker face when Xander is questioning her) in a much too tight and low-cut white blouse with a black bra. I thought that "fashion statement" died a long time ago. Really tacky, in my opinion.

And, I am glad that Nicole told Eric that she had forgiven him for killing Daniel. I think that if they spent time going over the horrible things they have done to each other, they might realize they are not good for each other. Like most of you, I am getting so tired of the mopey faces - Nicole, Eric, Xander, etc.

I know that many of you are thrilled to have Jack and Jennifer back together, but to me, he is verging on cartoon Jack and they are just boring. I get why the writers can't have too many happy couples, but Kayla and Justin seem OK and do not seem like filler to me. I think they don't know what to do with Jack and Jennifer and it shows. As I said, I know that many of you have waited a long time for this and I hope you are enjoying it.
I wish Nicole would stop begging the insipid Eric to forgive her! Yes it was Sarah's secret! But Nicole finally decided he needed to know!! Why does he not see that? So glad she brought up Daniel and hey what about when he accused her of raping him??!! I am just sick to death of Eric.

I know it's too much to hope, but please let it show Hope's face on that video!! Bring this Princess Gina nonsense to an end!! And if it doesn't show Hope's face, then either this guy is not that good or somehow, someway Stefano got to him. I just want this Gina and Stefauxno crap to end! A month is long enough!!
As I said, I know that many of you have waited a long time for this and I hope you are enjoying it.

I have waited a long time for Jack to return, indeed. And I do enjoy him. But I don't enjoy him with Jennifer. To me, this couple was ruined when she toyed with Jack and Daniel, a few years ago.

I still think Jack and Nicole would be terrific together, as investigative journalists. (NOT with Abigail, who gets on my nerves, sorry.)
and yep, have waited a long time for Jack to return, I like him & Jen together, I like that he is being light hearted with her, and not all doom & gloom. She has been in a coma for a year, & awful things have happened, that she has to hear about wayyy later. A lot to process.....others have already done so. They will be having miserable days, I am sure. But right now, she is finally home, and this is their wedding day/night. Good for them!
No, he did not. He admits it, he tried, mentions something about it being hard to get the baked cake out of the pan. He had it made at the bakery...........with love. !
Ahhh, I heard him saying something about getting it out of the pan and talking about trying to make curlicue flowers or something and thought he had somewhat succeeded in making her a nice little cake. I missed him saying he gave up and went to the bakery.
Nicole: If only she would stop trying to apologize to awful Eric. This guy just isn't worth it. After saying "since when to you pray," he didn't have one even vaguely kind word for her. She'd be better off running that hardware store in Manitoba with Brady than sitting around waiting for idiot Eric to have a change of heart.

Xander: He should quit puzzling over his storage box, grab the Mickey birth certificate that lists him as the father, and catch the first plane to Boston. He could stay at one of the city's fine hotels, enjoy the local scene, and then dash over to the hospital to visit the baby when Sarah tells him Eric is at the local Catholic church praying for Mickey and asking God to punish Nicole for daring to do him wrong.

Ciara: She thinks that Justin is a good lawyer. She ought to guess again. He seems to think that finding new evidence is the key to Ben's release. Instead, he also ought to be examining the case record looking for legal mistakes by the trial judge, checking into possible D.A. and police misconduct, and investigating to see if Ben's first lawyer was as incompetent as he seems. After all, as seen on-screen, there was little or nothing to connect Ben to Jordan's murder and no proof that some other person couldn't have done it.

Chad: When Hope told him that the Salem P.D. forensics unit had been over the tape of Jenny's fall, he ought to have responded: "Yes, but everyone knows that your forensics department stinks."
So, what if Dr. Rolf anticipated the the digital technology and inserted ANOTHER face over Gina's? I don't know who it could be, and am still hoping it is Gina/Hope they see, but it would be interesting if it was someone else.
Thanks, Poirot.

I wondered the other day if the tech person from DiMera would actually uncover
"Hope's" face when he did his job. When everyone left the room, he was on the
phone with someone. Was it Stefano? And who's face will we see?

Gina/Hope isn't thinking straight at all. She either said Stefano or Steffy when
she was on the phone at the cop shop.

Ciara needs to channel her younger self since she was a lot smarter back then.
Hopefully, Ciara will have a good answer on Monday when Xander asks her
again did you do something to my box.

Jack and Jennifer were cute. We need more cute/happy stuff on the show.