Days of Our Lives - Fri., Feb. 23, 2024


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Interrogation Room - Sarah is holding Xander's hand across the table. Justin asks how he's doing? He's glad he's out of the cell. Sarah thinks the gun was planted when she was taking Victoria to Maggie's. Justin believes Xander was framed and will prove it. Xander worries that the frame artist is planning their next move. Rafe comes in. Xander pleads for him to believe him that he didn't shoot Michaels. Rafe says that $50k was placed in Xander's checking account from an untraceable offshore account. (It's the same morning when Maggie went to the Horton House.) A review of the evidence (the texts and the gun) follows, and Rafe announces there's a witness who saw him running that night. Sarah believes him. Rafe shows a picture from the loading dock camera which shows someone dressed like Xander standing over Michaels' body (no face is visible).

Prison Yard - Clyde calls Stefan who's walking in the Square. He demands a meeting with the DiMera.

Hospital - Ava is in the hallway and looks in at Harris, who is unconscious in his room. She remembers finding him. A cop (Godfrey) tells her to leave or she'll be removed. She begs him to stay. He stonewalls.

Square - John calls Steve who's at Black Patch. John's hitting the stores, talking to people looking for Tripp and Wendy. Steve is hunting online, looking at surveillance footage. John assures Steve they'll find his boy. At Black Patch, Konstantin arrives and taunts Steve about Tripp's being missing. Konstantin claims that it would be karmic justice if Steve's son was hurt, since Steve stood and watched The Pawn kill his daughter Catharina. Steve hasn't a clue what Konstantin's talking about. Konstantin, Steve, and John Black/the Pawn were alone in the room although Konstantin was unconscious when his daughter was killed "all those years ago".

Hospital Waiting Area - Ava begs a nurse, Michele, to let her talk to Harris. She wishes she could help, but turns Ava down.

Prison Yard - Stefan shows up in a blue hoodie. Through a fence, he talks to Clyde, who says Stefan won't be shot unless Clyde orders it. There's a guard that is apparently on Clyde's side. Clyde tells Stefan he's disappointed because he ordered him to kill Harris, who is alive. Clyde warns there will be consequences. Stefan says he tried. Clyde reveals that Stefan sent the text to Ava that lured her to the dock and purposefully dressed like Xander. Stefan remembers shooting Harris. Clyde gives Stefan pointers on how to kill someone. Stefan only did what he did because of Clyde's threats to Gabi, who is still breathing for now.

Interrogation Room - Justin tells Rafe that when this much evidence is found this easily, it's obviously a setup. There's some round and round, until Xander admits that he got a mystery call and went to talk to EJ, but ended up talking to Stefan. Rafe says it was stupid for him to go to a DiMera instead of the police. Later, Justin tells Xander that Rafe seems to believe the setup theory. Justin doesn't want to get Xander's hopes up, tells him it will be a long road. Justin leaves. Sarah thinks it's good Rafe's on their side. Xander's not so sure. He reviews how he's proud of Victoria and the Spectator, has worked hard to turn his life around, but laments how every time he's on the right side, he ends up falling down. He wouldn't blame her if she wanted to take Victoria and start a new life without him.

Black Patch Offices - Konstantin reiterates that he will get revenge for Catharina's death, in which Steve was an accessory. John arrives. Konstantin continues to talk about his daughter, John has no memory of these events. Konstantin makes a sideways threat to Tripp/Steve. Steve tosses him out.

Harris Michaels' Hospital Room - Rafe relieves Godfrey and then talks to the comatose Harris about how awesome and strong he is. He vows to find the person who shot Harris and take him down. Ava is watching through the window. Rafe goes to the hallway and chastises Ava, telling her it's for her good and Harris's. Ava is really sorry this whole mess, getting involved with Clyde's drug operation. Rafe says Ava and Harris were just trying to bring Clyde town. She begs for a chance to talk to Harris in case he dies. She teasingly threatens him with a negative social media blast; he pretends he's unmoved but agrees to let her talk to Harris.

Prison Yard - Gabi will stay safe as long Stefan follows Clyde's orders. Stefan asks if Clyde's behind Tripp's disappearance? Clyde needs insurance, Ava's gone soft, and says Ava will soon know what he wants from her. He then orders Stefan to keep an eye on Ava and to kill Harris.

Harris Michaels' Hospital Room - Ava is at the bedside, fondly speaking of when they were in Bayview together and he had her back the whole time. She's sorry she pushed him away, she loves him and can’t lose him. Ava kisses him. His eyes flutter and open.

Black Patch Offices - John and Steve are pacing for an awkward moment; John is distracted. John wonders what Konstantin was going on about? Steve thinks Konstantin is just blowing smoke to distract them from protecting Maggie from his con. Steve is worried about Tripp. John talked to the Sweet Bits counter girl, who spoke to Wendy, and to Eric and Sloan, who briefly encountered Tripp and Wendy but didn't know where they were headed.

Square - Konstantin is having coffee and talking to himself. He'll get revenge on Steve and John the Pawn. He looks at his Pagoda card.

Interrogation Room - Sarah knows that Xander wouldn’t throw away his life with Victoria. Because of what they have been through, she does believe him now. She'll be with him through this whole ordeal, no matter what. They reminisce about the great night they had before it turned awful (the night they boinked and he was arrested).

Hospital Hallway - Stefan walks up to Ava. Ava is happy Harris opened his eyes. Stefan looks grim.

Harris's Hospital Room - Rafe is at Harris's bedside. The nurse, Michele, is in the background. Rafe implores Harris to open eyes, squeeze his hand, etc. Harris responds. Rafe is happy.

Hospital Hallway - Nurse Michele leaves the room, Ava asks how Harris is doing? The nurse says he's definitely responding. Ava is happy and hugs Stefan, who gets an anxious over-the-shoulder one-shot. END
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With ALL the DiMera money, couldn't they just take care of Clyde themselves? Are they going to really make Stefan a killer? That's so dumb. Or, DiMera money could move Gabi to a different jail. This whole Clyde-is-the-most-powerful-man-in-the-world story is ridiculous. Rolf could take care of it easily.
Anything's possible, but she just had a baby, so I doubt it. Mentioning them having sex just reaffirms they've totally reconnected as a couple.
If she is not using birth control she could easily get pregnant again. It happens. It would be very soapy.

Story plots have picked up the pace. I hope they keep this pace.

I want Creepy Clyde and Krum Konstantin to be eliminated in such a fashion they can't be brought back.
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Thanks Jason. I am so happy that TPTB (the powers that be) or TIIC (the idiots in charge) went with the Sarah believes Xander road this time, instead of having her pack up and leave again.

But honestly, Vivian and Stefano's son working for Clyde, well that is just ludicrous. As global DiMera the golden ticket, the most prized CEO-ship of the entire world just sits idly by waiting for someone to point it in the correct direction.

Unsure of the time portals in Salem. It's still the day after Valentine's Day, right? Or is it a new day?
Great job, as always, Jason. Thank you!

I echo all the above with respect to Clyde being the almighty that no one can overpower. He and the "Kon (Konstantin) Man" need to be shipped to a place that time forgot, and forget them.

I really hope that Harris remembers seeing Stefan. Even if his moustache was covered by the hoodie, I am sure Harris knew it wasn't Xander.

Parallel stories: We need Harris to exonerate Xander, and we need Holly to exonerate Tate whenever she regains consciousness. But they both might not remember anything.

Rafe was getting ahead of himself when he said that Harris was back when the guy just barely flickered his eyes. He won't be fully back that quickly.
When someone has no family, and only family can see a patient, they need to bend the rules. I know Ava couldn't say she was Harris' girlfriend in order to keep up the Stefan pretense, but still and all, come on! At least Rafe relented, and her kiss, obviously, woke him up. As I have said before, I want them to leave Salem together once Tripp and Wendy are found and the whole Bistro storyline is over.
So Stefan really shot Harris. Not good for Stefan. I was absolutely expecting Harris to wake up say Stefan shot him with only Ava in the room. Then of course she wouldn't tell but that didn't happen.

Really hating Xander being framed. Wasn't this the first Sarah & Xander said they loved each other? Glad she is sticking by him. I like them as a couple. Rafe sure seems determined that it is Xander. Yeah Rafe, when all the pieces fall into place so easily you should question it.

Had to laugh when Konstantin said he went to hospital to have his ankle checked. I thought he said uncle.
With ALL the DiMera money, couldn't they just take care of Clyde themselves? Are they going to really make Stefan a killer? That's so dumb. Or, DiMera money could move Gabi to a different jail. This whole Clyde-is-the-most-powerful-man-in-the-world story is ridiculous. Rolf could take care of it easily.
Stefano is rolling in his grave. Clyde would be six feet under and Gabi would be free as a bird since Stefano usually had judges, governors, and wardens in his pocket.
But honestly, Vivian and Stefano's son working for Clyde, well that is just ludicrous.
Not only that but he was incredibly wealthy before he found out he was related to those two psychos.

The Clyde story is the weakest and it needs terminating quickly.
When someone has no family, and only family can see a patient,
This kind of bothers me - he grew up in Salem. Where is his family? Not that we need anymore stony-faced dimwits running around... but at least a mention.
It's still the day after Valentine's Day, right? Or is it a new day?
It's the same day as Wednesday's episode, which I think was the day after Valentine's day. The Caching Cupid event was on Valentine's day. On Monday we'll be starting a St Patrick's Day episode, I'm sure.
But honestly, Vivian and Stefano's son working for Clyde, well that is just ludicrous.
Not only that but he was incredibly wealthy before he found out he was related to those two psychos.
Right! He literally bought the bank that held the mortgage Chad somehow took out on the DiMansion, then foreclosed on the DiMansion and took possession of it. He could've bought and sold Clyde and his hillbilly drug empire in a West Salem minute.