Days of Our Lives - Fri., Jan. 5, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, January 5, 2018

Ahhh, Roman finally evidently got a kiss. Or two, or more. LOL. Eric enters the locked Pub, it’s empty, but Roman comes out tucking in his shirt, saying he decided to close on New Year’s Eve to give himself a day off. But, a female voice is calling from in back, cannot find her earring, must have lost it in his bed……..ooops, she spots Eric, and he spots Anna!! Seems it was a last minute decision to visit Salem on her part, Roman mentioning chatting with her the other day. So, they spent New Year’s Eve together. Small chatter, she leaves to go find her earring, does so, while Roman chats with Eric. He tells of spending New Year’s with Jen, talks of how much he misses Nicole, doesn’t know why she left town Anna has now gone outside…and guess what, there is a bit of snow sprinkled on the ground, a few of the vine leaves , Anna sits on the bench. Yes, she is wearing a coat. LOL

Hope and Jen are together, jabbering away, Hope talking of Ciara, she doesn’t know what is wrong with her, so much anger. Jen tells about Ciara throwing Jen’s addiction in her face, and then the driving drunk and killing his best friend at Eric. Hope is so sorry, no idea what is bothering Ciara, and when she stopped there this a.m., Ciara was still passed out drunk. They go to the station, have more of the same conversation.

At DiMansion, Chad & Abigail want to know what the DNA results are, Kate starts blathering, Andre & Vivian rush in, Andre saying it is too bad, he is sorry but results are accurate, he read them himself. Stefan is the son of Stefano. Chad doesn’t believe it, Stefan says take as many tests as you want. He also informs everyone about them moving in, and owning the house, and now thinks they should talk about the company. He wants Andre & Kate to continue running Countess Wilhelmina, Abigail to continue in her P.R. work, and Chad to continue as VP. Chad refuses, quits, walks out. Stefan asks if anyone else feels the same, Abby walks out. Andre looks thoughtful. Stefan is glad they stayed.

Abby & Chad are having drinks at the Club, talking about Stefan, of course. Then what now. Chad remarks they are jobless and probably homeless, she talks of starting their own business, perhaps, he talks of losing Thomas’s legacy, she finally says they have to fight back, prove Stefan sabotaged the company, but need to be inside with access to do that. She figures they should go back, play good cop/bad cop, she will apologize for her husband’s hasty remarks and walkout, blah, blah.

Meanwhile, Andre is talking with Kate, and rather awkwardly, in fact very awkwardly, admits he has feelings for his wife, and while they don’t have to remain married any longer, he thinks they could make a go of a real marriage. Kate is not saying anything (gosh I really do not like that hairstyle) is a bit surprised, then says she needs time to sort out her feelings. She leaves………..and goes to the club, sits with Chad (Abby has gone back to the lion’s den). She & Chad jabber about the business, with Chad saying that they can defeat Viv & Stefan if all 4 of them work together as one.

Jen has come to the Pub, spots Anna outside, is surprised, a hug. Anna explains her last minute decision, says she is outside as Roman & Eric are having big, father/son talk. Jen wonders what about, Anna doesn’t know, except caught a bit of Eric saying how much he missed Nicole , the big love of his life. Jen’s face falls, she suddenly is not feeling well, and departs. Inside, Roman is telling Eric he is happy that Eric & Jen are getting together, wishes him much happiness.

Rafe is with Ciara, gets her to admit she overheard, and knows Rafe & Sami had sex. He is trying to explain, she is running off at the mouth, til he finally gets her to shut up for 10 seconds, tells of Hope losing the commissioner job, him getting it, things getting out of hand, words being said, and he is finally able to tell of Hope giving his ring back. Ciara did not know that. He talks of him & Sami both being in a bad place, lot of pain, it just happened. Yada, yada. Ciara says her mother deserves to know, he agrees, only asks he be the one to tell her, it should come from him.

Knocking at the door, it is Hope, who goes on and on to Ciara about why she is acting this way, all this anger, then Hope spots Rafe, who says he came to see what was bothering Ciara about him. Ciara admits she did tell Rafe, and now Hope wants to know what it was. Rafe is starting to explain.

Abby is knocking on Stefan’s door, saying it is Abigail. He says, “come in”. She opens the door….and there he stands, just out or going into the shower, I guess. She takes a step back, averts her eyes.

Andre is in the sitting room, alone, talking to Stefano’s picture, assuring him he will save his legacy. In comes Vivian, commenting on him talking to himself again. She closes the door, telling him not to worry, they are alone. He asks if she is really sure. She gets up close and personal, puts her arms around his neck, oh, yes, safe to be alone with my business partner. Andre takes her arms off his shoulders, but holds onto them. Starefest.
OK I am the first to admit I am old. Why in the name of all that is normal does a person say "come in" or open the door to their room with just a towel discreetly tucked while the other person faces "AWKWARD" moment. I would never in my life (even when I was young, cute and skinny) think of opening a door in just a towel. Also, if I were on the receiving end of that show of narcissism, I would have darted not just my eyes. This is so ridiculous. Come up with some new reason for show off the men's pecs etc. Sheesh
Why in the name of all that is normal does a person say "come in" or open the door to their room with just a towel discreetly tucked while the other person faces "AWKWARD" moment.
Because they're a sexual predator. This is a gross soap trope that needs to end like, yesterday.

André is playing both sides. Big surprise. Now can he be blown up or stabbed or shot or sunk in quicksand, please!?

Anna hates Nicole? Why? They're practically the same Sydney-kidnapping, Roman-seducing, over-mourning, DiMera-Brady-in-law bombshell character!
Thank you for the summary, Poirot.

I wanted to reach in the tv and slap Anna when she was giving Jennifer the "dirt".

I was waiting for the other shoe to drop because Stefan/Sam and Vivian had to have someone on the inside. I wonder how long Andre had known about the other Dimera spawn? Chad needs to find out so he can go after all 3 of them.

Is it possible that Andre and Vivian switched the hair for one of Andre's on the way to the lab after ditching Kate at the nurse's station?
rs.......I sure hope so, because obviously it is all a scam on Chad, Kate, too probably. However, they could be using Stefan, who just may have been hoodwinked........then again, he said it was he who was told of his adoption and how it came about, and who looked up Vivian. She says she did not tell him for a while that Stefano was his father.

So Stefan could possibly have been set up to go looking for his bio mom..............heck, Sam might not be the child of either one.

Gonna be a lot of twists and turns in this storyline, methinks.
rs.......I sure hope so, because obviously it is all a scam on Chad, Kate, too probably. However, they could be using Stefan, who just may have been hoodwinked........then again, he said it was he who was told of his adoption and how it came about, and who looked up Vivian. She says she did not tell him for a while that Stefano was his father.

So Stefan could possibly have been set up to go looking for his bio mom..............heck, Sam might not be the child of either one.

Was just coming in to say the same. I honestly think Stefan had nothing to do with the sabotage. Vivian is a master manipulator.
And Chad "we don't have the capital to start our own company":rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

And Gabi Chic did????:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

Well, in fairness, Eduardo and Dario apparently lent Gabi some of the start-up capital so that Gabi Chic was able to rise to the heights it has doing. Um, whatever it is that it does. :)

I will say I did find myself thinking if Chad and Abigial really wanted to start their own business, couldn't they maybe sell that land in Ireland that Abigail had inherited that Stefano was so gung-ho to get his hands on for that one weekend?
Days is crazier than a series of weddings my sister found in ancestry long ago that had people older than their grandfather!
Today actually would have been a good ending had SOD not spoiled it already.

I am so sick and tired of people doing business in bars and bedrooms and living rooms. Either get some real sets or stop doing these stories and get back to medical and police stuff. And no, I do NOT want to see Dimera and Titan using the exact same office set. Be creative Days.

Hope and Jen are still cute together. Best couple on today's show.

Eric, is it Awna or Anna? Also, why would he not like her? Have they ever even shared scenes as adults??? And not one mention of HIS SISTER CARRIE??

Jen and Anna are not a thing.

I hope Kate sees Roman with Anna and gets jealous, especially after she finds out about Andre.

I predict that this will all be just a blip in the road for Hope and Rafe, especially if he admits it to her. The ideal thing to do would have been to have Sami come back pregnant. I realize that may be an unpopular opinion but it's Soap 101.
I'm not real hip on the Ciara storyline, but I do think the actress is a very good actor! She is very believable. I think it was said this is her first acting job? Give her a decent story and I think we could have another Chad as in replacement actor being a fan favorite.
Thanks, Poirot.

rs, I posted about Andre's hair in another topic today.

I'm not sure if Stefan O was wearing a towel when Abby walked in.

Great seeing Roman smile. Nice to see Anna back in Salem. Is she
Tony in her purse?

Too bad Anna had to tell Jen she heard Eric talking about Nicole.
She didn't hear the "rest of the story"

So Rafe knows Ciara knows what happened between him and Sami.
How long will it take before Hope knows?