Days of Our Lives - Fri., Mar. 2, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, March 2, 2018

Everyone appears to be getting ready to go to Doug's Place for an unusual wedding, some of which could be the editing. Hope comes into the interrogation room at the PD, where Rafe is trying to fix his tie. She looks lovely, wears a white pant suit. Hugs, kisses, pooh poohing seeing each other before the wedding, chatter about when to tell everyone, more kissing.

Julie is a nervous wreck, trying to memorize what she has to say, Doug comes along, tells her to speak from the heart, not words she googled to find. She decides he is right, talks about their marriage, love, how he has cared for her all these years, and she thinks Rafe will do the same for Hope.

Ciara wants to use a song Claire wrote for the wedding for her montage, picks up Claire's phone to find it, Tripp is putting on his shirt. She finds a recording from “yesterday” figures that is it, starts to play, only to hear the recorded conversation. Tripp wonders why Claire would have done that, Claire comes out looking for her phone. They ask why she recorded them, she claims was accidental, must have left it running. She doesn't admit she heard anything in particular, but Ciara is on to her. Claire dashes out, telling Ciara she needs to get dressed for her mom's wedding, or she will miss it.

JJ is talking with Lani, at the club, same ol stuff about the baby, getting married, fussing about staying hydrated, etc. She is flashing back to convo with Eli about the pregnancy.

Gabi comes into the PD room to see Rafe, teases him about being dressed there. She starts fussing with his tie, in comes Hope, then Eli. Gabi does the can't see the bride thing, but Rafe & Hope both are o.k. Etc. Now Hope starts tying the tie, Gabi notes lipstick on Rafe's collar, Gabi says something about helping Hope with her lipstick, they leave. Eli teases Rafe about the lipstick, until Rafe notes it belongs to his bride. Eli is sorry, bad joke, Rafe thanks him for keeping his secret, Hope has come in..........what secret. Rafe decides he will tell her, and of course, says he told Eli they were already married. Eli professes to be such a good interrogator, he got it out of Rafe. Gabi is shocked, Rafe tells her short version of details, Hope makes them promise to tell no one else, all leave the room.

And the guests are all mingling, drinking, as are the couple getting married. Claire arrives, Julie inquires about the problem bugging her, Claire claims it got worse, she still doesn't know what to do. Ciara & Tripp have arrived, hear that Claire has this secret, realize she knows.

Jen & Eric have met up outside the club, exchange some small talk about weddings, kiss. Valerie takes advantage of Lani sitting alone, wants to talk to her, they go outside. Val gives Lani an earful about marrying JJ, having him raise Eli's child, pretending to JJ it is his. Lani shoots back ...”isn't that what you did”?. Val continues in this vein, Eli comes along, tells his mother to please respect his decisions (in other words, butt out) goes back inside with Lani.

Abe arrives, Val claims it was stuffy inside, she came out for some air, doesn't feel well, is going home. Abe will drive her, no, he can't leave, but he insists she is more important.

Inside, Ciara goes after Claire into the ladies room. Rafe & Hope mingle around, Doug toasts Rafe, saying he knows he will treat his daughter well, if not, everyone in the room will be after him. (Anvils are dropping all over the show constantly, with talks of secrets, Hope commenting Rafe just cannot keep one, and never should, she is a good shot, Doug & his toast, just is one after the other)

Ciara tells Claire she realizes she must know the secret, could not stand not knowing so recorded them. They argue, Claire saying Ciara never told her mother, Ciara replying that her mother went thru so much after her dad died, she just wanted her mother to be happy, Rafe makes her happy. Claire gets insistent that Hope should know, runs out, Ciara running after her.

Julie calls everyone's attention, time to get this couple married, gets Rafe & Hope up with her, hands Hope a bouquet. Hope hold Rafe's hand, thanks everyone for being there, they do have an announcement though, and here comes Claire, running up, Ciara trying to stop her. Claire has something to say to Hope, wants to go someplace private, Ciara is trying to say no, no, but Claire will not be stopped. She wants to go somewhere private, but Hope is just reacting, Rafe seems as tho he is trying to tell her., everyone is talking at once.....Claire just blurts it out. Rafe cheated on you!

Rafe has his arm around Hope's shoulder, the room has gone silent, reaction shots of Eli/Gabi, Lani/JJ, Eric/Jennifer, Julie with her hands over her face, Doug.....Claire, Tripp, Ciara........but it is Hope, who is facing Rafe, looking at him with puzzled expression.
Gabi mentioned to Hope that Mami was sorry she could not attend. Was glad they remembered that Rafe had a mother still living.

I swear Claire only blabbed to Hope to best Ciara, or make her look bad.

And if those two are always at odds, then they don't need to be living together. But I bet they have a lease or something. It has gotten old, and over board, besides being too repetitive. Poor Tripp.
The Hope-Rafe reception has collapsed in chaos thanks to the insufferable, know-it-all brat, Claire, but things could have been worse.
  • Valerie could have chosen the reception to tell JJ that Lani's baby was fathered by Eli, which would have led to more shouting, tears, and general upset involving Lani, JJ, Eli, Abe, Valerie, and Jenny.
  • Aiden could have sent wedding greetings: "Hope, congratulations. I trust that Rafe knows how to handle a necktie."
  • Carly could have sent her own wedding message: "Hope, congratulations. Be assured that I won't be coming after this husband."
  • Rafe could have responded to Claire telling the "big secret" by saying: "Thanks for ruining everything, kid. Guess what, you're under arrest for illegal electronic eavesdropping!"
  • Ben, who's escaped yet again, could have appeared to say: "Don't be alarmed everyone, but by any chance is Abigail here?"
  • Julie could have seen Gabi kiss Eli, which would have led to something like: "Eli, enough. She murdered dear Nicky. Imagine what she'll do to you."
Finally, where was Maggie, Salem's relationship expert, when she's really needed? She could have called for quiet and then firmly said: 'People, when a man has a one-night stand with his ex-wife after being dumped by his fiancee, he is not, I repeat, is not cheating!"
Poor Tripp.
My thoughts exactly!!! He has patience of a saint!

Oh boy, I was wondering what the big deal was about Hope and Rafe exchanging vows the day before and I guess it was to be part of a "secret'. And even if they did, why not do it again in front of others? Oh well. Anyway while watching at first I was like: Don't do it Claire! Then I was like: Go ahead, this is sooo soapy to do this!! Can't wait to see the fall out.

I loved how Doug matched Julie's outfit today. But really people were laying it on THICK for this!

JJ needs to chill out a little he is so repetitive with the baby stuff! I saw a comment on Facebook and it made me laugh because I agreed! The person posted that JJ needs new lines all he talks about is the pregnancy and baby and it's giving her anxiety! lol
There's strange weather all over the place today. We have snowstorms on the East Coast. There was snow in my neck of the woods in the Pacific Northwest but fortunately it didn't stick and is already pretty much gone. Then strangest of all were all the anvils falling from the sky in Salem. March is coming in like a lion indeed!

Speaking of anvils, so many have fallen on Gabi concerning her immediate future over the past couple of weeks that I'm surprised that she doesn't walk around looking like Wylie Coyote after a particularly tough day of trying to catch the Road Runner! (For those who may be wondering that's a "Looney Tunes" reference. LOL)

But after all the angst she's been experiencing, I appreciated finally seeing her laugh and have a little fun teasing Eli about his mother buying his suit. Wait a minute, his mother is buying his suits? At his age? Excuse me while I do my impersonation of Nelson, the bully from "The Simpsons", as I laugh point and say "Ha, ha."

I also enjoyed the sibling bonding between Rafe and Gabi. Those scenes have been few and far between lately and I for one miss their closeness.

Speaking of Eli's mother, I think Lani would be wise to take the thus far mild-mannered Dr. Grant seriously when she says: "I am NOT nice!" I'm starting to think neither Eli nor Lani realize that a powder keg has been lit and it's looking like she's set to go off before too much longer! :eek:
I'm on Team Claire. If Dopey Ciara hadn't worked so hard to keep her niece in the dark, Claire probably would have moved on and forgiven him. But since she's convinced Claire "ruined her life" and stole her "smoochy-woochy" Theo, she made an enemy out of someone smarter than her.

That said, it would have been nice if Claire had done this before the wedding, or had told Julie and Julie had blown up the wedding. This was boring and it's making a lot of people really hate Claire, who again, is the only watchable teen who hasn't tried to kill a vet.
Thanks, Poirot.

The episode could have been called "I've got a Secret". We had Rafe's secret about Sami
and others knew, Lani's baby secret and Hope/Rafe's already married secret.

Can someone tell me why Hope had a napkin or hankie on her pants? I guess it was
there to be fancy, but it looked stupid.

So Hope knows part of Rafe's secret. Rafe should have realized that getting married
before the official wedding ceremony wasn't going keep his secret safe.

I enjoyed all the faces at the end when they heard Rafe cheated.
Why do Ciara and Claire have to be involved in the same storyline? I find both of them more enjoyable when they are interacting with the adults or even alone with Tripp, but together they are both annoying and immature.

That being said, I do agree with Claire that Hope should have been made aware of this before now. The problem is the timing which she tried to tell Hope. Better yet, once Rafe realized Ciara and Carrie were aware that he slept with Sami, he should have admitted it to Hope at that time.

By the way, where were John and Marlena, and Chad and Abby for the wedding?
Sorry to disagree with you, Jason, and others who like Claire, but to me, she is the most unlikable character that's been on Days in some time. I'm not a fan of Rafe and Hope together (I like each of them separately), and I have no use for Ciara either, but I'm having to restrain myself to keep from saying how much I don't like Claire. I already felt that way before today but today was like putting sealer on my overall reaction to her.

Jen67, I agree that Rafe should have told Hope--a long time ago. I wonder if the people in Salem think if they want something to stay a secret badly enough, it will.....even after half the people in town already know about it. :rolleyes: I also wonder if Lani and Eli will get a light bulb moment. I doubt it.
Claire is wrong. She just had to know what Ciara & Tripp knew, and once she did, it was apparent why it was being kept quiet. Claire knows Ciara loves her mother, knows Hope & Ciara took it hard when Bo died, knows Hope is very happy with Rafe, and knows why Ciara did not tell. But Claire told Hope then for one reason only, to best Ciara.

Claire has surprised me, being such a brat constantly. Yep, Ciara was very wrong to have tried to get Theo back when she finally returned. They were good friends, that was it. She really did not "love" him like a lover, knew he was deeply involved with Claire, but went ahead anyway. A shame these two have to be at loggerheads constantly.

And yes, part of the problem is that Claire's parents are not around. And being brought up away from Salem, she really is not close to any of her relatives. Actually, they all have basically ignored her, and frankly, it has surprised me that Hope......AND Marlena, have not paid much attention to her.
I thought they were all going to college, apparently not. At least Claire has a job, as does Tripp, though I do wish Claire was working at the Pub. And Tripp at the hospital. Nothing wrong with being an orderly, or working in the cafeteria.....or the office.
Not a bad episode though a bit slow for a Friday

I liked Hope's suit but she looked way underdressed compared to the overdressed guests at the wedding. They should have said this was a casual wedding similar to Steve and Kayla's. Also, the jacket and the pants didn't look like they were the same shade of white though that could have been a lighting issue. Val's dress was too tight and I'm not even going to touch Jennifer's sheep coat.

Where were Belle/Shawn, John/Marlena, Roman, Chad/Abby? I'll give Steve/Kayla a pass.

Julie and Doug were cute but calling Hope "our little Princess" is a bit much when Hope is a 50+ year old grandmother of an adult. Plus this is her 5th or 6th wedding?

Nothing Claire did indicated to me that she was doing this out of revenge on Ciara. Now that said, I do think the show should have built up her relationship with Hope more so that this sudden overprotectiveness made sense. We've been complaining for over 2 years now about the lack of relationship between Claire and Hope. I also would have felt this way had Ciara spilled the secret because we've seen no relationship between Ciara and Hope since the recast. That said, I'm hoping the show explains Claire's motivations to us. It would be great if they tied it to Belle's cheating causing a divorce between her and Shawn.

I liked the Rafe/Gabi stuff at the station.

JJ continues to be over the top about the baby but I know plot point.

Valerie is getting annoying. Eli is just as much to blame as Lani is but she keeps going after Lani.

I have no doubt that even if Rafe and Hope break up, they'll be reconciled within 2 months.