Days of Our Lives - Fri., Sept. 1, 2017

I'm not sure why I'm supposed to dislike Raines. Hope murdered a man, and tried to murder Bo. But she's on the force. Aside from a little embezzlement and trying to murder the almost-always-in-peril-anyway wonder twins Gabi and Abby, what has Raines done but be a tough cop?
Pity poor Raines. The writers have turned him into a classic Salem dumb criminal in the same league with such dunces as Arnold "Fake Rafe" Finnegar and the hapless Sy who tried to put the squeeze on the DiMeras for more cash. How dumb have the writers made Raines, let me count the ways.
  • 1) He involved himself in a criminal conspiracy with Dario, another one of Salem's denser criminals who oozed sleaze from every pore.
  • 2) He thought he could get rich through a counterfeiting scheme in a town where nobody seems to use cash or pay for anything, and whose life styles are supported by the Salem money tree.
  • 3) He then involved himself with arch-wimp Myron who is afraid of his own shadow and will fess up to anyone who looks at him cross-eyed.
  • 4) He actually ominously said to Gabi that it was too bad she'd heard the Dario recording, which essentially is a confession of guilt. Instead, he should have quickly relieved her of the device, said something like this is the evidence he's been waiting for, and then vanished out of TBD's back door. If Gabi ever made any claims about what she heard, Raines could write them off as the ravings of an unstable, convicted murderer, a claim that would surely be supported by Julie who has no use for the woman who cruelly killed her darling Nicky.
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Thanks Poirot!

I just think it is stupid that Maggie hasn't realized Bonnie is not Adrienne! To say nothing of the fact that her physical differences should be obvious to anyone around her! I liked that Maggie told Justin the truth about her conversation with Adrienne/Bonnie. Justin is just so horny he isn't even noticing who this really is. She says "Intruder" and "Jackson", but nobody questions who she is. And Maggie knows that Bonnie looks like Adrienne. Really!?
"Adrienne"/Bonnie and Maggie: I think at this point Bonnie could walk around wearing a placard that said "I'm not Adrienne" as well as announce it with a bullhorn and nobody would catch on. My official position for this rest of this storyline, however long it goes on, is "No Comment." :rolleyes:

I hate this. I resent being treated like we are some kind of "stupid" watchers. If we can figure out what should be obvious to the writers, and they choose not to make the story sensible, I'm guessing they just don't care about what we think. OR maybe it is the best that could be done with the stories that need wrapping up.:sick: I hadn't used my FF button for quite a while. Lately I have used it LOTS! :sad::angry:

This stupidity even interferes with some of the stories that I like. Hattie/Andre were funny, but again, why didn't Andre realize that was not Marlena? She certainly made enough slips that should have been clues to ANYONE, even Andre.

Maybe Bonnie/Adrienne will be implicated in the "mystery" of Anjelica's death. Love to see her in jail again! Neither she nor Hattie have any scruples or feelings for the wrath they have brought upon good folks!:whack:

Some days I just wonder if Gabi was born with an actual working brain or not. Today is one of those days.
What is she doing? Sure hope Chad isn't dragged into being a part of rescuing Gabi!
She says "Intruder" and "Jackson", but nobody questions who she is.
She did make the comment about "chemo brain", which is not unusual for someone who is (or was) going through chemo. They mix up words, forget things, etc. I've seen it in people. So her mistakes could easily be chalked up to "chemo brain" by those around her.
but again, why didn't Andre realize that was not Marlena?
Because if the Salemites quickly realized they were talking to a doppelganger and not the real person, the storyline would end in a blink of an eye. It's a standard TV/soap thing for those around lookalikes to be rather clueless about the changes.
If anybody had reason to catch on, it should have been Andre, after Hattie, posing as Marlena, carried on about how Andre had treated Hattie. But I did enjoy the "Marlena"/Andre scenes. That made the show worth watching.

I'm glad Nicole is finally getting her baby. I know it hasn't really been that long but it seems like that has been going on for so long that Holly ought to be half grown by now!
Thanks for the summary. Maggie really should've realized this isn't Adrienne. Justin, too, for that matter. Imagine how Adrienne will feel when she learns the man who knows her best apparently does not!:rotfl:

And ditto for Hattie and Andre. How did he (perhaps one of Salem's more clever residents) not realize this isn't Marlena?

I'm so ready for Raines to be toast!
How did he (perhaps one of Salem's more clever residents) not realize this isn't Marlena?
Because the storyline would be over immediately. For the doppelganger storylines to "work", those closest to them have to be clueless and chalk up mistakes to various things, like stress or in Adrienne's case, "chemo brain."