Days of Our Lives - Fri., Jan. 10, 2020


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, January 10, 2020

Another day of long, long conversations that seemingly go nowhere....until the end.Gina comes into the loft, calling for Stefano. John comes out, wondering why she is calling Stefano's name. Seems since forensics went over the place with a fine tooth comb, Stefano has been there, left this behind, as John shows what looks like part of a cigar on the end of a pencil point. Gina is going to leave, John asks if she isn't going to take the “evidence”, oh, yes, give it to me. He then asks if she is not going to bag it, she takes out a tissue, puts it inside, long day. They get to talking of how she told John she had feelings for him, she knows it was a mistake, they will still work together with Steve to find Stefano. Blah, blah, blah, yawnnnn. John departs saying any man would be lucky to have a woman like you. He is gone, when she says, glad you said that John, your luck about to change.

Ciara comes to tell Ben his appeal was denied, and his sentence was not commuted to life imprisonment. He is going to die. She cries, he does, too, tells her to leave. She won't, he doesn't want her to come back ever, she refuses to leave, hugs him, no touching, guard protests her hug. Ben tells guard his appeal denied, going to die, if you touch a hair on her head, I have nothing to lose. Guard leaves them be.

Xander talks to Victor about Ciara, snooping and wanting information. Says they have to be careful. Justin comes in, Xander tries to stop him talking to Victor, Justin does anyway. He talks of Ben being innocent of this, how much Ciara loves him, and admits the judge denied the appeal. Ciara is devastated, & if Victor knows anything, he should own up to it. He leaves, later Ciara rushes in, does her big pleading, talks of how much she loves grandfather, but he needs to tell the truth now, he is only one. Vic is silent, Xander starts spouting off to her, she says she is going to tell Maggie everything, how he burned his confession, what she overheard them saying. She starts out, Victor stops her, come back. He says to Xander ...we have to tell her the truth.

Marlena is at Pub, talking with Kayla, mostly about Steve, how cruel he has been, non-feeling, in love with another woman, etc. Marlena wonders if perhaps he is on a mission, thus has to keep his distance. She also tells Kayla about Hope making passes at John, how she even came in and Hope had removed her blouse. Kayla claims she is currently happy with Justin, but Marlena doesn't think she appears so.

Ciara is gone, Clyde now visiting with Ben, who doesn't want him there. But Clyde wants to help, now that Ciara has been unable to do so. He suggests they bust out of the prison.

At the Pub, John has joined Marlena, she is happy to see him drinking a beer, not the “fine wine” Hope tried to get him drinking. He makes a toast, to his wife, most beautiful woman ever.

Gina looks at the Stefano portrait, complaining how she is unable to get John, as long as Marlena is around. She seems to get inspiration.....that is it. Marlena has to die!

And over to Kristen's room, where she lets Steve-ano in, wondering why Steve Johnson has come to see her. Long conversation about how upset she has been that her father did not seek her out first, instead of Chad. She was around first way before Chad appeared. She boo-hoos about how he never came to her aid when she lost her baby, yada, yada. (Sorry, but all these conversations were not informative at all. Steve makes some excuses for Stefano, despite the fact he is looking for him, assuring her he loves all his children. She gets ticked, he wants her help to find her father, yet defends him. He is hesitant, but then says he IS her father. She laughs at that, but he gets very angry, yells loudly, pulls off the eye patch, I am not Steve Johnson, I am Stefano DiMera!!!
Well, gotta tell you all. I have been doing summaries for 20 years now. Yep, ups and down, stories I liked, stories I hated (lookin' at you James Reilly) but doubt I ever wanted to doze off as I have of late. Am sorry if it comes across in the summary, I try not to be negative, I don't want Days to vanish like other soaps have. But the repetition of dialogue and retelling of past story with different characters is glaring, and the suits don't seem to care. Honestly, I liked the idea of the time jump, but the execution is not going over. I think there is a problem with editing, too. I like the new sets, redecorating, it seems attention has been paid to tons of comments about that. But the days of dragging out story endlessly are past. And Days is not paying attention to that.
Thanks, Poirot.

Kayla told Marlena about Victor's condition. Yesterday, Kayla told
Jack and Jennifer.

The guard at the prison must have been a Salem cop before because he
didn't try
very hard to keep Ben and Ciara stop touching each other.

I hope Ben won't try to escape with Clyde.

Surprised to see Victor awake and talking after he just had brain surgery.
What is
Victor and Xander's big secret? Will it take several days to tell Ciara? :)

Kristen told Steve that he and Kayla used to be a "super couple"

I thought it was strange when Stevano told Kristen he was her father, she said
he wasn't her "birth father". Does she know who her birth father is? Then
Stevano took off the eye patch and she looked at him like she knew he was
Stefano with two different colored eyes.
Kayla told Marlena about Victor's condition. Yesterday, Kayla told Jack and Jennifer.

Marlena was at the hospital when they first brought Victor in. She's also a doctor on staff at Kayla's hospital. I also thought it was odd though when she told Jack and Jennifer.

This show continues to be a snoozefest. These doppelgänger stories have just got to end. And seriously, when is Ciara going to see her mother???

Boring Kristen is not an interesting Kristen
I thought that Stefano adopted Kristen and Peter Blake. Is he their birth father? I didn't think so and it was strange to hear her say that he wasn't her father. To specifically add the "birth" in there sounded awkward.
He did adopt them (or took them in as his legal wards, depending on which version you go with). I don't think their biological father was ever given a name on the show, just that he was dead. Their mother was also thought to be dead, but she later turned up alive as "the Woman in White" in Aremid. Her name was Rachel Blake.

When Kristen and Peter were little, Stefano planted a bomb in Mr. Blake's car, but Rachel was also in the car. Mr. Blake died, and Rachel somehow survived (unbeknownst to Stefano). Apparently Peter looked like his father because Rachel thought he was her dead husband the first time she saw him as an adult.
Kristen thought she was talking to Steve when he said he was her father, no you are not, you are not my birth father (who is dead). Thus Steve-ano then got angry, loud, yelling (as Stefano used to), ripping off the patch.
I thought she was referring to the dead Mr. Blake when she said "you are not my birth father", and said something about them going to catch Stefano together (since Stefano killed Mr. Blake). Then "Steve-ano" ripped off the patch to clarify he meant he was Stefano.
Some people never learn: John actually still believes that the Salem P.D. sweeps crime scenes thoroughly. Really? This bunch would miss a big blood-stained hunting knife at the scene of a fatal stabbing.

Dumb question: Why is Stefano now a wanted criminal? At the time he was shot by Hope, he was living peacefully at the DiMansion with no current worries about law enforcement.

Jailbreak: So creepy Clyde wants to break out of prison with Ben, who's supposedly on death row? Ordinarily, escapes from death row are next to impossible, but in Salem, a hotbed of incompetence, they must be an everyday occurrence.

Professional incompetence: Bumbling barrister Justin actually told Ciara that Ben's appeal had failed before informing his client? Only in Salem. He was, however, right about one thing. If there really is a small amount of doubt about Ben's guilt, he shouldn't get the death penalty. These days, only convicted persons whose guilt seems 1000% certain are generally sentenced to death.

Pathetic?: In this episode, Kristen told Steve-ano that he was pathetic. That may or may not be true, but what is certain is that the whole Steve-ano plot is pathetic.
Dumb question: Why is Stefano now a wanted criminal? At the time he was shot by Hope, he was living peacefully at the DiMansion with no current worries about law enforcement.
Maybe because Stefano (disguised Shane) broke out of the Prague jail cell? Although, without going back and researching it, I can't even remember why the Prague police had arrested him.
Last night watched a documentary wherein the culprit had kidnapped a woman from a store, raped and murdered her, and though he was a "person of interest", 25 years went by, his guilt led him to write 3 different letters describing his crime and admitting his guilt, one letter being an apology to her parents. So the case never went cold, boxes and boxes of files. his girlfriend found the letters he left for her, took them to police, they had car description, found in a hospital parking lot, with suicide note on dashboard. He is inside, having taken a great quantity of over the counter pills. So, he gets arrested, pleads not guilty, 2 years later, at his trial, he changes his plea (mind you they had his hand written confession) & he got life in prison with no chance of parole.

But Ben, with only circumstantial evidence, which should leave the "doubt" open, is sentenced to death, but has a cellmate who he attempted to kill some years ago. The cellmate also has been framed, but is NOT on death row. Yet they are in the same cell. And where another inmate seems to be able to come visit any time he pleases, and that visitors room is a gathering place for all. Yep, only in Salem. Guess the jail has only one or two cells, like the hospital. Amazing so many huge corporations are headquartered there. :)
Circumstantial evidence can be enough to get a conviction, but without direct evidence, the death penalty would be highly unlikely. Overall, Ben's conviction raises serious questions. Was there really any forensic evidence on or around the body that tied him to the murder? Couldn't he have come up with an alibi for the time of the killing (Salemites are rarely alone for long)? Weren't there any other suspects who could have been investigated (Jordan wasn't exactly Ms. Popularity and Ben was a likely target to be framed)? And apparently Ben was tried in Salem. This would have been absurd. There was no potential member of the Salem jury pool who wouldn't have heard about the necktie strangler. His trial should have been moved to Chicago or some distant location where the locals weren't exposed to lurid media coverage of the deaths of Serena and Paige and the apparent death of Will.