Days of Our Lives - Fri., Mar. 8, 2024


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Hospital (establishing shot, night), Paulina's room - Abe is at Paulina's bedside. Chanel and Lani come in. Paulina's not doing well. The girls try to relieve Abe, he wants to be here when she wakes up. They talk about how dismal, dire, and dreadful her situation is. Paulina comes to and asks about the babies. They show her a drawing the twins made for her. She asks Chanel about more grandbabies. Chanel laughs that she and Johnny just married. Paulina says if she doesn't make it, tell them about me.

Brewery (establishing shot, night), Tank - Wendy worries when they'll run out of air. Tripp says they'll probably die of carbon dioxide poisoning. Wendy wants to know the truth. They discuss how they should breathe to preserve oxygen. Wendy knows they'll be OK because they're together. She asks if he believes in God? He seems neutral on the subject but has noted that patients of different faiths seem to be comforted by that.

Brewery, Tank, continued - Wendy talks about her religious beliefs (sounds like someone read a text about all the religions of China and mixed them together). Tripp is sorry she's in this mess because of him. They won't be able to leave messages for their families (nothing to write with). The Shins and Ava have already lost a son, now they'll lose another child. They lament the mundane tasks they had scheduled for today or were putting off. They talk about marriage and exchange vows.

Salem Airfield (with a nifty sign) - John and Steve are looking in the distance as Ava paces. "There she is," the boys say. Ava hopes this works.

Somewhere - Two thugs move tanks. One tank says "Ammonia" and one says "Bleach." They knock them over, open them, and run.

Prison, Clyde's cell - An alarm goes off. Later, his cell door is open. Steve and John, dressed in hazmat suits, stop him from running. Later, Clyde has a suit and they walk out with him.

Hospital, Paulina's room - Paulina feels weaker. She thinks she's slipping away; Abe won't let her go. Later in the waiting area, Chanel talks about all Paulina's gone through to die this way, and Lani talks about growing up and not knowing everything her strong Aunt Paulina had gone through. She laments the pain she caused Paulina when the truth came out. They both lament how their kids will grow up not knowing Paulina.

Salem Airfield - John, Steve, and Clyde have arrived where Ava stands with the thugs. Clyde won't reveal the location of Tripp yet. Ava threatens him, he backtalks her. Ava and the goons pull out guns. Ava tells "the boys" they're going to do this her way.

Hospital, Paulina's room - Abe weeps at Paulina's side. He thanks her for the best years of his life, which he wishes he could remember. They need to make more memories, etc. Similar circular conversations occur out in the waiting room as Chanel worries Paulina will know she was crying, etc. Back in the room, Abe takes Paulina's hand and a bright light is on her as the camera pans up toward the ceiling.

Salem Airfield - Ava tells John and Steve this is where they get off this ride. She dispatches her thugs to take John and Steve "back to Salem". Clyde appreciates Ava's moves but doesn't trust her. He'll call her when he's in the air. Ava levels her gun again.

Edge of the Square Area - Steve and John are still at gunpoint talking about Ava's double-cross. They talk about how this happened on the Chicago case. Only one goon is with them.

Salem Airfield - Clyde taunts Ava that if he dies, Tripp dies. Ava lowers the gun toward his private parts. She demands to know where Tripp is. Goldman intercepts her and takes the gun. She likes Clyde's parts as they are (please take a moment to expel vomit, I know I needed it).

Hospital - A figure dressed like a nurse walks in and we only see her from the back. Abe and Paulina appear to be stunned.

Brewery Tank - Tripp and Wendy are running out of air. Wendy asks Tripp if they can get married when they're out of here? Tripp promises they will.

Edge of the Square Area - A car pulls up, the other goon gets out. John and Steve rush the goons.

Salem Airfield - Goldman and Clyde kiss. Clyde isn't getting in the airplane because its pilot works for Ava. They leave her. Ava vows to slit his throat after hunting him down. Goldman hangs back a second to tell Ava that she made sure Tripp was good and dead before she slithers off. Ava screams. END
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Egads, too bad Days still is not listing writers, as would love to lambast whoever wrote this episode. Am glad Clyde finally got some action, but too bad it was Goldman. Guess they had to drag this stuff out so they could make a cliffhanger out of it. Too bad it did not have me looking eagerly forward to Monday. LOL
I liked Ava for about 3 minutes today. Using her mob roots to save her son would be a good thing. Instead, she tried talking the perv to death.

I could believe Goldman did it for money or revenge - but because she wants to make kissy face with Clyde? Gross.

I don't see much on "Days" twitter anymore - but I imagine people will be fit to be tied over Abe's line "the best years of [his] life".
Jason, you deserve an award for sitting through almost 30 minutes of Paulina, Wendy, and Tripp. Today's show was rather short for me today as I only stopped for Clyde, and yes, it was not a nice thing to think about his man bits first thing in the morning.

Thank you for your service. I somehow doubt all three will be dead come Monday, alas.
Is there anyone left "in heaven"to help Paulina, now that she has seen the proverbial white light? Or, even in the limbo zone? I really hate that Re-Ron is just so proud of his "get" with Jackie Harry (Paulina), that he assumes that we are all enjoying her, too. Well, he doesn't care, but many of us would be happy to see her and her cartoon faces go away, but we like Abe. I think it is funny that he said that Paulina gave him the best years of his life, if he could remember them.
yes, it was not a nice thing to think about his man bits first thing in the morning.

You made me burst out laughing!

Lexie just rolled over in her grave.
I'm not on the "hate Paulina" train like many on the board are, but I dislike how every current couple is the "it" couple of "true love". Abe had Lexie (although I wasn't a fan of their "true love" after Brandon) and Paulina had George (and frankly it would make more sense for her to see him).

I am a huge fan of Jackée's work on 227. She delivers a master's class in acting for comedy. They didn't know how to use her here. She could have been a fun character, but they never found her a nice balance. From trashing the town square and depriving Chanel like Cruella De Ville, to her boo-hoo-ery over the Lani rewrite, to her ill-written campaigns, to this current medical malady, they've thrown everything at her and given her no support, no direction. A creative failure on all points.
Jason that you for taking today's summary off my hands. How did you ever stay awake?

I really wish Wendy's brain hadn't turned to mush once she moved to Salem, that she still had the ability to think and be independent. Original flavor Wendy would have been able to get out of the tank or at least wouldn't have gone simpering. She might have even known getting closer to the floor have been a better option.

Officer Rebecca Goldman was the standout psycho for the day. And for a show stacked high with them, she will go down as my favorite for the week.
Great job, Jason, thank you!

Yuck to the nth degree seeing Goldman smooching Clyde. She must have daddy issues.

Is Paulina going to be transported to Heaven for a sneak peek, but then told it is not her time? Who will the angel be? Hoping she has a miracle recovery, and the new-and-improved Paulina will not shout so much. I don't want to see her leave. Maybe all this will trigger Abe's memory. One can hope.

Maybe both Goldman and Clyde will be killed, and there will be two hearts available. Great choices, not!

Since Abe can't remember his life with Lexie, what he told Paulina made sense. Except that he hasn't been with her in his amnesiac state for years. I think that is something he just told her to keep her here vs telling her it was okay to go.

Will Tripp and Wendy really get married right away once they are rescued? We assume they will be, of course.

I do feel sorry for Ava, thinking Tripp is already dead. Or does she? She has to know that Goldman is a psycho. What is Goldman's backstory? How did she get on the force? Was she a model citizen before, and then Clyde corrupted her? Or did they know each other before?
Bah humbug. I am so mad at Ava. I about gagged when Goldman kissed Clyde! I happen to like Tripp, and Wendy is OK. The "getting married" is typical for a couple who think they are going to die.
Guess I'm just mean but I don't care if Paulina dies. Never liked her. Don't like her with Abe. And Abe, did you forget about Lexie? Paulina's years were not the best years of your life.

I swear Wendy was in stickier situations before but now she's whiny and panicky and needs big strong Tripp to save her. Don't like them as couple either. So the wedding to me was nauseating.

So who came from heaven to tell Paulina to fight?

Jailbreak was dumb. Clyde and Goldman are ick. Realistically no one can get to Tripp and Wendy before they're dead. I know they will somehow. But Ava was crazy for making Steve & John go. All dumb. Just hoping Clyde and his machinations are gone.