Days of Our Lives - Fri., Jan. 18, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, January 18, 2019

You know what hits the fan all over Salem today, and it is not enjoyable at all. At the Pub, Eric has brought a pitcher of beer to the table, they all talk of a rematch. Flashback to Rex asking Eric to fake a text or something, leave, so he can be alone with Sarah. Rex now looks at Eric expectantly, Eric is silent, but then his phone beeps. He takes the message, says Xander got released, dashes out. And of course buttinski Sarah goes rushing after him, but is stopped by Rex, who confesses it is fake, no text, he asked Eric to do it so he could be alone.

And though the Pub has other customers, these two proceed to air their problems, anger, hurt, etc. right there in the middle of the place. Rex apologizes, explains, does more, proclaims his love, etc. Sarah reminds him he made two mistakes, Mimi was one, who was the other. He tries to avoid, she is really insistent, so he was Noel. Only Noel Sarah knows is...her sister! She yells, hollers, carries on, customers are staring, she keeps it up, finally running out. Rex grabs his jacket, goes running after her, only to nearly knock down the arriving Chloe. He is sorry, makes sure she is o.k., but ends up telling her how he was chasing Sarah, who rushed out after he told her he slept with Noel. Chloe tells him he should have made up a name, said it was a stranger, even used Chloe's name, in other words, LIE. Rex is not sure what is going to happen now. Chloe replies if it was her, she would want to be hurting Rex just as she was hurt.

Sonny goes to a bedroom to call Will, see if any progress on finding Leo's mother. None yet. Sonny moans about Leo dragged him all over shopping, spending all his money, Will says tell him no, but Sonny can't, Leo keeps threatening to spill his info. Will is going to go check with John.

Leo comes in with a ton of shopping bags, hi Uncle Vic. Victor is his usual snarky self, Leo is looking now for Xander, Vic says he was arrested, will be in jail. No such luck as Xander walks in. He wants to talk to Uncle Vic private, Leo goes out, door is shut, Xander says no one else to be Titan CEO, & despite all Chad's Titan info, what he has on DiMera Enterprises will cut him off at the knees. Vic tells Xander to get lost, he goes out, eavesdropping Leo awaits, knows Vic turned him down. Xander says you win, o.k. Let's get this over with. Oh, Leo wants to shower first, Xander says hurry up, and bring alcohol, as he starts upstairs.

Marlena sits at a table in the square, John arrives, sorry he had to take that call. But they are fine, lovey dovey, glad to be together. Will arrives, John has no news.....but as Will leaves, gets a call. Will waits, but it is Paul, who gave John his new number, is doing well, on his way to therapy. Small talk, Will again starts to leave, John gets a message. Looks like he has some news for Will.

Eli is apologizing to Hope, losing the video, Xander let loose, she seems distracted, but not his fault. He figures they will get him eventually. Rafe comes in, chatter about Xander, Rafe wants to talk to Hope privately. Eli leaves, Rafe tells Hope about Sami calling him. Seems EJ is not recovering as well as expected, is not communicating, and the the kids are going off the rails. Johnny especially, he is acting up, skipping school, has run away. He wants to go there, they were always close, he thinks he can help perhaps, at least try. Hope has a minor fit, all she can see is him having sex with Sami. He tries several times to reassure her, she begs and pleads with him not to go. He points out Sami is always with EJ, he feels he can help with Johnny. Yes, Lucas is there, but he is working with Allie. She is very upset, near tears, he keeps repeating he loves her, their marriage is most important, but she only says, have a safe trip, leaves the room.

Leo is in 7th heaven, Xander not so much, they are in the bedroom. Leo locks the door, flops on the bed, tells Xander just to relax, he will do all the heavy work, a few innuendos. Xander wants to have a drink first, hands a glass to Leo, who downs it in one gulp. Xander then does the same. Leo jumps on him, kissing him!!!

Sarah arrives at Eric's, goes roaring in, scolding him for the fake text. Eric assures her it wasn't fake, Xander was let go. She rants about Rex sleeping with Noel, wants to make be hurt just like she was, know what it is like. She kisses Eric, he pushes her away. Oh, but she helped him, he helped her, they need to make the pain go away, she wants this. Kiss, and on to the sofa, she is all over him.
More sex because we are sad, or angry, or scared or want to hurt someone else? These writers should just write graphic porn for the internet because they are clueless when it comes to romance, love and happiness. Pardon me while I go upchuck.
Rex is disgusting. Proving to me more and more that he is a narcissist. Hate what they did to this character. He wants Sarah to forgive him? No woman would want to be with him after what he did. He is delusional if he thinks Sarah will go back with him. Makes me so mad that they made a good character like Rex used to be....into this.

I hope Sarah doesn’t succeed at getting Eric to have sex with her. I hope next episode he puts the breaks on and kicks her out of his apartment.

Hope has a point. Rafe going to Europe where his ex-wife lives and the possibility of him growing close to her again is reason enough for anyone to be worried. If Rafe has not had sex with Sami just over a year ago, maybe it would not be a big issue for Hope. On the other hand, eventually she has to learn to trust Rafe. He does love her and they have moved past the Sami one time roll in the hay. (I think???!) It was nice to see Hope vulnerable and insecure. Especially after being so cocky and arrogant towards Ben yesterday.

Xander and Leo. I’m just shaking my head. Xander has never struck me to be a man to be swayed to have sex with a creep like Leo just to get some information. Sorry, not believing it. A few years ago, Xander would have snapped Leo’s neck for sexually harassing him the way he has been doing. I hope Leo gets what is coming to him. I have a feeling Xander snuck something in that champagne and Leo will be passing out before anything happens.
It gets boring and annoying when the only thing characters can do is run away from their problems or have grief sex. Ron is having fun with Leo and Xander, but its way too creepy now and he doesn’t see anything wrong with that. Will continues to badger John, but he isn’t even considerate enough to join John and Marlena for a meal. That’s the second time he has turned them down. He won’t spend time with his daughter either. He’s all about Sonny. Why would any woman want to be involved with Rex after today?! Nothing good going on today in Salem
Well, in regards to today's Leo and Xander scenes. It’s been bad enough that the writers have women being raped at every turn but now we are subjected to unnecessary innuendos of the condition of Leo's man parts when propositioning Xander.

In my opinion, today’s dialogue for Leo was taken way too far and has degraded Days, sinking it to an all time low.
Hope has a point. Rafe going to Europe where his ex-wife lives and the possibility of him growing close to her again is reason enough for anyone to be worried.
Once again, the ever-selfish Sami gets her way. She already has two husbands with her, but she wants another one. I wonder where Austin is? Maybe she will call him, too. sarcasm.jpg With Lucas and Rafe babysitting Allie and Johnny, she may need Austin to take care of Sydney.
My personal take is the writers could have used a different excuse if they needed to take the actor off for a few weeks. Rafe is former FBI, could have testified in some case of long ago. He could have had to go see his mother who was ill, or the previously ill aunt could have passed away. But, they decided on Sami's call for help, a very weak, & as it turned out, controversial reason.
However, this could possibly be the door opening to break this couple up??
Cannot discuss further, not a spoiler thread.
I'm wondering if Xander has drugged Leo, who passes out, then Xander convinces Leo they did have sex.
This seems like the probable outcome. Gay sex just doesn't seem like the X-man's thing.

Victor: He really shouldn't be so down on Xander. After all in his younger days, Victor was more than a little rough around the edges. And if Xander is a currently bit too unseemly to make CEO of Titan, Victor could give him a chance as something like Director of Special Projects. With Xander on the job, Victor's kidnapping of Stefano might just have succeeded and all of Vivian's plots could have been nipped in the bud. (One look at the glowering Xander and Gus might have abandoned his Madame and fled town.)

Rex: I've said it before and I'll say it again -- get this compulsive cheater off-screen and back to Chicago. And since he's into hooking up with the Horton sisters, on his way out of town, Rexy ought to ask Maggie for Psycho Summer's contact information so he can make it a trifecta.

Eric: Eli should do everyone a favor and lock him up for attacking Xander and holding a knife to his throat, which after all was a crime. That way, the fallen priest would be safe from big-mouth's Sarah's frantic attentions, and the viewers and Salemites would be spared the sight of his scowling face and having to listen to his constant moaning and groaning.

Rafe: Now he wants to leave Salem to go counsel Johnny? What contrived rubbish this is. How could he leave his wife while she's going off the rails about Ben Weston, has been plotting with shyster Ted, and is chewing the carpet because the Salem P.D. blew a case against Xander?

John: Today, he appeared to call Will, "Justin." Those not familiar with Days one-take bloopers might take this as evidence that John's comas are catching up to him. In any case, the excitable Eric ought to try to conduct himself like John and Marlena. They too are not pleased with the release of Xander, but are philosophical about it, confident that the object of Leo's lust will mess up again down the road.