Days of Our Lives - Fri. July 24,2009


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Friday, July 24, 2009
Episode #11,129 Taped 6/11 Director – Albert Alarr

Lexie continues to administer CPR to the flatlined Chloe, alternating with the “paddles” , as Daniel yells for Chloe to come back, and tries to get away from the two cops who are restraining him. (I am betting those working in the medical field are going to have a few comments on this scene). Finally, Lexie gets a rhythm, Maxine is standing by, but Chloe is still unconscious. A worried Maggie watches thru the window, along with a pretending Kate. Lexie comes out, says they have her breathing again, but she has slipped into a coma. Maggie is very upset, goes out for some air. Kate calls Philip who rushes over to the hospital. Daniel is relieved, but orders all kinds of tests, bloodwork, etc., but Bo is not thru yet with the questions, taking him back to the locker room. Daniel protests, and is very upset, Bo says he is on his side, but there are things not adding up. He talks of the vial of poison found in Daniel’s apt., but Daniel has no idea how it got there. Bo asks if anyone has been there, or has a key. Daniel remembers giving the key to Lucas to get his clothes, then is surprised to learn Lucas did not send his asst. but went himself with Chloe. Hope shows Daniel the original prescription from the pharmacy, with Daniel’s signature. He says it looks like his handwriting, but he never wrote a prescription for lucosystine. Hope got a description of the man picking it up, 40ish, light brown hair. Daniel insists that could be anyone. Hope & Bo talk of the apple from the basket he sent, Chloe eating it and getting sick. Daniel says yes, he sent the basket but he did not fill it up, or poison any apple.

Philip pours himself a drink, takes a sip, says Stephanie’s name and thrown the glass into the fireplace. Brady arrives, asking if he is upset about some woman, or christening the fireplace. LOL. Philip is just upset with himself, he loves Stephanie, and how did he let this happen. Brady has a meeting at Titan and leaves.

A cheery Melanie walks into the Pub to be greeted by Stephanie calling her a two-faced b****. Melanie is taken aback, Stephanie says something about her being with her fiancée, Melanie retorts that he is NOT your fiancée, Stephanie calls her a ****, Melanie is shocked, saying something about trying to get the two of them back together earlier, & only trying to stop Philip from driving drunk, but Stephanie is on a roll, and now calls her a whore. Melanie slaps her across the face, and now it is Stephanie who is shocked. Melanie tells her she crossed the line, Stephanie is talking of Mel going with her boyfriend, Mel retorts he is not your boyfriend, your fiancée, your anything. She is near tears as she reminds Stephanie that having dated Philip, she knows all about Melanie’s childhood, her father, etc. and how Stephanie had no right to call her such names. She turns to leave as Brady comes in, and she cries on his shoulder, as he tries to comfort her. He gets the two of them to “explain”, Stephanie has to tell her conversation with Nathan, Melanie how Philip was drunk and has this new car, and she took his keys, just wanting to be sure he got home safe. A contrite Stephanie is sorry, she thought Melanie stood up Nathan to go with Philip. Melanie says Nathan had stood her up first. Brady says c’mon, hugs. Both girls embrace.

Nicole returns home, stops outside the door to call Mia and leave a message to call her. Inside, she calls Mia again, explaining she had a talk with Chad, but wanting to know if he has tried to bother Mia with more questions or not. She again insists Mia call her right away. She paces the room, hears a sound from Sydney, and finds her in her playpen. She has a fit that no one is watching Sydney, picks her up, and EJ comes in. She wants to know where Mary is, EJ claims he had the baby monitor, Mary was taking a phone call from her sick mother. Nicole is all ready to fire Mary, EJ refuses, but Nicole is upset over how someone could have kidnapped her, come in the terrace doors which were unlocked. EJ reminds her of the security gate in front, and all the guards, assuring her nothing could happen. Nicole says she saw this movie about how this woman’s son was kidnapped and she just got carried away. Later, she returns from getting Sydney to sleep, suggests they go upstairs, kiss, kiss, etc. And then we see them in afterglow, candles lit, the whole shebang. EJ wonders why Nicole keeps looking over at her phone, she just makes excuses and they go for round 2.

Maggie sits on the park bench, crying, as Nathan comes by, he is on a break. She tells him about Chloe being brought in to the hospital, and in a coma, having been poisoned. Nathan says they probably will call in Dr. Jonas, who is the best when it comes to that sort of thing. Maggie seems surprised (she has to have known this, he certainly has been in town long enough) and is still upset. Nathan tells her all will be well, hugs her.

Melanie is sitting alone in the Pub, as Brady comes back in, having finished his meeting at Titan. He joins her, she gets a call to come into work, her face changes. She hangs up, tells Brady she has to go fill in for a gal who has filled in for her countless times…..then asks if he was once married to Chloe Horton. Yes, & they are friends now…. Melanie tells him of Chloe being brought in and in a coma. He leaves with her for the hospital.

Philip has comes to the hospital, where Kate pretends to be so worried. (She really is worried that Chloe might pull through). She has not been able to reach Lucas, he is probably on the plane back. Philip will check with the airlines and back at home. He leaves, goes home, calls for Henderson asking if Lucas has been by, then asking Henderson to call the airlines, see if and when the plane has come in. Henderson leaves, doorbell rings, Philip goes to answer and finds Stephanie on the doorstep.

Maggie has returned, tries to comfort the fake worried mother-in-law. Kate talks of how everything can change in an instant, and how this is all going to affect so many lives…Chloe, Lucas, Daniel. She wants this nightmare to be over. She walks away. Bo, Daniel & Hope come out of the locker room, Bo wishing they had “a 20 on Lucas”, Hope commenting “if only we could talk to Chloe”, and Bo replying “yeah, my gut feeling is telling me someone else had motive”. Daniel stops, has a couple of different flashbacks of Kate accusing him of the affair with Chloe, and coming him coming kate & Chloe in the park as Kate tells him Chloe is about to eat an apple from the basket he sent her. Kate returns, Daniel looks at Kate, walking slowly towards her, saying “You”.

How much more of the wicked witch do we have to endure. Please let this story line end, poison apple and all!

I like Brady so much, he seems to be in possession of the Salem brain most of the time, the only one that talks through a situation before he reacts.

Thanks for the great write up
OK...I am 100% routing for Daniel!!! Tear Kate to peices Dan!!! :)

Glad Brady patched things up with Mel & Stephanie. I like these girls as friends...I really do. Obviously, Stephanie still has feelings for Philip. I personally would like to see them together! As well as Melanie & Nathan given a shot!

So glad Bo is seeing that the evidence against Daniel is "too easy". I hope they get it figured out!

Thanks for the recap Barb!!! Wonderful job!
Gotta love it

The Salem police have possibly borrowed a nose from a bloodhound. Bo catching on to the 2 + 2 not equaling 4 is great. I think this means it will be a short lived story. I bet after Daniel goes to jail they will follow his lead and watch Kate. She has to slip up. I like Daniel he has had a rough time losing his love and then finally giving in to love again only to lose her to Lucas and possibly death.
Again, Brady the peacemaker has come to the rescue. The "make-up hug" seems a little too simple. Stephanie owes Melanie a huge apology for what she said.
Thanks for the write up Poirot. So glad that Melaine (my girl ) and Stephanie are together as friends again. I just love seeing friendships. I think I will have to watch just to see the Code Blue on Chloe. (It must have been funny for us medical people to say something about it. )
Thanks Poirot for such a great write up.

I agree - Steph owes Mia much more than a simple hug - but with friendship, sometimes a simple hug is all you need.

I love Brady - just reading about him - even though I haven't been able to see the show lately, I'm still keeping up through the write ups everyday. So, I'm not that far behind.

As for Kate, someone has to finally take her down. How many times does she have to do things like this before she really pays the piper. The best was when she had to become the waitress in the coffee shop. Oh, if only we could have something like that happen to her again - or better yet, ship her off to the deserted island again.
As for Kate, someone has to finally take her down. How many times does she have to do things like this before she really pays the piper. The best was when she had to become the waitress in the coffee shop. Oh, if only we could have something like that happen to her again - or better yet, ship her off to the deserted island again.

IMO, the worst thing to happen to Kate was having to clean fish for months and months after the plane crash, and she was rescued by the fishing boat crew. Vivian drugged the coffee, and the pilot drank it.
It's funny Kate always seems to use drugs when she does her dirty work, just like what she did in Italy and w/Brandon and w/Sami. She always seems to have connections to get all kinds of drugs, except this last one that she had the Rx for. She must have gotten to bottles or put some in another bottle, since she planted one & still has one. Clever lady, dear Kate. Bleeh!
Oh yeah, I remember the fish cleaning. I would approve of that for her punishment again! Or something equally horrible.

I guess Salem doesn't have the 3 strike rule b/c Kate would be under the jail by now. She's covered her tracks pretty well this time, but I'd think the pharmacist would see that it was not Daniel who picked up the prescription, since he remembers enough to give a brief description. And what about Lucas - his mother tried to murder his wife - is he just going to yell and scream at her again and tell her to get out of his life (again) for about 2 minutes. I'm not sure anyone has the Salem brain.
(Kate) always seems to have connections to get all kinds of drugs, except this last one that she had the Rx for.!

I think she could have gotten it without a prescription but she wanted the one with Daniel's "handwriting" on record in the pharmacy.

I'd think the pharmacist would see that it was not Daniel who picked up the prescription,

If the pharmacy is as busy as the ones I've seen, the pharmacist wouldn't necessarily know or remember Daniel clearly. The man Kate hired looked remarkedly like him.
Thanks for the write up.

WIsh I could agree about the friendship between Steph and Mel, but I just don't think Steph has it in her to be someone else's true friend. I understand it's hard to see someone date your ex, even when you ditch them, but it's a pattern with her. I think Mel deserves better. I like Mel and Ari as friends better than Mel and Steph, Ari can also act awful, but I think she is actually nicer to Mel,so I am hoping that Ari turns out to be ok.
I guess Salem doesn't have the 3 strike rule b/c Kate would be under the jail by now. She's covered her tracks pretty well this time, but I'd think the pharmacist would see that it was not Daniel who picked up the prescription, since he remembers enough to give a brief description. And what about Lucas - his mother tried to murder his wife - is he just going to yell and scream at her again and tell her to get out of his life (again) for about 2 minutes. I'm not sure anyone has the Salem brain.

As someone said earlier....Bo has the Salem Brain right now as he quickly realized something is fishy about the whole poisoning of Chloe thing!
I agree - Steph owes Mel much more than a simple hug - but with friendship, sometimes a simple hug is all you need.

I agree, especially when you consider how impulsively Melanie has acted in the past. In addition, Melanie knows that Stephanie still loves Philip. That means that Melanie, as a friend, is more likely to forgive Stephanie for overeacting and goin off the deep end.
Ok ~change thoughts here now~ Nicole and EJ doing "the romp" again and again~~ hope she is going to end up pregnant again.. since she thinks it will not happen again she is not preventing anything now.... Yes I know they( said they were not writing Ari's pregnancy in~~ BUT do we believe them???? I bet they do...... they have been known to re-write lots before....