Days of Our Lives - Fri. June 11, 2010


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Days of Our Lives

Friday, June 11, 2010
Episode #11,353 Taped 4/12 Director – Grant A. Johnson

As Hope looks over the divorce papers, Jennifer is apologizing, talking of trying to jot down a phone number while talking to Jack, didn’t mean to pry. Hope assures her it is o.k., explains that several months ago, she did ask Bo for a divorce, but then…….Jennifer understands….Hope changed her mind, doesn’t want this. Hope assures her again, it is o.k. not to worry. Both women are headed to Alice’s, but Hope wants to be alone for a while, so will go in her own car.
Meanwhile, Bo is at the Pub, trying to reach Hope via phone, says it is important, but he doesn’t want to leave it in a message. Maggie comes in, can tell Bo is worried about something, but he doesn’t say, just that he has to find Hope.

Arianna lays on her cot in jail, when in pops cheery Melanie, all full of warnings and advice. They talk of what’s going on, Melanie knows darn well Nicole is doing something to keep Arianna in jail, Ari agrees Nicole cannot be trusted. Melanie says Ari has to know Brady loves her, so she has to make him see what Nicole is doing, not give up, but fight back. Brady has to see for himself that no matter what Nicole says, she cannot be trusted.

Brady is on the phone with someone, (sounds like it might be an investigator) telling them there were 6 guys mugged and Ari cannot have NO alibit for all of those times. Keep digging. In walks Victor, who cut his honeymoon short, lol, to come give some support to Brady. They argue a bit, but Victor has a gift for him, another money clip, talking of how it really signifies being a Kiriakis, that there is always family. He mentions how when Brady is in trouble, he thinks of his mother, and what she would say or do, tries his best, screws up at times, but he does love him, and backs him up. Brady eventually accepts Victor’s bumbling conversation, heads out, telling him to give grammy Viv a hug from him. Victor tells him that is cruel & unusual punishment. LOL

Maggie & Jennifer sit at the kitchen table, both so happy to see each other. A knock at the door, Maggie goes to answer and finds Marie (Horton) standing there. Hugs all around, the 3 women sit at the table talking. Marie asks if her mother is able to recognize family. Maggie replies that she sleeps a lot, but when she opens her eyes, she knows who is there, and is happy to see them. Jen is not sure Jack will be able to come with the kids, will talk to him later about it. Maggie starts to say there is plenty of room there, breaks down a bit, remembering how Mickey used to love the house full, especially with kids. Jen remembers how, at Thanksgiving, he always let the kids win the touch football game, tho they didn’t know it. Maggie remembers telling Alice when Mickey died, and how comforting her words were. Marie knows they had to be, flashes back to a conversation with she had with her mother when she had a miscarriage, and stopped going to church. They all pull themselves together, ready to go over to see Alice, and all leave.

Nicole is down on the docks, and runs right into EJ, accusing him of stalking her. They have a rather confrontational conversation, as EJ says he knows she has something to do with Arianna being in jail, chides her for attempting to get Brady this way, calling her a loser. He tells her that this time she will go to jail, and will not get a pardon. She made a mistake coming back to Salem, and when she did, if she stayed out of his sight, it would have been o.k,, but instead she put her thumb right in his eye, and that he will not take. She counters with how he moved Sami & the kids into the mauseleum, breakfasts must be fun with Stefano & Kate in the mix, who is the food taster. Now they go round about their marriage, Nicole insisting that EJ really loved her, and tells him to admit that he never was so happy as when it was him, her & Sydney. EJ reminds her, it took a long time for her to remember Anna, and that it may take him some time, but he will remember that man, where he saw him, and then the jig will be up. He starts to leave, first asking Nicole if she knows a good hypnotist.

Baker is in the sleazy poker room when some guy (Al??) comes in. Baker gives him a wad of cash, saying he is staked. Al rifles thru the money, saying something about a cruise. Later, Brady is in the Pub, paying for something, as Al comes by, noting his money clip, commenting he has seen one like it before, but claiming he can’t remember where.

Nicole is with Baker, talking of hiding their tracks, Baker doesn’t like the “we” she keeps talking about. She is worried there not be any evidence around as to their involvement.

Arianna tells the guard she wants to make a phone call, not her lawyer, someone more important, when EJ comes in. She tells the guard she will make the call later, as EJ says he has to talk to her and go over some things. He promises her he will remember that guy, and when he does, Nicole will be the one going to prison, contemplating how happy Brady is with Arianna.

Hope walks into Gran’s house, yelling for Julie, saying she is there. She looks at a picture of her and Gran, flashes back to a conversation she had with Alice over whether or not she should marry Bo, that she did not want to do so unless she was the only one in his heart. Alice (who is white haired in this flashback) talks of how stubborn Hope is. Bo comes around the corner, can tell something is wrong. He apologizes to Hope, did not want her seeing the papers, she says it is o.k. She knows she asked for the divorce several months ago. He lets her know he is there for her, no matter what, call him any time. She thanks him. Later, she comes into the room, telling Bo that Gran is awake, he wants to see her. Hope says Gran would love to see him, but declines going with him, cuz Gran always loved her time alone with Bo…he could make her smile and laugh. She fiddles with her purse, as she talks of her, Julie & Maggie taking shifts of staying with Gran. The pill bottle appears, he asks what those are. Hope replies they help her sleep, but she won’t be taking them, since she has to be alert while staying there. Bo goes upstairs as Hope looks at a picture of her, Bo & Alice, holds it up against her chest, looking very sad.

Thank you Barb for another wonderful write up.

It is too bad that Hope can't just stay off of those sleeping pills forever. :(
Thanks for the write up!! Looks like the big tear jerkers are are strating up!!!
I usually go to the gym & watch Days while on the treadmill. I swear, if I start watching I'm gonna fall off from all the crying!!
As a watcher from Day 1 way back when, I think I've already been thru 3 boxes of tissues since the moment Julie walked into Maggie's kitchen looking grim. Heaven help me when the funeral airs!

Thanks, Barb, for your great write-ups! >"<
Thanks for the write up Poirot. I think I will wait till I get home from work to watch. I had tears just reading and don't want to show up at work all red eyed.
You know, even when Maggie opens the door to Marie, and they are hugging, I was tearing up..........and mind you, I was not watching when Marie was on the show.
There is a point, as Maggie, Jen & Marie sit at the table, talking of how Alice influenced them all, where all 3 clasp hands in center of the table......very poignant moment.
Looks like the big teat jerkers are are strating up!!!

I usually go to the gym & watch Days while on the treadmill. I swear, if I start watching I'm gonna fall off from all the crying!!

I think even I would fall off the treadmill if someone started jerking on my male teats. ROFLOL
Oh Mosh -- thank you for posting that! I had the same thought when read it.
Guess I should have used spell check!! OOPS!! Glad you all cant see me...cause I am totally blushing right now. Think I will go edit my comment!! :)
Hope tells Bo that She, Julie & Maggie are going to take shifts staying w/Alice ... what about Marie? She has medical training. Besides working in a lab way back .... I believe she was a nurse while she was in the convent (?)

Seems to me she'd be a perfect candidate to be helping with her mother's care. Another case of not holding to character history! :rolleyes:
Hope did not know Marie was in town yet, when she made the statement. She was at Alice's house......while Marie had just arrived at Maggie's.
laepadgett, What Redsquirrel said. LOL I have done this more times than I want to admit to. But, it was funny as written so I couldn't pass it up. :)

Back on Topic:

Barb, when did Marie have her storylines on Days? I am not sure if I remember her or not? Thanks. :)
Marie was back in the 60s and 70s, before I ever began watching. but I do know that at one point she fell in love with this guy......who eventually turned out to be her brother (whose face had been injured in war and plastic surgery was done, plus he had amnesia) and that resulted in her entering the convent.

Alice & Tom had 5 children, Tom, Marie, Bill, Mickey & Addie.
Thanks for the prevue, Barb. As aggravated as I've been with Brady lately, I had to laugh at his comment to Victor, telling him to give granny Viv a hug for him. And Victor's comment about cruel and unusual punishment. Sounds like a good scene.
Saw the show when I got home last night. Boy did I cry. Loved the flashback of Alice and Marie after she lost the baby and was wondering why God would let that happen to her. So good to see Marie back. I just loved her when I was little.