Days of Our Lives - Fri. July 17,2009


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Friday, July 17, 2009
Episode #11,124 Taped 6/8 Director – Phil Sogard

Melanie sits in the Java Café with a laptop, copying an url from a piece of paper, & Success….until Nathan comes in behind her, slams down the cover, and cautions her about cheating. Seems she was looking for answers to a nursing test she is to take, & she doesn’t think she would do well, but wants people who don’t think much of her to see she can do well. Nathan gives her a pep talk, telling how Maggie was in a car accident when young, lost her parents, was paralyzed, and how Bill Horton did his magic, operated on her and she could walk again. He brags about his great granddad, Tom Horton, and how people respected him and still do to this day, talks about always helping people, and that Mel should take the test on her own, she might surprise herself.

Brady comes into the K mansion living room, soaking wet after a swim (good excuse for being shirtless, I guess) looking for the towel he forgot to take outside with him. Victor scolds him for getting water all over, suggests a late breakfast at the Pub. Brady refuses, they go back and forth, Brady spills about the waitress he doesn’t want to see, Victor is ready to have Carolyn fire her, but Brady explains further how the woman just backed away when he told her he was a recovering drug addict. Victor knows he has been clean for over a year, praises Brady for being the man he is, and teases him about being a good catch. Later, Brady is dressed & they are leaving to have breakfast.

Rafe is unpacking a box at the apt. when Arianna arrives with Corn Muffins for him, and yes, containing jalapena peppers. (Oh, ugh! But to each their own). He tries to give her the doggie playing poker painting, she says no, but realizes he is moving in, and she is surprised only that he had not done this earlier. She is about to bring up Emily, he stops her, says just “don’t”, this is different. They talk a bit about her being alone, she likes it that way, uncomplicated. She mentions this guy who interested her, but no dice…..and when he asks why, she explains he is a recovering addict…….and Rafe is understanding. (???)

A dejected Melanie sits in the Pub, eating a chocolate sundae for lunch, as Arianna joins her. Mel has taken her nursing test, thinks she flunked. They talk about Brady a tiny bit, but though Arianna likes him, she admits she doesn’t want to date him because of his previous addiction. Mel explains he has been clean for ages…to no avail. Next, we see Mel meeting Brady in the park, starting to tell him all about her conversation with Ari, and how she really likes him. Brady stops her, tells her it is a no go, to butt out.

Mel returns to the hospital, running into Nathan who has the nursing test results. She is convinced she failed, goes on and on about no good deed going unpunished and never being rewarded, as he tries to get a word in, finally saying she HAS been rewarded, passed, and actually did quite well. Mel grabs the paper, looks at it, can’t believe it, says something about her photographic memory (which seems to come and go, lol) and is happy as a lark. Nathan reminds her she owes him a dinner…she smiles and says “your’re on”.

Stefano sits with a sheaf of papers, going over them….all relating to Rafe, evidently the “report” on him. He goes thru birth, family, top of the class in FBI, giving it up for Samantha….then leans back as he says, ahhh, Emily Hudson.

Sami is playing with the twins in the park, all spread out on a blanket, as Nicole comes round the corner, wheeling Sydney in her stroller. Greetings all around, Johnny & Allie scamper off to play in the sandbox, giving Nicole & Sami time to talk……and bond. Very good scenes here. Nicole mentions how Stephanie was willing to testify, and Sami must have been happy, and yes, she was. But the person Sami wants to thank is Nicole, she knows it was her that convinced EJ to let her have Johnny back. She says thank you so much as she grabs a rather startled Nicole in a hug….and then both are a bit embarrassed. Nicole says Sami had just lost a child, did not not deserve to lose another, they talk of moving on, of Sami having 3 wonderful children and Rafe. Sami admits Rafe has been a rock, she could not have made it without him. And then tells Nicole that she is a different person since losing Grace, she wants to let go of trivial and immaterial things, and wants Nicole to do her a favor. Call a truce between them. Nicole is surprised, but very much in favor herself. Nicole seems sad as she talks of how they both lost their little girls, which puzzles Sami, but Nicole explains about how, the day after bringing her home, Sydney stopped breathing, and she will never forget holding her, and at the hospital, wondering if she would ever see her again. Sami says it really is not the same, but Nicole manages to cover.
Rafe comes along, Sami goes to get the twins, Rafe talks a bit with Nicole, who gets a bit disconcerted when he brings up her grieving at Grace’s grave. Sami returns, and they leave. At home, she has put the twins down for a nap, is exhausted herself. Rafe gives her a bit of a shoulder massage, they talks of Grace, and always having her there in their hearts. Sami jumps up, grabs the poker doggie painting, and says she knows where they can hang it. She is getting used to it, sort of. LOL

Arianna is on the phone with someone saying yes, she got it. She is the manager. Everything is in place. She hangs up, Brady comes in, asking what a guy has to do to get some service around here. He sits down, she sits with him, saying something about starting over.

Nicole is at home alone, eyeing the booze table, about to make herself a drink, when Stefano comes in, chastising her as it is a bit early in the morning for a drink. She gives it right back, as he was supposed to take care of Rafe, who was asking her questions again. Both he & Sami promised to get him to back off, and both have not done it. Stefano wags his finger at her, he promised, he always keeps his word. And that she doesn’t have to worry about Rafe or Samantha. However, there IS someone she has to worry about.

Glad to see the girls call a truce! I bet they did a great job with their scenes!

Brady can use any excuse he wants to walk in a room shirtless! I wont argue! :)

OK...DJM is right...Mel is growing on me! She is a hoot!

Thanks for the recap!
Thanks for the great write up. I wish they would stop with the teasing and tell us the story about Emily, it has everyone spinning there wheels and dragging along. I am really starting to like Brady and Arianna together.
Brady w/o his shirt. HOT!!!HOT!!!HOT!!! I wonder how long this truce will last. I can see a major CAT fight coming when the Baby switch is revealed. Ok what I wonder who Ari was talking to. Sounds like a covert mission or she is spying for someone. Maybe Stephano? Everyone works for Stephano. The scenes with Mel seem like comic relief. She is growing on me.
I know nothing is done by the book in a soap, but their ideas of doctors and nurses drives me nuts. No. 1, doctors don't work shifts at a hospital. Most have office hours and come to the hospital to see patients. Nursing school is no walk in the park. My granddaughter jsut earned her GN. Has to take state boards to become RN. There may be emergency room physicians in the hospital, but not long established ones just waiting for someone to come in. NOW--I feel better!!!!
Don't blame you gramcracker. We have a few nurses here, and my mom was one. However.....Mel was taking just a regular exam, as part of her studies. Nathan is an intern.......this is why he works shifts, I guess.

And could not agree more about the ER.....Have made a few visits...and regular & long established doctors are not there. However, at Salem Hospital, none of the doctors have offices elsewhere. They see all their patients right there.
I just hope Arianna isn't talking to some kind of drug dealer or con artist, because if she does anything to jeopardize Caroline or Brady, there will be h*** to pay from Victor. She's the one I think is up to something and I am wondering if she had something to do with the demise of Rafe's fiancee.
I just hope Arianna isn't talking to some kind of drug dealer or con artist, because if she does anything to jeopardize Caroline or Brady, there will be h*** to pay from Victor. She's the one I think is up to something and I am wondering if she had something to do with the demise of Rafe's fiancee.

I agree with this. She is definitely up to something!

Barb, Jalapeno Cornbread is very big down here in Texas, and I agree UGH!

Can't wait to see Brady all wet & shirtless!!!!!!!
I'm so glad about the trace. I'm over the Emily build up, just tell us already!!! LOL OK, I'm gonna say it, I can't believe I'm gonna say it but here goes.... Melaine is growing on me. I like her better when she's funny and helping people verses the nasty, whinny sceemer she started as.
Thanks for the write up Poirot. Just love how a doctor at the hospital has Mel's nursing school test results. Nursing school is at a College or University. Students go into the hospital for practical. (ie rotations in each area of nursing with an instructor from the school to do the skills they are learning at the school.) Oh well. I can see Nathan being at the hospial different times as the residents all work different shifts. Love that Sami and Nicole called an end to the fighting and made a truce. (That was the preview that I saw.)
Arianna and Brady

I think that maybe Arianna checked up on Brady etc. Being she said she is a
manager. She could have pretended Brady wanted to be employed there so she
had someone look up his record etc.
I still love EJ and I still want him and Sami together.
I get this feeling that Ari is up to something and it may very well have to do with Emily's death & Rafe. Why else would "Everything be in place"? Makes me wonder if both of them were the target and only Emily died and now Ari has been re-hired to finish the job to pay off some old debt or to get a herself a fix as she is not fully rehabilitated from whatever it was she was addicted to. It would definately explain why she pulled away from Brady. Meetings and the signs would be everywhere and a previous addict would be the first to see them.

I'm afraid to say this, but I'm starting to see a repeat of a Passions storyline where Luis (Galen) was about to marry Sheridan, and because Sheridan's father Alister (the stefano of passions) hated Luis, he poisoned the wedding rings, but only sheridan suffered consequences from it b/c they never made it to the part where Luis put his ring on - sheridan passed out from the poison and was rushed to ER. The poison was one absorbed through the skin and highly toxic.

I really hope they don't go this route with Rafe and Emily and have Ari being the one who was trying to get rid of Emily. I'm pretty sure that Ari had something to do with Emily's death, but I don't think I want to see another borrowed storyline.
Arianna's plot

"Arianna is on the phone with someone saying yes, she got it. She is the manager. Everything is in place."

I wonder what she's up to?.......
everything is in place

Is Arianna talking about those jalapeno biscuits? Maybe she's taking lessons on the side from Kate?
Ari & rafe

Ari is suppose to be rafe's sister...did they ever mention how? We know rafe grew up in the orphanage so did i miss something? Where did she come from? Maybe one of the parents were addicts! I think they are trying to make us suspicious of her and the phone call will probably turn out to be something entirely innocent. Rafe wasn't realy happy about running into her when she first came on the show. Whatever happened to emily, they both know and rafe doesn't hate her for it so someone else must be involved. That's why i'm thinking of one of their parents maybe caused emily's death and they covered it up. Just my brain working overtime....