Days of Our Lives - Fri. May 28, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Friday, May 28, 2010
Episode #11,345 Taped 3/26 Director – Albert Alarr

The show opens with a repeat of the closing scene on Thursday. Vivian is gathering all the females together, telling Chloe she will take care of everything. Bo says if she is taking her to the rooftop, he is coming along. Out to the foyer, Viv goes up a step or two, turns her back, throws, as Hope & Ciara come in the door, just in time to see Carly catch the bouquet. Hope looks rather bemused at an uncomfortable Bo. LOL
Philip & Melanie are outside exchanging I love, trust you, glad we are honest with each other conversations again, yep, obligatory flashback. Bo is carrying Ciara into the living room, Ciara talking of how Carly caught the bouquet, then asks her daddy if this means she is going to marry him. Another uncomfortable look between Bo & Hope…small talk is everywhere. Brady wants to leave, Nicole talks him in to staying, then Brady talks to Victor, says something to the effect he knows his grandfather could never love Vivian in a million years. Victor says he is right. Vivian is listening, so is Kate, who looks smugly at Viv. Maggie is conversing with Chloe & Daniel, so glad to see a happy couple there, leaves, Daniel gets a call, giving Carly the chance to seek out Chloe, but tell her she is not telling Daniel, it really is not her place, but thinks Chloe should.
Maggie sees Ciara with the bouquet, starts chatting with her, giving Bo & Hope a chance to have a quiet moment to talk. Hope asks if Bo has talked to Ciara, yes he has, he questioned her about the box, her ears did not turn red as they do when she is lying. Hope claims that is because Ciara truly believes these stories she is making up. And there is Ciara, saying she is not lying, Mommy is. Ooops. Justin takes Ciara inside, as Hope is beside herself, Ciara just does this again and again. Bo tells her they should just look under the bed, they can disprove the story very easily.
Kate chats with Carly, filling her in on how Chloe cheated on Lucas with Daniel, how she doesn’t trust her. How Brady was the nice straight all American guy, married Chloe, became a drug addict. Daniel has gone to the hospital, will meet Chloe at home, Carly comes along furious at Chloe, now that she knows more about her, warns her to tell Daniel or she will, storming out of the house.

Over at the Pub, Nathan sits as Stephanie joins him, & he springs the news he was offered a research grant at John Hopkins. He starts some nonsensical chatter about the Cubs, her family’s season tickets, how the Orioles are looking good, their stadium not too bad, tho cannot compare with Wrigley Field, yada, yada. Yeah, we know, John Hopkins hospital is in Baltimore. He talks of going, having Stephanie come with him, living together, she’d give up her job……and then springs the news he doesn’t want to leave Salem, likes it where he is. (definitely a filler scene, lol). Philip & Melanie come in, trot over to say hello, more small talk, and join them. Phil gets a call, Nathan is getting some drinks, Melanie noting Stephanie is still drinking diet soda, Stephanie claiming she is dieting and to lay off. Her mom calls, she goes outside for better reception, Nathan returns with the drinks, Melanie lets him know she heard he is turning down John Hopkins, Stephanie returns as does Philip, but Nathan suddenly remembers having to be somewhere, and takes off with Steph.

Dr. Baker is watching the TV, listening to Nicole reporting the arrest of Arianna Hernandez, mutters about planting the evidence and when his partner learns, he does not want to be around. He decides it is time to leave town, calls Nicole, meets her, wanting money. She is not about to give him any check that can be traced back, but he wants cash, or he is gonna spill the beans about her framing Arianna, and back to prison she will go.

Meanwhile, Arianna gets to meet her public defender, Joanne Leone, a seemingly tough cookie, who points out that Arianna has no alibi, there is concrete evidence against her, the DA won’t accept a deal since he was a victim, too. But…over at the Pub, EJ was also watching that newscast, hearing Arianna has been charged with all 6 muggings, says “rubbish”, and next, there he is, walking into the room where Arianna sits with this public defender, claiming he is now Arianna’s lawyer. Joanne is put out, but EJ tells Arianna how no one likes Ms. Leone, not even the judges, how she pleads most of her clients guilty, sending them all to jail, etc. Joanne leaves, Arianna is a bit perplexed, wondering why EJ is doing this. He claims that she was kind to him when he was up against it. She worries if she can trust him, he asks for a dollar, she says they took her purse, but…..evidently she has a lucky dollar stashed in her bra it seems. She gives it to him, he says good, gives her a receipt, and now he is bound by client/lawyer confidentiality. He takes a few notes, promises to get her out on bail today, not to worry, he will take care of the financial end. And in walks Brady…the surprised and puzzled look on his face now.

Victor sits down next to Maggie, telling her he thought she was mad at him. Not mad, just disappointed. Then why did you talk everyone into staying…..oh, he eventually finds out everything that goes on in his house. He tells her how greatful he is she did that. Maggie leaves, goes home. She picks up Mickey’s picture, telling him how she misses him at times like these, how hard this was for her, but she got thru it. . How she knows he would have been cracking jokes during the ceremony, saying something about going thru a car wash is more sentimental. She starts sobbing, holding the picture, there is a knock at the door. She hastily wipes away her tears, sets the picture down, opens the door to find Victor, who starts to say something, then comments she is crying. Maggie denies it, saying the flowers at his house triggered her allergies. Victor smiles as he comes in, asking her…..with all the flowers and long faces back there, seemed more like a wake, didn’t it. Maggie smiles at that, grins and starts to laugh, yes it did. Now they both are laughing.

And back to the Kmansion, where Bo & Hope have gone upstairs to her bedroom. He looks under the bed, and lookie here, pulls out a box. Hope has no idea where it came from, never saw it before. Bo says, well, this is not your house…..but let’s see what kind of treasure is inside. He opens the box, Hope leans over, slightly surprised looks on their faces.

Man tomorrow sounds like a great show. Can't wait to see the ending with Bo and Hope both discovering the box under her bed. Maggie and Victor scence sounds wonderful. So disappointed that Victor went through with the wedding to Vivian. Bet he is going to be sorry before too much longer.
It's settled I have officially fallen inlove with victor and maggie. I so want them as a couple. and of course cant wait to see my phelanie scenes.

awesome writeup
Thanks for the write up. I sure like Victor and Maggie as friends. They are great together. If Victor would change his business ways I could see them as a couple.
So glad that they finally looked under the bed. I have been yell this at Hope. Just look and see. Now they can check and will see that Hope's prints are on the wallets. Yea I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. So looking forward to seeing this tonight.
Great write up.
I have to say, I am looking forward to seeing EJ actually do something good. I hope he defends Arianna well. We will see though.

And the whole thing about the DA not going easy on Arianna because he was a victim too. Wouldnt that block him from having anything to do with this case on a professional level?? Oh's Salem! :)

Can't wait to see the Bo & Hope scenes when they find this box. Poor Ciara mommy keeps calling her a liar & she isnt. Kids gonna be all messed up!

And while I would love to see Victor with anyone other than Vivian, (or Kate), & I love his & Maggies scenes, my heart still wants a Victor Caroline pairing!! :)
Then why do I have this uneasy feeling that the wallets are not in the box any more?
thanks for the write up sounds good. I wonder what Melanie overhears between Philip and Chloe. I read that in another precap for tomorrow. And I am hoping the treasure box is empty...I personally want to see Hope mug some more people. LOL It is fun.
Hmmm, she only hears Philip congratulating Chloe on her engagement.
yes poirot I have a question. does melanie overhear something between philip and chloe?
I just took a trip to Chicago, and have to agree, Wrigley is very awesome. I hadn't been to a game since the 80's, so seeing it again at a legal drinking age put a different spin on the experience! lol
So Bo and Hope only slightly suprised ... I wonder (speculation) if they do find the wallets- and they think it's Vivian or something. That would be interesting!
Ok, I'm willing to bet money that the box under Hopes bd is going to be empty and they will just think it's been there all along as it isn't their house......
Oh this sounds like another fantastic episode and a great summary. May is going out with a bang!

So funny how Victor would rather spend his honeymoon with Maggie than with his bride. I wonder what sparked Maggie's tears. Is it because Victor has stirred some feelings in her? I too am sold on this couple? Unless of course Caroline steps into the mix. Wouldn't that be a funny quad: Victor/Maggie/Caroline/Vivian.
Hey, Moshe.....good thought!

I want to clarify something else. I don't do a word for word dialogue.....and just want to say, the exchange of conversation between Chloe & Philip is nothing lmore than we have heard before. Oh, Nathan knows I slept with someone, but not who. Oh, good, cuz no one can find out. Then Philip says I know you love Daniel so much, and I love Melanie, and never want to lose her. Voila....Mel walks in asking why would you lose me? It was really a nothing conversation, and just more time filler. Sorry if somewhere else attached more importance to it.

@kpatch.......Maggie's tears were because of missing Mickey.....and now she has to do these things alone because he is gone.
If the treasure box is empty, and I'm not convinced that will be the case, perhaps one of the servants found it and gave it to Victor. He could be trying to protect Hope. After all, he says he knows everything that goes on in his house.
If the wallets are there and they get fingerprints from them, they will find Hopes and Dr. Bakers. That will make for some confusion since he is supposed to be dead. And they need to have Hope apologize to Ciara if they do find the wallets, even if Hope doesn’t remember them; they are under the bed like she told them.

Enjoying the Maggie and Victor scenes. And love the lines, like as much sentiment as a car wash. Funny!
I seriously can't wait til Monday! I will start convulsing if Hope actually gets arrested! ahahaha!
Hey, Moshe.....good thought!

I want to clarify something else. I don't do a word for word dialogue.....and just want to say, the exchange of conversation between Chloe & Philip is nothing lmore than we have heard before. Oh, Nathan knows I slept with someone, but not who. Oh, good, cuz no one can find out. Then Philip says I know you love Daniel so much, and I love Melanie, and never want to lose her. Voila....Mel walks in asking why would you lose me? It was really a nothing conversation, and just more time filler. Sorry if somewhere else attached more importance to it.

@kpatch.......Maggie's tears were because of missing Mickey.....and now she has to do these things alone because he is gone.
thanks poirot for clarifying everything.