Days of Our Lives - Fri. June 5, 2009


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Friday, June 5, 2009
Episode #11,097 tape date – May 4 Director – Albert Alarr

Warning, you are going to need a few tissues as you watch this episode. Just a few. Philip & Stephanie are still romping around in bed, mournful sax playing, lit candles softly glowing. They talk of “therapy”, etc. Later both are asleep, but Stephanie is dreaming of being in the morgue drawer, and wakes up suddenly, breathing heavily. When Philip wakes up she is not in bed, but she returns, claiming to have gone to wash her face. They talk a bit about the feud, which he insists is over, but she is still rather worried. Philip assures her Owen will never be able to hurt anyone again, that Stefano is back with his family, so is she, and all is well with the world. Stephanie is not too sure, figuring Stefano is going to be concerned about her and what she could say.

Sami is talking to EJ, about to spill the beans when Daniel comes out, she rushes over to him, & gets the bad news. Grace is very sick, and it is much more serious than they thought. She has bacterial meningitis. Sami is devastated, wanting to know how this could happen, she has always taken good care of Grace. She is crying as she talks of the teething fevers and if she had thought they were anything more serious she would have brought her in sooner. Daniel assures her she did everything right. EJ is asking if he still needs to locate the birth parents, but Daniel says no, now they have a diagnosis it is not necessary. They are giving Grace very powerful anti-biotics, and just have to wait and see if they work. EJ is trying to comfort Sami, but she spots Rafe coming in, and rushes over to him, crying and telling him about Grace. She takes a minute to thank EJ, who tells her if they do need do find the birth parents, the DiMera family has ways to accomplish this.

Will has gathered just about everything of Grace’s together, returns to the living room, to find Mia crying. She just says that Grace is so tiny and she feels so bad for her. Later they arrive at the hospital, and are told about the diagnosis, that the parents (Sami & Rafe) are in with Grace now. Mia has gone off, and is upset again, and when Will joins her, apologizes as this really doesn’t involve her, it is Will’s family. He knows that she loved Grace even before he did, so don’t apologize. She goes to wash her face. Daniel comes over, talks of doing all he can do for now, Will is just upset there is nothing he can do. Daniel tells him that in his experience, the parents need all the support they can get, and perhaps he could get the family down there. Will is glad to have something to do, leaves, asking Daniel to tell Mia where we went.

Nicole sits in the chapel as Stefano stands behind her, talking of the poor, innocent child who is now fighting for her life not being Sami’s baby, who is healthy, safe and how Nicole knows this only too well, since she is the one with Sami’s baby. Nicole says Stefano must have been in the coma too long, is delusional, needs more insulin, etc.etc. Oh, no…..Stefano told her long ago she was hiding something, and not to try to keep secrets from him, as he will find them out. He knows everything. He knows all about her baby, Sami’s baby, and Mis’s baby. Nicole still protests, but Stefano continues with the naming the Church of the Holy Cross, the Clinic, and Dr. Baker. Busted!!!! Nicole wants to know how long he has known. Stef laughs, saying she really doesn’t want to know that, it is unimportant, she is just trying to regroup. He claims she did all this just to snare his son and his money. She insists she loves EJ, and did this for him, reminding him that EJ is now raising his own child. Stefano chuckles, knowing that if Sami found out, and sued for full custody, she would win when the facts came out, since EJ is married to the perpetrator of this nefarious scheme. Now Nicole socks it to him at how she stood by EJ and the DiMera family, urging EJ to do what he had to do to save Stefano’s hide, & how she made sure the DiMera heir was being raised as a DiMera. EJ comes in, asking what they are talking about. Stefano claims to be trying to comfort Nicole, who has been upset about Sami’s baby. EJ asks Nicole to leave, so he can talk to his father, then tells him how he received a text message. (but we don’t hear what it was). Stefano tells him not to worry, Owen is not going to say a single word.
Later, EJ has brought Stefano home, and first thing Stefano does is grab a cigar, and wanting to have a big drink. Nope, EJ takes the cigar out of Stefano’s hands, saying he is only getting a cup of tea. Stefano is so happy to be out that sterile & restrictive place, he doesn’t care.

Sami & Rafe stand over the sleeping Grace’s crib, talking to her, and to each other. Sami is trying to be as positive as she can, telling Grace to fight, talking to Rafe of all the things she has done in her life to get something she thought she wanted…..and right now, there is nothing she can do. She loves Grace so much. Rafe is supported, assuring her that all is going to be o.k. Sami takes the medal out of her purse, hangs it on Grace’s bed, telling her that God is watching over her, and will take good care of her. Daniel comes in saying he has to take some cultures, so Rafe & Sami leave.

Nicole comes along with some coffee, spying a crying Mia. She puts down the coffee, sits next to Mia, who says she almost feels like she is losing her own daughter all over again. Flashback to right after Mia delivered her baby, and did not want to hold her. Nicole is very comforting, telling her how she was a mother, and all mothers would be upset and feeling for Sami and her baby at a time like this. She knows she has said some terrible things about Sami, but never once, not once, has she ever said Sami did not love her children.

Daniel & Nurse Maxine are in with Grace. He is going to try and get some sleep, she will keep watch. He wants to know the results of the culture tests as soon as they come back. He comments that Grace’s level of consciousness is deteriorating, says that only the parents can come in, mentioning the possibility of a Code Blue. He leaves, and thru a side door, in comes Nicole & Mia. Nurse Maxine turns, & Mia asks, please, she has a question about Grace. Nurse Maxine asks…..are you the mother? (hey, she knows better)…. Nicole replies…….yes, yes she is.

Wow. Sounds like a pretty emotional episode. I am going to hate the revenge that EJ throws out there when he finds out Sami never told him of his child.
Poor Mia....she has no idea that the baby she bonded with was her own. So sad!
I can't wait to see what Stefano does with the information he has. He owns NIcole right now!
Oh, you can see Nicole riddled with guilt when she is with Mia.

Stefano & Nicole scenes are absolutely great. The back & forth dialogue was delicious. The game is think you hold all the cards.....yes and they are trumps. The Clinic of the Almighty Dollar. LOLOLOL

And Sami is heartbreaking when Daniel tries to tell her Grace might not make it. And I guarantee you that even what I wrote was rather diffcult to do.
Thanks Poirot. Boy what a great show today. As for the nurse asking Mia if she was the mother I would have done the same thing. They had talking about needing the medical history of Grace's bio parents. But the main reason I would have asked is because I would be expecting the answer to be NO. At that point I would tell them I was not able to answer any questions, but the parents have all the info to go ask them. Looking forward to seeing the show.

I can't wait to see Stephano and Nicole scenes! So, if it ends with Nicole saying yes Mia is the she going to tell Mia the truth? Oh, this going to be so sad! I wonder if maybe Lucas will find out about the baby-switch somehow thru the Chloe and Nicole connection. At least that would give him something to do when Chloe goes back to Daniel
Sounds like a good show, yet so sad. I know I will ball my eyes out,(even though I know what is coming) not sure I am ready for that.
Thanks for the write up Barb!
o, how sad... I hope that Nicole comes clean to Mia. It would hurt her, but it would hurt worse when and if she was to find out later on. I hope Nicole's guilt makes her admit to everything.

I am glad Rafe didn't take the comfort EJ was giving to Sami the wrong way. So not the time for jealousy. Even Nicole was standing down.

man, i prob won't watch this one...
I think Nicole will make a quick recovery on her statement that Mia is her mother by saying that was just a way to get Mia in to see Grace. I still don't think the baby switch will wind up yet.
I can only hope that Nicole comes clean with everyone, of course this will really p*SS stefano off.
I can only hope that Nicole comes clean with everyone, of course this will really p*SS stefano off.

i think moreso it will make Sami really angry.... Because when it all comes out- Stefano and EJ will still have that heir that they will know about...but Sami is the one that tried to hide that they even had an heir to spare the child from their lifestyle....
When the truth comes out- Sami will be the one whose intentions were truely ruined.

and i am really hoping that the Grace story has a happy ending... please days, just let the child be happy and adorable and healthy... Sami can have as many kids as she wants- she's a good mother. :)

and i'm guilty of still thinking its wierd seeing i still remember seeing him on Passions. WHERE is the nurse monkey when you need her???? LOLOL:duh:
I am betting that Nurse Maxine is going to say......."no she isn't" as her next remark, after Nicole's affirmation that Mia is the mother.

While Nicole may know the truth, no one else does, and let's face is very odd to see Mia acting like this. She only has seen Grace a few times, and never "baby sat" her alone.
I was just remembering, when Rafe & Sami are keeping vigil at Grace's bedside, she talks of how she originally told Lucas she had lost her baby, and her voice is breaking as she wonders if God is punishing her for that.
Sorry I put my comment for todays show on yesterdays summary. It was just amazing to see the Stefano and Nicole scenes. They were so well acted. I was shocked to see Nicole say that Mia was Grace's mom. Everyone thinks that Grace was adopted, but if the nurse says to Sami that the bio mom came she will flip out. As she thinks Grace is hers.
Thanks for the excellent summary, Poirot. Today's show was high drama at its finest. I was most moved by Nicole. She truly is an outstanding actress. The part that got to me was when she and Mia are sitting at the hospital talking about Mia's baby, Sydney. Nicole's heart is breaking for Mia because Nicole is the only one who knows that Mia's baby is the one who is dying. I was truly moved by what was left unspoken.

I thought Shawn Christian's (Daniel) acting was just awful. He was smiling when he was talking to Sami and Rafe, but not in a comforting way, but rather in a way that seemed too cheerful, inappropriate, like Grace was going to be okay. As for his dialogue, he kept asking Sami and Will if they are okay. Duh. No, they are not, what do you expect? It also bugged me that Daniel talked to Sami out in the open. He should have taken her to a more private location to talk. He also did not move in a deliberate fashion. Real doctors would be much more action-oriented. Like Sami, I felt better once Rafe arrived. He does a great job of portraying strength and stability.

Stefano in leather? That didn't look right. But he was in top form in scenes with Nicole when they were both reaching for the upper hand. Good dialogue.

Did anyone else notice the little cross symbol tattoo on Stephanie's wrist?
DJM, maybe, as you say, the tattoo is new. I'm surprised the makeup people didn't cover it up or that they didn't shoot from a different angle so it wouldn't show. I wonder what it signifies.
By the way, that was a different nurse at the end of Friday's show than has been on the last two days. That's why Daniel was catching her up on everything and why she asked if Mia was the mother.
I noticed the tattoo also and wondered about it. I did a lot of FF, trying not to watch anything about baby Grace. But did not want to miss the scenes with Nicole and Stefano, so didn't want to skip the show completely. Thanks, Poirot, for making it possibile for me to know what to expect as I try to navigate through this current story line.