Days of Our Lives - Fri., Oct. 16, 2015


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, October 16, 2015

Sami lays on the bed in tears, then picks up the mail packet, looks at a few, then grabs one, tears it open, a letter from EJ. She reads it aloud. "If you are reading this, then I am dead, and the person who is responsible is my father. . I have given this letter to a lawyer who is to get it to you within a year of my death. He encloses a key to a safety deposit box (I think he said Zurich) where he has left his final gift to her. Plus an address. Sami folds the letter, grabs her purse and is hurrying out. Marlena stops her, Sami makes excuses, but in walks Sonny. She & Sonny tearfully embrace, she is so glad to see him. But, she quickly resumes her rush out the door, telling Sonny to just talk to her mom (he has questions).

Earlier, at the apartment, he opens the door to find Paul, who heard he was in town, figured he would come there. Sonny begins just talking, saying how everyone wants to help, how the apartment looks the same as it did when he left, despite so many who must have been there, in and out, taking things. No, he has not seen Arianna yet, could not handle that, just his parents. Paul has offered his condolences, Sonny is breaking down.

Stefano is telling the comatose Chad to fight, fight hard, he cannot lose another child. Rafe arrives, has a few questions. Stefano is ticked off, but Rafe said he could have made him come to the station, but figured to make it easier for Stefano so came there. He asks a few questions about when Stefano saw Chad the night Serena was killed, the argument that sent Chad out drinking, whether he or any of the servants saw Chad later. Stefano is abrupt, tells Rafe to ask them.

Abby comes home, calling out for Ben, no answer. She spies a piece of broken something, (a vase??) picks it up, murmurs "Chad". Ben comes out, asking why she said Chad's name. She said she can't stop thinking of the two of them fighting, glad Ben wasn't hurt (he says he is tough). She found the broken piece, glad no one stepped on it with bare feet, thought she had cleaned everything up, but must have missed this.
Rafe arrives with some questions for Ben, Abby leaves to take some papers down to work. Ben figures he already gave his statement, but Rafe just has a couple. He asks about Chad coming there, his attitude, swinging the first punch. While Rafe asks a question or two, Ben starts having flashbacks to the entire thing, you can see him getting angry as he talking about Chad raving, saying over and over she is not yours. Ben even appears to be snarling at times as he talks of Chad, but is actually describing himself. Rafe thanks him, is leaving, and then pulls the oh, so familiar Columbo move, where he is nearly out the door, turns, "oh, one more thing". LOL. Rafe comments at how Chad & Abby were not dating at all when she & Ben began dating, and they have been doing so for a year now. So..why would Chad suddenly decide he wanted her back. Why now? You have been together nearly a year, a baby on the way. Ben shrugs, guess he just could not accept it. Just built up, more and more. Rafe quietly makes a couple more comments in the same vein, then leaves. When Ben closes the door, he exhales deeply, has his hand over his mouth, ponders. He looks at a framed photo of him & Abby, then punches it, the glass is shattered all over the area of his face.

Sami runs into Eric, is glad to see him. Usually she would go see Gramma, but she cannot know Sami is in town, or why. Eric is concerned, keeps asking questions, Sami makes him swear to keep it between them, shows him the letter, wanting him to be objective now. Eric looks it over, says it could be a forgery. She denies this, EJ refers to things that meant something to them both, that no one else would know. Eric reminds her they were living in DiMansion, where Stefano has eyes and ears everywhere. He could be setting her up for something. He tells her not to be so taken in, to be objective herself. They talk of Stefano, how he did not like EJ and Sami being together. She is talking of Stefano being responsible for the deaths of EJ and Will. She'd like to strangle him. Eric holds her, her head on his shoulder. tells her to remember why she is there in Salem. Yes, she is there to bury her son tomorrow.

Sonny sits on a bench in the park, Paul is out running, sees him, stops, assures Sonny he is not stalking him. Sonny knows Paul likes to run at this time of evening. Sonny sits, asks Sonny what he is going to do......after the funeral. Sonny says he will return to Paris. Paul mentions Arianna, but Sonny says she is just 2 years old, and he cannot be there for a few days, a week, a month, then leave. She would not understand. They have a nice talk, Sonny thanks him, gets up and walks away.

Abby is at the hospital, and there is Sonny. They hug, talk a bit of Will. Sonny asks if "that" is Chad's room. Yes, he is going to be arrested when he wakes up. Sonny doesn't understand. Chad is his best friend. He was Will's best friend. How could this happen, it doesn't make sense.
Later, Abby is leaving, she looks in the window at Chad, mutters no, Chad cannot be that monster. The guard says pardon me. Nothing, Abby leaves, is at the elevator, and there comes Stefano. Stay away from my son. Abby tells him she helped Chad, she believed in him, found him a place to hide, Stefano listens, then waves his hand at his aide, who wheels him on to the elevator.

At home, Stefano & Andre' are playing chess. Andre' comments that they should hope Chad remains in a coma, at least until they have a way to get him safely out of the hospital and hidden away. Stefano listens...then makes a chess move, apparently taking Andre's king. He chuckles, holds up the chess piece, saying that there IS a 3rd option.
Rafael Hernandez Columbo totally pulled a vintage Columbo (detective show by the same name) when he was leaving after taking Ben's statement and turned to ask "one last question" as the door was closing. Columbo always did this with the person he thought was the murderer. Hopefully, Rafe's got a clue about the real perpetrator. Really liking Galen Gering as Rafe in this story line.

It is my fondest hope that after Alison Sweeney (Sami) left the building, the writers and editors left the preponderance of the ZombiEJ story on the cutting room floor. What a slap in the face to the story of Will's death. Tacky is as tacky does, I guess. It just truly irritates me (assuming her statement in SOD was correct and that this was a prerequisite for her to return) that whoever agreed to allow this farce subsequently ruined (for me) a perfectly good week . The story would have been so much better if she'd had an attack of appendicitis on the way home and was hospitalized with a side of gangrene. She's done nothing but treat her family poorly, threaten an old man on oxygen in a wheelchair, try to kill a man in a coma, make Sonny think she agreed with him about his guilt over Will's death, as far as we (the viewers) know, she's spent no time with her grand-daughter or her father, but is now willing to run off and chase after some clue in Zurich for revenge against Stefano . Wonder who will take care of her remaining children while she gads about the world (although they're probably better off without her). Just total garbage.
Can I just add " Is she gone yet"?! Seriously the writers out did themselves with this golden nugget garbage to apease a certain someone.:sick: It played out exactly as I thought. Not even Sonny could salvage her scenes.I found myself switching channels while she was on. Something I have not done in months. Today's scenes also confirmed to me that future visits or whatever are unnecessary. ( Not talking about any spoilers in particular)
Sonny/ Paul/ Marlena were perfection.:cry:
Rafe was amazing.:love: Ben and Abigail were cringe worthy.
Eric for once was not aggravating and I found myself cheering him on. Where is Roman????
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I loved the show except for every single scene with Sami. They were like fingernails on a chalkboard.

Sami has turned everything into being all about her, and how she does or doesn't feel. I don't give a rat's patootie about how she feels. Especially about EJ. This whole concocted letter is a stupid plot device. Yep, I was made up to lure back and appease a certain actress.
I noticed little re-do's nothing important but the end of yesterdays was slightly different today. Sami was sitting up when going through the letters and her lines were a teeny bit different. Stefano also was a little different yesterday he said he could not bury another child today it was He could not bury a (another?) son. Probably because the tape so fast and furious it can't be all exact if they have to re do.Which from what I have heard is a rarity.

Redsquirrel Oh yeah LOL I got mad at that. As soon as she read that letter it was like Will Who?
Yeah I know its supposedly her grief (we all know how she handles that) :rolleyes:
Not that this makes it any better but I thought she would read that letter AFTER burying her son. This just makes things even worse. I was hoping also to get actual flashbacks with Will throughout his young life. But nope it was all about her main squeeze :beat:
I really loved the scenes of Sami talking with Eric about how hard it is losing Will and her the scenes talking and reassuring Arianna that everyone is there for her and her mom....oh wait...those were my rage induced replacement scenes.

So I guess Sonny has decided to join the Deadbeat Dads of Salem Club.

Rafe side-eyeing Ben was awesome. I hope he starts digging into Ben's story and past.

Did Abby's bump get bigger overnight?

One thing that's been bothering me about this serial killer storyline is that no one seems to be paying attention to the people who found their loved ones brutally murdered. Eric "the-former-priest" has a new found love of the drink, JJ "the-former-special-donut-maker" went up against Salem's latest drug kingpin, and Gabi "the-recently-released-from-prison-single-mom" took her toddler to the murder park at night instead of being escorted somewhere safe. These three need to meet in the murder park, have some donuts and booze and talk about how all the people in their lives suck.
I've heard that twins share a secret language. So if that's true you would think Eric would know that when Sami tells him "I need you to be open-minded and objective", what she really means is "I need you to agree with everything I say and enable me completely." But does he do that? No, he tries to get her to listen to reason and common sense instead. What kind of twin is he anyway? :angry:

Rafe was great with Ben today, he clearly isn't buying the load of horsefeathers that Ben is trying to sell him. There are a couple of things I really need for Rafe to do: the first is he needs to start wearing a rumpled raincoat no matter what the weather's like. He needs to start driving a really ungainly looking jalopy. He needs to go the animal shelter and adopt the saddest-looking basset hound he can find. Then I want him to be there EVERY time Ben turns around with his notebook open a half-smoking stogie between his fingers and say "Just one more thing."

In other words I want him to literally become the Salem version of Columbo. LOL
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Rafael Hernandez Columbo totally pulled a vintage Columbo (detective show by the same name) when he was leaving after taking Ben's statement and turned to ask "one last question" as the door was closing.
You beat me to this observation. As soon as I saw this, I thought: "Rafe must be watching Columbo reruns." As for his statement to Stefano about needing more evidence, it almost sounded like a veiled invitation for the Phoenix to go out and dig some up. And God help Ben if Stefano does get to the bottom of things, Elsewhere, as others have said, Sami was the same old drama queen -- perhaps even worse than ever. It was good to see sourpuss Eric do something useful by throwing cold water on her EJ-letter histrionics. And as for his response to her question, "How did you get so cynical?," isn't it obvious, the man has been living in Salem?
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I thought of Columbo too when Rafe turned around and started talking to Ben again.
I hope Rafe is suspicious of Ben.

Interesting to see Stefano today. He wasn't using his oxygen like he was
yesterday. In fact, he seemed a whole better. Was this another one of those
Stefano's tricks?

I'm glad Sonny listened to Paul's advice. Will Sonny stay in town or he will
leave on jet plane :)

Every time Ben touches Abby now, I go Ewwwww.
Interesting sponsor for today's show Kleenix. It should have been the whole week
Judging by Sami's scenes today one might not even know that her son just died. :eek: This whole EJ letter thing is so ill-conceived, poorly timed, and completely unnecessary. Stefano certainly has done his fair share of horrible things but just because EJ penned a letter at some point prior to his death saying Stefano is responsible for his death does not make it so. And I'm sorry, if someone is going to pull one over on Stefano and finally do him in, it need not be Sami. It should be John and Marlena, with a side of Roman, Bo, Hope, Steve. This whole thing has left a very sour taste in my mouth and at this point Sami can stay gone from Salem forever in search of her lovey-dovey smoochie-woochie. BYE! :beat:I'm so angry at the writers for inserting this nonsense into what should have been a very touching and poignant story with Will's death.

I do love Rafe in super-sleuthing detective mode. :love:Let's get him a love interest so I can see him shirtless again. LOL.

I liked Sonny's scenes with Paul, Marlena, and Abby. I'm glad he doesn't seem to believe that Chad would do this. Too many people don't believe it. How long until Ben completely cracks under all this pressure?

I'm going to need some Sonny/Arianna scenes soon. Those little girls always seemed to like him. I have a feeling Sonny will leave town again after the funeral. Hate to see him leave his daughter but at least Gabi will be there for Ari.

So will Roman make it to the funeral or has no one told him yet that his grandson has been murdered? :fan: