Days of Our Lives - Fri. July 17,2009

Rafe did NOT grow up in the orphanage. He just was befriended by Sister Agnes of that convent.
doctors don't work shifts at a hospital. Most have office hours and come to the hospital to see patients. Nursing school is no walk in the park. My granddaughter jsut earned her GN. Has to take state boards to become RN. There may be emergency room physicians in the hospital, but not long established ones just waiting for someone to come in. NOW--I feel better!!!!

My hospital has doctors on staff who are hospital employees, not in private practice, and they do work shifts. Also, at least one cardiologist / surgeon, one pulmonologist, and one orthopaedic surgeon are always on duty. Our emergency room docs are top notch too. We don't have to wait for someone who is on call. And no, I don't live in a big city. I live in an area where there are 2 itty bitty towns with a few townships and villages around them.

Nurses take state boards where you live? Here (Pennsylvania) they have to take a national registry test.

Anyhow, the thing that bothers me about the doctors on Days is that they are specialists in every area. To do all of those residencies, they'd never get out of medical school. I guess since Lexie could go through medical school and internship in such a short time, she could do a residency a week. Daniel must've gone through the same accelerated program.
I hated it when Arianna was talking about Brady saying "at first, I thought he was full of himself. But then I got to know him, and he's this really sweet guy, and then we spent the day together.... etc., etc.,"

She got to know him??? Was I sleeping for a hundred years while this was going on? She does NOT know him. They've bumped into each other a half dozen times and they've had a couple little conversations. Period, end of story. Well, I guess if Days can call Chloe and Daniel's relationship "love," they can say that Arianna "knows" Brady.

Not only that, but Victor would never push Brady with someone who isn't interested in him, especially someone who Victor hasn't met. Victor would need to meet and approve or disapprove of the woman before encouraging or discouraging the relationship. This was completely out of character for Victor.

Thank you, Poirot, for the summary.
Well, she DOES know what he looks like nearly naked. She WAS in on that strip poker game, right??? I guess she figures since they sort of Cleaned house together, it means she got to know him. (if you can call holding a stupid feather duster in one hand for a
Oh my gosh, I haven't had a feather duster since, since, gosh have I ever had a feather duster...????
Oh my gosh, I haven't had a feather duster since, since, gosh have I ever had a feather duster...????

I believe I saw one today in the fictitious Spectator store. In fact, it was the last one left. Yeah, that's the ticket. And it was on clearance too. So, if you're interested and if you have any Spectatorbucks left, hurry over.
DARN...I spent all my Spectatorbucks...!!! We better come up with some more contests...!!!
PAllison, next time your turn comes up in "Who Wants to Play a Game," just say Peanuts. It doesn't have to make sense. LOL.
PAllison, next time your turn comes up in "Who Wants to Play a Game," just say Peanuts. It doesn't have to make sense. LOL.

Right now it's Queen....I bet somewhere in Georgia there is a Peanut Queen...!!!! :D

Now back on topic...:D
Melanie said to Nathan: "Why do I want to be a nurse? Because I'm broke, so it's either have a temp job or be a waitress. And in this economy, people stop going to restaurants, but they don't stop getting sick."
And Nathan says: "You don't take anything seriously, do you?"

I'm sorry...I think Melanie's reason is a very valid reason...makes sense to me...she wants to do something to earn some money and she wants to do something that the economy isn't going to put an end to.....what's wrong with that...?? And, yes, I'm serious....I see nothing wrong with her reason....
I agree, and I thought the same thing. (That's a little redundant. Must be time for bed.) Eating out is something you can cut back on if you're short on cash. But getting sick is not something you usually do by choice. Her reasoning was indeed sound.
It is actually something many people are choosing to do right now. I currently am working for a job service and many of the people that I am helping to go to school are going for healthcare related professions based on logic similar to Melanie's
Lots of nurses are there because they know that they can always get a job. People and not going to stop getting sick. It also gives you a chance to travel as there are many traveling nurses agencys that send nurses to other countries where they are short. I think Mel gave a very beleiveable answer.