Days of Our Lives - Fri., ., Oct. 26, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, October 26, 2018

Everyone is looking for Abby, who has been missing all night. Chad & Jennifer are talking to Justin, telling how Abby is ill again, and they need to have her committed. JJ runs into DiMansion, calling for Stefan, (Gabi is right behind) Abby is missing. Chloe is in the square, sees Bonnie downing a Bloody Mary, asks why she is not with her baby. Bonnie is drunk, makes excuses, (she really did not know, but covers) says she wanted her two daughters to bond, and more nonsense. She gets up, cannot even stand straight, Chloe is not going to let her near the baby.

Mimi is with the baby outside the Pub as Rex comes by, stops, both surprised to see the other, Mimi claiming she came to Salem to meet her little sister, Rex saying he knows all about the baby, she wonders how.

Lucas comes to Kmansion, asks Maggie for Justin, not home, tells her about the custody suit, Bonnie countersuing, how he knows his alcoholism & prison record could go against him.

At this point, the show was interrupted by the talking heads covering the arrest of the bombing suspect, videos of his van, supposed coverage of the President, (that part lasted 2 minutes) back to the talking head repeating everything over and over.

So now to the last 10 minutes of the show. Maggie assures Lucas he has a lot of support from his family and friends, he thanks her for being such a good sponsor, hugs, I love you.

JJ is telling Gabi he is ashamed of suspecting for a second that she might be lying, as Abby said, even almost looked in Gabi’s purse, figuring to find a drug. He is sorry, Gabi is understanding, this is your sister. They hug, he leaves, thanking her for all she has done for him, and for his sister. She mutters “that’s what friends are for, looking rather uncomfortable as he departs.

Mimi is giving her mom a hard time, getting drunk, she could lose her baby.

Lucas has the baby back, is with Chloe in the square, has Chloe holding the baby while he goes to get another bottle. Chloe contemplates some things, flashes back, has the lightbulb moment, puts it all together, looks at the baby, Oh, my gosh, Bonnie is not your mother, Mimi is!

Rex is in the Pub, gets a call from his fiancee’, she is in town, grabbed a cab, is at her mom’s house, will meet him at the Pub at bit later. She walks to the K door, knocks, Maggie’s voice is heard saying she will get it. She opens, jaw drops, Sarah! Hi Mom, hugs.

At DiMansion, Chad, Abby, Jen sit on sofa, with Stefan wandering around the room, as Abby is told she is being committed. She folds the paper, stands up, no, I am not. Only my husband can do that. Chad says, yes, and I am your husband, and I am doing this. No you’re not my husband. Chad looks around, a grinning Stefan points to the ring on his finger……I am!
An FYI....NBC is apparently going to cover some Justice Dept. thing at 2:30 Eastern, which means 1:30 Central, 11:30 Pacific. I don't know what time Days comes on in your area, or if your local will join in.....but parts of Days will be pre-empted today for one reason or another all over. If you get the whole show...perhaps you can fill in any important blanks.......

Lucas tells Maggie about Belle’s agreeing to represent Bonnie, who is suing for full custody, and that she got a court order for Bonnie to have visitations. Maggie assures a doubting Lucas that he will make a much better parent than Bonnie, but he must be prepared for an outcome that won’t be pleasing to him. Lucas talks about the baby and how much he loves her already. Maybe he will have a chance to experience the “firsts” he missed with Will and Allie. Maggie tells him he has a lot of people who love him.

Chloe and Bonnie, who is stumbling and slurring her words, spar about how Bonnie is unfit. Bonnie calls Lucas an alcoholic who passed out before they could “do anything” the night they were together. Chloe, who seems to be having her turn at the Salem Brain, is getting more and more suspicious. Bonnie covers by saying that she was talking about round two. Lucas happens by and asks Bonnie where the baby is. Lucas insists that the get the baby back to him, pronto, and that she had better not be trying to pull anything. She retorts that the baby might not even belong to him. When he questions her statement she says she means the baby won’t belong to him after she gains full custody. Mimi comes by; Lucas takes the baby and leaves with Chloe.

Mimi explains to Rex that the baby is her little sister, and is surprised when Rex claims to know all about the baby. Rex explains that he had spoken with Lucas. He asks to hold the baby; Mimi is hesitant but allows it. Rex coos. He wants children of his own. They commiserate about the abortion and its aftermath. Mimi says there is something he needs to know.

In true soap fashion, Mimi decides to keep mum and covers by saying that Bonnie will probably disappear with the baby when she wins custody, and doesn’t want Rex to become too attached. They spar about Lucas versus Bonnie; Rex apologizes. They talk about old times, and the night several months ago when they spent the night together. She will keep mum about how Rex cheated on his fianceé. Coincidentally, his fianceé is flying in to Salem as we speak. Mimi wishes them the best. Rex says their night together shouldn’t have happened, but he’s glad it did. They talk more about old times, and how their night in Chicago gave them closure. Mimi leaves and Rex finds a bootee that had fallen off the baby.

Gabi assures JJ she wants to find Abigail and get help for her. She sneaks into the foyer, speaks to someone on the phone about how she hopes Abigail will be committed by the end of the day. JJ overhears; Gabi bluffs, says she was asking Rafe if he had heard anything about Abigail.

Stefan and Abigail enter, and he asks what they are doing in house. JJ hugs his sister as Gabi lights into Stefan for taking the fragile Abigail somewhere. For once, Abigail grows a pair and tells her friend, Gabi, that she is hardly fragile and that she might even have the strength to smack Gabi over the head again. Abigail tells her to stop pretending that she gives a darn. Gabi protests that she and Chad were so worried. Still powered by the head of steam she has garnered, Abigail stops Gabi in her tracks. JJ says Jennifer and Chad were worried; he will let them know she is Okay. “You do that,” she says as she walks away. “Make the call,” Stefan says. JJ does. Jennifer and Chad are on their way.

Jennifer, Justin and Chad discuss Abigail’s condition and Justin informs them she can’t be committed just because she has a mental disorder. He speaks about the legalities involved, and Jennifer and Chad talk about her recent actions (assaulting Kate and Gabi; behaving irrationally, etc.) Abigail’s (loyal) husband shows Justin a picture of Gabi’s contusions where Abigail assaulted her, and written statements from Kate and Gabi attesting to the assaults. Justin decides that her behavior is escalating and he will be able to get the motion to have her committed. Justin warns them that there is no turning back, and they must be sure they are ready to proceed. Jennifer cries. Chad nods.

Jennifer assures Chad they will be helping Abigail, Thomas and the baby, and he reluctantly signs the documents. Jennifer bawls.

Stefan offers to have the cook fix Abigail something to eat, but she declines just as Chad and Jennifer get there. Gabi wants to stay; JJ wants to go. Abigail agrees with JJ, who tells his sister he is on her side. Chad and Jennifer hover and tell Abigail how worried they were. She heard their plans to have her committed. She claims there is nothing wrong with her, but Chad disagrees. Justin calls Chad; the request for commitment has been approved by the judge. Someone from the Psychiatric Ward of the hospital will be there to pick her up. Justin is sorry; so is Chad, who explains about the commitment.

In the park, JJ doesn’t want Abigail to think he betrayed her as Gabi soothes him, and tells him how dangerous Abigail is in the Gabby persona. He comments on how calm Abigail is today as opposed to the way she was yesterday. Chad tells her she has no choice about the commitment, but she replies, “Actually, I do.”
Wow! I wasn't aware that a divorce and new marriage could happen that quickly!! What was it? maybe 30 minutes?
It can't. Even if Stefan Zero flew Abigail off to that DiMera paradise, Alamania, for an ex parte divorce, notice to Chad would be required. This super quickie divorce is one of those only-in-Salem events.

As for other characters:

Justin: Poor Lucas has lived in Salem so long that he thinks an incompetent like Justin is a good lawyer. If Abigail had been represented by a shark like Ted at the competency hearing, not only would she have escaped commitment, but a Salem judge might just have ordered Kate, Gabi, and gullible Chad to see a good psychiatrist.

Mimi: This one is a professional Salem liar -- lying to Rex's face about the baby's paternity. She ought to ask Sami how well concealing a baby's paternity from the father can backfire in Salem.

Maggie: It's a wonder that she could recognize Sarah considering that she hasn't mentioned her in years. And when mother and long-lost daughter sit down for a nice cup of tea, will Maggie tell Sarah all about her unknown sister, psycho Summer, Dario's partner in grifting?
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Perhaps Abby convinced Stefan that she is "Gabby" and that he married "Gabby", if so, good play on Abby's part. That leaves Abby still married to Chad, but I do hope she tells him what she is doing.
No, she came to Stefan as Abby, and since he thinks he is the father of Abby's baby, he jumped at the chance to become her husband. He probably figures he can bring Gabby out permanently, thus get rid of Abby, have his baby & Gabby.
Thanks, Poirot and KathyLu

It was interesting to see JJ fly into the living of the mansion. Gabi
mentioned he almost knocked Harold down.

Hopefully, JJ's apologize to Gabi was a ruse to get information from
her later. Gabi won't be happy Abby isn't going to be committed.

Happy, happy, joy, joy someone finally figured out Mimi is the mommy
and not Bonnie. Lucas is going to be heartbroken when he finds out.

Is Justin wearing glasses to make him smarter?
This quickie divorce and marriage is just almost too much. Come on, they could have at least stretched it out to a day or two? Should be interesting though. It appears, though very very slightly, that Gabi is starting to have some guilt. With everyone apologizing to her all the time about how they could even think Gabi would do this. I can't wait til they find out that she did it all!!

I'm glad they Chloe is realizing it is Mimi's baby. At least she is Lucas's niece so he can still have a close relationship with her. Just not as dad.

I have never known Sarah as a character. Being Maggie's daughter wouldn't she be way way older than Rex?