Days of Our Lives - Fri., Jul. 9, 2021


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Private Area behind the Pub: Nicole and Xander chat about her evidence against Sami. She recaps the Kristen/EJ/Sami/Lucas/Stan/brain tumor/Antarctica/Chloe situation. Xander reminds her that this was all his idea.

DiMansion: Sami gloats that EJ will never read Kristen's letter or take his calls. EJ interrupts her before she can burn it. He questions having a fire in July. She suggests they warm up their bodies. Later, she has dragged him upstairs for bed-bound activities. Later, EJ takes the entire blame for the problems in their marriage. They won't let others get in their way again. Later, Sami re-enters from a side room and the bed is empty. She bolts.

Marlena's Office: Ben has an appointment. He tells Marlena about Ciara's plan to marry Theo. He recaps. Shockingly, he vows to fight for their love. Marlena advises him to give it up lest it cause him emotional duress. He asks if she would do that if John couldn't remember her. She relays the hit-and-run and John's amnesia and how painful it was for her.

Shut-down Square: Theo marvels at the near-success of Paulina's plan. Ciara is worried about Abe, Theo says their marriage will cheer him up. Ciara equivocates. She also denies having any memories of Ben. They kiss.

Brady House: Shawn-D is surprised when Ciara shows off her ring. Ciara's looking for Belle so she can take Ben to court. Claire emerges to advise against this. Back and forth as the amnesiac throws insults at Claire while Shawn-D watches limply. Claire can't wait for the return of the real Ciara. Eventually Shawn-D gets in the fracas, reminding his sister of Claire's work on herself and contrition and forgiveness. Ciara doesn't remember that and pouts that Shawn-D is taking Claire's side against Theo. He lays out his initial opposition and how Ben and Ciara's love blossomed. He believes she belongs with Ben. She is hoarse and angry as she declares that she's going ahead with her plans, declaring Claire should be with Ben.

Square: Nicole and Theo hug. He talks about marrying Ciara. She congratulates him and tells him Eric is in Africa. She gives him Brady's phone and after some kabibbling, agrees to help her because they're family (they share a brother, Brandon).

Horton House: Gwen is reading the tablet (an article about Dr. Snyder). Jack startles her. (His stance is accusatory, but it's a fake-out.) Jack tells her he left out her police interrogation from the story. They talk about whether or not Tripp was right about tension between Snyder and Gwen, which Jack also witnessed. He asks if there was a problem. She claims she was just tense because he was a reminder of her miscarriage. He remembers Snyder's blockade during Gwen's hospital stay, and his instincts tell him she's leaving something out about Snyder. He wonders if she knows anything about how Snyder ended up in the lake. Xander enters and tells Jack to back off. This makes Jack more suspicious and it escalates to a yelling match about murder. Gwen diffuses this and they all care about each other. Jack will help if either of them are in trouble.

Horton House: Gwen and Xander bicker about whether or not she needs help. He threatens to expose her lies to Jack. She grabs him. They kiss.

Brady House: Claire and Shawn-D lament Ciara's plight. Claire wants Ciara to remember how much she loves Ben.

Square: Nicole and Theo exchange texts (she congratulates him on his marriage plans). She muses that she hopes she can prove Lucas got Sami on her back so she can free Sami from her own.

Kmansion: Ben is seated. Ciara arrives. They both want Justin to represent them.

DiMansion Study: Sami goes to light the papers on fire. But does her usual insane rant (talking to a lit match) before starting it. Johnny calls her and she steps out as a POV shot tracks into the room. Someone removes the letter from the fire with tongs. END
I might have whooped at the TV when Claire called Ciara a stone-cold (bleep). Ciara was extra immature today. And I laughed out loud when she said, "There are plenty of other attorneys in town." Then, she and Ben both go to Justin.

Xander has lost his criminal instincts, and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
Wow, but the writing for a core character's child has sure gone down the potty. How can anyone like this horrible version of Ciara?? I agree TinaY with the line of the day Claire's name calling of her auntie, but she should have followed that up with a slap. I was happy to see Shawn stand up for his daughter, that was somewhat surprising.

All around this was a horrible terrible week. Too much anger/hatred. One wonders just why the show is at the bottom of the ratings and dropping like a freaking stone after a week like this.
I'm a little confused about the timeline when it comes to Ciara hating Ben and Claire. If she blames Claire for setting the cabin on fire does she remember that? And if she does then she'd remember liking Ben right? Or did someone just tell her about the fire?
Color her nasty; The writers continue their character assassination of Ciara by having her dump all over the unfortunate Claire. Mr. Man-Bun must be desperate if he'd want to marry somebody capable of such unpleasantness.

Awake at last: Finally, the often-clueless Shawn is on target, siding with Claire and Ben after seeing the real Ciara in action.

Ineptitude personified: Sami is as inept as she is loud and abrasive. How could she not successfully destroy one sheet of paper?

Hate boink redux: The ease with which Sami had creepy EJ panting with lust bodes poorly for his future success. If Gabi and her tight, low-cut dresses ever set their sights on him, he'll be a sitting duck.

Show us the stats: Marlena was kind to Ben today, but she left out one key piece of relevant information: every Salem amnesiac eventually regains their memory.
I'm a little confused about the timeline when it comes to Ciara hating Ben and Claire. If she blames Claire for setting the cabin on fire does she remember that? And if she does then she'd remember liking Ben right? Or did someone just tell her about the fire?

Timeline for Days? Surely you jest. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

And don't call me Shirley.

oldschool - if following a timeline was something they hired Ron to do, he's failed at every opportunity.
Thanks, Jason.

Ciara had a session with Marlena to remember her past. She woke up remembering when Claire set fire to the cabin and
not when Ben saved her.

Xander and Gwen kissed. Will Sarah come home now?

Will Theo find Kristen's phone number for Nicole?

I agree with Claire. Ciara was acting like one of those women lately.

Will we find out what Hope thinks about Ciara being engaged with Theo?

Who will Justin represent in the divorce? Maybe Ben will use Belle as his lawyer.

Who took the letter out of the fire? Was it EJ? He might be thinking Sami is acting strange lately.
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I might have whooped at the TV when Claire called Ciara a stone-cold (bleep). Ciara was extra immature today. And I laughed out loud when she said, "There are plenty of other attorneys in town." Then, she and Ben both go to Justin.

Xander has lost his criminal instincts, and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
On Monday, I wrote down "evil Ciara". It seems that Claire agrees about this version of Ciara even though she used a different word.
I'm a little confused about the timeline when it comes to Ciara hating Ben and Claire. If she blames Claire for setting the cabin on fire does she remember that? And if she does then she'd remember liking Ben right? Or did someone just tell her about the fire?

Ciara knows about Claire and the fire at the cabin because after she was rescued and did not remember anything, Ben arranged for Marlena to hypnotize her. He wanted Ciara to remember that time in the cabin after he found her after that bike accident. But she remembered the fire at the cabin and was sure that Ben set it to kill her. But Marlena told her it was someone else, and when pressed, she reluctantly admitted it was Claire.

Instead of burning that letter, why didn't Sami just shred it? It would have taken less time and would look more normal.
Loved the Claire/Ciara interaction.

Love that ShawnD is on team Ben.

As much as I think Ben needs to leave Ciara alone and let her memory come back naturally, we all know that won't happen. But I really am hating the characterization of Theo. That scene in the Horton Square (what's left of it) was just bad. He was just too hopeful that she wasn't remembering Ben. It's clear, at least to me at this moment in time, that he totally knows all about that relationship and what it meant to Ciara. I solidly think he knows if she remembers, he'll be in the rear view mirror as she zooms from 0-100 heading straight for Ben, and he isn't secure in her feelings for him whatsoever.
Thanks for the summary, Jason.

I keep thinking EJ knows about Sami and Lucas and he's playing her along in order to inflict the most pain possible on her at the right moment. If he didn't know it when he came back, he's got to have his suspicions after watching Sami's odd behavior. His apologies to her for how he pushed her away all that time are getting to be overkill now.
EJ knows way more than he's letting on. He's only nice to Sami when he's trying to throw her off.

If Ciara remembered the cabin fire, then she should have already remembered being with Ben, no? This while storyline is ridiculous at this point. I'm over it.
Thanks to everyone for clearing up that Ciara stuff with Claire. With the amount of time between stuff and probably the fact that I really lost interest in Ciara at that point I guess I blocked it all out. Weird that she's told Claire set the fire and she's all in on that but they tell her she married Ben and instead of trying to take that info in she becomes a complete shrew.

I hope she marries Theo and leaves for good. This character and especially the actor aren't something most viewers aren't invested in and they should stop treating her like some legacy on this show.
Sami could have torn the paper up, smeared the names with her lipstick, dunked it in the morning coffee set out by Harold, eaten it. There are a ton of options besides what she did. She knows she's not alone in that house. Once again, the writers have a character do something totally nonsensical because they can't figure out how to create drama without stupidity.