Days of Our Lives - Fri., Oct. 28, 2016


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, October 28, 2016

It is Halloween in Salem, there are festivities in the square which is decorated especially for the day by the DiMeras. who have a fundraiser for aplastic anemia in honor of Abby, and the hospital is having a magician come in to entertain the children who are not able to go Trick or Treating.

First a visit to Abe's room, he is doing very well, alert & chatting, Dr. Grant talking how well it all went, etc. But Theo is disbelieving, obviously doesn't like or trust Dr. Grant. That is what she said before and it wasn't true. Abe says it was all his fault for not attending to his health and getting checkups, and that Dr. Grant saved his life. She tries to reassure Theo, who doesn't want to hear anything, storms out. Abe talks about his son, she is very understanding, and doesn't think his autism has anything to do with his reaction to nearly losing his father. It was natural, defend his dad. He lost his mom, grampa, now dad gets shot, so going after the man who did it, being resentful of Valeries, all natural. She advises Abe to get some sleep.

Ciara meanwhile is sympathetic to Theo, but talks him into going to the festivities, even got him a costume. Theo agrees.

John & Marlena walk in the square, admiring the decorations, run into Andre, who is spouting off some nonsense about helping Chad to make the DiMera name a decent one. They are going to the hospital, but Marlena thanks Andre for helping do this to honor Abby, and also the police lst responders.

At the cop shop, Rafe & Hope are doing paper work, yakking about the campout, Roman comes in, says to cool it, they have to go to the festival, as they are being honored. He leaves, Hope brings out a suit bag containing a costume for Rafe. He refuses, doesn't wear costumes, she tries guilting him, then kissing he, he finally agrees.

At the Brady house Hope (Cleopatra) is talking to Ciara (dressed as a cop in her mom's old uniform) about a trust fund Victor wants her to have when she is 21. Hope doesn't want her to take it, her father always felt it was partly blood money, argued big time with Vic about it. They go back and forth, that was long ago, Grampa is all fine and nice now, taking care of Maggie, his family, Ciara loves him. So does Hope, well, she has 3 years to think about it. (Later, in the square, Ciara has thought about it, decided she won't take it, wants her dad to be proud of her) [this all was just time filler, in MY opinion!!]

In the square, Andre is eager to make sure Ciara is going to be there, questioning a puzzled Theo for some time.

In the square, Doug & Julie (Sultan & harem gal, I think) are there, Rafe (Marc Antony), Hope, Roman, chattering. Doug & Julie move off to the side, as Andre appears with a bottle of champagne paper cups. He chatters away non-stop, with no one else saying a word, talking about things in that round about way one is saying one thing, meaning another, pretending to be all happy Aiden is gone, the bad guys no longer a threat, and mentioning undeserved prison time, and honoring the police. No one says boo, he toasts, and leaves. Doug & Julie now come forward, as if they had not heard anything.

Theo & Ciara are talking, here comes Claire dressed in short skirt and cowboy hat (rock star) with Joey, wearing a huge big hair wig. Jade comes up, a 1920s flapper, everyone chats away. Later, Theo sits alone, Claire joins him, he really wants to be at hospital with his dad, she offers to go with him, they leave.

At the hospital, Steve tells John about the body being stolen from the morgue, they all think it is a Halloween prank. Kayla on phone trying to put out fires, get some info. They all go up to Pediatric where the magician appears. Kids are sitting on the floor, lights go out, come back on and there he is, masked, entertaining the kids, who are enjoying it. Everyone claps, Kayla is asked where the hospital found him, she shrugs, says he volunteered. We can see he has been doing some things, finally the big one, needs 2 volunteers. Kids raise their hands eagerly, but he suggests the lovely blond ladies back there. Marlena & Kayla smile, comes forward, and each goes behind a gaily painted door on either side of the magician. John & Steve are grinning as the magician tells the kids to keep their eyes on the boxes at all times, don't take their eyes off for a second. His arms raise his cape up, the lights go out. They do come back on, the magician is gone. A nurse gives Steve a note for Kayla, Steve opens it. Says to John, the body stolen from the morgue was Orpheus. Both men rush to the boxes, open the doors, the boxes are empty.

In the square, the deputy mayor begins the honors, urging everyone to donate generously in honor of Abigail Deveraux DiMera. Then comes the award to the brave responders to the recent crisis, first to J.J. Deveraux, which has Roman come to to receive it for JJ, who was injured and still in hospital. Later Rafe is up there, Hope is called up now, The deputy mayor praises her, then says something about first listing all the things done. Hope big grin vanishes as her voice is heard over the entire square, saying over and over, I killed Stefano, I killed Stefano, I killed Stefano. Andre peers around a corner, satisfied smile.
In just my opinion, those of you who have taped the show......well, most of it was filler, to me.......but the last 15 min. or so.....don't miss that. LOL

Also, just a note that since no one has volunteered to help with the summaries next week, (per the Help Needed thread here) there won't be any except for Thursday, when Jason D. will be doing them as he always does.

So there won't be any summaries from me again until Nov. 8.
Poirot, thanks for the summary and filler portions. Seeing the costumes and last part of the show sounds fun.

You more than deserve a break, Poirot, so please don't give the summary another thought. My work schedule prohibits my volunteering or I would gladly help out.
I wonder why Andre didn't play the part of the tape that tells about Rafe and Roman? Surprised he didn't want to take them down too. Rafe and Hope still feel so forced, to me. Writers, please stop having Hope call her men by their last names (Brady, Mr. Jennings, and now Hernandez). I realize people do have quirks or things they just do, but it's getting repetitive.
I think he probably has other plans for Roman & Rafe. Time will tell what he will do. Right now, heck, he has got Hope right where he wants her. Proving he did not kill Stefano, was railroaded, and neither did the guy who confessed, and Hope let go to prison for it. Right in front of her father, sister, daughter. Oh, so much for becoming "decent". He gets Stefano's spot, while Deimos is the one over at the Kiriakis side.
This was kind of an odd episode in my opinion in that were little things that bugged me for example where the heck was Chad? The whole point of the DiMera shindig in the Town Square was in honor of his wife Abigail. You would think he would be overseeing it.

I would have enjoyed seeing Betty (Claire) and Veronica (Ciara) fighting over Archie (Theo) but their little snit made absolutely no sense the last time we saw them together was at the hospital and they were getting along fine if I remember correctly. So what the heck was that?

For those of you who may not get my references: they are about Archie Comics which for the past seventy past years have chronicled the misadventures of eternal teen Archie Andrews who is the object of affection of middle class Betty Cooper-like Claire- and rich girl Veronica Lodge who of course a brunette like Ciara. Other than their constant squabbling over the hapless Archie the two girls are actually best friends. So I've been wanting to use this reference for a long time so I'm thankful for the writers for finally giving me the opportunity.

I got a kick out of Rafe's discomfort in his Marc Antony costume and Roman giving him a ribbing.

And call me crazy but when the deputy mayor said he wanted to acknowledge the accomplishments of Detective Hope Brady I don't think what the recording revealed was one of them LOL.

And finally I think we may have misjudged Orpheus. I mean sure he's been revenge-driven, terrorized the town and shot JJ. But he took time out of all of that to entertain sick kids who couldn't go trick or treating. That's kind of sweet if you ask me.

And yes in my world it does rain gum drops and the rivers run with chocolate and fountains are filled with delicious root beer. Why do you ask?
Why did it take so long to find out which body was missing from the morgue? That hospital is so inept. I also really dislike Rafe & Hope kissing away at their job. It is very unprofessional and if I were Roman I'd say "what da hell?!! I was also surprised Claire called Hope Gran to her face.

It also looks like they may be giving Abe a love life as Valerie came back to hold Abe's hand and I believe Theo is sensing a possible pairing and that is why he does not like her.

I did enjoy the costumes especially Joey's. I almost didn't recognize him.
Killing Stefano and covering it up for almost a year (our time). Hope is encouraging Ciara to not accept her inheritance from Victor because it was, I think she said blood money, or dirty/mob money was a "you gotta be kidding me" moment for sure.

Her morals seem to be a bit helter skelter and hypocritical don't you think?
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I would volunteer, but it would take me a week to write up an episode :)

I laughed when Kayla talked about the hospital security and he joked about
the body being a zombie. I wonder if the security guard worked at Salem PD

Troy, that was cute talking about the kids from the Archie comics. Now I have
the songs in my head from the cartoon.

It's probably good Theo wasn't on the square at the end when when we heard
Hope's voice talk about killing Stefano.

Ciara decided not to take the money from Victor. What will she do now after
hearing what her mom did?

Great seeing Doug and Julie in costume.
Hope doesn't want her to take it, her father always felt it was partly blood money, argued big time with Vic about it
Except when it suited him to use it. Just like Chad and his DiMera name, I guess. Meanwhile Hope, daughter of a conman and a widow who certainly didn't earn her own money, additionally warned Ciara off of taking money she didn't earn. Okie dokey.

I really feel like we missed an episode or two here. It was like today's episode was detached from the rest of the timeline.
So there won't be any summaries from me again until Nov. 8.
Unfortunately I work every day until 5:30, don't get home until 6:30, and wouldn't get the summary up until 8 or so at night. Hopefully someone can help out!!
OW, I was surprised to hear Claire call Hope "Gran", to her face.

Was also surprised to hear the brief mention of David, when Julie and Hope mentioned him being involved with Valerie years ago.
Me too, on both counts. But they really needed someone who didn't know who David was, so new viewers might have an opportunity to learn about Julie's son who romanced Valerie back in the late 1970s.
Right in front of her father, sister, daughter.
This certainly may put the whole "blood money" thing in a new light.

Here's the thing about Blood Money...first off, almost all money of the extremely wealthy is built off of others' labour. Where did Hope's "good" money (which I assume came from her mother's predeceased husband, Mr Olson) come from? Secondly, why not take those millions and do something good with them? This has always bothered me on every TV show ever. I'd love to see Ciara (in theory, at least) use that money to crusade against human trafficking or torture or rape. (Then again, Days would certainly do the story no justice, so I shouldn't complain.)
I would have enjoyed seeing Betty (Claire) and Veronica (Ciara) fighting over Archie (Theo) but their little snit made absolutely no sense the last time we saw them together was at the hospital and they were getting along fine if I remember correctly. So what the heck was that?
I wondered the same thing. Where did this come from? Why? And I'm Team Swift - oops I mean Claire - all the way.

I think Rafe looked terrific as Marc Antony. But what was with the juvenile ribbing Roman was giving him? I am not enjoying Hope lately. I am glad to see Jade back.

I'm sorry. John and Steve should have sniffed out Orpheus in 5 seconds.
But they really needed someone who didn't know who David was, so new viewers might have an opportunity to learn about Julie's son who romanced Valerie back in the late 1970s.
Totally agree. There are probably many newer viewers who have no idea that Julie has a son and grandson.