Days of Our Lives Fri., June 14, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, June 14, 2019

Xander gives Rolf's diary to Maggie, there is disbelief, but Maggie knows Xander would not lie about this. He shows Sarah the formula in the diary, Sarah knows time is of the essence, Maggie thanks him, the women take off for the hospital. Brady applauds, says bravo, you may have fooled them, not me. Where did you get the diary? Xander does his usual evasive verbal dance, Brady finally leave, still doesn't believe him.

Sarah & Maggie get to the hospital, show Kayla the diary, she & Sarah take off. Kate comes in, sees Maggie, stops her, asking if she is drunk again. Maggie gets indignant, they have a few words, as Maggie tells of Xander giving them the diary. Kate doesn't trust him, more words, Kate doesn't want Maggie to go tell Will, get his hopes up. They argue some more, but Maggie is determined. Later, she returns, Will is asleep, but she told Sonny. Out comes Sarah & Kayla, they have reconstructed the serum that got Will his memory back, and have a great many now working on antidote.

Eve comes in Haley's room with an officer, she is being discharged, this man will take her to be deported as soon as all the paperwork is finished, in about an hour. Say your goodbyes. She leaves in time to see the diary being brought in, gets all nervous when she hears Xander gave it to them. They do say he did not say how he got it, she takes off.

Back in Haley's room, JJ is suggesting they still can take off. No, Haley refuses. Melinda comes in, JJ berates her, if she would have helped long ago, this would never have happened. Melinda admits he is right, she has now been working round the clock to get her green card, feeling that now it is established she has mother who is citizen, might help. However, could still be years. However, Haley won't be alone in China, Melinda is going with her. She won't be alone. Melinda goes out. There is a lengthy series of scenes wherein JJ offers to go to China, Haley says no, tells him to move on, he doesn't want to, only one girl for him. Finally they kiss, Eve comes in with the cop, or ICE agent, and Melinda, Haley is handcuffed, all exit, except for sad JJ.

Eve finds Xander and gives him the 3rd degree about the diary, only wanting to know if he told anyone. No, he hasn't, and he made up some malarky as to how he came in possession of it. She breathes sigh of relief, won't have to worry. Xander grins, he never before had any friends in high places. Who knows when it might come in handy. You owe me, madam commissioner.

Ted Laurent is trying to call “Nicole” who won't answer an unknown caller. She sips her drink, talking to herself or “Father” about her coup. Ted has the real file on Holly, figures this will set him up royally with Hope, but first he has to call the mother, let her know. He flashes back to finding the file. Is frustrated when Nicole won't answer. He calls Hope, leaves a message to call him back, then continues to try to reach Nicole. She finally picks up, wanting to know who is bothering her. He explains he has something important to tell her, but she interrupts, cannot be bothered. She is waiting for Stefan DiMera, and not leaving until he returns. She slams the phone down, but Ted now knows where she is.

Gabi has come in, asking who she is talking to, why she is there. “Nicole” begins bragging about waiting for Stefan, the job offer, Basic Black, etc. Gabi is puzzled, as that would be the same as Gabi Chic. Oh, but Nicole will make a bigger success of Basic Black, and Gabi will be out. Gabi learns Stefan is holed up with his lawyers, so goes off in a huff to see what is going on from him.

After a bit, Nicole is impatient, Stefan not back, goes into foyer, knocking at door. No Harold, she answers. Yep, Ted Laurent. She rants a bit about his harassing her, but he finally gets to explain about the file on Holly, says her daughter is alive, shows the file. She claims fake, he says no, claiming he found it in his office. She is a bit disbelieving, still, he assures her this is true, the file had been doctored, this is how it matched, even told of Xander being caught in the hospital office with the file. The wheels are spinning as she tries to deal with this. Ted notes she doesn't see very happy, but she isn't sure about this file. He is going to call Hope Brady, who will be very excited to hear the news, and very happy.

Nicole doesn't want him to say anything to Hope, in fact, not to anyone. She has walked to fireplace, her back to him. Why not, he asks, She has grabbed the fireplace poker, whacks him with it, and down he goes.
I wish they built up JJ and Haley's relationship a lot more before all this immigration business. It's just hard to believe they are just deeply in love now.

Boy people in Salem get knocked unconscious really easy. Poor Ted. Is he gonna get sent off to an abandoned island again?

Glad Gabi heard "Nicole" talking. Will she come in with Ted on the floor?
I thought they had Haley make a good point in her little speech about how it was all so dramatic with her and JJ, but that he needs to move on. I think it hinted to how rushed it all was and how much of their connection was based on the drama and heightened emotion of the situation.

I can't wait for whatever Kristen has planned for Ted to bite her. This is how she's going to get caught. Hope is going to wonder where Ted went. She's not going to be able to cover this up by herself. Xander has other fish to fry. I wonder how much he'll help her? This is at least some drama I'm interested in, which hasn't been the case for weeks. I just hope they don't drag it out, and we get Holly back this summer and find out where she's been and if real Nicole is still alive.
Thank you for the summary. There's a whole pool of characters I find so unappealing, I wouldn't mind if they all knock each other off. Doesn't matter too much to me in what order. I guess if I had to pick one, I'd probably have Kristen eliminated first though. I'm pretty sure none of it is going to happen.
Thanks, Poirot.

How long will it take for everyone to wonder how Xander got the diary
if Eve had it first?

Poor Xander, he gave up the diary and Ted stole the autopsy report
about Holly.

Was someone listening to Eve and Xander? The door to the room
was ajar.

Ted and Xander both did something to make other people like them better.

The University Hospital lab must be run by Super Heroes to already
make the serum from the diary.

Where has Melinda been all of Haley's life? She's finally trying to get
a green card and she'll go to China with Haley.

Is Ted dead? We'll have to wait until next week to find out.
Xander: Who knew that he was so multi-talented. On Thursday, he showed that he was a master of come-backs. On Friday, he displayed a great ability to sling b/s. Brady ought to now put him in charge of the Titan p.r. department. Any company that's tied to grouchy Victor, employs the infamous Kate, and has a revolving-door policy for its CEOs is badly in need of an image make-over.

Ted: Now he's the latest victim of a Salem fire-place poker attack. When things are all over he could commiserate with fellow poker victim John Black. For his sake, let's hope he's read Aiden Jennings's handy little manual, How to Escape from DiMera Captivity.

Eve: She seems to already be on the downhill slope. With Rolf's magic memory serum back, her game with hapless Jack could be nearing its expiration date. And being owned by Xander could be her road to utter ruin