Days of Our Lives - Fri., July 13, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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The station I usually watch Days on has no Days, special news I am not getting the show. I might be able to get one later on in the day, if I do, will do a summary........but so far, there is nothing I can do. Unless someone on the board is getting the show and can do one. If I am able to get the show, I could not have a summary up til around 6 p.m. central.
Thanks OC. I have not seen the show, but did catch a couple bits (gonna rain here again) at the end. Theresa was accusing Brady of planting drugs, JJ could take no more, said they belonged to him (a lie), Theresa was shooting off her mouth at Brady, judge was going to deny both of them any custody, til JJ stood up. Gabi evidently switched the results of the test, and I don't know why she was crying, except she knew she was hurting Chad with what she had done. ????

Sorry folks, it is Friday, and evidently Days came on in it's entirety, but not for me. Busy day for me....If anyone has more, please fill us in. :)
Gabi was crying because she believes she will not be able to carry another child, and she feels she has lost the one child she does have. There wasn't any info about Gabi switching the results. Did I miss something?

Theresa believes that Brady planted the drugs when he came to visit her to talk about joint custody.
Oh, sorry, since the show ended yesterday with Gabi taking the envelope with Abby's name on it in Kayla's office, I figured they showed her changing results, since she was so eager for Abby to open it with her there. Plus someone said somewhere she asked Chad if he wanted more children.
Days of Our Lives – Friday, July 13, 2018

Theresa is ranting, shoving and accusing JJ of using again. He denies, but she doesn’t believe him. A light bulb hovers over her head as she realizes the drugs were planted. Cue Eve speaking with someone and ordering them to undo whatever was done to screw up the custody case. Enter Brady with a questioning look on his face. Chad is walking and talking business on his cell. Gabi comes by and starts to cry. Stefan reads an article where Titan’s new CEO is interviewed. The latest DiMera heir throws his drink, and sees Gabby at the piano.

Kate and her latest conquest talk about sex and how long it’s been since she had any. She talks about her latest husband, and the arrangement she had with Andre. Round two coming up. Gabby tells Stefan she’s only a drunken hallucination, that she’s gone forever since Abigail has integrated all her personalities. A harried Abigail rushes into Kayla’s office and inquires about the paternity test. Kayla stalls; Abigail freaks.

Eve sees Brady, and immediately tells a cover story. He kisses her because he is happy that he is getting joint custody of Tate, and gives her the credit. Eve says Theresa overplayed her hand, as usual. Eve seems to want to confess, but Justin calls Brady to say that the judge wants to reconvene the hearing that afternoon. Brady and Eve can move on with their lives.

Theresa is still ranting at JJ, and can’t believe she ever trusted Brady, whom she believes planted the drugs. JJ tries to talk to her but she continues to rant and shove. (It’s Sami Brady, all over again!) She starts to cry and blame the Kiriakis family because she may lose her son.

Kayla hasn’t checked the results, but promised to do so now. Instead, she fills Abigail in on the Ciara situation, and what has been happening with her. Gabi tells Chad about her exam at the hospital, the infection, the scarring, and her fear of not being able to have more children.

Gabby wants to cut their good-bye short, and regrets that Stefan and she weren’t as strong as Chad and Abigail, and they lost. Stefan disagrees. Round two with Kate and Ted ends as his telephone rings. He’s due in court in a few minutes. Kiss, kiss. Someone calls Theresa to return to the courthouse. She is still ranting and blaming Brady but will never give up on her son.

Chad is upset about what has happened to Gabi, who says she hadn’t thought about having more children, but it was nice to know that she could if she wanted more. He suggests a specialist but she wants to focus on the child she already has. She tells him what happened when she took the doll to her daughter. Tears and hugs.

Abigail wants to know if Ben hurt Ciara, but Kayla continues with her story. Kayla confirms that it WAS the same cabin and says that Ciara believes in Ben and that he didn’t set the fire. Abigail says Ben is delusional and out of his mind, and wonders who would let him out of the sanitarium. She realizes that people are wondering the same thing about her. Her aunt disagrees, and says that Abigail doesn’t have a mean bone in her body. She feels guilty for having sex with Stefan, and what she has done to Chad. Now, she may have to tell Chad she’s having her rapist’s child. Kayla says there is a 50/50 chance that it may belong to Chad, but Abigail says it would be wonderful to have Chad’s child and know from the start that it’s his. She hates keeping secrets from her husband, and Kayla knows how she feels. Kayla finally digs out the test results.

(Still watching. More to come.)
At the courthouse, Eve rushes in while Brady is parking the car, and tells Justin about plotting with Victor against Theresa, who enters with threats. Before Justin can call Victor, the judge enters and orders everyone to sit, as she apologizes for the short notice on this emergency hearing. The judge tells everyone about the cocaine found in JJ’s apartment.

Abigail can’t look at the test result and moans about how it happened. Kayla says Stefan used her to get what he wanted. Abigail questions the accuracy of the test results since Chad and Stefan are brothers. Kayla assures her there will be no question about the results, and wonders why Abigail would trust Gabi.

Gabi and Chad talk about their children, and Gabi feels she let her daughter down. Chad consoles her. She says she knows Abigail was sick and didn’t mean to frame her for murder. Chad wants Gabi to reconsider going to work for Stefan. She doesn’t want to work for him but Gabi Chic is all she has left, and she won’t give it up. He says many people love her and want her to succeed. They agree they want the best for each other, and Gabi says the fact that Chad still loved Abigail made her step aside when Abigail returned from the Horton attic. She asks Chad if he is still happy. He is. Chad offers to talk to Arianna on Gabi’s behalf. She wonders if Chad and Abigail have talked about having other children. She wishes them happiness, and leaves.

Kate has tumbled back out of bed as Stefan comes to the door and informs her it’s time for her to pay the piper. He starts searching the papers on Kate’s desk, but she makes him stop. He reminds her that she killed his mother. He threatens to show the judge pictures of Leo and her. Titan will come tumbling down, and Chad with it.

Abigail picks up the envelope, and asks Kayla to leave her alone. Kayla assures her niece that she and Steve will be there for her.

At the hearing, Theresa accuses Brady of planting the drugs. He denies; Theresa yells, and promises Brady she won’t let him within a hundred miles of their son. The judge sternly tells Miss Donovan to take her seat, that she is in no position to make threats, and the drugs found in her home constitute a serious infraction. Given Theresa’s drug history, and that Tate could have gotten to the drugs, the judge suspends Theresa’s visitation. The Noodle's playmate calls Brady a murderer, a liar, and a cheat as Eve protests. Theresa intends to fight Brady. Eve sports a guilty look. Brady and Theresa accuse each other. The judge tells her that, if she continues to disrupt the hearing, she will not only lose her son, but she will be charged with possession of a controlled substance. Theresa protests. JJ takes the fall. Eve looks guilty again.

Kate accuses Stefan as being as crazy as his mother. She won’t help Stefan destroy Titan and Chad. He says she will do it for self-preservation, the way she always does. He can destroy Titan on his own but can do it faster with Kate’s help. It will be more painful for Chad. She doesn’t understand why Stefan is so hell-bent on destroying his brother. All he has are memories of all the people he lost. She accuses him of sleeping his way through Europe (pot, meet kettle) and urges him to go back there, and make everyone happy. Stefan threatens her with a lengthy stay at Statesville. She says he’s bluffing. He says, “Try me; you’re out of options.” Chad knocks at the door, and says he wants to talk to Kate.

Abigail, with that infernal envelope in her hand, comes upon an upset Gabi and wonders if she is Okay. “Just hay fever acting up,” lies Gabi, “Did you get the test results?” “Just rip off the Band-Aid,” continues Gabi, “and tear that envelope open, and find out if Chad is the father of your baby.” Again, Abigail wants to be alone, but Gabi wants to be there. The foolish Abigail reads the results, and stays mum, as Gabi inquires, “So, who’s the daddy?”
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Thanks, KathyLu.

I couldn't believe JJ threw himself under the bus to protect Theresa.

I was surprised Eve told Justin she made a deal with Victor so
Brady could keep Tater Tot.

Interesting to see Stefan daydream about Gabby. And for some reason,
his face still hasn't healed.

I loved Abby's face at the end when she read the results of the "who's
the daddy" test, but we have to wait until next week to find out.
Yes, thank you, KathyLu.

I wonder if Gabi did change the results. I would be shocked if it shows Chad to be the daddy but if it does show it to be Stefan, we won't know whether he really is the father or whether Gabi changed it.

I may be the only one who feels this way but JJ's extreme (in my way of thinking) protection of Theresa has made me uncomfortable right along, and now he's going to say the drugs were his?:rolleyes: I'm getting the feeling he tends to lose perspective and goes overboard, like he did while thinking Lani's baby was his, and now he's going to let his own life be destroyed by trying to help Theresa, who in my opinion, is not a stable person.
I don't understand what JJ's motivation is but I think the move was idiotic. And like Eric, I wish he'd get his own story. Both actors have proven talent and have shown they can lead a story.

I really hope this custody story leads to the end of both Jeannie T AND Eve. I'm over both sisters and neither provides any value to the show.

Abby's reaction to the Ben news was really good. But I already hate this whole Who's the daddy stuff. I bet Gabi switched the results.
With Theresa & Eve always talking of being sisters (I don't think they were raised together), it really doesn't mean much to them. I think Eve is a lot older, and left home, on the road, took up with Nick Corelli. Lots of bad things, left town, to return 25 years later. Hmmm, Definitely a bit old for Brady.

So I will say this for Brady. He stood up to Theresa, and stood by Eve, left his grandfather's house.

However, Eve went behind his back to enlist Vic's help, did not tell him. This is not good, yes, I hope he realizes that he cannot trust her, and maybe she will also go to CA to help dad, tho I doubt it.
(I don't think they were raised together),
They weren't. Shane was one of those lucky men who, many years after the fact, found out he had a grown daughter. Eve seemed to be in her early twenties (at least) when Jeannie was born. Eve met and became involved with Nick in Salem.