Days of Our Lives - Fri., Nov. 30, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, November 30, 2018

Leo comes downstairs, and does his thing...but now lets Will & Sonny know it was Kate who was behind his sexual harassment suit. Viv may have started it, but Kate took it over after Viv died. They argue, protest, but Leo has fact after fact. Sonny wants to go talk to Kate, did she really do this, but roll back on destroying Titan when Chad took over? Will says no, he will talk to Kate. When Leo comes back in the room, he & Sonny argue some more about the wedding proposal, Leo gives him 24 hrs. to say yes, or he will go to police and destroy him.

Kate has been bemoaning her part in Ted, Leo, etc. why did she let herself get involved.

Hope shows up with groceries, and some red wine at the cabin on Smith Island. Ted is grateful, cooks up something as Hope drinks some wine, they sit and eat. She tells of being married there, hates keeping anything from her husband. Ted knows all about Rafe's one night stand, spends a lot of time at the courthouse, people talk, especially about commissioner. She asks what his plans are to get confession on setting fire from Ben. He says he would not be able to testify, since Ben is client, and lawyer/client confidentiality comes into play. She gives him a satellite phone, says service so spotty on the island, he can call Ben, record. Ted says it still would not be admissible, he could not testify. Oh, but if say, Salem PD has tap on your phone because of some other factor, and happened to hear the confession, they would find it of interest. Smirk.

Rafe is with Gabi in the square, having lunch. (and egads, it is the last day of November in the midwest.....snow, cold, etc. But Gabi is wearing a halter type sundress!! Huh? lowcut, backless. Where is common sense on Days? ) He brings up her visit to Bayview, Abby's accusations, but Gabi does her usual innocent act. She went because Abby her best friend, yada, yada, tells of how she & Abby cleared the air between them long time ago. She insists Rafe believe her. Along comes Kate, Gabi makes her affirm Abby attacking her, etc. Rafe leaves. Kate sits, tells Gabi she has to end this soon. She did not like lying to the police. Gabi poohs that thought, only Rafe, brags how she went to Bayview to make sure they see Abby is ill, and keep her there. Pushed all the buttons, told the truth, even brought the wig, it set her off, she attacked, Chad walked in...perfect. Kate wants her to get the DNA real results, give to Chad. Abby says she burned them. They are still on Kayla's computer, get into it, print them out. Well, Kayla is suspicious, already asking questions about the prescription she gave me. Not to worry, will get them, but not quite time yet to get Stefan, til he is bonded with Charlotte. Kate says he already is, she has seen it, and it is time for the truth to come out. And there is Will, "yes, I do agree with that".

Ben is trying to convince a hesitant Stefan to hire him on as security head. They go back and forth, Stefan brings up Ben's past, Ben defends it, reminds him he was mentally ill, had a psychotic break, lots of therapy, work, all doctors, including Dr. Marlena Evans, have declared him fit to resume his life. He still visits the docs, takes his meds, etc. More back & forth, Stefan finally says o.k. But first misstep on your part, you are done. Now Ben talks of a girl he is interested in, Stefan doesn't want to hear, but Ben says he is currently staying in a homeless shelter, not good, needs a place to stay. Stefan is a bit reluctant, but agrees. Tells him first item is to find Ted Laurent. He gets a call, his wife, has to go.

At Bayview, replay of Chad getting the blanket clad Abby to turn around look at him.
She does, he starts his "I'm sorry" apologies, she doesn't want to hear it, see him, orders him to leave, get out, She yells it. He starts knocking on the door for the guard, but says he has pics of Charlotte, videos of Thomas. Abby stops him, then has his phone, looking at them all. Chad mentions taking Thomas to the park for his birthday, Abby upset she wasn't there, Chad says he told Thomas that Mommy had to go away for a while. This sets Abby off, did you tell him why, that it was because of you, that you did it, took me away from my children. She goes thru a litany of items, Chad quiet. He explains he paid no attention the last time, for months, and it went on too long. He did not want that again, wants her to get better. She begs him to get her out of there, talks again of Gabi gaslighting her, the things she did, including hiding the wig. She begs and begs, he says he can't. She finally again tells him to get out, leave. She goes knocking on the door, calling the guard in, get him out of here, he is disturbing me.

Later, guard has brought her glass of water. As he leaves, she asks him if he can do something for her.

Rafe is at the cop shop when Hope returns, vague as to where she has been, blaming it on the case she is working on. She had put her purse on the desk, now grabs it, a piece of paper flutters out. Rafe picks it up...receipt from ferry to Smith Island. What were you doing out there.?

Ben sits talking to Stefano's you never thought I would be living here instead of Chad, did you? Ben's phone rings, caller i.d. says "number blocked". It is Ted, on the satellite phone, says they need to talk.

Stefan is let into Abby's room. What is it, Abby? Her back is to him. As she turns, she pulls down one shoulder of her gown. No hon, not Abby, it's me.....she smiles seductively, ....Gabby.
Every time Rafe ignores Gabi for long periods of time she does something stupid. Arianna is rolling in her grave. Be a better brother. Rafe has lost all his instincts. He used to be able to look at Sami and know she was up to something or that something was wrong. He is clueless with Gabi and Hope.

Hope is like a robot now. That scene when she ate Ted’s cooking reminded me of Mr. and Mrs. Smith. No emotion lol. Hope only upholds the law when she doesn’t want to do someone else a unethical favor.

Ben you are not helping yourself by moving into the mansion, poor decision making, but hopefully you’ll come upon or overhear something important.

Will confronted his grandma and baby mama like people are afraid of him. Ha!

Lastly, Poor Abby. She has to pretend to be her yucky alternate because her “true love“ won’t believe her. Honestly Chad has become a villain to me because of this poor writing. In most storylines like this Chad would be trying to break her out cause she is the love of his life, while Stefan the outsider would be trying to keep her in, but nope. Do better writers :rolleyes:
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I think it is amazing how so many different Salemites have such easy access to it. Also is amazing that the ferry can still travel easily, as most rivers/lakes are icing up.
Gabi's dress was ridiculous as I sit here in NW Indiana with a sweatshirt on inside looking out at the snow!!! I cannot wait til everyone finds out that yes indeed she did do all these things she's been denying and making people feel bad for even suggesting she would do it!! Enough already!!

Hope just has nice little lunch with Ted, the man she is hiding. Just seemed intimate to me. And thank you Ted for making her think more about Rafe cheating on her. She needs to stop trying to frame Ben. I don't think Ted has anything on him. Though this darkness Ben is showing now is concerning me. Please please please don't let Hope be right!

The only satisfactory resolution to this Abigail story for me will be Gabi and Kate getting caught so everyone knows Abigail is sane and she kicks Chad to the curb!!! He has just done too much to be forgiven. I can only assume this Gabby business is only a ruse to get her "husband" to spring her. But please end soon!!!
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WELL you know, Gabi did get hurt in prison AND she was hit by a flying tea tray. She isn't responsible for her poor fashion choices. The whole thing about people eating outside year round has me scratching my head as well. I kind of would like to see the inside of the restaurant. The servers don't wear coats, either. California chic, I guess.
Also is amazing that the ferry can still travel easily, as most rivers/lakes are icing up.
Maybe the ferry sports retractable skis that are used on the ice and snow. :)

Gabi did get hurt in prison AND she was hit by a flying tea tray. She isn't responsible for her poor fashion choices.
Could be, but I wonder what Kate's excuse is.
Hope: Once again she's displaying her utter lack of knowledge of the law. Nothing she learns about Ben during a tapped conversation with Ted is admissible. The principle of waiver still applies and Ben can't waive his privilege regarding anything revealed in a secret wiretap that he knows nothing about. As for the wiretap, imagine Hope telling a judge that she wants a warrant to tap Ted's phone because she wants to try an end-run around attorney-client privilege. She'd be tossed out of court after getting a stern lecture. Therefore, to get one she'd have to compound her offenses by lying to the court. Somewhere, Bo Brady must be shaking his head. His Fancy Face is really losing it.

Stefan Zero: It's good news today for Salem home security companies. If Ben does make the porous DiMansion a "fortress," he's going to have to spend a fortune since all past evidence seems to indicate that the place currently doesn't even have locks on the doors and windows.

Ben: When the news gets out that he's gone to work for McPerv, what's the headline in the Intruder going to be, "Piranha Hires Pariah?"

Gabi: She really ought to take a close look at herself. When somebody like Kate says that you're crazy, you must be really crazy.

Will-Leo-Sonny: Please make it stop. The babbling lovers should either pay off sleazy Leo or call in the Kiriakis thugs to put an end to him once and for all.
Thanks, Poirot.

I'm surprised Chad didn't mention anything about how Abby looked.. anything just
to show he noticed a change in her.

Is this the first time we've seen a ferry ticket to Smith Island? Hope wasn't very
smart about letting Ted stay there.

Ben got a lucky break Ted called just after Stefan told him to look for Ted.

What happened to everyone in the K mansion? We only saw he three again.

And Victor should do what Stefan is doing with Ben.. charge the guests
aka freeloaders rent :)
Happy birthday Gramcracker!

He used to be able to look at Sami and know she was up to something or that something was wrong. He is clueless with Gabi and Hope.


I said something similar on Twitter earlier. How can Rafe see through Sami but not Gabi? Please.

I also didn't understand why Hope stayed at the cabin to eat with Ted. Why not just drop off the supplies and leave?

I still think Ted is working for someone and may be trying to purposely break up Rafe and Hope. I also don't think he has anything on Ben.

I really hope Ben is working for Chad. If not, I don't like this turn of events with him working for StefanNo just as he's about to date Ciara.

Fashion Notes:
Gabi's sundress was beyond ridiculous, especially while sitting with Kate who was in a fur coat
Rafe's jacket was too light. What happened to his leather jacket?
Hope's heels were ridiculous for a police officer. If she has to be in heels, they should be block heels. At least it would be more believable if she had to be in the field.

I'm happy Kate Mansi(Abby) is back but she's also going to take some getting used to again.