Days of Our Lives - Fri. May 21, 2010


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Days of Our Lives

Friday, May 21, 2010
Episode #11,340 Taped 3/23/2010 Director – Grant A. Johnson

And today is confrontation day, as our Salemites face off, starting with Sami catching Will about to leave the house, stopping him, asking where he thinks he is going. Club Kiki, everyone is going, nothing really starts til 11:00, and he won’t be out too late. Sami pulls him back, nope, he is not going anywhere. She tells him of getting an e-mail from school reporting Will is getting a D in advanced algebra, he was good at that, what happened. Both have raised voices now, as he tries to slough it off, Sami refusing to let him, until he finally blurts out that he had been acing that subject because Rafe had been tutoring him in it, made it seem clear, and easy. But then Sami had to screw that all up. More yelling, accusing, she grounds him for the weekend, he reminds her of why he moved away from her, the involvement with EJ, who comes in at that moment. EJ asks Sami to go work her magic on Sydney, who is crying upstairs, she leaves, EJ tries to talk a bit to Will, who lashes out at him….you are not my father, and don’t think because we had one nice conversation that I want to listen to anything you have to say. He takes off.

A bit earlier, EJ had been going round and round with Stefano about Anna, wanting to know why she had not checked in, Stefano assuring him he had taken care of things, Anna will not be talking, then finally confessing that Hernandez had found Anna, but he made sure Anna will not tell anyone anything. EJ worries he had Anna killed, no, no, replies Stefano, he would not do that to Tony’s wife. But she will not talk. EJ gets a bit ticked, talking of how Stefano just HAS to control everything. Stefano says, fine, I will leave you to deal with everything yourself, and stay out of it…..including Samantha.

Will is angry, pounds the chess board with his fist, as a smiling Stefano walks in, learning that Will got grounded, got a D in algebra. Stefano laughs, telling Will they would have to work on making that D disappear. In walks EJ, asking Stefano what he thinks he is doing. Will leaves, EJ gets into it with his father, warning him he is absolutely NOT going to do to Will what he did to him. Stefano is smiling, was only talking of mentoring him, since EJ will not accept the torch, Giovanni is too young yet, what is more perfect that Samantha’s son, Will. EJ is angry, no he is to stay away from Will. He will not attempt to mold Will into the DiMera way of life. Sami has come down, stops and is listening, as EJ is very adamant, warning Stefano to stay away from Will, & that Stefano is not going to have a hand in doing this to any of his children. Sami marches in, stands in front of EJ, is on his side, and gives her own warning to Stefano about her children. He just grins, and …so be it…walks out.
Sami pours a drink for her & EJ, praising him for his stance, telling him what a good man he is (o.k. where is a barf bag when you need one). EJ still looks a bit dejected, but Sami goes on, insisting he is nothing like his father, he is truly a good man. Their faces are close, very close, and it looks as tho they are about to seal it all with a kiss.
Meanwhile, Will gets a call from Tad, informs him he is grounded, mentions the D in algebra, comments how Stefano seems like a good guy. He flashes back to their chess game, then tells Tad he can hear Kinsey, once again says yeah, Stefano is not so bad, hangs up, goes upstairs.

At the hospital, Melanie & Stephanie have their tug of war over Stephanie’s purse, with Melanie insisting she wants to know what is inside. Items begin to fall out, as they go at it, yelling at each other, and along comes Maggie & Leslie, pulling both girls apart, wanting to know what is going on. Both girls are furious, Nathan gets mentioned, Stephanie more or less dares Mel to mention the pills, but Mel doesn’t. Since Nathan is her grandson, Maggie wants to know what this is all about, but silence is golden now. Leslie tells Melanie she is relieved of duty, go home, Melanie just wants to see her husband & takes off.

And back at the house, Philip wonders what Chloe has told Nathan, has the 11, 352nd flashback of having sex with Chloe (just in case any of us missed it) is about to leave when Daniel arrives, yelling at him for what he did to Melanie. Guilty Phil thinks he knows, blabbers about it being only one time, but soon enough Daniel is talking of them accepting Vivian’s invitation to dinner, and how upset he is that Philip would accept an invite from the woman who tried to kill Melanie. Philip backtracks, realizes his own mistake, claims he only told Viv yes in order to shut up the old bag, has no intention of going. Daniel talks of how Chloe & Philip are good friends, going back to high school, so understands Chloe telling him her troubles, and how she is upset about things with Carly, and he has to fix it all, do something, takes off.
Melanie returns home, tells Philip of getting into it with Stephanie and being told to go home, and how it really is none of her business what Nathan & Stephanie do, she is staying out of it all from now on. She is scooping out ice cream, as she talks of their open and honest relationship, Philip grabs her, kiss, kiss, scoops HER up in his arms, and carries her thru the door….am guessing upstairs. LOL

Daniel is meeting up with Father Matt at the hospital, telling him of the rough time Chloe has had of late, of how he was responsible for her thinking some things, and he wants to fix it all, is at a loss. He goes on, Father Matt asks a few questions, and finally wants to know exactly what Daniel has in mind.

Over at Daniel’s apartment, Nathan is trying to tell Chloe he was only trying to help. She is angry, telling her to get sex therapy is not helping, she opens the door, telling him to get out and keep his mouth shut, and there stands Carly, asking if anything is wrong. Chloe asks what she is doing there, Carly claims to have come to pick up her things, Bo is back, Kim is fine, and again asks if something is wrong. Chloe claims they were only talking of Nathan’s cousin Lucas, Carly leaves. Chloe & Nathan have a few more words, her wanting to make sure he says nothing, him getting mad cuz he did nothing, it was her, yada, yada. He is not going to say anything and leaves.
Later, he meets up with Stephanie, she tells him of getting into a fight with Melanie at the hospital, but they go to his place, and next are both naked in bed, but Stephanie is having flashback of Melanie accusing her of trying to trap Nathan.

And then we have Chloe, all happy cuz Nathan doesn’t really know who Chloe slept with, but he is not going to tell anyone. Knock, knock. And there is Carly, who informs Chloe she heard quite a bit earlier, tho did not want to indicate as much in front of Nathan. She mentions the sex therapy and out guilty Chloe blurts out it was only one time, will never happen again, and asks Carly to please not tell Daniel. A shocked Carly realizes “you mean you cheated on Daniel with another man”….and an even more shocked Chloe’s eyes widen, as she now gets that deer in the headlights look.

Sorry, but I nearly forgot. Rafe is at Anna's side, urging the doctor to do something, anything. He talks to Anna, telling her she has to tell him who planned the kidnapping. The doc finally says he could try a heavy duty stimulant, that might work. He does, Rafe keeps vigil. He keeps talking to Anna, telling her she has to tell him who hired her, who did this to her. Eventually, Anna's fingers move a bit, and then her eyes flutter open, look at Rafe, but close again.
Chloe is just running on idiot batteries lately!! Sheesh!!
I'm a little tired of the Will/Sami fights all the time. They are too common!!!

Thanks for the summary!!
thank you! Oh dear, now Chloe will have to be nice to Miss Carly! Pretty soon the whole town will know-Chloe could never keep her own mouth shut to begin with! You'd think she could keep her secret!!
Poor Anna- what is Rafe going to force the doc to give her??
Sami is falling hard again for EJ isn't she?
Poor Mel she is going to be devistated when all the poo hits the fan..
yay we get some nice phelanie scenes. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh at another stupid flashback .

awesome writeup as usual
Wow, action packed show today.

Did anyone here ever read the Telltale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe? That's what Chloe reminds me of. Her guilty conscience gives her away. If Nathan were smart (BIG if), he would put two and two together, but I think he was absent the day they taught basic addition.

Gosh they serve a lot of food on this show, but never eat it. Yesterday Philip made chicken piccatta (also one of my specialities!) and today Melanie is serving ice cream.

You know, I couldn't stand the bezillion flashbacks of Carly murdering Lawrence, but I don't mind seeing the flashbacks of Philip and Chloe. They could string them together and make a whole episode, and I'd be okay with that. Could be better than some of the other episodes I've seen lately.

Fabulous report, Poirot. Looking forward to this episode! Thank you!
Of course, you know those little moving fingers mean resurection...just like Dr. Baker, Anna will come back from the "dead"......only our White Knight will be hauled off to the dungeon before he can extract the valued information he needs to rescue his fair "maiden" from the clutches of the evil Black Knight, yada, yada.....:rolleyes:............................JT:cool:
Ok, I don't get the fascination Stefano has with Will. Stefano is always all about family and empire- and I'm sorry but Will is not a DiMera. So why the fascination? Did I miss something?

Thanks for the write up!
Thanks for the write up Poirot. This sounds like it will be fun to watch. Glad that Anna is showing some signs of life. I am hoping that rafe gets his answer soon. He should call me I am a very good witness and saw the whole thing happen. LOL. I think EJ and Sami confronting Stefano should be a good scene.
I think it is because he hates the Bradys What better way to get them then to take one of them and make him one of his. (IE Will will be just like a Dimeria with all there bad ways and will turn against the Bradys.
Poor Anna- what is Rafe going to force the doc to give her??

Well, considering that on Tuesday's show (the last time we saw Rafe, Anna, and the doc) the doc said that Anna was poisoned with a rare poison, that is hard to treat, and he's not sure that Anna will make it, I'm glad that Rafe is pressuring the doc. Poor Anna, indeed.
Like I said last week - Will doesn't hate Stefano. Looks like the Dimera torch will be passed to him soon. Hilarious. That's exactly what Sami deserves!

How much you wanna bet Daniel is going to suggest to Chloe that they get married right away and then she turns him down and then the whole mess comes out? LOL
I think this drug that Anna got real leave her unable to speak or move. Like a paralysis... Stefano did tell EJ she was not killed but SHE WILL NOT TALK. Of course she will not write should go along with it I assume.

What's a phelanie? Is it that a felony?? :D
I mean we don't like mixed together names in here... :)
Just saw the show and I think the line of the day goes to Sami. I just had to laugh when she was listening to EJ and Stefano fight about the children and him not harming them. Sami runs in and tells Stefano he is outnumbered as she stands by EJ and will not allow him near her children. (Sami you are the one that moved your children into Stefano's house how are you going to stop him from being near them) Yes I know that Will moved in before, but it was because of her. She moved in with the other two and I am thankfull that Allie is safe with her Dad.
Thank you, Barb.

:woo: I hope Melanie gets a few well placed hits on Stephanie.

Sami - Stupid is as stupid does, and you are just plain stupid.

Stefano, your just as sly as ever. Kill Will with kindness....LOL

EJ - idiot, idiot, idiot

Go Rafe!
I think this drug that Anna got real leave her unable to speak or move. Like a paralysis... Stefano did tell EJ she was not killed but SHE WILL NOT TALK. Of course she will not write should go along with it I assume.

What's a phelanie? Is it that a felony?? :D
I mean we don't like mixed together names in here... :)
oh I'm soryy I totally forgot about the mixed names. I was talking about philip and melanie.
@ DJM, really great point. It's because of Sami that her children are all in veryclose proximity to Stefano, the man she went into witness protection to avoid! She's psychotic.
I think it is because he hates the Bradys What better way to get them then to take one of them and make him one of his. (IE Will will be just like a Dimeria with all there bad ways and will turn against the Bradys.

Also, he is KATE's grandson.....She is now a Dimera. so, i guess that makes him part of the family now.