Days of Our Lives - Fri., Feb. 16, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, February 16, 2018

It is still Valentine's Day in Salem, Eli & Gabi watch JJ proposing, and Lani (after glancing at them, seeing Eli's look of disapproval) saying yes. Gabi rushes over, hugs, congratulations, etc. She & JJ go off to the side (don't know why, but …) & jabber, giving Eli a chance to give Lani a hard time about JJ raising his child as if his own. They go over the same ground as before, finally deciding that Eli will keep quiet. JJ & Gabi return, have a celebratory drink/toast to the newly engaged couple, Eli & Gabi leave to give JJ & Lani some privacy.

Steve opens his eyes to find Billie in his room, they gab a bit, recall a bit of their past, Kayla comes in, not all that thrilled to see Billie, but is civil. Billie gets a call, has to leave. Out in the waiting room, she asks someone if they have what she needs, is on her way.

John is facing off with the ISA thug, who queries why John did not complete giving the dose. He talks of the kid coming in, he had to abort. They then talk of how Will was on to him, he had to dispose of him, then his son Paul came, they struggled over the gun, and John supposedly shot him accidentally. Mr. thug wants to see the bodies, John gets testy that he has to prove himself, they go inside the mausoleum, no bodies. Thug turns to find John holding a gun on him. A struggle, Johns loses his gun to the thug, who now says the ISA will be eternally grateful for his help, but time for him to take over the job. He holds the gun on John, who closes his eyes, then opens to see thug fall to the ground, Billie behind him holding a gun. (sorry, but I heard no shot), She gives John a hard time about him having another mess for her to clean up, he has to leave to go to the hospital, she says, wait, I have something for you.

Trask & Stefan are finishing off the champagne, jabbering away about his feelings for Abigail, she knows a lot about his life, she is flirting, he is a bit as well, he says Abby is off limits, loves her husband very much. Trask actually invites him up to her apt., as they talk of not being seen in public together.

Chad & Abby go over the murder of Andre, how Chad feels Stefan is the guilty party, framed Gabi, she is innocent, would never do something to keep her from her child again. Abby agrees, they try to figure out how it was all done, deciding that Stefan probably hired someone to impersonate Gabi on that security footage. He has gotten some kind of cupcake, they are both taking bits and pieces of it, as they talk.

Kayla tells Steve that since they could not identify the immune problem, she decided to broaden her focus, had the techs redo his lab tests, looking for any and everything they could think of. And they found traces of something unidentifiable in his blood. Steve is some kind of poison. She agrees. He wonders if it could be environmental, or something he accidentally ingested. She says not to worry, they will work on it, he is going to be o.k.

JJ & Lani celebrate the engagement, he is all up in the air about their future, tells her of asking Abe..... he does call Abby to give her the good news, has not told Mom yet, wants to do that himself, so Abby should not spill the beans. She promises.

Abby & Chad are in bed, still talking of the murder, Gabi being framed, etc. Later, it is dark in the room, both asleep. Abby rolls over, we see her dreaming that same dream of picking up the urn, sticking her hand in, pulling it out, as she tries to get stuff off her fingers. A smirking Gabi comes in, with the lid to the urn, Abby is saying so it really WAS you, you did it. She wakes abruptly with a gasp, looks at her sleeping husband.

Eli & Gabi are in his room, he is in a tank top, they both are trying to get their minds off the case, Eli removes his shirt, figures he knows how, picks up Gabi, carrying her to bed.

It is dark in the hospital room, Steve is asleep, door opens, John goes over to Steve's IV, has a vial, and is starting to inject it's contents into the IV tube. Steve's hand grabs John's, as Steve says, in shock......John, it's you!

A figure with long dark hair, wearing Gabi's coat, climbs up the stairs in the darkened DiMansion, enters a room, pulls the urn lid from the pocket of the coat, putting it in a drawer or something. The light goes on, Stefan stands there......Gabi!

Over in Eli's room, he wakes up alone in bed, calls out for Gabi, jumps out of bed. Back to Stefan's room, he repeats, Gabi.. turn around!

Back to Eli's room, where Gabi comes into the room, had gone for a drink of water, Eli says she scared him, he was worried.

And in Stefan's room, he repeats, turn around....she does.......and there, in a long haired, black wig, red lipstick on, wearing Gabi's coat, stands Abby.
Thank you, Poirot.

:rotfl::rotfl: robinsnest, I'm glad I had already swallowed my tea when I read your post.

I missed Billie shooting the ISA thug due to yelling at a nuisance caller.

JJ and Gabi went over to the bar to get champagne to toast the engaged couple. They each wanted to pay for it.

Oh Lordy, what a BAD wig they stuck on Abby's head to turn her into Gabby.

Did anyone see if Abby had the urn lid in her hand when she went up the stairs or did she pull it out of a coat pocket?

Trask just made me want to :sick::sick::sick::sick: .
Seeing things: So Stefan Zero saw Abigail wearing a wig and wearing Gabi's coat. Will he believe his eyes or blame it on all that champagne that he drank with Melinda Trask.

Inappropriate maybe:: If Gabi goes to trial, which now seems highly unlikely, there might have been some awkward moments for Eli and Melinda.
  • Justin: "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, my client is innocent. Another person with motive and opportunity was Stefan O. DiMera, the district attorney's new lover."
  • Melinda: "Your honor, may I have permission to treat Detective Grant as a hostile witness. I know for a fact that he's sleeping with the defendant."
Cleaning lady: Hopefully, Billie will be better at cleaning up John's "mess" than she was with the one left by Chelsea, her sorority sisters, and Max. That little affair ended with Billie being fired by Salem U. and Max pushing a broom on the piers.

Over the hill: Even if the ISA wasn't a criminal organization whose brutality would make Stefano gasp, he should give it up. In his salad days, nobody like the ISA thug could ever have gotten the drop on him.
Thanks, Poirot.

Abby (dressed as Gabi) took the lid out of the pocket of the coat.

I wonder where Abby had the stuff stashed. Somewhere out
of the house since she was downstairs walking up the steps?

So, Eli decided to it's ok for JJ to be the "daddy" to his baby. I
wonder what his mom is going to do about that?

An interesting end to the show when Eli notices Gabi is gone
and later Stefan thinks Gabi is in his room. Then Gabi comes
back to Eli's room. Who's in Stefan's room? It's Abby.

I hope some people were surprised it was Abby.
Stefan and Trask: As unprofessional and inappropriate as those scenes may have been on the part of the D.A., I'm sure Stefan enjoyed spending time with a woman who wasn't repelled by his presence.

The Abigail reveal: I think it was clever how they cut between Eli waking up alone in his room and the woman in the DiMansion. I could see how for those (unlike me unfortunately) who have managed to avoid spoilers it was probably effective. *sigh*

JJ/Lani/Eli/Gabi: Aww, poor Gabi and JJ so young and in love, with people who are hiding a big secret from them. I take solace in the notion that when the :fan: they'll be able to find comfort with each other.

As far as Lani and Eli are concerned, they think they've come to an agreement. But what they've got is trouble right there in Salem City. That starts with T, which rhymes with P, which stands for probably not going to end well.

P.S. I've been having an itch to incorporate a reference to the song "Ya Got Trouble" from the Broadway Musical The Music Man which was made into a film starring Robert Preston in 1960 and then remade same years back into a TV movie starring Matthew Broderick. I don't know why but now I've done it. I hope it was as fun for you was for me. LOL
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Eli/et al mess: GROSS. This should either be an umbrella story involving Bannings and Hortons (like Lucas and Mike) or should stink off.

Meanwhile while the ISA story's been a fun ride, it's not rewatchable and that's a shame. Ditto this boring reveal about "Abby Alter Ego Gabby" (I think I shall call her Abibby). It would have been much more fun if Gabi actually looked guilty.
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As far as Lani and Eli are concerned, they think they've come to an agreement. But what they've got is trouble right there in Salem City. That starts with T, which rhymes with P, which stands for probably not going to end well.
It could be trouble in all capital letters in the bold font. Unlike the typical Salem surprise child situation where he/she blows in out of nowhere like Paul Narita and Psycho Summer, everyone involved -- non-biological daddy, baby daddy, and baby daddy's angry mother all will be living together in Salem. The problem with Lyin' Lani is that she she's only focusing on the immediate future and not looking down the road -- a long way down the road. (She probably can't imagine that she'll ever be 30, much less 40, 50, etc.)
  • Everyday, Lani will look across the the dinner table at JJ knowing that she's living a lie;
  • Lani will see JJ happily playing with what he thinks is his child, constantly knowing that this nice family scene could evaporate at any moment;
  • Lani will get out of bed every morning wondering if this is the day that Valerie finally tells the truth;
  • Lani will live with the mind-numbing fear of being on the receiving end of a classic Jenny rant if she learns the truth;
  • A doctor tells Lani and JJ that he needs DNA from both of them to treat their sick child;
  • Eli will see his toddler in a stroller and watch people fuss over him/her;
  • If it's a boy, Eli might someday watch his son star for Salem High and Salem U. knowing that it's his son;
I don't think so either. Its crazy to think Eli would do that to his child when he didn't know his father.

So Abigail is still mentally unbalanced. Will she ever be truly healthy again? :sad:At first, since Gabi was missing too, I thought maybe she had a split personality. But then she was back with Eli and I figured it would Abby, or I guess Gabby. Crazy but should be good story. But does this mean that Abby killed St. Andre?

And John has been caught. I hope this means the end of this crazy story.
Especially as Eli got so mad at his mother when he learned about it all. She was very upset as Eli would not even speak to her any more.

I understand Lani's reluctance to tell JJ the truth, being he has been in such a fragile state, but her first concern now should be for the child. Same for Eli.

Lani could let family know she is going to, or has told JJ.

Well, just as the secret about Rafe & Sami is already known by half the town, this is what will happen in this case. Enough know already. Actually, don't think Gabi & Eli belong together anyway, so perhaps a better pairing for her could result from the truth coming out. And I don't mean Chad!
Thanks for the summary!

I'm not happy about the possibility that Abby is not mentally healing - contrived! Maybe it is a plot to get to the truth that Stefan killed Andre. OR, better yet, Andre isn't really dead and there is some more complicated and interesting story behind all this death story.
I know Stefan called Abby "Gabi" but I thought she just stared in return. Did she say what her name was?

That scene reminded me of the first time Kim revealed herself as alter ego Clare. It was staged similarly. Both times I got chills.

I wonder if John was giving Steve an antidote? What did Billie give him? John and Billie and Steve and Billie being buddy buddy is all kinds of weird. Jealous Kayla was fun though.

I liked that JJ called Abby. It was nice to see her and Chad focused on something non-Dimera, albeit briefly.

I'm also having a hard time believing Eli would lie about the baby, especially since he and Gabi haven't been together that long.