Days of Our Lives - Fri., May 5, 2017


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Sep 15, 2013
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This is going to be a quickie version due to time constraints. Sorry if I miss anything.

Rafe and Hope are at Brady's Pub waiting for Ciara and Wyatt. Rafe says they should play good cop/bad cop with him being the bad cop. Hope has it under control. Jen comes in, lots of small talk about their lives. She gets a call about Brady and goes to the hospital. Later, Ciara and Wyatt join them. Lots of awkward small talk. Wyatt goes all Eddie Haskell on Hope and she is suspicious of him. Meanwhile, Rafe gets a call about arresting Brady and says he should be the one to do it. Hope and Ciara chat while this is happening and Wyatt is at the bar. Rafe leaves. Wyatt and Ciara go to the park and kiss. Theo walks by and sees them kissing.

Wyatt and Theo are playing a video game at the loft with Ciara looking on. Jade comes downstairs snarking at them. Ciara thought she had moved already. Evidently not yet. Claire comes in all dressed up. She has a meeting with a music executive. She asks Ciara to help her pick out jewelry. They go into the bedroom and Jade joins the video game. Jade leaves. Wyatt and Theo chat about the meeting with Hope and Rafe. Girls come back and Wyatt/Ciara leave and as does Claire. Later Claire comes back upset that the music executives didn't like her, claims her life is over. Starts comparing herself to Taylor Swift and other teen sensations. Theo tries to calm her down.

Eric is with Brady and Brady asks him to find Nicole and Holly. Brady seems to be very weak. Eric gives him water. More back and forth. Eric agrees to go look for them. He leaves Brady's room and Jen is outside. She has just arrived and spoken to Valerie about Brady. She goes off with Eric once she learns what he is up to. She is concerned that Nicole kidnapped Holly and Eric could get in trouble again. They go to HTS and are working off their phones and a laptop for the rest of the episode, trying to locate Nicole and Holly.

Nicole is in "Greece" with Holly. Xander comes in with baby supplies. She sweetly asks him to pick something up off the floor and she hits him with a vase. He is out. She takes Holly and runs into the living room?! Instead of leaving the house, she searches for a cell phone and hides in the corner with Holly. No reception. Xander finds her and puts her into a cage. He has a nanny for Holly. Xander taunts Nicole a bit about kidnapping Holly. He leaves. Nicole cries and screams to no avail.

Rafe goes to see Brady and starts talking about the crimes he committed. He's about to arrest him when Brady codes. Folks, this is 11 minutes before the end of the show on a Friday. Valerie comes in and kicks Rafe out. Next scene Brady is stable and Valerie is upset at Rafe for stressing Brady out. Not much of a Friday cliffhanger.
Wait, this IS a sweeps period, right?

I echo JS' sentiments. Boring show. How was this a Friday cliffhanger in May Sweeps? And that Brady thing at the end when Rafe was about to arrest was ridiculous.

Also, if Rafe could break the law helping Hope, why not do it to help his good pal, Nicole? Stupid!
This Nicole story is ridiculous. In a cage now? Holly is so ridiculously tiny. And honestly, Nicole should not have her now. She has placed this child in so much danger. Hate that they did this to Nicole. She should have just finally had a baby. Make me sad.

Geez if it's not Chad/Gabi/Abby it's Theo/Claire/Ciara. He is with Claire now. Fully committed and seems happy. Why is he pining over Ciara? And Wyatt seems like a genuine guy. Yeah, Theo helped him but I think he really likes Ciara. Hope irritates me to death. Why does she have to be snarky to Wyatt right off the bat? Doesn't she trust her daughters judge of character? I just don't like Hope. Never have. Except when she was with Aiden.

Oh no, I hope Dr. Dan's heart isn't failing Brady.

I hope Claire does not take Jade's advice and make a sex tape. But why did Jade say it won't make you Taylor Swift overnight. No, it would make her Kim Kardashian. Please no.
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I echo JS' sentiments. Boring show. How was this a Friday cliffhanger in May Sweeps?
Boring just doesn't cover it. Dumb and sick would apply to portions of today's episode.

Nicole: Let's make her look as dumb as possible, attacking Xander with no good plan about what to do next. And then she ends up looking like she's starring in a sick remake of the old 1964 film Lady in a Cage. Yuck! What kind of person writes this stuff?

Eric & Jenny: Who better to find the X-man. :sarcasm: Has anyone thought to ask Victor who can actually speak Greek and presumably has contacts all over Greece?

Wyatt: A big woop today about him meeting Hope and Rafe. How would his parents feel about their son meeting two crooked cops, including a woman who recently was in prison for trying to kill a man?

NuJade: Wouldn't Xander would like to kidnap her too? Anything to get this foolish girl and her dumb sex-tape idea off-screen.

Jenny: She actually said that she used to put Ms. Perfect's dates through a wringer. A lot of good that did since her clueless daughter ended with having an affair with cheating EJ and then became engaged to madman Ben.
including a woman who recently was in prison for trying to kill a man?
Did we ever clear up whether or not Hope killed someone? I mean we know she did and that Steve and Shane faked the "living Stefano" nonsense which just as nonsensically freed her. She DID pump bullets into a body which she and Rafe then disposed of. How exactly did Stefano plan all this out?

Jade, Claire, and the rest of the teens are the main reason I want this show full on reset. Not a thing salvageable in any of this.
Did we ever clear up whether or not Hope killed someone


This was a bad episode all around.

There was no reason for Rafe to be at the Ciara/Wyatt meeting. He is not her father nor did he raise her. If anyone should have been there it should have been Shawn.

Since when is Rafe so chummy with Brady that he needs to be the one to arrest him? I know they've shared scenes before but he emphasized on the phone that he should arrest Brady.

That cage looked awkward too. Why was it elevated? I did enjoy Xander taunting Nicole though. Everything he said was accurate.

A man codes and the doctor walks in alone with no urgency whatsoever and checks his pupils? No crash cart or anything.

Even Eric couldn't save this one for me.
Thanks, Heather. No need to watch the show again unless you have trouble
going to sleep.

Will Claire make a sex tape like Jade suggested? Probably, but I hope not. Claire
needs to think about Theo not just herself and her singing career.

Will Hope figure out Wyatt is being couched and by whom? Maybe not, she's
a Salem cop :)

Anyone else notice Rafe's shirt? It reminded me of the one Hope wore when
she was in prison.

Interesting to learn Xander has a nanny for Holly while Nicole is in the cage. Hopefully,
Xander will let Nicole have bathroom breaks during her ordeal.
There was no reason for Rafe to be at the Ciara/Wyatt meeting. He is not her father nor did he raise her. If anyone should have been there it should have been Shawn.

No offense, but I don't get why most people on here are so against Hope and Rafe. And no matter what they do, they are always wrong, apparently. I disagree with all due respect. Rafe had every right to be there. The fact is he is with Hope, they are a couple. I'm guessing Hope wanted Rafe to be there. And Rafe has spent lots of time with Ciara in the past, we've seen that on screen. Plus, Shawn is off canvas now, why wallow in the fact that he wasn't present ? So I must be in the minority, but I like Hope and Rafe together. They started out as friends, slowly developed into something more. Fine by me. They respect each other, they love each other, they are cute together.

Now, do I agree about the whole "Hope killing Stefano" storyline ? No, I don't. But it's over, done. Was it properly resolved ? No. Like most other storylines on this show. It was badly written, as are most stories. The "writers" are doing a terrible job. But to me, they got it right with Hope and Rafe. And I like the fact that Bo gave his blessings before he died.

Bottom line : Bo is dead, Hope is with Rafe now, so it's normal they do things together.
I do agree that Rafe has spent a lot of time with Ciara as she was growing up. He helped her with ice skating, taught her some baseball stuff, so has "been there" for her a lot of years as she was growing up, and he was NOT going with her mother.

That said, Ciara should have had Wyatt meet her mother long ago. And if this was first time.....then initially I don't think Rafe should have been there, but I do think he could have joined them perhaps 1/2 hr. later?? Thus each of them could have had their "take" on Wyatt.......
Nicole: Let's make her look as dumb as possible, attacking Xander with no good plan about what to do next. And then she ends up looking like she's starring in a sick remake of the old 1964 film Lady in a Cage. Yuck! What kind of person writes this stuff?

This was my thought - Good going, Nicole, do you even know where you are going? Oooo to the next room, great plan! :rolleyes:

side note: I have just learned of this Lady in a Cage movie, after fun discussions stemming from the Bette and Joan Fued show...sorry back to topic!

Will Hope figure out Wyatt is being couched and by whom? Maybe not, she's
a Salem cop :)
Yes, I agree! I do hope that Wyatt does turn out to be a decent guy, probably not.
That said, Ciara should have had Wyatt meet her mother long ago. And if this was first time.....then initially I don't think Rafe should have been there, but I do think he could have joined them perhaps 1/2 hr. later?? Thus each of them could have had their "take" on Wyatt.......

I think the timing was ok as Ciara hasn't been dating him that long. However, my issue with Rafe being there is he is NOT Ciara's father. The conversation he and Hope had pre-meeting was one that parents would have. If he were truly there as just a spectator, there should have been no conversation whatsoever about who would ask the hard questions. Hope is Ciara's parent, not Rafe.

Also, my post said nothing about Rafe and Hope as a couple, just that I don't feel Rafe should've have been there or at least actively been there. This coming from a fan of Rafe.
For me, I think Rafe being there to "grill" Wyatt would've seemed more natural if we had been seeing him in more scenes with teenage Ciara.

Just feels like (to me) Rafe and this version of Ciara are only acquaintances. Whereas, Rafe and little girl Ciara felt like they were close.
The conversation he and Hope had pre-meeting was one that parents would have.
Ciara doesn't have "parents" now; she has A parent. Her remaining parent is heavily involved with someone who, by the way, has "been there" for Ciara many times over the years. I don't see anything wrong with Rafe's being there. If Ciara had a problem with it, she could have told Hope she wanted to speak to her privately. I don't think Rafe has ever tried to be Ciara's parent.

To me, this seems to be too much "sweating the small stuff" mostly from people who don't like this pairing. Rafe and Hope have known each other for many years, so the "writers didn't give them time to get acquainted before making them a couple," doesn't fly here, either. There was no reason for Shawn to be there, especially since he lives out of the country. Shawn and Belle are GONE, until someone in authority on the show decides to let them grace Salem with their presence once again.

I daresay that most of us could dissect the show and talk about what "was" or "should be" but it won't get us anywhere and, for me, it only distracts from the enjoyment of the show.

Just feels like (to me) Rafe and this version of Ciara are only acquaintances. Whereas, Rafe and little girl Ciara felt like they were close.
Unfortunately, that's one of the problems with recasting. This is just like the comments that Chad doesn't have the chemistry with Abigail that he used to have with the former Abigail. It's just something we have to deal with.
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