Days of Our Lives Fri., June 21, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, June 21, 2019

Ciara leaves the Pub, wanting to get some air, Hope comes along, chats with her a bit about the wake, Claire joins them. Hope talks of Caroline, loving family, hugs them both, referring to them as my girls.

Eve comes in to give Ben a hard time, he is going down, will be in jail, finally will pay for murdering her daughter. Ben says he wants to call his lawyer, Eve says, sorry, the phone lines are all down. Out she goes.

Claire returns to the loft, is so glad to see Tripp, yammers about the wake, hugs him, yaks some more, tries to kiss him, he backs off, what is wrong. She talks about the recording, Eve forcing her to give it, etc. But Tripp wants to talk, says he & Ciara have both gone thru the same thing, someone trying to kill them, need each other now, both understand how it has affected themselves. Claire gets it, he is breaking it off with her, is going to be with Ciara. Yes, she trusted Ben, a mistake, we have gone thru same thing. Claire is livid, Tripp & Ciara!!! She bellows about how she needed him today, gramma's wake, etc. but don't worry about her, she can take care of herself. He is going to be sorry he did this to her.

Sarah (oh, how could we sit thru an episode without Sarah?) is remembering being with Eric in the chapel, him appreciative that Will had been saved. Rex comes up, been thinking about their wedding. She talks of the plans they made, he wants to throw them all out the window, has their rings on him, wants to get married now, during her break, round up a chaplain, I have our wedding license. She says no, she doesn't want to get married on her break, talks of parents, family. The heck with them, he notes everyone all caught up with Caroline's wake, etc. Let them all be, all we need is us. He holds her hand as elevator door opens, Eric comes out, stops as he sees them.

Earlier, Eric & Sami were cleaning up after the wake. (he has changed clothes, apparently, but she is still in her dress & heels. She wants to leave the rest of the dishes, he reminds her Gramma always said do all the dishes today, clean slate tomorrow. They talk a bit, she mentions Nicole, he tells her how Nicole blames him for Holly's death, he did not keep his word about taking care of Holly. He realizes it is over, he can never be with Nicole. Sami is thrilled, laughs, hugs him, tells him now he can move on, maybe with Sarah, tell her how you feel. Thus him stopping abruptly as he gets off the elevator as described above. Sarah & Eric seem to be “together”.

Eve runs into Hope in the square, and cannot resist the digs galore. She jabs at Hope how she succeeded where Hope failed, Ben is in jail, will be behind bars, etc. Hope says her evidence is circumstantial, Eve denies it. She goes on and on, insists he is done for. They talk of Ted having quit, Eve offering him the job back, hasn't heard yet. Eve says too late for her daughter, but not too late for Hope's, who in turn says she knows what it is to lose a child. Eve is just loving lording it over Hope about Ben.

Ted wakes up in the dungeon cell, unsure of where he is, trying to remember, cannot understand why Nicole would attack him after he told her Holly was alive. He tries to figure how to get out. Meanwhile, Kristen has called Xander in, shows him the Holly file Ted had, angry Xander did not destroy it, doesn't care how Ted got it, but he has to be eliminated, as she hands him a gun. Xander says she wants the guy dead, do it yourself, handing it back. She is right back at him being this is his fault, he has to clean up the mess. Next thing I see is Xander opening door to Ted's cell, Ted happy to have Xander rescue him, but Ted is not there to free him, but to end him, as he points the gun.

Ciara comes into interrogation room to see Ben, having told the new guard outside she was Ben's lawyer. She tells Ben of the plan she & Tripp concocted, he worries too dangerous, she reassures, will be careful. Yes, they will be pretending to have gotten together now, but her heart is only with Ben. She kisses him, then leaves, running into Eve outside in the hall. Eve wants to know what she is doing there. (Eve has just called to stall Ben's arraignment or trial, no doesn't want asst D.A. On the case, will get back to them).

Hope is at “Nicole”s door, who is not happy to see her, obviously having hurriedly dressed, but is on her way out. She brushes past Hope, having been very curt. Hope calls Ted, phone is ringing, but she is hearing the phone ringing inside “Nicole's” room. She goes to the door.

Eve comes back into interrogation room, saw Ciara, who told her of returning the house key. Eve wants it, he cannot have sharp objects. He finally, reluctantly, pulls out a key, remembering Ciara giving it to him, just in case she runs into Eve, cover story), holds it out to Eve. She starts to take it, but then, for some reason, pulls her hand back, and leaves the room.

Ciara returns to the loft, talks in whispers as Claire in her room. Yes, Tripp told her, she did not take it well. Ciara tells of the cover/key story for Eve.

Sami is walking across the square, “Nicole” bumps into her, says sorry, then realizes who she ran into. Who the hell do you think you are, Says Sami.

There was breaking news by NBC again at around the 45 min. mark. Returned around 5 min, to, but tons of commercials, so finally just last 2 min. of show.
I really think the whole Claire thing might be good story. I still don't like they have ruined her but hopefully she will come back . . . and not set people on fire.

They keep mentioning Paige so much I hope she does come back from the dead. Would put a wrench into JJ and Haley too!

Why oh why does everyone see "something" between Eric and Sarah? And no one gives a hoot about Rex!! They all want Eric to "steal" her away. Eric is really pretty slimy for even thinking about stealing his brother's girl!!
Guarantee you everyone doesn't see "something" between Sarah and anyone. Well, some do with Xander. As for Rex, guess too many favor Chloe.........or rather the actors Kyle Lowder being paired with Nadia Bjorlin. They were such a good couple as Chloe &
Brady........and they could have easily paired the two together, since Brady was now being played by another actor.
I do prefer Nicole with Eric, but it would not bother me if Sarah went back to Chicago, or moved to Nashville, or eloped with Ted. LOLOLOL
Instant education: If Ciara wants to really help Ben, she should sign up for Salem University School of Law's quickie law degree. If so, she'd soon be running legal rings around whatever dolt Jack and Eve can recruit to be he new D.A.

Divided loyalties: Why does Xander still lower himself by continuing to work with Kristen. Consorting with the creepy schemer is beneath him now that he's a big shot Titan executive.

Unseemly glee: Sami was really over the moon by the end up Eric's relationship with "Nicole." If Fay Walker hadn't taken a swan dive down the DiMansion staircase, she'd probably be just as glad that her daughter is free of the gloomy Salem sourpuss.

Mr. Romance: No wonder Sarah isn't excited about a quick marriage to Rexy? What woman wants a guy who thinks that his fiancee would be OK getting married on her work break or having no say in planning her wedding?

Ignorance is bliss: Know-nothing Eve thinks that she's got Ben dead to rights? She should guess again. Based on the meager evidence that she's now got, a judge would likely grant Ben's lawyer's motion to dismiss all charges.
Hope versus Eve.

Hope: I would sure like her to get a better story in the future. It’s been years since we’ve seen her smile and longer that she has been happy.

Eve: Someone should douse her with a bucket of water so we can all watch her melt into a puddle, chanting: I’m melting, I’m melting.
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I liked the show today. Maybe the new storylines are settling in.

It's time to put the Sarah/Rex relationship out of its misery. Rex looks like a stooge when everyone knows within a nanosecond that Eric and Sarah are making eyes at each other, and he's oblivious. He's impulsive and immature, but he deserves better than Sarah. If Sarah didn't think things would work out with Eric, that doesn't mean that she has to string Rex along. That's silly.

Eve "What Constitutional rights?" Donovan is ridiculous, but this plotline highlights the trouble with Ben's redemption. How much can you blame her when the guy who strangled her daughter is walking around smiling and happy after spending no time in jail? I can't blame her for not letting it go. If Sami were in town, she wouldn't let it go. If Serena hadn't hatched in Salem without context, her family wouldn't either. The writers might have to pull out some mind control or something else to help absolve Ben besides, "He's on his meds now. Everything is fine."
so several years in mental hospital, locked up...and he not matter? If so, why bother sending anyone guilty of any crime to one....mentally ill or not, they go to prison....
so several years in mental hospital, locked up...and he not matter? If so, why bother sending anyone guilty of any crime to one....mentally ill or not, they go to prison....

None of this justifies her ignoring the law now as commissioner, but if that's your kid who got murdered, a few years in a mental hospital wouldn't feel like justice. He's not just a criminal who got a sentence, paid his debt and that's it. He's a SERIAL KILLER who did a few years in a pysch ward and is now mixing with the regular population where he's one missed prescription away from returning to his former state. There's no way that would be viewed as proper sentencing and treatment in real life. In real life, killing four people would get him incarcerated or hospitalized forever. In Salem terms, we can let that go. I've let it go. I like seeing him with Ciara. However, they're writing Eve according to real-world rules, and when she makes her arguments about how unfair it is that he's out and about, it's hard to disagree with what she says. They need to reconcile the two. Either figure out a way to have her let this go the way Hope did after he saved Ciara OR they need to do something else to let him off the hook for what happened.
How much can you blame [Eve] when the guy who strangled her daughter is walking around smiling and happy after spending no time in jail?
Crazy or not, it would bother me too.

so several years in mental hospital, locked up...and he not matter? If so, why bother sending anyone guilty of any crime to one....mentally ill or not, they go to prison....
I agree with you, Poirot, but I still understand how Eve feels.
Eve treated her daughter terribly, and in the years after Paige died, said nothing. She was not out for revenge until she wangled Jack into the job of mayor. she can feel bitter, angry,etc. and may be out to "get" Ben to ease her own guilt for the way she treated her daughter. Plus seducing her daughter's boyfriend.
Eve is railroading someone, on purpose, using any underhanded means, even using a person she can tell is not thinking or acting clearly. She doesn't care about Ciara, Claire, Hope, Jack, or anyone else, just her own agenda, trying to ease her own conscience, and she doesn't care who she hurts in the process.
All of that is true. Eve is a trainwreck. Part of why she's in such a bad state is because Paige died without her being able to really reconcile with her. Still, when she says, "He killed my daughter, and I can't stand looking at him," it makes sense. If Will hadn't come back from the dead and Sami were in town, she wouldn't be any less insane in persecuting Ben. Hope wasn't any less insane in persecuting Ben--and it wasn't even her daughter who was killed. This is a plot point that goes beyond Eve in how difficult it is to reconcile with our wanting to accept Ben as a reformed character.
Will did not come back from the dead.........he was not dead to begin with. However, everyone did not know that, I agree.
Honestly, I just hate the idea of a bunch of zombies or Salem turning into The Walking Dead or something. Ugh. However, it was said in this episode...about Kristen, I believe, that others survived the fire, why not her as well. So perhaps there is hope we don't get people rising from their graves.
I do hope the writers find a way to credit others with those 3 deaths. Yes, Ben tried to strangle Will,............Yep. Guilty of attempted murder there. But perhaps he will get absolved of the other deaths......brainwashed by his daddy dearest.
Sami is always going to be acting insane about one thing or another. I just now watched this episode and couldn't stand watching her acting so silly about Eric giving up on Nicole, and then pushing him to go after Sarah. Yes, she would go after someone's fiance or husband or whatever because she has no morals, only a driving energy to have her way. Every time she comes back I think maybe she'll be more likable this time but it never happens.

If Xander's going to kill anybody, I wish it would be Kristen. Why not? He's with Titan now, doesn't need her. Not that I want him to kill anybody, right when I've started enjoying him.
Thanks for the summary!
I sure hope this is the beginning of our great old Hope! Maybe she'll get a clue about Ted, realize Ben isn't totally terrible, smile, and be a strong single woman for a while! Maybe? Right? She has been one of my favorite characters for many years...but not the last few years!

Wish Sarah would go away - taking Kristen, Claire and Eve with her! I get Eve's pain - BUT there is no way I'm OK with her railroading Ben and letting Claire go free with no help! Claire is more dangerous than Ben - in my least Ben has been given treatment AND meds that help him! I hate to see so many folks ignoring laws and not enforcing laws evenly. Postponing anyone's arraignment for no reason (other than her own personal agenda) is beyond BAD! She's the one breaking the laws - maybe she should go to jail!

I don't get the push from so many to have Eric "go after" Sarah! It's just WRONG!

Ciara's just as clever as when she was young! Love it! The key thing was awesome! Hope the plan to catch Claire works!
I wish that Hope sharing scenes with her granddaughter had started happening back when we learned the truth about the fire. But really November 2015. Now it just seems sudden and rushed. We should have seen their relationship over time.

I cannot wait for Eve to be fired

What happened to Shawn and Carrie? Why couldn't Carrie be in the scenes with Eric and Sami?
Oh, Heather, c'mon! Just because Carrie flew all the way from England to be a part of the memorial, and Sami from nearby doesn't mean Carrie gets the kind of airtime reserved for Sami. :sarcasm:
(Actually, it was the actress Christie Clark/Carrie who flew from England & Alison Sweeney/Sami from close by.)