Days of Our Lives - Fri., Nov. 14, 2014

Sadly I lost my connection after hitting submit on a long post, so I lost it. However I shall try again...

@DaysD I agree; it really bothers me that they dumb down JJ whenever the plot demands it. They did the same thing last year to an extent. He could have gotten rid of Theresa long before he did, and he really shouldn't have needed Rory to tell him to go see Daniel when up until that point he ran to Daniel every time he got scared. As far as these scenes go, I liked when he told Eve he would tell Paige. I just wish he had stuck to it.

Hope/Aiden are the one bright spot for me these days. I feel like different writers are handling their storyline. I appreciated seeing two adults have an honest conversation and a tastefully done, appropriate sex scene.

I do like seeing Daniel at work, and more job related stories would be welcome. I'm not so sure I care about Paul's dilemma, but Daniel standing up to his agent made me happy.
I agree HM: seeing Daniel doing something with his job was great. Hopefully they make it more interesting for Paul. And I also agree about the lovemaking between Hope & Aiden. A great part of it was how they didn't have that stupid "Feel the Heat" song on, like when EJ & Sami hit the sheets...or for that matter, that song when EJ had sex with Abigail in the cabin.