Days of Our Lives - Fri. July 24,2009

The Salem police have possibly borrowed a nose from a bloodhound. Bo catching on to the 2 + 2 not equaling 4 is great. I think this means it will be a short lived story. I bet after Daniel goes to jail they will follow his lead and watch Kate. She has to slip up. I like Daniel he has had a rough time losing his love and then finally giving in to love again only to lose her to Lucas and possibly death.

:welcome: To the Salem Spectator Family Donna! o glad you could join us.
EJ & Nicole

Sorry I had to comment: Nothing like a role in the hay to take your mind off your child (who is listening to the baby monitor now) and his ex-wife.. Oh the travisty of it all. Too bad I can't get those drugs every once in a while.
I know this is a childish thing for me to say, but I wish Melanie hadn't been quick to forgive Stephanie! Stephanie was badmouthing her, sabotaging her budding relationship with Nathan (while flirting with him herself!!!), and then suspects the worst of her being gone with Philip... and if that isn't enough calls her a whore?!?!

I think Stephanie needed to at least be made to grovel at Melanie's feet a little bit for that one. Yeah yeah I know Melanie was beastly to Stephanie when she first came to town. Yes I know she was instramental in Max and Stephanie's breaking up. But she's made up for it and been a real friend to Stephanie and Philip. And Stephanie couldn't at least hear her out before beating her down.

And as for Daniel... I'm now a bit interested in how this story will play out. Glad to see Daniel has the Salem brain for the day.
I know this is a childish thing for me to say, but I wish Melanie hadn't been quick to forgive Stephanie! Stephanie was badmouthing her, sabotaging her budding relationship with Nathan (while flirting with him herself!!!), and then suspects the worst of her being gone with Philip... and if that isn't enough calls her a whore?!?!

I think Stephanie needed to at least be made to grovel at Melanie's feet a little bit for that one. Yeah yeah I know Melanie was beastly to Stephanie when she first came to town. Yes I know she was instramental in Max and Stephanie's breaking up. But she's made up for it and been a real friend to Stephanie and Philip. And Stephanie couldn't at least hear her out before beating her down.

And as for Daniel... I'm now a bit interested in how this story will play out. Glad to see Daniel has the Salem brain for the day.

Jade I agree with your post. Stephanie was a total witch when she badmouthed Melanie to Nathan. I am interested in the Chloe/Daniel/Kate storyline. It really got interested in the past 2 episodes. I can't wait to see how long it will take before the Commissioner figures it out. Also is it a big conflict of interest for Bo andHope to work this case since they both have history with Daniel Jonas?
Jade I agree with your post. Stephanie was a total witch when she badmouthed Melanie to Nathan. I am interested in the Chloe/Daniel/Kate storyline. It really got interested in the past 2 episodes. I can't wait to see how long it will take before the Commissioner figures it out. Also is it a big conflict of interest for Bo andHope to work this case since they both have history with Daniel Jonas?

Salem has no problem with conflicts of interest. :)

I've not really cared about this Daniel/Chloe/Kate thing but am now interested in seeing how it plays out.

It looks to me like it may be more of a case of Bo and Hope and the PD trying to proove how Kate framed Daniel. I mean even if they all figure it out logically... they have to get the evidence to proove it.
I watched the show because of the CPR scene. Boy I learned a few things now I now what I do wrong, no wonder my patients don't do as well. Had to laugh. Chloe was sitting at a 35 to 40 degree angle. (I know you have to see her face.) Lexie was angled away from her.(Not the best way to get the force you need for the compressons.) Besides it looks like all I should do is stand outside the room and yell for the patient not to leave me and to live. That I love her.
Ohh and by the way loved my girl Melanie. She was so cute in that dress with the red flower. Her hair was a bit messed, but that is ok. Loved how she hit Stephaine. Wish is could have been a bit harder.
Yummy Cliffhanger

Daniel looks at Kate, walking slowly towards her, saying “You”.

Thanks Poirot! You're too good to us! :clap:

Which way to Salem?
Good show filled with strong performances and dialogue Friday.

I didn't like the part where Daniel was screaming to Chloe "I love you" from the hospital halls, and I wish Nathan would call Maggie "grandma" instead of "Maggie" out of respect. But I liked the rest of the show.

I liked the scenes where Bo questioned Daniel, at least until Hope arrived and asked why Daniel is lying. Loved Daniel's line about the fruit basket: I ordered it, but I didn't pack the apples. Good comeback!

I liked Philip and Brady's conversation about the two women. But the scenes between the two women themselves -- Melanie and Stephanie -- lit up the screen. They really evoked a lot of anger (from me). Ooh, did Stephanie ever deserve that slap! I think Melanie showed real restraint.

I love how she didn't let Stephanie get away with her insults and fabrications. Melanie stood up for herself and told Stephanie how it really is. Stephanie made the situation completely personal. I love love loved how Melanie told Stephanie she is delusional when she first referred to Philip as her fiance, then boyfriend. You go, Melanie. I created a poll for Performer of the Week in the Daily Days forum and voted for Melanie. That girl can act!

Thank you Poirot for the summary!
I broke down and watched because of the Code Blue scene. I agree with kpatch. Boy Molly sure can act. That is why she is my girl Melanie.
I'll be darned if I'd make up with anyone who called me those names. Why must they use those names all the time. I don't hear people using those words, except for very bad women.