Days of Our Lives - Fri. July 16, 2010

Nicole is Dumb as a Fox

Nicole will blackmail EJ for $. That has always been her M.O. I can't stand her. Sorry and I do NOT want to see Brady with her. Brady is too good for her. The D.A. will be free now as a widower. He and Nicole would make a GREAT couple since both are vile, despicable, social climbing idiots. He likes thin blonds and Nicole is crafty enough to suit him. Sure she was in jail and isn't good for his political ambitions if he has any but this is Salem and more idiotic storylines have happened.
Although the show today was a wee bit hard to keep up with as the story lines jumped back and forth and then there was the unwanted Weather-Flash Flood announcement, it is Emmy Time for Kristian Alfonso.
She was fantastic today going in and out of daytime Hope and night time Hope. I was very disappointed though in how Carly represented her run in with night time Hope to Bo. Maybe Monday she will tell Bo more of the details of what Hope said, if you couldn't figure out what Hope was up to with that conversation then your not paying attention. Hope all but said she was going to kill Bo just like Carly killed Lawrence.
I love Dr. Baker he is so infatuated by Hope he is about to explode.
Days of Our Lives

He borrows Kate’s cell, notes that she called Madeline, demands to know why. She relates the story of Chad questioning her, and giving Madeline a heads up. Stefano is not happy, the tape is burned, and he doesn’t want Madeline causing them any more trouble.


Okay....Who in their right mind would actually store the person who is supposedly blackmailing them in their phone....or does Stefano just have everyone in Salem's cell phone number memorized? Hello Kate clear your call log!!!!!
Why was Stefano even checking her call log. He wanted to make a call. Why not just make it? LOL