Days of Our Lives - Fri., Dec. 14, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, December 14, 2018

Maggie is commenting to Sarah on how fast Eric took off after she told of Nicole's letter to Chloe. Sarah retorts that Maggie had just given her blessing to Eric raising Holly, and then ripped it away. They argue about the situation, Kayla comes by, apologizing for interrupting what appears to be a private conversation. There are a lot of flashbacks in the 1st half of the fair warning. The women ask Kayla to join them, she ends up asking to talk to Sarah alone, brings up the breakup with Rex. Sarah admits being very upset by his confessing to having a baby with Mimi, tells of her boss wanting her back, or her losing her job, her hesitancy to go back to the apt. she shared with Rex. Just then, he calls, seems he has moved Mimi & the baby to Chicago so he can see his daughter more often, is back at work. This upsets Sarah even more, if she goes back, she'll run into Rex constantly at the hospital, yada, yada. Perfect solution, Kayla says there is an opening at the hospital in her department, Kayla has read articles Sarah wrote, was impressed, job is hers if she wants it.

Chloe is reading Nicole's letter aloud as Eric comes in. He listens for just a few seconds, asks if that is the letter, Maggie told him. She hands it to him, he begins reading, flashing back to being so excited about the apt. as he babbled to Maggie. He insists Nicole wrote this before she got back with Eric, and made plans with him to be together, raise Holly together....along comes Brady, disagreeing, trying to be voice of reason. Eric gets angry, Brady was there, he heard Nicole, flashback to Nicole's final scenes, where she implores Eric to look after Holly. Brady insists what Nicole was doing was trying to save Eric's life, wanting him to go, save himself. Eric disagrees, they are both yelling at each other. Chloe stops them, more yakking about intent, Holly, raising her, going to court, etc. Eric is not giving up, he will fight for Holly.

Abby & Julie on the phone, gonna meet in the park. Abby is in her Gabby getup, Stefan comes in, she claims to just be going for a walk, but he is all over her, wanting to go to bed. She is whispering the sweet nothings he wants to hear, but managing to keep him off her, as she reminds him she just had a baby, no sex for a while. She will see her gyno tomorrow, find out how long they have to wait. He is still all over her, she says maybe, until then, she will sleep in Charlotte's room, easier until they can be together. He gets a call, business, has to leave, she is relieved. After he is gone, she writes a note, leaves it for him, takes off.

Earlier, Chad was doing something or other to undermine Stefan, Gabi walks in, sticks her nose in, but Chad says he had a deal with Stefan, he gets Abigail to hospital to get help she needs, Chad gives him the baby. Stefan has reneged. In comes Stefan, worked up because of an injunction against him, something about oil fields. Stefan claims he agreed to commit Abigail, and he did. He wanted his daughter, had lost all hope of ever getting Gabby back. However, she is, that is who is out. Chad isn't buyin' it, walks out. Gabi starts to follow, Stefan stops her, says something about him letting Chad know she did all this to Abigail. He knows everything, knowledge is power. Gabi suggests that maybe Gabby is not back, and Abigail is playing him.

Abby meets up with Julie, tells her the whole story, all that happened before and in Bayview. How Gabi admitted all she had done, dressing her, wig, etc. and then Abby attacked her, just as Chad came in. Julie figures Gabi planned that, Abby agrees, how can Julie help? Abby asks to go search Gabi's room, find the wig, the pills, (they have figured out Kayla probably prescribed them, so Abby will go to hospital to get into computer and find the evidence. Julie agrees to go to Kmansion, will find a way, they hug, and part.

And now we see how folks can easily get into Kmansion, as Julie quietly opens the unlocked outer door, closes it just as quietly, starts sneaking up the stairs, only to be seen by Maggie. Julie says oh, good, I was just coming to see you, the Horton tree is up, looks beautiful, want to be sure you are there. Of course, says Maggie, I have always been there...a bit puzzled. But Julie fakes it all, Doug says would not be Christmas without you there, and now has more calls to make, so bids goodbye. Out she goes, Maggie goes somewhere, Julie sneaks back in, and upstairs she goes.

Gabi fixes herself a drink, Chad returns, is Stefan gone? Yep. Chad comments he did get under Stefan's skin, as he leaves. Gabi,to herself , says – we both did.

Eric runs into Sarah, tells her he will not give up, he will fight for Holly, it is what Nicole wanted.

At the club, Brady tells Chloe that what Nicole wanted is plainly in her letter, and if they have to go to court, Chloe will win.

Abby sneaks into Kayla's dark office, gets on the computer, sees whatever when Kayla's voice says, Gabby, that is you isn't it? Light goes on.....what are you doing here.

Stefan comes home, finds the note from Gabby, who decided to go for that walk after all.

Julie is not finding a thing, about ready to leave Gabi's room, spots another place she had not looked, goes in, finds the envelope with the DNA results. Before she gets a chance to open it, Gabi comes in.
Kayla has read articles Sarah wrote

Did she not just finish med school recently? Perhaps I'm mistaken. But in reality, it takes a lot more than being Maggie's daughter or the new head writer's favourite to get articles published.

Why couldn't she just say, "The producers fired Val so we need another doctor." BINGO.
Eric is not giving up, he will fight for Holly.
I still don't care. I'd care maybe if Holly weren't the spawn of that horrid egg freak and a woman I know isn't dead.
He is still all over her
This guy is a creep. What a poorly conceived and ill-drawn character. At least we were given the impression upon EJ's début that he was a suave and worldly man. This rapist acts like a drunken sailor at closing time.

At the club, Brady tells Chloe that what Nicole wanted is plainly in her letter, and if they have to go to court, Chloe will win.
Did Brady pass Salem's Bar Exam recently? He's handing out decisions on intent and other legal advice left, right, and sideways. Meanwhile I could go for Kate (or Gabi, why not) kidnapping Holly if we're going to be forced to watch Chloe/Brady and Eric/Sarah fighting over her. Could we at least watch them trek through mountains, valleys, fields, and historic sites as they fall in "lerv" while trying to determine the eggling's future?
Gotta say, even the lines were delivered half-heartedly by Mary Beth Evans as least it seemed to me.....

Must say, Julie thinks fast on her feet, but making sure Maggie will be at the Horton tree for Christmas was the best she could do? LOLOL Can't wait to hear what she says to Gabi....lololol
Did Brady pass Salem's Bar Exam recently? He's handing out decisions on intent and other legal advice left, right, and sideways.
This points out what a legal farce the Holly custody battle has been so far.
  • The courts, not Maggie, should decide who gets to be Holly's guardian. Sorry Ruffles McRed;
  • The infamous letter may be some indicator of Nicole's intent, but something scribbled on three-ring notebook paper is not the proper way to appoint a guardian. Sorry Brady;
  • What a distressed Nicole meant when she told Eric to "look after" Holly is open to interpretation. The last person who should be determining their meaning is Eric, a hyper-emotional interested party. Sorry Sourpuss & Sarah.
As for other characters:

Sarah: Will somebody please put a paper bag over her head. This one has gone from annoying to outright obnoxious, dumping on Maggie about the "right way" to tell Eric and then dragging poor Kayla into the Holly mess (as if the good doctor didn't have enough troubles already.)

Gabi & Chad: On and on they babble. It would have made their scene more interesting if Leo and his bizarre suit had wandered into the K-mansion living room in search of Victor's good scotch and then made some snarky remarks. E.g., "Hey Big C, are you sure you can trust this one? She looks pretty shifty to me."

Julie & Abigail: They should have learned from the sad fate of Theo. Only pros like the late Bo Brady should attempt serious searches in places where they definitely don't belong.
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Thanks, Poirot.

Poor Julie she got caught three times by someone. JJ caught her bad mouthing
Gabi. Maggie saw Julie go up the stairs. Gabi caught her in room.

It still bothers me people talk in the area of the park. Is there invisible
force to keep others away? And is the parking close by since Abby
took her wig off in the car?

Will Stefan keep wondering if Gabby is Gabby or Abigail?

Hopefully, Victor is charging people rent at the mansion. Gabi is drinking up
his liquor and Chad is having office meetings in the living room. He probably
needs to start charging entrance fees since people come in uninvited
I doubt if anybody is paying Victor. Gabi being there makes no sense except she wants to be around Chad.

Except for being a bit shorter, I don't see much difference between Gabby's wig and Abigail's hair. It takes a few seconds to register with me which one is appearing. Yeah, I know the wig is supposed to be sexier.

The whole "who gets to raise Holly" thing could probably be resolved if some people would butt out, especially Sarah and Brady. That's not likely to ever happen. Looks like we're going to be stuck with Sarah now.
If Stefan attempts to rape Abigail, I hope Ben intervenes before it happens. But I really don't think we are headed there again.

Now Sarah is being counseled by Kayla? File that under scenes that make no sense like the time Hope was randomly visiting Daniel at his apartment. Can you say contract guarantee?

And what type of Dr is the flawless Sarah Horton? Gotta love the "your department" comments. That's code for Sarah will be the doctor of all trades when Kayla has an off day.

I'm looking forward to Julie/Gabi as well though I think Gabi has the upper hand at the moment.

I hope Abby confides in Kayla too. Kayla really needs to password protect her computer and lock her door.
However, she does have that "just had a baby" thing going....I think it is 6 weeks before one can resume sex lives. (My mom, a nurse, once related how this husband, the day his wife delivered, insisted on having sex with her, right there in her hospital bed. Been 2 months they couldn't.... She was hemorrhaging all over the place, nurses called the security people in, she was sent to surgery....just horrible)
I truly hope Days doesn't try to go that route with Abby AGAIN! She has already suggested to him she sleep in Charlotte's room for a while.....
That's code for Sarah will be the doctor of all trades when Kayla has an off day.
Right? At least Val was a cardiologist.
I think it is 6 weeks before one can resume sex lives
Depending on DA PLOT, we could be anywhere between 6 hours and 6 decades since Charlotte's birth.